Chapter 232 "Xanadu"

Thinking of this, Song Mingting's eyes turned cold, and without hesitation, he launched the Yongzi Eight Swords to kill him, while Ji Wanqiu looked at Song Mingting thoughtfully, and then continued to attack.Ad-free site.

Facing the siege of the two masters of the Melting Moon Stage, Mi Mei could no longer overthrow the sky, and soon after, she revealed her true form and began to flee in embarrassment.The original shape of Qi Mei is a monster with a human face and a leopard body, with dark blue hair, a clouded leopard pattern, and one hand and one foot.

Ji Wanqiu made a soft sound, and the endless sea of ​​flowers rushed out, submerging the evil spirits, the black light erupted, and the Shanquan sword caught up like an arrow from the string, and the sword took its head. This time, the evil spirits could never heal their bodies again and turned into countless green The smoke disappeared, leaving behind a green inner alchemy.

Song Mingting withdrew the Shanquan sword, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

"Sister Wanqiu."

The Peach Blossom Demon knew Ji Wanqiu, and after seeing Ji Wanqiu and Song Mingting team up to kill Mi Mei, she called out timidly.

But Ji Wanqiu didn't talk to her immediately, after nodding to her, he turned and looked at Song Mingting.

She smiled and explained: "I discovered early in the morning that the people in the city might have been sucked to death by the evil spirit, so they entered the peach blossom miasma, to see if I can find it, so as not to break the tranquility here life."

"It's just that I didn't expect that Yaoyao's real target was Yaoyao. If the young master hadn't arrived in time, Yaoyao might be in danger. I'm here to thank the young master for Yaoyao."

Song Mingting talked about him from left to right, smiled at Ji Wanqiu, and said, "Keep it secret for me." It was rare to show the vigor of a young man.

Ji Wanqiu was startled, then smiled, this smile really bloomed like a spring flower.

"it is good."

After laughing, Ji Wanqiu turned to look at Taoyao, said with a half smile but not a smile: "Okay, Yaoyao, I didn't expect you to have such a treasure as 'Xanadu', and you even kept it from me."

"I..." Tao Yao muttered, her face flushed red all of a sudden.

"Okay, it's right not to tell others that you are carrying such a treasure, and you must remember this in the future," Ji Wanqiu said without being really angry, seeing Taoyao's shameful expression.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Song Mingting again, and said, "Come with me."

Tao Yao nodded obediently, and the two walked into the peach forest together.

Song Mingting adhered to the principle of not listening to indecent words, turned his back, and pretended to be watching the scenery from the sidelines.Soon, Ji Wanqiu and Peach Blossom Demon finished their conversation and came out from the forest.

"Young master." Ji Wanqiu called softly.

Song Mingting turned around.

Ji Wanqiu pulled back her skirt and smiled, and said: "The little girl's surname is Ji, and her name is Wanqiu. This is my younger sister, and her name is Taoyao. I don't know what you should call me?"

"Song Mingting." Song Mingting smiled back at her.

"Master Mingting," Ji Wanqiu said with a smile.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, Song Mingting interrupted her: "Just call me Mingting, can I call you Miss Wanqiu?"

Ji Wanqiu was taken aback.

Because most of the disciples of the big sect are innocent, although compared with the big sects such as Taishangzong, Chunyangzong, Dari Temple, Fengleijianzong, and Shechao Jiange, Guizang Jiange's attitude towards them, these demon cultivators, is not too cruel. But it's just not cool, if you want to say how friendly it is, it's not there.

So from Ji Wanqiu's point of view, most of the true disciples of the great faction like Song Mingting are unwilling to have anything to do with their demon cultivators, so she wisely didn't say "You can call me Sister Wanqiu" to get close.

Unexpectedly, she didn't deliberately try to get close, but Song Mingting took the initiative to bring it up, which surprised her quite a bit.Reminiscent of the previous events, Ji Wanqiu became more and more sure that Song Mingting did have great kindness towards her.

It's just that where Song Mingting's kindness came from, she was completely at a loss, because she had never seen Song Mingting before.

Ji Wanqiu reacted quickly, and after being taken aback, he smiled: "Of course."

Song Mingting smiled heartily, smiling like the breeze under the moon.

He continued: "Sister Wanqiu, I will send Elder Yanxia to arrive soon, this place is no longer a safe place, you should leave as soon as possible if possible."

Ji Wanqiu nodded, and then said: "This is exactly what I want to discuss with you. Now that the incident in Taohua City is getting bigger and bigger, and Yaoyao's 'Xanadu' has been exposed again, if I continue to stay here, I'm afraid I will Very dangerous."

Ji Wanqiu paused at this point, and then continued: "So, I want to ask Ming Ting to take care of Yaoyao. My husband and I live without a fixed place, so it's inconvenient to take care of Yaoyao."

Of course, this is only one of the reasons, the more important reason is that she concealed her identity and cultivation level in front of Zhao Canshang, and it would be easy to be exposed if she brought Taoyao by her side.

Song Mingting was slightly taken aback, because although he was determined to win the "Xanadu", he never thought that Ji Wanqiu would persuade Taoyao to take the initiative to give him the "Xanadu".

But after he thought about it for a while, he figured out why Ji Wanqiu did that.

I'm afraid Miss Wanqiu saw his determination to win the "Xanadu", in order to avoid possible embarrassing scenes in the future, and to make him accept his love, she simply proposed to give him the "Xanadu".Song Mingting thought so in his heart.

Thinking of this, Song Mingting's heart sank, and he solemnly promised: "I will definitely protect Taoyao's safety."

Then he said: "Miss Wanqiu, let's go out first."

It is really risky to stay here, who knows if Su Ningshuang and the others will come in suddenly, and when he sees the traces of the battle here, he is afraid that he will be speechless.

Ji Wanqiu obviously knew what Song Mingting was worried about, smiled knowingly, and asked Taoyao to let them out.

When "Xanadu" was about to be released, Song Mingting said: "Also, later I want to ask Miss Wanqiu to help me with a scene."

Seeing that Ji Wanqiu was puzzled, he explained: "Otherwise I suddenly disappeared and reappeared, there is no way to explain it."

As smart as Ji Wanqiu, he immediately understood what Song Mingting was saying.

"no problem."

The "Xanadu" shrank suddenly, and Song Mingting and the three returned to the valley. When the "Xanadu" shrank, Ji Wanqiu cast an illusion at the right time, enveloping the three of them.

"Yaoyao, give 'Xanadu' to Ming Ting." Ji Wanqiu said while wiping the dirt off Taoyao's face.

Tao Yao responded in a low voice, then spit out a peach-red peach pit.The peach stone is like jade, with a pink halo glowing in the night, delicate and magnificent.

With Song Mingting's composure, it is inevitable that there will be a burst of excitement in his heart at the moment: This is "Xanadu"!

Tao Yao smiled timidly at Song Mingting, and then handed "Xanadu" to Song Mingting.

She was born in "Xanadu", but "Xanadu" hadn't fully conceived and matured before, so she could only go out of "Xanadu" to stroll outside, but couldn't carry "Xanadu" with her until Last night, "Xanadu" really came of age.

The mutation of Peach Blossom Miasma also occurred because "Xanadu" was about to mature.

As for that evil spirit?In fact, it has been pestering her for a while.

In the past, she escaped by escaping into the "Xanadu".So after encountering the opponent again tonight, she escaped directly into the "Xanadu" without even hitting him.

But what she never expected was that whether it was because Qi Mei had learned a new spell or because "Xanadu" had just formed a bit unstable, in short, after she entered "Xanadu", the other party also followed in.

After that, what happened next.

Chapter 233 News of the Ice Soul Clone

Song Mingting took over "Xanadu", until now he is a little unbelievable: he can also encounter such great luck?

I think he has never encountered such a good thing in his "last life".Thinking of his "previous life", which one of those opportunities did not come from his hard work?There are many that he even risked his life to fight for.

To get such a supreme treasure as "Xanadu" so easily like today, that was something he never dared to imagine.

Of course, looking at it from another perspective, in his "last life" his talent was so mediocre, but he died at the end, and finally even became a master at the peak level of my Dao period. This is also a kind of strong luck.

"Taoyao, don't worry, I will take good care of you from now on." Song Mingting said seriously.He rarely promises, but when he does, he does it with all his might.

Taoyao responded in a low voice, she was pure in nature, she didn't think that "Xanadu" was such a great treasure.It was just a subconscious behavior to conceal from Ji Wanqiu before, but now that Ji Wanqiu asked her to hand over "Xanadu" to Song Mingting, she also gave it.

"The effect of the Moon Perishing Pill is about to pass, Taoyao, I am wronged that you enter the 'Xanadu'," Song Mingting first said to Taoyao, then turned around and called Ji Wanqiu, "Sister Wanqiu!"

Ji Wanqiu nodded to show that she knew what to do, and Tao Yao obediently entered the "Xanadu".

Ji Wanqiu cast a spell, countless green plum petals rolled towards Song Mingting, and Song Mingting flew a sword and slashed on the sea of ​​flowers.

The sea of ​​flowers erupted, and Song Mingting flew out of the range of the illusion with the force of the shock.With a bang, Song Mingting stepped on the ground and dragged for more than ten feet before finally stopping his figure.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed Yan Yuning, and she rushed over quickly.

"Brother Ming Ting, where did you go just now? Why did you suddenly disappear?"

After Yan Yuning finished speaking, her eyes fell on the circle of Moon Perishing Gang Qi in front of Song Mingting, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

"It's the fox demon. She cast an illusion to capture me, but she probably didn't want my life, but wanted to ask me about our next plan for Guizang Jiange. Fortunately, I woke up in time. , I was able to escape after taking the Moon Perishing Pill." Song Mingting opened his eyes and said nonsense.

While speaking, the Yueyi Gang Qi around him became weaker and weaker. Obviously, the effect of the Yueyi Pill was about to wear off.

Ji Wanqiu withdrew the illusion, and she glanced at Song Mingting and Yan Yuning with anger and anger, and then said: "Forget it, I can't afford to offend you and return to the Jiange, can't I hide?" After finishing speaking, Ruyi Floating away like a cloud.

Yan Yuning wisely didn't chase after her, but at this time, Su Ningshuang also arrived.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" Su Ningshuang flew down and asked.

There was a trace of anxiety in the cold voice.

"It's okay, I was accidentally captured by that fox demon just now," Song Mingting replied, "But that fox demon didn't mean to kill me, so I didn't suffer any injuries."

Su Ningshuang breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister Ningshuang and Junior Sister Mianyu, I made you worry." Song Mingting apologized.

"Senior Sister Ningshuang, what about Mi Mei?" Yan Yuning interjected at the right time.

"Killed by me," Su Ningshuang said, and couldn't help frowning after she finished speaking, "But it should be just an incarnation of Qi Mei. After being beheaded by me, it turned into a burst of green energy and disappeared."

"Then what should we do next?"

"Stay for a few more days, wait for Master Yanxia to come, and see if you can catch Mi Mei." Su Ningshuang said after pondering for a while.

Taoist Yanxia was very fast, and he arrived the next day. He searched carefully in Taohua City and Taohua Mountain for a whole day, but he found neither Qi Mei nor Ji Wanqiu. In addition, the mutation of Peach Blossom Miasma also began to subside, so finally , this matter will be left alone.

However, Song Mingting and the others' tasks were still considered completed.However, because the real Mi Mei was killed by Song Mingting, others didn't know about it, so the task level this time has not been raised, and it is still the original second sword level.

Guizang Mountain, Zhongshu Peak.

Song Mingting and Zhang Hualing finished the task together, came out of the Poxie Pavilion, and ran into a group of people head-on. He heard someone whispering from the opposite side: "Senior Brother Wan Zhong, what happened to the grandson of Qishan Snake? Did you catch him?" Didn't he?"

Song Mingting instantly raised his ears.

One of the people in the opposite group was none other than Lu Wanzhong who participated in the roundup of Bing Po's clone some time ago.

A look of distress flashed across Lu Wanzhong's face, he shook his head and said, "Not yet, the last time the disciple of Qishan Snake Lord and Sun was in the territory of the Evergreen Sect, but when we rushed back, that person had already left , It is said that they went to the Ice Field Sea."

"So that person never appeared again?" asked the person next to him.

"Yes, we searched for two full months after that, but we didn't find any clues. It's as if this person disappeared out of thin air." Lu Wanzhong's tone was a little dejected.

"It's not your fault. Searching for a person on the sea is much more difficult than searching for a person on land. Trying to track a person in the vast sea is like finding a needle in a haystack." The person next to him comforted.

"Yeah, so now the sect has almost given up. But this person is so cunning and cautious that I have never seen in my life. He can always leave before our people arrive. When we were in the Evergreen Sect, we even got the Evergreen Sect. Pai's assistance, just like this, let people run away, so cunning is really speechless." Lu Wanzhong finally sighed and sighed.

Obviously, although the positions are opposite, the performance of the "peer" of Bing Po Clone has completely convinced Lu Wanzhong.

While talking, the two sides have already approached.Lu Wanzhong stopped talking, and greeted Song Mingting and the others: "Hualing, did you just come back from a mission?"

Zhang Hualing replied with a smile: "That's right. I heard you talking from a distance just now. It seems that the matter of arresting the son and grandson of the Qishan Snake Lord did not go well?"

Although the matter of Qishan Snake Master's disciple and grandson was not publicized, it still spread in Poxie Pavilion, so Zhang Hualing also knew about it.

"Don't mention it! The cold wind was blowing on the sea of ​​ice for two whole months, and I didn't even see the other party's shadow," Lu Wanzhong said with a sad face, "By the way, Junior Brother Ming Ting, I heard that you are on mission this time." It's doing really well!"

Song Mingting laughed and said, "Senior Brother Wan Zhong has won the award."

At this time, Qian Mo on the side interjected: "Junior Brother Mingting, don't be modest. To be honest, when you first entered Poxie Pavilion, I was worried that you would be a hindrance! How could you think that it has only been a few months, and you will be a hindrance!" It’s just me, the world is so impermanent! Thinking about my young master, I’m only twenty-eight years old, so why do I feel that I’m getting old?”

He was born in a wealthy family before he went up the mountain, so he would occasionally call himself my young master, and this "occasionally" was usually when he said a witty joke.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, Song Mingting joked with a smile: "Then you looked like a warm-hearted big brother who welcomed me very much."

Hearing this, Qian Mo faltered pretentiously: "I'm being polite!"

Everyone laughed again, and the atmosphere was very harmonious for a while.But half a year ago, this was something that would have been unimaginable.

Chapter 234 Big Mouth Toad

Half a year ago, when they met Song Mingting, Zhang Hualing, Lu Wanzhong and the others would have nodded politely to him and called him "Junior Brother Mingting". It was impossible to talk and laugh with Song Mingting like this.

But now only half a year has passed, Song Mingting's popularity has undergone a qualitative change.

But this is actually not surprising, because Song Mingting himself is not a difficult character to get along with.

In the past, it was because he was too weak and had a low self-esteem in his bones, so he couldn't fit into the circle of Zhang Hualing, Lu Wanzhong and others at all.

But now, his strength has caught up to or even surpassed Qian Mo, Ji Changkong and the others, plus he intends to make friends with everyone, so naturally he can easily get a good popularity.

After chatting and laughing for a while, everyone left.

In the Ice Field Sea, the sky and the earth are vast, the waves of smoke are endless, and even the sea breeze that blows carries a bone-chilling chill that is very different from that of the Sea of ​​Giant Whales.

On the surface of the vast sea, a dark sword light shaped like a giant snake glides across the air and flies towards the north.

On the Viper Sword, the Ice Soul puppet has a dusty look on its face.Compared to a few months ago, the breath of the ice puppet is much weaker. Even though it is actually a puppet, it can still feel the strong sense of weakness emanating from the ice puppet at this moment.

Inside the ice puppet, Song Mingting tried his best to resist the urge to close his eyes from the depths of his soul, while continuously pouring "mana" into the Viper Sword.

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