Secret War without Sound Author: Changfeng

brief introduction:

The "Silent" chapter of the "Secret War" series trilogy:

During the massacre, Luo Yao escaped from death. By fate, he entered the special training class in Linli. Using his talent in hearing, he stalked traitors, caught ghosts, hunted down Jite, deciphered the top secret code of the Japanese army, and performed a legendary life.

An excellent spy, his deeds are written on the epitaph.

——Luo Yao, the greatest spy of the [-]th century (Ting Ting)

Chapter 0001 Cold Chess

In the endless darkness, Luo Yao saw a little light.

There are two souls fighting in his mind, they are both himself, like two split personalities, in two completely different memories, he saw a strange world, the people and things in this world, and the humiliation His history completely overlaps with the world he lives in, and they are inseparable.

One day, he suddenly understood that it represented the future.

So real.

There is great horror among the truths!

As an atheist, Luo Yao never believed in ghosts and gods. However, the events that happened in the dream still shocked him and kept him awake at night.

Waking up at night, often with a drenched back.

He crawled out of the dead, and the reality is scarier than the dream.

Killing, blood, and boundless fear, as long as you close your eyes, your mind will be full of grinning faces of Japanese soldiers, holding bloody bayonets, and howling bullets with sin, hitting people one by one. blood hole...

On December 26, the 12th year of the Republic of China, the Japanese army occupied Jinling City, followed by a brutal and inhumane massacre. The innocent people and soldiers who laid down their weapons were driven to the riverside like livestock, and then they set up machine guns. Bullets flew out like a gust of wind.

People fell down like cutting wheat, and the blood on the riverside mud was stained red.

He is in it.


"Hoo, hoo..." Luo Yao woke up from the lunch break, gasping for breath, his eyes were red, like a hungry wolf that would choose to eat someone, the cold light flickered, at first glance, it made people shudder.

"Luo Yao, are you having nightmares again?" A charming voice came from behind.

The voice was a bit sweet, Luo Yao didn't need to turn his head to know who was speaking, he quickly lowered his head and explained: "Sister Liu, it's fine, I'm used to it."

Liu Yumei, the deputy director of the Statistics Office of the Jiangcheng Police Headquarters, around 30 years old, nicknamed "Yizhihua" by others, in the entire police station, men who have thoughts about her can enter the building from the gate, and he is now only the statistician of the Jiangcheng Police Headquarters. A small statistical clerk in the office.

"You're sweating a lot, you should go wash your face, you'll catch a cold easily." Liu Yumei bent down, blinked her eyes, and asked with concern, "I can't do this all the time, do you want Sister Liu to accompany you?" Find a doctor to take a look?"

"Thank you sister Liu for your concern. I'm much better than before. I don't need to see a doctor." Luo Yao leaned back slightly, calmed down, and smiled gratefully at Liu Yumei. He couldn't resist Liu Yumei's enthusiasm.

If he hadn't gone through the back door, he would be like a refugee beggar on the street, having problems eating, how dare he have other ideas?

After Jinling City was broken, a large number of refugees fled westward, and now it is not bad to have a subsistence job.

There are four people in the statistics office. The director, Huang Xuning, basically works as a shopkeeper for a long time.

After Luo Yao came, he really had a worker. After getting started, he had a thorough understanding of the situation of the entire Xiakou Police Station.

The Japanese were about to hit Jiangcheng, and these people still looked casual, without the slightest sense of crisis, which was really worrying.

The Japanese destroyed Jinling, and also destroyed his home and his life. This hatred can't be washed away by pouring down three rivers. He wants revenge!

"Sister Liu, do you have a bad stomach recently?"

"Stinky boy, you..." Liu Yumei's cheeks flushed instantly, this kid was obviously having a nightmare, how could he hear himself "farting", it was obviously very light.

I have a lot of nightmares, and my hearing has problems, and I always hear things that I shouldn't hear.


No. 124, Hualou Street · Wujishan goods.

"Here we come." Seeing a figure coming in, the boss Wu Zhichao raised his head, quickly walked out from behind the counter, and greeted him in a low voice.

"Well, bring me two bottles of wine and a pack of cigarettes." Luo Yao said in a hoarse voice. He didn't sleep well the night before, and he caught a cold and his throat was uncomfortable.

Old Wu didn't say anything, turned around and walked into the counter, and took out two bottles of liquor, a pack of peanuts, and two packs of Harder House cigarettes from below.

"Drink less, I brought you two bottles last time, and it's gone in just a few days." Old Wu said with concern, "By the way, the police station you told me about last time issued an internal notice that the Some people were removed to participate in the special training. The organization learned something from other sources. This special training is related to the Second Division of the Military Adjustment. In addition to the relatively high standards, the requirements for recruiting students are also relatively strict..."

"Second Military Department?" Luo Yao nodded.

The memory was pulled out from the depths of my mind bit by bit. Isn't the predecessor of the Military Command Bureau the Second Division of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission?

One is the later Zhongtong, and the third is in charge of post and telecommunications inspections, which have been abolished. The director is Ding Mohan, who has been laid off, and the notorious No. 76 has not yet opened...

And this special training class should be the most famous temporary training class in the history of military reunification.

The opening of the temporary training class should be in the next year, and it is still in the preparation stage.

However, there are many requirements for entering the training class. Not only do you need to be clean and educated, but at least junior high school level.

He vaguely remembered that Zhengzhou was recruiting exile students, and a group of students were all sent to the temporary training class, but the problem was that if they left now, they would not be able to escape the censorship in the future.

"Old Wu, do you think I can enter this special training class?" Luo Yao asked. In fact, he had been thinking about this question for a long time, but he only asked it now.

"Stop joking, how did you get in?" Old Wu shook his head and said, "The places in this special training class all need to be recommended and guaranteed by someone. You have only joined the job for a few days. Who will guarantee you?"

When he looked up, he saw Luo Yao's extremely serious expression.

"You really want to go?"

Luo Yao nodded.

"Okay, I'll help you ask, but there's no guarantee that the higher-ups will agree." Old Wu changed his mind and said that Luo Yao's conditions were fully met, and if he could really get in, it would be a cold move.

"Thanks, Old Wu, I knew you were the best for me." Luo Yao chuckled, took the wine and cigarettes and went out, "I'll put this account on credit first, and I'll give it to you later when the salary is paid. , just under the foot of the southeast cabinet, a nest of children just fell."

"Stinky boy, it's so disgusting..."

Looking at Luo Yao's gone back, Old Wu couldn't help but let out a long sigh. It's not easy to survive the massacre. As for becoming what he is now, that's not what he wanted. of.

Getting up from the pile of dead people, and being tortured by nightmares, the only way to fall asleep is to be paralyzed by alcohol. How can outsiders understand the pain?

But will the nightmare end?

Under the foot of the southeast cabinet, there is still a nest of children?Old Wu hurried over, moved the legs of the cabinet, and the smile on his face froze instantly, and a female mouse laid a litter.

How did this kid Luo Yao know?


Luo Yao has another identity, that is, the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party, and the party that entered before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. He used to work in the financial department of Jinling.

A small civil servant, working from nine to five, has a very stable job.

The Japanese army captured Shanghai, and they attacked like fire all the way. They came to Jinling, but without power, power, and background, he was put on the left-behind list, and then he was trapped in the city for half a month like purgatory. One of the roots of nightmares, I almost closed my eyes, and the bloody and cruel scenes flashed in my mind.

Hatred engulfed his heart like a virus, and he was so tormented that he could barely breathe. Every time he woke up from a nightmare, his limbs would be cold, as if crawling out of a dark bottomless abyss.

Revenge is not a show of bravery.

He wanted to go to the front line, but the organization did not agree, so he could only find another way, and this "temporary training class" was his opportunity.

A chance to fight the Japanese invaders.

After taking a sip of the strong wine, he picked up the cigarette and took a sharp puff. He used to not smoke or drink, but now he can't do without both.

Another soul in his mind told him that the temporary training class is actually not difficult to enter, the difficulty is that you have no connections, and this special training class is still just a grassroots team with no name and no division.

Gotta figure out a way.

It is definitely not possible to go directly to Gu Mosheng, the director of the inspection department who is in charge of registering for the special training. Although the bureau issued a notice, very few people signed up voluntarily.

The so-called "special training", anyone with a little brain knows that the risks involved are very high, and they may be sacrificed as "cannon fodder".

This happens all the time.

Therefore, Luo Yao can't take the initiative, as being unconventional will cause criticism and suspicion.

There is no harm in thinking a little more.

Luo Yao himself hadn't realized that because of his second soul, his personality had slowly and subtly undergone some positive changes.

He couldn't go to Gu Mosheng directly, so he could only find a way from his cousin, even though he didn't want to "trouble" him at all.

Deputy Director and Acting Director of Jiangcheng Xiakou Police Headquarters: Han Liangze.

It seems that after having a goal and direction, the nightmares that torment Luo Yao every night seem to be much lighter...

Chapter 0002 Quota

After washing his face with cold water, looking at the bloodshot eyes in the mirror, Luo Yao knew that he had to fight once. There are some things that you can't get good results just by waiting.

Must be proactive.

This is not a violation of discipline. As a qualified underground worker, in addition to completing the tasks assigned by the organization, he must also exert his subjective initiative.

Anyone with a little common sense of hidden front work understands this.

The temporary training class started in March, and it's already January, and I can't wait, I have to get a place, after much deliberation, there is only one way.


Wenhuali Han Mansion.

Watching Han Liangze's car come out of the gate, Luo Yao rubbed his frozen cheeks a little, and walked towards the gate of Han Mansion with the pastries, candied fruit, fruits and nutritional products he just bought.

A few minutes later, Luo Yao saw an elegant woman covered in jewels. That face covered in foundation, with coquettish red lips, was none other than cousin Han Liangze's wife, Xu Xin.

Xu Xin came from a local rich family, so he has already figured out his temper and temperament. The purpose of his visit today is to meet this cousin.

Xu Xin didn't want to see him, he knew it well.

The purpose of his visit today was to anger this cousin. It is much better to go to this aunt directly than to go to Han Liangze. Han Liangze is a famous "inner fear" in the police station, Liu Yumei told him.

"Auntie, I didn't bring anything with me last time. I was really rude. Please accept it with a little care." Luo Yao sincerely placed the gift he brought on the coffee table.

Xu Xin didn't even look at the things on the coffee table, and said indifferently: "Lao Han is not at home today, what are you doing, come back another day."

Luo Yao's eyes shrank slightly, and he said nervously, "Actually, I'm here today to find my cousin Yun."

"What are you looking for Xiaoyun for?" Xu Xin's eyes became sharp in an instant.

"When my mother was alive, she mentioned to me that when we were young, our two families had an agreement that when Cousin Yun grew up, we would..." Xu Xin, who was pulled down before Luo Yao finished speaking, gave Interrupted: "Stop, what about Chen Zhima rotten millet, that's all over, why are you still talking about it now?"

"Aunt Biao means that the two parties agreed in the past that they don't intend to accept the debt?"

Xu Xin's face turned cold, and she said decisively: "What kind of agreement, do you have proof? Luo Yao, what do you have now, it's just a lost dog, don't wishful thinking, it's impossible for you and Xiaoyun!"

Luo Yao's neck was flushed, and he said angrily, "I don't have any evidence, but my cousin Yun's marriage contract was confirmed by my cousin back then."

"Hmph, so what, today is different." Xu Xin snorted coldly, and mercilessly shook off Luo Yao's spitting star, "Luo Yao, you don't even look at what you look like now, you are wearing a The most second-hand clothes and leather shoes are also bought from thrift stores, how much is the monthly salary, do you know how much our family Xiaoyun spends on food and drink every day, can you afford it just by you?"

Luo Yao's face swelled into a pig's liver, and he insisted in a murmur, "Aunt Cousin, if you do this, have you asked Uncle Yun and my Cousin Yun?"

"Go away, take your things and get out of here!"

"Aunt Cousin, I am sincere to Cousin Yun, and I will not give up..."

Even people and things, Luo Yao was kicked out of Han Mansion, disgraced.

But his purpose was achieved.


In the police station, it is very difficult to keep some things secret, especially some gossip and sexual information. Once it is spread, everyone from the chief to the police dogs of the police dog team knows about it.

Word travels faster if someone does it on purpose.

"Luo Yao, are you really Han Ju's nephew?"

"The table..."

"No wonder you were assigned to the office when you came here. It turns out that there is such a big backer, and you will make a fortune in the future, but you have to take care of your sister Liu?" Liu Yumei twisted her waist and walked past Luo Yao, touching him intentionally. Touch your fingers, leaving behind a wisp of refreshing fragrance.

Luo Yao's cheeks blushed, this Liu Yumei was too bold, even if he had "experienced" in the past, he still couldn't stand it.

The agency is a rumor maker, Luo Yao didn't deliberately leak out his relationship with Han Liangze, but as long as someone is interested, it's not difficult to find out.


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