So in order not to let people know his relationship with the Bing Po Doll, he must cut off all the relationship between the deity and the Bing Po Puppet, and erase all traces of the Bing Po Puppet from being discovered to turning into a clone, Only in this way can it be foolproof, so that no one can find out the clues.

However, it is very difficult to cover up the secrets and cut off the thread of fate, and it is impossible for non-real-level masters to do it.If he still has the strength of his "previous life", then there is no problem, he can cover up the secret by himself.But "this life" is not enough, "in this life" he has lost all his cultivation, and it is not enough to launch such a brilliant method.Therefore, he can only rely on external objects, and the external objects he relies on are fragments of the horoscope.

I have to say that the celestial horoscope is the most incredible magic weapon he has seen in his previous life and this life. He still can't believe that there is such a magic weapon in this world that can clearly weave a person's future for more than 100 years. fate!Such a heaven-defying magic weapon should never exist in this world!He couldn't imagine what kind of person with all-powerful means could refine such a magic weapon. It should be a realm beyond his imagination!

Therefore, the strength of the celestial horoscope is definitely at the level against the sky.Therefore, although the power of the fate chart has been almost exhausted due to his use, there is still some power left in the fragments of the fate chart, and with the help of the remaining power of fate in the fate chart, it is enough for him to cut off the body and the ice soul. The relationship between dolls!

After completing the first step, Song Mingting was in a good mood, and even the tight string in his heart was relaxed a little. Next, it depends on whether the actions of the Ice Soul puppet clone will go smoothly.

In a good mood, Song Mingting returned to Zhongshu Peak, and after paying the rewards for the mission, he returned to the Abode.However, he didn't stay in the monastery for a long time. After taking a bath, he went to Longcui Valley and started the essential practice every night.On the other side, the ice puppet took advantage of the darkness and headed southwest.

Early the next morning, Song Mingting came to Longcui Valley again. Just after finishing the morning practice, a pine-black sword light fell in Longcui Valley, but it was Song Qingyi who came over.Song Mingting stood up to greet him, and asked, "Brother, why are you here? What can I do for you?"

Song Qingyi chuckled, and then said, "I caught a rainbow horned pheasant, and I want you to try it."

Song Mingting was startled for a moment, and then suddenly moved in his heart.

The rainbow horned pheasant that his elder brother said was a kind of spirit beast in the melting moon stage.The strength of all adult rainbow horned pheasants can reach the melting moon stage.This kind of spiritual beast looks like a chicken, with a fat and round body, short wings, horn-shaped crown feathers on its head, and iridescent feathers all over its body, which is very beautiful.In addition, the meat of this spirit beast is very delicious, and it is a top-level ingredient.More importantly, the meat of the rainbow horned pheasant has a slight lifting effect on the root bone. After eating the rainbow horned pheasant, the root bone can be slightly improved.

But the rainbow horned pheasant is a kind of spirit beast, so its number is destined to be small. Not only that, the number of rainbow horned pheasants is also relatively small among spirit beasts.Therefore, the rainbow light horned pheasant is very rare, and it is rare to see it in ordinary times.It must be a stroke of luck for his elder brother to meet one.And after the senior brother caught the rainbow horned pheasant, he ran to him in a hurry. He used his toes to figure out that it was because the senior brother wanted to help him improve his bones as much as possible.After all, there are not many things in the monastic world that can improve one's bones.

He has always known that senior brother treats him very well, but every time senior senior brother treats him like this without asking for anything in return, he still feels very touched.

Chapter 94 Rainbow Light Pheasant

After Song Mingting was stunned for a while, he said cheerfully: "Okay, just a few days ago I hunted a cockscomb fire snake and picked two purple jade ganoderma lucidum, which happened to be used to make snake soup."

Song Qingyi smiled honestly, and while calling Song Mingting to go up the flying sword, he said: "Wait a minute, call the second junior, fourth junior, and fifth junior brother to try something new together, and I have to send some to the master, but it's a pity that the rainbow horn pheasant is so Big, or else I would have called Junior Brother Situ and Junior Brother Yang together."

Although the rainbow horned pheasant is a spirit beast of the melting moon period, it is not big in size, only a circle larger than an ordinary pheasant, but only weighs more than a dozen catties, unlike the cockscombed fire snake, which can easily weigh a hundred catties.For a pheasant weighing more than ten catties, it is a little bit reluctant to share among six people, and it is even less enough to call the boss Situ Ling and others.

Although Situ Ling and the others had a close relationship with them, Song Qingyi's first consideration was naturally his own brothers and sisters.

Xuansong sword flashed a pine-black light in the sky, and returned to Zhongshu Peak.The two went to Li Qingque's abode first, and it happened that Wei Kuangyuan was also there.When the two saw Song Qingyi and Song Mingting, they were both a little surprised.

Li Qingque asked his sword boy to pour tea, while Wei Kuangyuan asked, "Eldest senior brother, third senior brother, why are you here? Are you here to find fourth senior brother?"

Song Qingyi nodded, chuckled, and said, "I'm looking for you too."

Wei Kuangyuan and Li Qingque looked at each other in surprise, wondering why Song Qingyi came to find them.However, Song Qingyi is not a character who likes to show off, so he quickly revealed the answer: "I caught a rainbow horned pheasant, so I want to invite you to try it together."

Wei Kuangyuan showed a hint of doubt on his face. He obviously didn't know how precious the rainbow pheasant was, so he was very puzzled: Isn't it just a pheasant? Is it worth the senior brother coming here to let them try it together?

On the other hand, Li Qingque, who was at the side, had a look of surprise on his face.Compared with Wei Kuangyuan, his daily practice is much more serious, and his knowledge is wider, so Wei Kuangyuan doesn't know what the rainbow horned pheasant is, but Li Qingque does.It was precisely because he knew how precious the rainbow horned pheasant was that he had a look of surprise on his face.

At this time, Li Qingque's sword boy came up to serve tea.And taking advantage of this gap, Li Qingque had already told Wei Kuangyuan the preciousness of the Hongguang horned pheasant through voice transmission.Wei Kuangyuan was suddenly moved and didn't know what to say.

Song Qingyi didn't drink the tea on the side, and continued: "Also, the third junior brother hunted a cockscomb fire snake, and found two purple jade ganoderma, and said to make snake soup for everyone to eat."

Li Qingque and Wei Kuangyuan took a look at Song Mingting, and thanked them in unison: "Thank you, Third Senior Brother." After the two of them passed the previous monthly assessment, their relationship with Song Mingting became obviously closer.Although it is far from being intimate now, at least getting along is no longer as awkward and alienated as it used to be.

Song Mingting smiled, but did not speak.After that, the three of them went to find Chu Kuangge together.

People who drink well usually eat delicious food. Now that there is such a rare thing as rainbow horned pheasant to eat, of course Chu Kuangge would not refuse, he was simply overjoyed and agreed.

A few people first asked Jiantong to inform the Kitchen Pavilion, and asked the people from the Kitchen Pavilion to bring the lunch here, and then found a small stream, and began to process the ingredients.

Song Qingyi began to shed the hair of the Hongguang horned pheasant, while Song Mingting took care of the snake corpse.

First peel the skin, then dissect the belly, and then take out the snake gall and other things, with very quick hands and feet.The cockscomb fire snake is not a powerful monster, and its snake gall is not of much value, so Song Mingting took out the snake gall and threw it to Suyun Qingniao to eat—Suyun Qingniao is the natural enemy of snake monsters. Giving it the gallbladder of the Cockscomb Fire Snake would somewhat speed up the growth of the Suyun Blue Bird.

Wei Kuangyuan asked from the side: "Senior Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother, is there anything we can do for you?"

Song Qingyi even said no, but Song Mingting said a few places to help, because besides the rainbow horned pheasant, cockscomb fire snake and purple jade ganoderma, obviously other ingredients are needed to make a meal.

Wei Kuangyuan repeatedly agreed and did what Song Mingting said, while Li Qingque stepped forward to help silently.

At this time, Chu Kuangge remembered something, slapped his thigh and said: "By the way, how can there be no good wine at this time! Wait a minute, I'll get the wine." After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry, an excuse for being lazy What a great find.

Song Mingting shook his head with a broken smile, and continued to do what he was doing.After slicing off the internal organs of the cockscombed fire snake, he condensed the water into ice again, and directly condensed ice needles into the snake corpse, killing the parasites parasitic in the cockscombed fire snake.

Wild animals such as snake frogs have many insects in their bodies.Although with a monk's physique, even if he ate the cockscombed fire snake raw, nothing would happen, but it's all right, thinking of eating so many parasites, Xinzong still felt a little uncomfortable.So he simply killed all the parasites in the cockscombed fire snake first.

After killing the parasites and eggs in the Cockscomb Fire Snake with ice needles, Song Mingting secretly cast magic power to expel the corpses and eggs one by one.Then he washed the cockscomb fire snake, cut it into many pieces, then took the materials handed over by Wei Kuangyuan and Li Qingque, sprinkled cooking wine to marinate, remove the fishy smell, and then sprinkled various of seasonings.

On the other side, after Song Qingyi plucked the hair of the rainbow horned pheasant, he cut open the belly of the rainbow horned pheasant, and then began to dispose of the internal organs.He met this Rainbow Horned Pheasant yesterday when he was doing a mission. He was still underage, so he caught it by luck.Fortunately, he encountered a juvenile rainbow horned pheasant. If it was an adult rainbow horned pheasant, he would probably be powerless.Because the adult rainbow horn pheasant has the strength of the melting moon stage, with his cultivation base of picking the peak of the week, even if he masters the Dongxuan level powerful method like his mountain sword energy, it is impossible for the adult rainbow horn pheasant. opponent.

It is precisely because this rainbow horned pheasant is not yet an adult and only has the strength of Zhou Zhou's peak, so after a fierce battle, he was able to capture and kill it.

Song Qingyi left some edible organs, and discarded the rest.As a senior brother, he has been taking care of his juniors since he was a child. These things are not unfamiliar to him. In addition, he has traveled far away for several months. He needs to eat and sleep by himself, and his life skills have improved. Further improvement, so after this series of actions, hair removal, blood removal, disembowelment, belly dissection, and internal organs, he did it very skillfully, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is smooth and smooth.To Song Qingyi's surprise, Song Mingting was also proficient in doing these things.

Chapter 95

But Song Qingyi didn't think much about it. After he finished handling the rainbow horned pheasant, he put the hurriedly prepared rainbow horned pheasant aside, and then picked up the plucked feathers, intending to throw them away.At this time, Song Mingting who was on the side suddenly said, "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Song Qingyi didn't know why, so he raised the feather in his hand and said, "Throw it away, what's wrong?"

Song Mingting almost subconsciously put down what he was doing, ran to Song Qingyi and snatched the things from his hands, but after doing this, he froze, with a wry smile on his face.Because he suddenly realized that his previous life had a deeper influence on him than he thought.

He ran over to stop Song Qingyi from throwing away the feathers because they were useful.

Apart from its extremely delicious and helpful meat, the most valuable thing on the Rainbow Pheasant's body is its feathers.The feathers of the rainbow horned pheasant are crimson and colorful, beautiful and dazzling. These feathers can be used to make feather coats, and can also be used to make lupines. In short, it is a pretty good refining material, equivalent to spiritual grade material.

Especially that handful of crown feathers and those few feathers contain extraordinary energy, which can be used as a top-level spiritual-level material. If it is not in small quantities, it can be used to refine a top-level spiritual-level magic weapon .Therefore, even if the few crown feathers and feathers in front of you are not enough to be used as the main material to refine a top-notch spiritual-level magic weapon, it is still enough to raise the rank of a spiritual-level magic weapon.

Therefore, the feathers of the Rainbow Light Pheasant are of great value.

But it's just that the value is not small. The value of a handful of feathers in front of him is even equivalent to that of a purple jade ganoderma. It's nothing to throw away. It's not worth snatching it from Song Qingyi's hands at all.But there is no way, he was afraid of being "poor" in his previous life.

That's right, "poor" is afraid.

At the end of his previous life, he had been on the run for decades by himself, without the backing of a teacher or fellow practitioner, and he had to rely on himself for everything, and he had to support a monk to cultivate all the way to the peak of my Dao stage. The resources required are enormous.And he was alone at that time, and he had to raise everything by himself, so the resources for cultivation were naturally very scarce.

At that time, he fell into the anxiety of lack of cultivation resources for a long time, and he had to save everything. Over time, he developed the habit of careful calculation, excessive plucking, and unwillingness to let go of anything of value.

So right now the movement of him getting up and grabbing the feather was completely subconscious.After finishing, I feel sudden.Because the feathers of the rainbow horned pheasant need to be processed before they can be used to refine magic weapons, otherwise they are useless, and most people don't know this, which is why his senior brother wants to throw away the feathers.Even his elder brother doesn't know, but he knows, isn't it suspicious?

Besides, when did he snatch something from his senior brother?This is so unlike him!

However, Song Mingting was a former master after all, and his ability to control his emotions was not so strong, so the thousands of emotions and panic in his heart only lasted for a short moment, and after a moment, all these emotions and panic were suppressed.

"It's nothing, it's just that I read from the book that the feathers of this rainbow horned pheasant can be used to refine magic weapons after being processed, so I want to keep these feathers and use them to refine magic weapons at that time. Also, the rainbow horn The feathers of the pheasant should be used to enhance Fifth Junior Brother's tit sword energy." Song Mingting explained, without showing any clues on his face.

Song Qingyi and others naturally didn't have any doubts, and Wei Kuangyuan who was on the side was even more surprised and surprised: "Really? Third senior brother?"

Song Mingting nodded, and said, "I saw it in a senior's cultivation experience."

After hearing Song Mingting's words, Song Qingyi directly divided the feathers and handed them to Song Mingting and Wei Kuangyuan respectively: "Well, since it's useful, you can take it."

Song Mingting and Wei Kuangyuan were not pretentious, and after thanking them, they took the feather.Then, Song Mingting continued to deal with the Cockscomb Fire Snake.Afterwards, he seemed to inadvertently ask: "By the way, senior brother, do you know how to make a rainbow horn pheasant?"

Song Qingyi replied: "I looked for the recipe and read it."

Song Mingting asked him which cookbook he was reading, and Song Qingyi gave the name.

After Song Mingting heard the name of the recipe, he frowned. He pretended to hesitate for a while, and then said: "It's not impossible to do this, but you can't fully exert the effect of the rainbow horned pheasant on lifting the root bone. I saw another method in a certain cookbook, after cooking, it can bring out the effect of the rainbow horned pheasant better, senior brother, why don't I do it."

Song Qingyi had [-]% trust in Song Mingting, so upon hearing this, he handed the rainbow horned pheasant to Song Mingting: "Then you come, just tell me what you need me to do."

After Song Mingting took it, he replied: "At that time, big brother, you can help me control the heat." Then he called Jing Mo who was on the side, told him a lot of ingredients, and asked him to go to the kitchen cabinet to get some.

Jing Mo left at the sound, while Song Mingting began to deal with the rainbow horned pheasant.The reason why he said what he said just now was because he didn't want Song Qingyi to cook the rainbow pheasant. The reason was naturally what he said just now. His senior brother probably didn't know how to maximize the effect of the rainbow pheasant on improving its aptitude. possible play out.

Although he believes that his senior brother's cooking skills are definitely not bad, it is definitely not as good as him.Because his culinary skills have been accumulated over the past few decades, and his elder brother has only lived to 27 years. No matter how calm and careful he is in his work, he can't compare to him—it's hard to meet such a precious rainbow pheasant Of course, he hoped to bring out the full effect of the rainbow horned pheasant.

What he will do next, including the recipes, are all accumulated in his previous life, which can maximize the food effect of the rainbow horned pheasant and cockscombed fire snake.It is impossible for his senior brother to know this.So he could only take the job into his own hands.

At this time, Chu Kuangge finally came late with the wine.The others didn't ask him to help, and he was very embarrassed, just stood aside with a smile and looked lazy.

Song Mingting's action was very fast, he had already processed the cockscomb fire snake, put it into the cauldron and started to simmer it.In addition to the cockscomb fire snake, there are more than a dozen kinds of mushrooms including purple jade ganoderma lucidum in the tripod.In fact, the most precious ingredient in this cauldron snake soup is not the cockscomb fire snake, but the purple jade ganoderma lucidum. As a low-grade medicinal material, the purple jade ganoderma is far superior to the cockscomb fire snake.

As the slow fire simmered, the snake soup began to emit an aroma. It was okay at first, but later on, it was full of fresh aroma, and the aroma was almost fatal.Chu Kuangge and Wei Kuangyuan couldn't help but began to swallow their saliva. Even Song Qingyi and Li Qingque couldn't help but secretly swallowed their saliva because it was so fragrant.

Chapter 96 The Feast of the Pheasant Snake

While the cockscomb fire snake and mushrooms were being stewed slowly over low heat, Jing Mo had already brought all the ingredients that Song Mingting asked for from the Kitchen Pavilion.

The ingredients that Song Mingting wanted were common and not worth a lot of money, so Paochuge handed over the things to Jingmo very simply——if it was precious ingredients, Paochuge would not dare to give it to Song Mingting without authorization, but it was just these ordinary things. As for the ingredients, Paochuge was naturally happy to sell Song Mingting's face.

After getting the required ingredients, Song Mingting began to process the rainbow horned pheasant, and after a while, put the processed rainbow horned pheasant into another pot to cook.

Therefore, the tantalizing scent of snake meat and mushrooms is added with the scent of bird meat.The aroma became more and more attractive. Chu Kuangge and Wei Kuangyuan had already asked several times how long it would take before dinner.

So after another half an hour of cooking, Song Mingting finally announced that he was done, and it happened that at this time the people from the Kitchen Pavilion also delivered the food.Song Qingyi gave a bottle of Tiger Bone Pill to the handyman disciple who delivered the meal, as a thank you for his hard work.

Handyman disciples are different from true disciples like Song Mingting, and completely different from inner disciples.A handyman disciple, although called a disciple, is actually a handyman.These people have mediocre talents in cultivation, and they almost have no hope of picking up the week—let alone picking the week, many people can't even ignite the Taoist fire.

They stayed in Guizang Jiange to do handymen, and more things were done with a fluke mentality: they hoped that one day they could ignite the Dao Fire, and then open the Dao Aperture and condense the Dao Ding, so that they could worship the inner sect and become the inner sect of the sect. Sect disciples, if they are lucky enough to win the favor of an elder after this, they will go one step further and become the true disciples of the sect. Then they will really gain the Tao by themselves, and the chickens and dogs will ascend, and even ascend to the immortal world in the future possible.

However, this fantasy is only a luxury for most of the handyman disciples, and there are very few people who have really achieved this step.

Guizang Jiange has established a sect for more than 3000 years and more than [-] years, and has more than ten million disciples as handymen?However, among these tens of millions of people, none of them ascended to the Immortal Realm—not to mention ascending to the Immortal Gate, even none of them entered my Dao Stage. That's all.

Even so, this person is already a legend in the history of Guizang Jiange. It's not that this person's combat power is against the sky. There are 3000 immortals in the Feisheng Immortal Realm, and there are even more great masters who have reached my Dao stage, Yuanming stage, and Guiyi stage. The dates are simply not ranked.

But when it comes to his own legendary level, this person is far superior to all the masters in the history of Guizangjiange, Yuanming period and even Guiyi period.

Because from a handyman disciple to a master of date introduction, the difficulty is even several times more difficult than that of the true disciples of the major sects who have gone through the nine-fold thunder calamity and climbed to the fairy gate. Among the handyman disciples, there is only such a person who has done it. Naturally, his reputation is not ordinary.

The handyman disciple who delivered the food took the tiger bone pill and left with gratitude.

Tiger bone elixir is a top-grade legal-grade elixir, refined from tiger bones, it has the effect of strengthening the foundation and cultivating vitality, and it is beneficial to the practice of the Dao fire stage, the cave stage, and the Dao cauldron stage.Although the Tiger Bone Pill is only the lowest magic pill among the six ranks of Immortal, Dao, Xuan, Ling, Treasure, and Fa, it is already rare for the handyman disciple, so this handyman disciple is so excited.

The dinner sent by Paochuge is still a bowl of green bamboo rice, plus four dishes and one soup.The snake soup made by Song Mingting has a large vat full-the cockscomb fire snake is huge, and it is always boiled with a tripod, so naturally it cannot be served in a bowl.However, it is not difficult for Song Mingting and others to eat this big vat full of snake soup. A cultivator is full of energy and blood. The snake is gone.

Song Qingyi separated part of the Hongguangjiao pheasant meat and snake meat, then got up and said, "I'll take it to Master." After speaking, he left.After Song Qingyi left, the others didn't move their chopsticks. They didn't move until Song Qingyi came back.

Chu Kuangge took out the wine from his belt.

This time he did a bloodletting, and brought two jars of stove wine.Stove wine, like Moonlight White, is a spiritual wine. Although it is not as precious as Moonlight White, and its taste is not as good as Moonlight White, it is still a very rare wine, and ordinary monks may not be able to drink it in their entire lives.

Chu Kuangge poured a large bowl of wine for everyone, then raised the bowl and said, "Come on! Done! This is the first time our brothers and sisters sit down to drink together! We must have fun!"

This was indeed the first time that Song Mingting and his five senior brothers sat down to drink together, because among the five senior brothers, only Chu Kuangge was good at wine, and the other four were not very interested in wine.And in the past, the relationship between the five people was not too close, and each had its own "small group". I am alone, and most of the time I am immersed in my own little world.

Just five people were divided into three waves, and there would inevitably be some estrangement between them. In addition, no one started in the past, so naturally, the few people would not have the opportunity to sit down and drink together.

Feelings have to be dealt with, otherwise even if they occupy the status of brothers and sisters, they won't have deep feelings if they don't get along with each other for a long time.In fact, speaking of it, there is a large part of Song Mingting's reasons for this.Because Song Qingyi didn't overdo it before, as a big brother, he felt that he had the responsibility to let his brothers get along in harmony, so he really hoped that Song Mingting, Li Qingque, Wei Kuangyuan and the others could get closer.

But at that time Song Mingting felt inferior because of his mediocre aptitude and slow progress in cultivation.It would be fine if it was just low self-esteem, but while he was low self-esteem, he also had a strong self-esteem.So for the activities organized by Song Qingyi, he always pushes three obstacles and four obstacles.If he pushes back and forth like this, Li Qingque and Wei Kuangyuan naturally don't like to put hot faces on cold butts. After a long time, Song Qingyi will no longer bring up similar remarks.

This is also the reason why the two of them have been worshiped by Master Keji for several years, and their relationship with Song Mingting is only faint.

Chu Kuangge toasted and invited people to drink together, Song Mingting and others naturally had no reason to refuse.Song Mingting held the cup, gestured to Song Qingyi, Chu Kuangge, Li Qingque and Wei Kuangyuan respectively, then turned his head up and continued working.The strong wine passed through the throat, like a fire dragon, and went straight to the stomach.At this moment, Song Mingting only felt a stove appeared in his stomach, and his throat seemed to be on fire.

Chapter 97

Song Mingting couldn't help frowning because of the strong smell of alcohol, his whole face twisted.

He knows how to drink, but that was in his previous life.He hadn't touched alcohol much in his life, and the few times he had had alcohol was before his "rebirth", and he only drank light alcohol, never drinking strong alcohol.And Huolu wine is a famous strong wine, after drinking it, it feels like a stove is burning in the stomach, even the alcoholic and old-timers who have tasted all the fine wines in the world dare not drink too much at one time.Even though he has been mentally tempered by spirits in his life, his body has never been tempered by spirits. Of course he couldn't stand it for the first time.

Song Mingting's face was only distorted by the stove wine.Wei Kuangyuan was exaggerating. After he managed to swallow the wine, he couldn't help letting out an uncomfortable roar, and then he opened his mouth wide and breathed out: "This wine is too strong!" Tears came out for a while.

Song Qingyi silently moved a bowl of soup in front of him, and then handed a bowl of soup to Song Mingting and Li Qingque respectively.After Wei Kuangyuan took the soup, he gulped it down after a few sips.After drinking this big bowl of soup, I felt better and wiped away the tears from the corners of my eyes that were stimulated by the stove wine.

It was also because of his ability that he really drank a cup as Chu Kuangge said the first time he drank it.In comparison, Li Qingque was much more cautious, and only drank half of it. Although the corners of his eyes were also filled with tears from the wine, at least he was not as embarrassed as Wei Kuangyuan.

Chu Kuangge teased him with words: "Fifth Junior Brother, you can't do it, can't you bear it?"

Young people can't stand verbal stimulation the most. Wei Kuangyuan heard the words, even though his face was covered with tears from the alcohol, he still had his neck stuck, and said bravely: "Who said that? I can still drink, but I just accidentally choked on it." That's all!" Then he went to get the wine jar, wanting to pour another glass.

Song Qingyi stopped him: "Let's eat the vegetables first, you are still young, you can't drink wine too fast." After finishing speaking, he gave Chu Kuangge a sneaky look, blaming him for bringing such strong wine and deliberately teasing Wei Kuangyuan.

Chu Kuangge chuckled, without any fear.Song Qingyi's stare is really harmless. He has a generous personality, even a little simple and honest. He never loses his temper with his juniors, and his temper can be easily bullied, so he doesn't fear him at all.

"That's it, then I'll try the rainbow horned pheasant first." Although Wei Kuangyuan still had the innocence of a young man and couldn't be provoked, he was still clever, and he immediately borrowed the slope to get off the donkey after hearing Song Qingyi's words.He was really overwhelmed by that glass of stove wine.

At this time, Song Mingting reminded: "You should eat something else to hangover first, and then taste the rainbow pheasant, otherwise you won't be able to taste the taste of the rainbow pheasant." How strong is the stove wine?Wei Kuangyuan drank a glass in one gulp. He was afraid that the taste of wine was left in his mouth, so he immediately went to eat the rainbow horned pheasant. How could he taste delicious?

Wei Kuangyuan's eyes lit up: "That's right! Thank you, Third Senior Brother, for reminding me!" He scooped up a bowl of snake soup for himself and swallowed it whole.It is much more natural for him to talk to Song Mingting now, unconsciously with a bit of familiarity and intimacy.

Song Mingting had already eaten some other dishes first, so the taste of wine in his mouth had already faded a lot.So he held up a piece of rainbow horn pheasant meat.

Although the rainbow horned pheasant is only a spirit beast of the melting moon stage, it is rare to see, so even in his previous life, he had never tasted it.Now that he had a chance to taste the delicacy, he couldn't help but have some expectations for this famous mountain delicacy.

When the pheasant meat entered his mouth, the smell of the meat lingered in his nose for a moment, and Song Mingting couldn't help squinting his eyes.This taste is really wonderful, fresh and fragrant, neither soft nor hard, the degree of softness and firmness is just right, and the meaty aroma is very layered, it is simply wonderful.

He had tasted countless delicacies in his previous life, but he was still sure that the rainbow horned pheasant he ate today was definitely the most delicious thing he had ever tasted, and there were few things that could compare with it.If Song Mingting was like this, let alone others.Everyone closed their eyes, immersed in the feast of taste buds.After a while, Song Qingyi opened his eyes first.

"Ming Ting, when did you become such a good cook?" Song Qingyi couldn't help asking.

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