"I want to smoke, but I can't help it, just eat a piece of candy and suppress it." Luo Yao chuckled, of course he wouldn't say that he was wearing candy for another purpose, he couldn't say these things, lest Mancang would feel that he was too dark .

Sometimes the beginning of a friendship between men is not just a cigarette, a glass of wine, or maybe even a candy.

"Luo Yao, based on your conditions, there is no need to enter the special training class like us. Do you know what you will face?" There was no one else, and the only one who wanted to talk to someone was Luo Yao.

"If I say, this is not what I want to come, would you believe me?" Luo Yao laughed wryly.

"Participating in our special training class is not meant to be forced, it's all voluntary, I just signed up voluntarily, Gong Hui and Gu Yuan were recommended by their superiors, but I have asked their own opinions, I agree I just came here." Mancang was a little surprised.

"Forget it, you won't believe me if I tell you." Luo Yao hesitated to speak. Sooner or later people will know how he entered the special training class. As for what version will be passed on, he wants to influence people around him. Take control.

In fact, he knew better that most of the people in this special training class were tricked into coming in, and they didn't even know what they were going to do at the beginning.

"How do you know that I won't believe what you said?" Mancang's curiosity was aroused.

"Then I told you, don't you laugh at me?" Luo Yao thought about it for a while, for a person like Mancang, exposing his shortcomings is a way to draw distance.

"Actually, I am from Jinghai. I moved to Jinling with my father when I was young..."

"You escaped from Jinling?" When Luo Yao said that he experienced the Japanese army's violent invasion of the city, he was overwhelmed with surprise, crossed the Yangtze River, and escaped from the Japanese army's guns, and his impression of him changed drastically.

"Well, I came to Jiangcheng all the way. I was penniless, so I could only join my mother's cousin, who is the deputy chief of Xiakou Police Station in Jiangcheng, Han Liangze. Bureau, I work in the statistics office of the bureau, my cousin Han Yun and I had a verbal engagement in the past..."

"So, your cousin, the deputy chief, wants to regret your marriage, betroth your daughter to the son of the richest man in Jiangcheng, and take advantage of the special training class selection opportunity to use your connections to get you in?"

"Actually, when he said he would give me a chance, I understood what he was thinking. If I stayed in Xiakou and watched my fiancée and her husband live together, loving each other, you can tell me that I can do it in the police station." Can you hold your head up high?" Luo Yao laughed at himself, "Since he gave me a decent step, how can I not know how to praise him, besides, this is also an opportunity for me. Can't tell?"

"Then do you know what our special training class is for?"

"Maybe I didn't know it before, but now I do." Luo Yao smiled wryly, "I'm on a pirate ship."

"It seems that I misunderstood you. I thought you came in through the back door. I didn't expect you to have such an experience." Mancang sighed, "Although I came here voluntarily, I am just like you, forced to do nothing. "


"It's okay to tell you." Mancang chuckled, "I offended the rich and powerful. The other party threatened to kill me. If I stayed, my life might be in danger, so I came here."

"Brother Mancang, with your ability, you can make a career anywhere, so what are you afraid of!"

"That's right, I don't keep my master here, I have my own place to keep my master!" Mancang also said proudly.


Suddenly, a car horn sounded from the back door of Yin's mansion. After listening to the signal, Gong Hui and the others came out. Immediately afterwards, the Juma who was blocking the door was moved away by the soldiers at the door.

A black car drove out quickly from inside.

The car got out of the back door, and immediately flashed two double flashes towards the woods on the side of the road, which was a signal to tell the responders that it was "successful".

"Success, let's go!" Mancang patted Luo Yao's shoulder lightly, his eyes lit up, and his face was full of excitement.

The goal of the car is too big. In fact, Luo Yao and Mancang have already prepared a flatbed trolley at the corner of the street ahead, and the custom-made wooden box is fixed on it.

Of course, it's not good to disguise it in advance, so that people can't see it.

The black car stepped on the brakes at the corner. Liu Jinbao and Gu Yuan got out of the car, opened the trunk, and took out a sack from the inside. Looking at the shape, there was a person inside.

Pushing the cart over, Mancang went over to help, carried the sacks onto the cart, put them in, and then took out the prepared hammer and nails, and nailed the cover on.

"Brother Mancang, you and Gu Yuan follow the plan, and Gong Hui and I continue to drive, leading the other party's pursuit astray!" After Luo Yao finished speaking, he walked straight to the car, opened the door, and sat next to Gong Hui.

"Hey, Luo Yao, what are you doing..." Gu Yuan was so angry that he finally had the opportunity to act with Gong Hui, and took the opportunity to cultivate a relationship, but it turned out.

"Brother Gu Yuan, let's go, they have other arrangements, we have to hurry to the train station." After Mancang changed his opinion of Luo Yao, he naturally turned towards him, stretched out his hand to pull Gu Yuan, and the three of them pushed the flatbed truck , and quickly headed towards the train station.

With Gong Hui following Luo Yao, it should be safer.

Chapter 0018

"You are hurt?"

Hearing that Gong Hui's breathing was uneven, Luo Yao turned his head and saw that Gong Hui's arm was bent, wrapped with a white handkerchief, and red oozing from his face, Luo Yao asked in surprise.

"It's okay, skin trauma." Gong Hui pretended to be relaxed despite the pain.

"It's the same for Gu Yuan and Liu Jinbao. Two big men can't protect a woman." Luo Yao muttered dissatisfiedly, "Go, I'll take you to a doctor to bandage it."

"Yin Tianchou will find out soon, are you still thinking about taking me to the doctor?" Gong Hui said hastily.

Luo Yao chuckled: "Not busy for a while."


Luo Yao drove the car all the way forward. After about ten minutes, the car stopped in a dark alley and turned off the lights.

Luo Yao helped Gong Hui out of the car.

"This is the 'Yi Tie Ling'..." Gong Hui got out of the car, and immediately felt that the alley in front of her was a little familiar to everyone, and suddenly remembered that she and Luo Yao came here last night.

"That's right, it's the home of 'Yi Tie Ling'." Luo Yao nodded, even if Gong Hui wasn't injured, he still wanted to come here.

If "Yitieling" didn't go to Yin's mansion after meeting him and Gong Hui, he can ignore it, anyway, as long as "Yitieling" doesn't go to him, Yin Tianchou will definitely not know.

But he himself sent it to the door to report that this cripple was "disappeared" in Yin's mansion, so how can Yin Tianchou not suspect him?

At that time, the two couples might not be able to escape the murderous hands, so Luo Yao came over to take the "Yitieling" couple away.

Secondly, it also confuses the audience and misleads Yin Tianchou's judgment.

Of course, he wouldn't tell Gong Huiming about these calculations, and sometimes it was necessary to hide them.

But now, Gong Hui must not have thought of this level, she thought that Luo Yao was looking for "Yi Tie Ling" at the risk for him, and she couldn't help feeling a little strangely grateful.

"Open the door, open the door, Doctor Lin..."

"Here, come?" "Yi Tie Ling" ran out wearing a single shirt. He just came back from the night market. Everyone went to the Yin's mansion to watch a play tonight. The business in the night market was very bleak. There were not many patients all night, and few plasters were sold, so I had to go back to sleep.

"How are you?"

When he opened the door and saw Luo Yao and Gong Hui, "Yitie Ling" was a little surprised.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Two things. First, bandage the wound of my female companion. Second, pack up the gold and silver and bring your wife to go with us."


"You betrayed me the whereabouts of the lame Duan to us, Yin Tianchou will not let you go, if you don't come with me, then you will only have a dead end, think about it carefully?" Luo Yao chuckled.

"Yi Tie Ling" is also a wanderer, his whole body was agitated, and he immediately understood what was going on. He regretted it to death. If he had known, he would not have reported to Yin's house, but there is no medicine for regret in this world.

What Luo Yao said was right, once something happened to Duan Laizi, there would be no place for him and his wife in Yueyang City, if they didn't leave, they would only die.

"Yi Tie Ling" hurriedly woke up his sleeping wife and asked her to clean up the household items, then he took out the medicine box and bandaged Gong Hui's arm.

The incision was very deep and almost hurt the main artery. Duan Lizi stretched out his hand and "Yi Tie Ling" knew very well that waiting for idlers was not his opponent.

"The wound can't get water, and it can't be moved for at least half a month." After the bandage was finished, "Yitieling" instructed, "The medicine is changed every three days. When changing the dressing, the wound can be allowed to breathe outside for half an hour."

"Thank you."

"Miss, you're welcome. Although I'm just a doctor who walks away, it's my duty to save lives."

"Put your things back together, don't act like you're leaving in a panic." Luo Yao instructed.


"Yi Tie Ling" smiled wryly, he could only do as he did, he still couldn't understand that Luo Yao wanted to give Yin Tianchou a plan that he had been planning to leave for a long time, and he was on a thief ship.

The four got into the car, drove out of the alley, and headed for the pier where the chartered boat was docked.

Not long after they left, dozens of soldiers from the security regiment rushed into the alley and surrounded the yard rented by "Yitieling".


At noon two days later, Luo Yao, Gong Hui and the "Yitieling" couple landed at the Xiangcheng pier.

Luo Yao paid for the charter.

The boatman was able to go back to reunite with his family just before New Year's Eve, have a New Year's Eve dinner, and watch the New Year together. Everyone is happy.

"What should you two do? Do you follow us, or leave on your own?" Luo Yao didn't mean to kidnap the "Yitieling" couple.

Anyway, when they arrived in Xiangcheng, they were safe. Yin Tianchou didn't have that much energy to do whatever he wanted in the provincial capital.

"Mr. Luo is willing to let us go?"

"Of course, I have no grievances or enmities with you. If I don't let you go, can I continue to support you?" Luo Yao laughed.

"Thank you, thank you!" "Yitieling" thanked him a thousand times, because he was about to jump into the "fire pit" this time, he never thought he could regain his freedom so easily.

"Wait a minute." Seeing "Yitie Ling" and his wife turned around and were about to leave, Luo Yao suddenly remembered and called out.

"Is there anything else for Mr. Luo?" "Yitie Ling" was taken aback, thinking that Luo Yao had changed his mind and wanted to keep him and his wife.

"It's a big Chinese New Year, I'm really sorry for letting you leave your home." Luo Yaoguan Gong Hui took 200 yuan of French currency and put it in the hands of "Yitie Ling", "These money is considered as compensation for you , buy medicine for your wife, find a hotel to stay, and let this year go by first."

"Yitieling"'s eyes were red. This money is undoubtedly a timely gift for him. With this money, he can buy expensive western medicine for his seriously ill wife. Although it cannot cure her, it will at least relieve her. of illness.

Watching "Yitieling" dragging two suitcases and helping his wife into the gray flow of people at the pier, he quickly disappeared from sight.

Luo Yao couldn't help sighing. War hurts civilians the most. Small people like "Yitieling" can still earn a living by relying on their skills. Once more people leave the land they live in, they will lose their lives. Everything, without the skills to make a living, will destroy itself, and even become a bandit.

This is China today.

"Let's go, I wonder if Liu Jinbao and the others have arrived?" Gong Hui's left arm was hanging around his neck, and his right hand could still move. There were no major problems in basic life.

Along the way, with the help of the wife of "Yi Tie Ling", she finally passed the most embarrassing time, otherwise, she really didn't know what to do.

"If everything goes well, they should be here." Luo Yao breathed a long sigh of relief. The task was completed, and he was in a good mood. "Let's go, let's find a place to eat first, and let's try authentic Hunan cuisine."


On the train bound for Xiangcheng, Yu Jie recalled the urgent telegram from Jiangcheng he received two mornings ago, and it was a bit ridiculous.

He was ready to take over the mess of the failure of the "Five Groups" mission. As a result, Zhu Ruoyu, the acting station director of Jiangcheng Station far away in Jiangcheng, called him.

Said that Duan Laizi was brought to justice, so he was detained at the security office!

This surprised him so much that he almost didn't choke on it, why he didn't receive any news from Yue Yang, this person has already been arrested and brought to justice.

Soon, he knew that Yin Tianchou sent people to secretly blockade all water and land docks and stations in Yueyang City, and strictly investigate outsiders who left Yueyang City.

Even he spent a lot of trouble leaving Yueyang City, almost revealing his identity.

After returning to Jiangcheng, I met Zhu Ruoyu and found out that this was the good deed of the fifth group of the first batch of students in this special training class.

They actually used this unimaginable method to secretly tie "Duan Laizi" out of the heavily guarded Yin's mansion, packed him in a wooden box, and transported him to the train by consignment. He followed his way and did not go south to Xiangcheng.

Instead, return to the starting point, Jiangcheng.

This plan is a series of links, interlocking and closely connected. If one step is wrong, the ending will be completely different.

Yu Jie then received a follow-up telegram from the Yueyang group, Yin Tianchou secretly focused on investigating the train heading for Xiangcheng, and ignored the one going north to Jiangcheng.

At the same time, there is another news that Yin Tianchou sent people into Dongting Lake to contact the water bandit Huang Mazi. Not long after, Huang Mazi's men came out to find a boat...

Yin Tianchou was busy in Yueyang City for three days, but he didn't get anything, and the brigade commander of the Ninth Security Brigade didn't fall on his head. This year, he was absolutely uncomfortable.

Duan Laizi was arrested, but he kept it secret to the outside world. The fifth team has made a meritorious service this time, and it is still a great service.

Yu Jie personally met the three of Liu Jinbao and commended them. Of course, Liu Jinbao and the three of them also reported Gong Hui's contribution in detail. Attention, this "secret capture" plan will not be so successful.

As for Luo Yao, for solving the financial and logistics problems for the whole team, it can be regarded as some credit, basically it is negligible.

Gu Yuan's eloquence is good, he basically gave the report, Liu Jinbao can only add, and Mancang is not a person who will please his boss and say good things.

So, he wanted to say something for Luo Yao, but he didn't know how to say it.

Gong Hui and Gu Yuan contributed the most to arresting "Duan Cripple" this time, followed by Liu Jinbao and Mancang, and finally Luo Yao.

But no one noticed a detail, that is, Gong Hui was with Luo Yao in every action.

After calming down, Yu Jie realized that something was wrong. He knew Gong Hui's information very well. How could such a proud and beautiful woman take the initiative to follow Luo Yao, a man who knows nothing through the back door? What about walking together?

This is so weird.

Are they old acquaintances?

If it wasn't for an old acquaintance, and there was no other reason, then Gong Hui's behavior in Yueyang would be a bit weird. He sneaked into the Yin family mansion, determined the location of Duan Laizi, and then ventured into the tiger's den. "Hijack out.

In the end, she who was injured actually chose to be a suspect with Luo Yao, leading away Yin Tianchou's pursuit. If all of this was her plan, then this girl deserves to be cultivated.

Yu Jie was of course happy when he found a good seedling, thinking that after returning to Xiangcheng, he would have a good talk with Gong Hui.

In Yu Jie's eyes, Gong Hui's status has undoubtedly been elevated a lot.

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