The more he talked, the more angry Wang Yi was, throwing things around in the room. The neat and clean office turned into a mess in a blink of an eye.

After venting, Wang Yi calmed down a little, "You don't do anything, fine, I'll kill this brat myself!"

As he spoke, he still stared at Wang Fu'an fiercely, and if Wang Fu'an dared to stop him, he would immediately turn his back on him.

Wang Fuan nodded in agreement: "The sooner you do it, the better."

He thought for a while and reminded: "Although Gao Qian is arrogant and might kill the butcher, this man is really capable. You can't underestimate him!

"Gao Qian still has An Pingchang's support behind him. You have to consider all these things carefully."

"An Pingchang, the fourth brother's death will also be counted towards him. When I kill Gao Qian, I will find a chance to kill this old boy!"

Wang Yi left angrily, leaving the door open when he left.

Wang Yicai came out of the gate of the inspection bureau, and a convoy of several luxury King Long cars stopped.

Several big men in black suits hurried down to open the door for Wang Yi, who lowered his head and entered the carriage.

Wang Er, who was sitting on the opposite side of the carriage, was a little puzzled: "What's wrong, boss?"

The images of Wang Er and Wang Yi are completely opposite. He is close to two meters tall, and in the luxurious and elongated carriage, his long legs can't even be stretched.

He has broad shoulders and a broad back, and one person in the back row occupies the seats of two people.

The hair on his face is also very thick, and a large beard spreads to his cheeks, only the nose and eyes are exposed.

This appearance also made him look like a humanoid beast, unusually brutal and ferocious.

However, compared with the sickly but manic Wang Yi, he spoke very calmly.

"Wang Fu'an is a softie, he is suppressed by the Shen family, he dare not touch Gao Qian."

Wang Yihong said with red eyes: "The fourth brother's revenge, we can only avenge ourselves."

"Wang Fu'an is greedy and oily, just a waste."

Wang Er was not surprised by this. He clenched his fist lightly and said, "It's better for us to come by ourselves. A brat dares to provoke our Wang family. If we don't kill him, who is afraid of us?!"

For the fourth child, Wang Er actually looked down on him. He smoked prohibited drugs every day, but he was only brave and ruthless, but he was not so tough in his bones!

Such a brother will die when he dies.

It's just that you can't die in the hands of others.Especially if you can't die in the hands of the inspector!

The inspectors dare to kill members of their Wang family, what do the gang brothers think?What do outsiders think?

Only by killing Gao Qian can the shame be washed away.This has nothing to do with brotherhood, this is a matter of face!

As for the Shen family, no one here in Lin Hai cares!

Wang Yi asked, "What shall we do?"

In fact, the Feilong Gang is the two brothers' decision-makers, and Wang Er usually makes the most important decisions.Because Wang Er's mind is more flexible and calmer.

As for the third and fourth children, they are helping to shout and cheer.They are useless to really do big things.

"Gao Qian is a foreigner, and he has no relatives or friends in the local area, so he is familiar with An Pingchang."

Wang Er pondered and said: "However, I heard that there is a man named Shi Ming in the inspection team, who is very close to Gao Qian. The fourth child seems to be looking for Shi Ming to help build a bridge. Damn, get this kid first...

"Take out everything this kid knows, and then see how to kill Gao Qian!"

The two brothers returned to the office of Feilong Building, and were about to find someone to clean up Shi Ming, but they received a report from their subordinates that someone named Shi Ming had come to see him, and they had been waiting outside for a long time.

Both Wang Yi and Wang Er laughed, and this kid automatically delivered it to the door, which saves trouble!

Chapter 59 Serial Killing

After seven o'clock in the evening, the dark clouds that had accumulated all day finally started to rain.

The pattering drizzle also made the night a little more humid.

Gao Qian closed the case file, he stood up and stretched his waist, he has been busy with the case of the Black Butterfly Bar all day, even if he is full of energy, he will feel a little dizzy.

The case is not complicated, but it involves many people.It is extremely cumbersome to record each person's confession and review physical evidence.

Opening the window of the office, the wind brought the humidity of the rain, and Gao Qian was refreshed.

He muttered: "The dark moon kills people, the wind is high and the sky is burning. This weather is really suitable..."

Gao Qian knew that the Dragon Gang would retaliate, and even the Blood Demon would come again, but he was looking forward to it.

The last time he fought with the blood demon, Gao Qian felt that the blood demon was nothing more than that, relying on the power of the crimson horizontal knife.

After more than ten days, the blood demon is unlikely to make any progress, but he is completely different.

After obtaining the Tianqiao star, his strength has not improved at all.However, the actual combat power has doubled or tripled.

Gao Qian himself estimated that the current him can deal with three of himself more than ten days ago.This is the change brought about by skills.

Taking himself as the standard, Gao Qian feels that he can deal with the blood demon now.

Even if it can't be solved, it's absolutely fine to get out of the body.

As for the Feilong Gang, Gao Qian didn't really care.

The Feilong Gang has a large number of people and may also have heavy weapons.But what's the use?

With his current explosive power, he can move six meters in one tenth of a second, which is any movement forward, backward, left, right, up, down, or up.

No matter what heavy firepower, it is difficult to lock such a high-speed moving target.Not to mention that in the complex urban environment, the other party has no chance to lock him.

Even if the other party gets a few origin masters, it will be in vain.

Gao Qian felt that the weather was good tonight, if the Feilong Gang were as brave and arrogant as the legends said, they should take action!

Of course, An Pingchang's plan is not like this.His plan was that Gao Qian would show up during the day and hide quickly at night.

When the supporting source masters are in place, they are working out a detailed action plan.

Gao Qian didn't want to wait, the foreign aid would definitely take away the command right.How to act at that time, but it is not his turn to speak.

More people will only increase the variables, and he can solve the problem by himself, so he doesn't need to wait any longer.

He stood at the window for a breath of fresh air, then returned to his seat and continued to check the file.

After an unknown amount of time, Gao Qian suddenly heard a burst of gunshots, and someone screamed loudly.

Gao Qian opened the window and saw a person hanging from the gate, and two people were lying at the door of the duty room. It seemed that the situation was not good.

He hurriedly came down from the stairs, and it was only when he got close that he saw clearly that it was Shi Ming hanging from the gate.

Under the dim incandescent light at the gate, Shi Ming's face was covered with blood. A hemp rope was hung around his neck, and he was just hanging on the iron frame above the gate.

Under the fine rainwater, the blood continued to drip.Shi Ming didn't respond at all, obviously he was dead.

The door of the duty room was full of bullet holes, and the two inspectors on duty were lying at the door covered in blood, bleeding all over the floor.

Gao Qian knew at a glance that the two inspectors were shot dozens of times and died on the spot.

Hanging Shi Ming at the gate, and killing two patrol inspectors on duty, this is an obvious provocation.

It must have been done by the Dragon Gang.

It's just that this method is more than brutal, but it's too brainless.

Just as Gao Qian was thinking, a few pillars of light suddenly hit from the opposite side, illuminating the gate as bright as day.

"Car lights..." Gao Qian immediately realized that there were several cars parked opposite, and he turned on the lights only after he showed his head.

The inspection compound is located on the north side of the avenue, the sidewalk opposite the avenue, and beyond that is an abandoned factory area.

There are no residential areas, restaurants and shops nearby, only a semi-abandoned empty wood processing factory.

It is precisely because the inspection compound is located in a remote place that Duan Heihu led people to attack the inspection compound at night last time.

This time, the Feilong Gang is just repeating their old tricks.

The difference is that this time the lineup is bigger.

When the headlights came over, Gao Qian knew something was wrong.His agility and passivity also made him keenly aware of danger.

Gao Qian did not hesitate to use his strength to leap forward, his speed was extremely fast, and he arrived at the back of the duty room in a blink of an eye.

The other side also fired.

Two heavy machine guns mounted on the pickup truck opened fire together, and the long gun flames spewed out and shone like fireworks in the dark night.

There were more than a dozen assault rifles firing at the same time, but the heavy machine guns made a low roar, and the assault rifles had no sense of presence.

A large deep crater immediately appeared at the position where Gao Qian was just now, and the blasted debris on the concrete floor shot up smoke and dust.

The lower half of Shi Ming, who was hanging in the air, was instantly torn apart by intensive gunfire, and blood and flesh sprayed everywhere.

Someone yelled, "He entered the duty room..."

The .[-] caliber Thor heavy machine gun has a rate of fire of up to [-] rounds per minute.The powerful bullet kinetic energy can penetrate even light protective armor.

The two heavy machine guns turned their muzzles immediately, and the gushing gun fire turned into long red chains, chasing Gao Qian's figure and lashing wildly.

Huge holes were blasted in the brick wall of the duty room in an instant, and the tables, chairs and other furniture in the room were shattered under the rain of bullets.

The heavy machine guns fired so fiercely that the walls outside the duty room collapsed as they continued to fire.

The strafing went on for two to three minutes before the two heavy machine guns stopped.Even with a water cooling device, the barrel's bearing capacity is almost at its extreme.

On the other hand, the frantic strafing also emptied all the reserve ammunition boxes.

The big guy in the lead yelled: "Stop, stop for me."

Many shooters also stopped shooting.

Under the bright lights of the car, the duty room was completely collapsed, and there were broken bricks and tiles everywhere, and the place was a mess.But Gao Qian's body could not be seen.

Of course, Gao Qian was probably smashed to pieces by the heavy machine gun.It's also normal not to see a dead body.

The big guy in the lead shouted: "Take a flashlight, and a team goes up to check. If you want to see people, you need to see dead bodies!"

He was giving orders, but he saw a black shadow out of the corner of his eye.He was startled, but the black figure showed two rows of neat and beautiful white teeth, "Good evening..."

With this greeting, the big man was also punched in the head.Half of the big man's face collapsed, his head suddenly tilted to the side, and he lost his breath on the spot.

Gao Qian took off the storm assault rifle from his hand, and swept towards the many gunmen in front of him.

"Bang bang bang..."

Gao Qian's rifle fired continuously, and many gunmen failed to make any response, and a cloud of blood burst from their heads.

Super strength, super agility, and super control, let Gao Qian's marksmanship achieve unimaginable precision and speed.

The assault rifle is in his hand, and it is a child with one shot, so there is absolutely no waste.

Gao Qian shot them down, including several drivers in the carriage.

"I'm not even worthy of a Genesis Master, this somewhat underestimates me..."

Gao Qian looked down on this assault lineup, the firepower was very fierce, but the combat effectiveness was mediocre.

He was complaining, but suddenly there was a warning sign in his heart.

Gao Qian didn't even think about it, he shot out like an arrow.

Several cars suddenly turned into a ball of flames, and the range of dozens of meters was instantly submerged in blazing flames.

Chapter 60

In an abandoned six-story high-rise building, a man wearing a night vision goggle and wearing a black armor was concentrating on observing the raging flames tens of meters away.

The high temperature presents a large area of ​​red and white light in the night vision device, other than that, no details can be seen.

This abandoned high-rise building is located in the center of the factory area, diagonally facing the gate of the inspection compound.Because of the relationship between the height and the angle, you can just see the battle between the two sides from here.

This man also has a companion, who is also wearing a full set of source armor, and he is aiming at the battlefield with an anti-material sniper rifle.

The observation range of the scope on the sniper rifle is limited, and the observer next to it needs to cooperate.

The high-precision military night vision binoculars used by observers can precisely distinguish between different temperature ranges.

The burning hot vehicle wreckage can hardly conceal the living organisms that exist nearby.

The two searched, but found nothing.

The observer said: "It must have been killed. Two hundred kilograms of high-energy explosives were placed. Not to mention ordinary people, even Yuanshi can blow up to the sky."

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