Chapter 140 Available People

"Long live--"

Countless people raised their arms and shouted loudly, their fiery eyes following Liu Xie's figure.

Both men and women, young and old, fell into a long-awaited carnival.

The enthusiasm in their eyes almost melted Liu Xie, and their cheers moved the world.

Twenty Huben servants opened the way ahead with swords and shields, soaked in blood, with resolute expressions.

They are all survivors of this battle, and they performed outstandingly and made great achievements in battle, so they won the honor of being the emperor's guide.

Guo Wu is leading the horse, his body is as tall and straight as a pine.

Wang Yue and Shi A followed closely behind, also standing up straight, enjoying the glory of the attention of everyone.

Liu Xie held the reins in one hand and raised the other high, continuously saluting the welcoming crowd.

This is not only his personal highlight moment, but also a shot in the arm for the big man.

Slowly ascending the plateau, the remaining officials, led by Situ Zhao Wen and Sikong Zhang Xi, lined the road to welcome them.They were neatly dressed, their eyes were bright, and they were so happy that they burst into tears. Looking at Liu Xie, it was like looking at a treasure.

"I welcome your Majesty's triumphant return." Zhao Wen said loudly, bowing deeply.

"Your Majesty welcomes your triumphant return." All the officials shouted in unison.

Liu Xie dismounted from his horse, walked quickly to Zhao Wen, and stretched out his hands to help him. "Your lords are exempt from courtesy. I was able to win, not only because of the bloody battles of Wei Wei and the soldiers, but also because of your full support. These days, you are hungry. At the celebration banquet, I drank with you .”

Zhao Wen couldn't help but laugh. "Your Majesty is young, so you should drink less. However, this great victory in this battle is really rare, and you should enjoy it with the monarch and his ministers. You are welcome. I will just wait for tomorrow's banquet and toast to Your Majesty. Let's congratulate the great man on his destiny and spread his virtue."

The ministers all laughed.

They were all a little worried that they didn't participate in the war, and they couldn't share the credit.With the words of the emperor, they can rest assured.

Looking at the smiling ministers, Liu Xie felt like a bright mirror in his heart, and couldn't help laughing.

No one is a saint who does not eat fireworks in the world. After life and death, it is inevitable that they will have their own little thoughts.

After chatting with the ministers for a few words, Liu Xie returned to his big tent.

Before entering the tent, he took a look at Jia Xu's tent and saw that the tent door was closed tightly. He was a little surprised, but he didn't ask any further questions.

Empress Fushou and nobleman Song all greeted them.

Fushou's eyes were bright, he couldn't hide the joy in his eyes, but he still held back his smile and bowed to salute.

"The concubine welcomes His Majesty's triumphant return."

Song Du was equally overjoyed, staring at Liu Xie with a pair of wonderful eyes, reluctant to look away for a moment. "Your Majesty is more heroic than Emperor Guangwu."

Fu Shou gave Song Du a blank look. "Sister be careful, all the ministers are listening. Your majesty is brave, but you can't disrespect your ancestors." Before he finished speaking, he laughed.

Song Du shrank his neck, disapproving, and smiled as usual.

Liu Xie waved his hand and walked towards the small tent beside him.

Tang Ji and Cai Yan stood at the door of the tent, and when they saw Liu Xie approaching, they rushed up a few steps and bowed to salute.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty on his triumphant return."

"If this battle can be won, my sister-in-law is also a meritorious minister." Liu Xie bowed and returned the half-respect.

Tang Ji smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty is too serious, I dare not be a concubine."

"One more thing, I want to ask my sister-in-law for help."

"Your Majesty has an edict, and my concubines dare not obey."

"If I want to rejuvenate a big man, I can't do without talents. It is said that Ruying has many talents, and my sister-in-law is from Ruying. She must know who is real and who is not. Can you recommend some talents with real talents for me? .”

Tang Ji looked at Liu Xie in surprise.

Although Ruying is very talented, she is a woman, and the emperor knows very well the origin of the Tang family.Asking her to recommend talents is really not what the emperor should say.

Or, did he say it to Cai Yan?After all, Chenliu Cai's family is not only a famous family, Cai Yong is also a famous Confucian.

Liu Xie had expected it a long time ago, and said unhurriedly: "The three armies are easy to get, but a general is hard to find. The same is true for governing the country. What I am looking for is not ordinary talents, but geniuses who can assist me in rejuvenating the great man. If my sister-in-law has such a candidate, You might as well recommend it, I will use it again.”

Tang Ji was stunned, but still felt that it was not realistic, so she reluctantly responded, turned around and pushed Cai Yan out.

"If you talk about talents, there is one in front of you, but it's just a woman. I don't know if His Majesty dares to use it."

Cai Yan's face was red and her ears were red, she was so embarrassed that she couldn't bear it.

She knew Tang Ji intended to recommend her, but she didn't expect Tang Ji to do it in this way.If the emperor doesn't accept it, she will be ashamed.

Liu Xie took a look at Cai Yan, inexplicably finding it interesting.

"I heard that Madam is very popular in teaching the children of officials to study these days. If Madam does not give up, I would like to ask Madam to write and ink to continue your father's unfinished business. How about it?"

Cai Yan was surprised and delighted, and couldn't help but glance at Tang Ji, thinking that Tang Ji had taken the time to mention it to Liu Xie.

Tang Ji didn't know what happened, she only knew that she was happy for Cai Yan, and signaled Cai Yan to thank her quickly.

Cai Yan came back to his senses and hurriedly greeted Liu Xie.

Liu Xie nodded and said with a smile: "Tomorrow's celebration, my wife will attend with my sister-in-law. Before that, please ask my wife to draft a manuscript for me as a backup."

Cai Yan readily obeyed.

Liu Xie turned around and returned to the tent.

Both Fu Shou and Song were busy waiting and changing clothes for Liu Xie.

Liu Xie took off his blood-stained coat, pulled the wound on his body, and took two breaths of air in pain.

The Fushou people brought the lamp and illuminated Liu Xie's back, only to realize that Liu Xie was injured.

Although not fatal, the wound was not small, and the blood stained the wrapping cloth, which looked quite scary.

Fu Shou panicked, and said repeatedly: "Quickly pass on to the imperial physician, quickly to the imperial physician."

Song Du also turned pale with fright and was at a loss.

Liu Xie stopped Fushou.There were too many injured soldiers, and the imperial physician was arranged by him to treat the seriously wounded.His wound has been treated, it's not serious, it just looks scary.

"Flesh injury, it's okay. You prepare some salt water, wash it off, and put on a clean cloth."

"Oh." Fu Shou responded repeatedly, and then recovered his composure before he realized that he ordered someone to fetch salt.

With his arms open, Liu Xie picked up the prepared food and ate it in big mouthfuls, while asking about the situation on the plateau, making complaints from time to time.Seeing him so relaxed, both Fu Shou and Song gradually regained their composure, scrubbing the wound, changing dressings, and changing clothes in an orderly manner.

After everything was done, it was already dark, and there were footsteps outside.

Before Liu Xie could react, Dong Wan rushed in, shouting "Your Majesty", and threw himself up with open arms.

Fu Shou was taken aback, and hurried forward to stop him. "Sister, Your Majesty is injured and cannot move lightly."

"Injured?" Dong Wan's small face turned pale instantly, and tears welled up. "Where is the injury, is it serious?"

"Do you think I look seriously injured?" Liu Xie was angry and funny. "Have you ever seen Mr. Jia?"

Dong Wan breathed a sigh of relief. "Your Majesty, I'm here to ask for an edict. When the war is over, when can Mr. Jia be released? I, Aunt, are waiting impatiently."

Liu Xie was stunned.

No wonder I didn't see Jia Xu, dare Dong Cheng has always regarded Jia Xu as a prisoner.

Okay, as long as he is obedient and serious, Dong Cheng is still available.

Chapter 141

Liu Xie's relief only lasted half the meal.

Dong Wan beamed and told him that Jia Xu sent two letters to Guo Bang's camp today.

Once in the morning, not long after the letter was delivered, Guo Bang left the camp.

Once in the evening, not long after the letter was delivered, Guo Si's subordinates left the camp.

Before Dong Wan finished speaking, Liu Xie felt that the food in his mouth was not tasty.

Emotional Dong Cheng only watched Jia Xu's body, but he didn't watch Jia Xu's brain. Instead, he became Jia Xu's courier brother, and he ran happily before and after.

Fortunately, Jia Xu has no evil intentions, otherwise she would not know how she died.

After the slander, Liu Xie silently reviewed the whole situation, and had to admit that Jia Xu's two shots played a decisive role.

If Guo Bang hadn't taken the initiative to attack, the two sides don't know how long the confrontation will last.

If it weren't for Guo Si's subordinates to attack, Li Jue still has a clear advantage in military strength. It is not yet known who will have the last laugh.

Even Li Jue was injured because of Guo Si.

Liu Xie smacked his lips, and the little pride in his heart turned into a cloud of smoke.

Compared with Jia Xu, she is still too young.

"Prepare some food and drink. I want to have a candlelit night chat with Mr. Jia," Liu Xie ordered.

Both Fu Shou and Song glanced at each other, both a little disappointed.

Song Du licked his lips. "Your Majesty, the night is getting dark. You fought hard all day and got injured again, didn't you..."

Liu Xie shook his head. "You don't understand. Li Jue is dead, but I haven't won yet. If you don't finish the job well, you may get up early tomorrow, and the world will change."

Song Du wanted to say more, but Fu Shou stopped her and shook his head. "The concubine will arrange it now."

Dong Wan was a little uneasy, and just about to speak, Liu Xie said again: "A Wan, you are tired too, so you can rest in the tent with Song Guiren."

"Oh." Dong Wan scratched her head, got up hesitantly and went out.

Liu Xie called in a Huben servant and asked him to go to Dong Cheng's camp to pick up Jia Xu.

Taking advantage of Jia Xu's absence, he sat cross-legged, spread out the map, and sorted out the situation in front of him.

After a long time, he sighed softly.


"Your Majesty." Jia Xu entered the account, sat down opposite Liu Xie, and bowed to salute.

"Thank you sir." Liu Xie picked up a glass of water and handed it to Jia Xu. "If the master hadn't planned a strategy, the big man would be in danger."

Jia Xu took the water glass and held it in the palm of his hand. Feeling the warmth of the palm, he said with a faint smile, "Even if there are thousands of ingenious plans, if there is no determination of His Majesty to go forward, it is empty talk. Three armies are easy to get, but one general is hard to find. Similarly, if There are countless ministers, but those like Your Majesty only see each other every 500 years."

Liu Xie's eyes flickered. "As you said, where is Emperor Guangwu?"

Jia Xu was unmoved. "Wang Yi and Wang Xundai, how can they be compared with Li Jue? How can a mob of more than [-] people compare with Xiliang's sharp soldiers who have fought a hundred battles. What Emperor Guangwu needs is courage. What His Majesty needs is not only courage, but also intuition. .”

He raised his head and looked directly at Liu Xie, with a flash of relief in his eyes. "Forgive me for taking the liberty, Your Majesty's talents are as far away as Guangwu, comparable to Emperor Gao. May Your Majesty cherish this gifted by heaven."

Liu Xie couldn't figure out Jia Xu's intention for a while, but it was inconvenient to ask, so he kept silent.

"Your Majesty, Li Jue is dead, how will Qi Kun's disciple and nephew make arrangements?"

Liu Xie breathed out, and explained his arrangements at that time.

Ding Chong hasn't come back yet, and Duan Yan hasn't heard back yet, and he doesn't know if their persuasion to surrender went well.Especially Ding Chong, in order to snatch supplies from Li Jue's camp, he sent Ding Chong to persuade him to surrender before he had time to think about it.Looking at it now, this was really a bit reckless, and it is very likely that persuading him to surrender failed, and instead cost Ding Chong his life.

Jia Xu raised her brows lightly and laughed. "Duan Yan's loyalty is impeccable, but his greed for money is old and getting stronger. Alas, Xiliang is poor, and survival is not easy. What can I do?"

"Ding Chong...can he succeed in persuading him to surrender?"

"Your Majesty can be at ease. Ding Chong may not be able to persuade Li Shi to surrender, but Li Shi does not have the courage to kill Ding Chong. Tomorrow morning, His Majesty will issue an edict to pardon Li Shi and his mother, the Hu family. The matter will be decided. As for Yang Ding There……"

Jia Xu took a sip of water. "It's better for His Majesty to issue an edict. Wei Wei Xinsheng is too murderous, I'm afraid it will surprise him."

Liu Xie nodded, and said: "Wei Wei suffered a lot this time, why not let him take over Li Shi's men and horses, pick some elite cavalry, and add them to the Northern and Southern Army, so as to reassure the soldiers."

Jia Xu's eyes flickered slightly. "Your Majesty is very thoughtful, and I think it is very good. Your Majesty is going to Hedong to establish a foothold. It is inevitable to fight against the Huns. It is good to make some preparations in advance. Speaking of which, most of these soldiers are warriors who have fought with Dong Zhuo for many years. Their tactics against the Huns Not unfamiliar."

Liu Xie secretly smiled.

Sure enough, care is chaos.As calm as Jia Xu, once the lives and deaths of a large number of Xiliang people are involved, he cannot remain calm.

Liu Xie got up, lifted the kettle from the fire pit, and added some hot water for Jia Xu.

"Sir, before Li Jue's head fell to the ground, he said a few words to me."

"Really?" Jia Xu brought the cup to his mouth and blew gently, the lingering mist blocked his eyes.

Liu Xie recounted his experience before beheading Li Jue, and then looked at Jia Xu quietly.

Jia Xu was silent for a while, then said with emotion: "Your Majesty's ambition is so great that I cannot guess it. I take back what I just said."

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