For a while, Jonas couldn't accept it.

"It's a f---ing counting money for someone to sell it!" Xiao En knew what was going on when he saw his appearance, and cursed angrily, "I don't have a brain at all!"

Jonas was stunned by the scolding.

Chapter 164: Is Jonas tired? What does Sean care about me?

Seeing Jonas' blank look, Sean didn't know how to explain the pros and cons for a while.

After frowning and sorting out his thoughts, he said: "This thing is called 'Emperor's Art', which is a difference in the structure of the management model."

"Most of the world's management structure is a 'pyramid'. For example, in the United States, it is a federal system. The mayor, the governor, and the president. The president has little authority over the governor, and the governor has little authority over the mayor."

"Such as 'separation of powers.'"

"Such as major companies, what kind of head office, subsidiary company, branch office..."

"The vast majority of management methods in the world are pyramid-shaped, one level manages the other level, and problems will not be leapfrogged."

"We call it democracy!"

"But in fact, the biggest purpose of this model is to prevent power from being too concentrated, and the phenomenon of "feudal emperors" who promise life and death with one word, and the most fundamental thing is "decentralization", which separates power from one person. The hands are scattered among the levels."

"It can not only prevent excessive power, but also prevent one person from being unable to think carefully, and the whole group will perish due to one person's wrong decision-making. There are many benefits, and I will not explain them one by one."

"However, no system in this world is perfect. Separation of powers and democracy are indeed very good, but they also bring about the biggest problem of 'dispersion of power.' They only care about their own self-interest, or simply oppose for the sake of opposition, serious internal fighting."

"It's like Congress, just fucking bickering all day long."

"And the corresponding to the pyramid model is the 'flat' management model, which is the so-called 'dictatorship', which is the 'one promise', which is our current model."

"There are more than 200 gang leaders below, and they are not affiliated with each other. Everything can only be decided by you."

"And once there are leaders in each city, then these leaders will manage the gang in the city, which will take away your power."

"The county magistrate is not as good as the current one. If it takes a little longer, the leaders of those cities will gradually grow up, and they will not lose their tail."

"It's like the European Middle Ages. The relationship between the king and the dukes and marquises below. The king can't promise everything. In the noble territories of those duchies and marquises, they are the gods. They can kill and kill with one word."

"Slowly, they will have the ability to rebel, and there will be calls for so-called 'democracy', just like the former Dimio Group, thinking that everyone will take turns to sit at the head of the group, and want to play a game What election."

"Why, do you think that one day the people below will clamor for elections, to choose a new boss!" Sean stared at Jonas with burning eyes, broke apart the key points and told him listen.

Jonas shook his head like a rattle, and now he finally understood.

In the current model, there are more than 200 gangs below, and each gang only manages 2 to 3 people. The power in their hands is very limited, and they have no ability to rebel.

There were too many people and they couldn't unite. Even if there were a dozen or twenty people who wanted to dance, Sean was sure he could send them to death at any time.

But once all the cities come out to take the lead, hehe, they are asking for trouble for themselves!

As for the problem of completely blocking the ascending channel...

Sean never left any upward channels for those guys, only a channel for them to go to heaven!

Whoever wants to go up, he definitely doesn't mind giving them a ride!

This flattened management method is simply beneficial, and Sean's control over the entire New Jersey state can go deep into every region.

Any troubles can't be hidden from him!

No one can shake the 'Jonas' family's rule in New Jersey!

He can mobilize the power of the whole state to do whatever he wants at any time, such as the last 'environmental protection campaign'.

If it were replaced by the former Dimio Group, they would not have enough control over the people below. It would be good if those families did not hold back Acomo. They would definitely not be able to mobilize the whole state, and they would never make such a big noise!

This is the gap in the model!

Of course, this will greatly increase Jonas' workload, and he will be exhausted every day, 997...

But, Jonas is tired, don't worry about my business, Sean?

Cough cough, this is called good news, do you understand good news?

There is no chance for others to want such great power.

Jonas did understand, but, "Head, but there are too many things now."

Jonas said to Sean with a bitter face, "You know, I don't have time to drink now, and I don't have time to pick up girls. I don't dare to watch the girl spread her legs while lying on the bed. I'm too tired."

Seeing Jonas' overworked appearance, Sean's face slowly turned red but he held back tightly.

Can't laugh!

"Pfft, scoff!" Sean endured and endured, and finally laughed out loud.

Looking at the peerless stunner Sharon Stone who was nestled beside Sean, Jonas' already dark face became even darker.

He always felt that Sean just wanted to see his jokes.

After laughing for a while, Xiao En finally stopped, coughed a few times and said: "This matter is easy to solve. Do you want to form a secretarial team to handle things in different levels? The secretarial team is by your side. They don't have much power in their hands. If you want to rebel It's easy to handle."

"Let's talk about it." A smile that any man could understand appeared on Sean's face, "If you have something to do as a secretary, if you don't have something to do as a secretary, right?"

Jonas rolled his eyes, and Sharon Stone was lying in Sean's arms with a smile.

"It's not that serious. The 'safe zone' near Jersey City is about to be built, and then you won't have so many things to do." Sean patted Sharon Stone's smooth thigh, "Exactly, Nothing to do today, let's go to the construction site."

After half an hour...

There is an impact plain near Jersey City in Newark, which is not very large.

Driving from Manhattan, New York through Jersey City is only 9 kilometers away, even if there is a traffic jam, half an hour is enough.

Last time Sean mentioned to Wells about building a safe zone, for which he also promised a lot of benefits.

Sean and his party arrived here, and Edward greeted them.

In order to build here, the entire team of Sean Construction Company has mobilized and tried every means to speed up the construction progress.

Here, Sean took 40 acres of land. For this land, Sean spent more than 500 million US dollars, and now Sean's cash flow is completely empty.

Now the funds for the construction here are all supported by the funds from Jonas.

Fortunately, the entire state of New Jersey has been won, and now the "Counterfeit Wine" can bring Sean more than 600 million US dollars in income every month, and the "private lottery" also has about 300 million. More than 200 million, this can support his current monthly consumption.

The business of fake wine is simply too lucrative!

However, Sean estimated that this matter may not last long.

Before, it was only done around Newark, and the scope was not too big, so it didn't attract too many people's attention.

Now it has expanded to the entire New Jersey state, which has caused some people to investigate.

After all, with such a large amount of 'smuggled wine' circulating in the market, there is no smuggling channel for Sean...

This is clearly abnormal!

It's easy for the government to say, if you can't find it, it's Sean's skill.

However, the major wineries and wine giants don't think so.

Has anyone bought from them, and is there anyone who knows better than them?

You didn't get the goods from me, so how did you get the goods?

Recently, Sean's people have killed several groups of people who were inquiring about this information in New Jersey...

Chapter 165: Safe Zones

This construction site has been working for more than two months. Jonas has known about it for a long time, but he has never been here except for a few times at the beginning.

On the one hand, it is busy, and on the other hand, there is really nothing to see in the dilapidated construction site.

Under the leadership of Edward, a group of people arrived near the construction site.

The entire construction site is in the shape of the word 'back', and there is no entrance on all sides.

Not only that, what surprised Jonas and Sharon Stone was that there was not a single window or door on the entire "Hui"-shaped outer wall!

All are surrounded by brick walls, firmly, without any gaps.

"This, this, why is it like this, how does this come in!" Jonas looked at Sean in astonishment.

"From the underground." Sean pointed to the six-story back-shaped building and said, "There are two entrances and two exits from the underground, which are respectively connected to the highway. People drive into the underground parking lot, and then enter through the elevator. Inside the building."

"In addition to these two entrances, there is another entrance and exit on the pier near the sea. In addition, the roof is a helipad, and you can also go directly to the sky, which is safer and more concealed."

"This is a 'safe zone'. What do you want windows and doors to do? If you keep them, there will be loopholes. I won't let people outside know what's going on inside."

"The inspections at the three entrances are very strict. No one can bring in cameras and recorders. This is the most secret place."

"The police are also allowed to enter here." The corner of Xiao En's lips curled up slightly, pointing at the construction site, with a look of high spirits.

"You told Wells?" Jonas asked.

"I'll leave him a house here, why doesn't he agree, besides, there won't be anything illegal here." Sean blinked at Jonas.

"I told him that what we want to create is an absolute safe zone. No matter what hatred there is outside, you must be honest when you enter here. Even if he kills your father and fucks your wife, you can only bear it. , want to kill someone, get out, otherwise, hehe!" Sean said coldly, everyone knew what he meant.

"Then what if criminals come in? It's impossible for the police not to arrest them?" Jonas asked with a frown.

"Of course it was thrown out!" Sean said as a matter of course: "I am a good citizen who abides by the law, how could I do such a thing of covering up criminals?"

Jonas is no stranger to Sean's shameless behavior, "It's easy to talk here in Newark. The police here are not familiar with us. They eat our food and don't talk too much, but what about the police outside? What if they sneak in and arrest people?"

"Throw it out!" Sean said with a smile.

"Huh? Throw it out?" Jonas didn't understand Sean's meaning, "Who are you throwing out?"

"Of course you threw the police out!" Sean looked at Jonas inexplicably. "Your question is stupid. This is the United States and Newark. How can police from other places have law enforcement power here?"

"If you don't have law enforcement power, you're afraid of being a bully. Just grab someone and throw them out. If you want to arrest someone, you can first go to the Newark Police Station to get law enforcement power, and then go to the district attorney to apply for a search warrant. Otherwise, Hehe, he's not even a fart!"

Jonas patted his forehead. He forgot about this matter. The police outside have obtained law enforcement authority in Newark. The police will definitely notify them as soon as possible, so there is no need to worry.

As for the district attorneys, they are all their own people, and they get consulting fees from them every month.

"Then...what about the FBI?" Jonas asked after thinking about it.

"If you bring a gun, you can't pass the security check. I bought several sets of airport security check equipment, and you can't bring guns and video recorders in." Sean said directly without thinking, "The FBI uses special guns. After inspection, immediately Just kick people out, don't welcome them in, keep their photos, and don't let them in again."

"And I have designed 8 escape routes in the building, all of which are specially designed. If someone really sneaks in, they can buy time to escape through the escape routes. If they can't escape, then no one can blame me."

"Escape route? This is too blatant!" Jonas' eyes widened.

"That's an 'escape channel' to prevent fires. What's the problem? The walls and doors are made of fireproof materials. I spent a lot of money on them. Even if the federal judge comes, I can't find anything wrong!" Sean laughed.

Jonas thought for a while, but couldn't find anything wrong, so he changed the subject and asked, "Then, how do you make money here?"

"You seem to have spent a lot of money on this?"

The corner of Sean's mouth twitched in distress, "It's more than 1000 million, I guess, if it's all down to 3000 million, it's unstoppable!"

"Why are there so many?" Jonas looked at Sean in astonishment.

A group of people entered the building, and Xiao En explained: "In the future, this place will become a large-scale trading area. Because it is absolutely safe, people who don't trust each other can come here to trade."

"Shops like veterinarians will be able to open here openly in the future, and those shady jobs can also be found here directly, and there is no need to buy goldfish for cover."

"When you come here to trade, open a private room to discuss whatever you want, no one knows what kind of business you are talking about, even if you want to hire a killer, even if you want to buy a certain company's secrets, even if you are some shady private meet."

"There will be no reporters here, let alone the police. Don't be afraid of the news leaking out. There are no fucking good people here."

"Of course, you can also avoid some hunting here. If someone really dares to do something here, then even if you die, the person who killed you will not be able to escape."

"Everything that a five-star hotel has is available here, all kinds of high-end guest rooms, all kinds of meeting rooms, where you can eat, drink and have fun. Of course, I will set aside some places as shops to rent out to those who need them. They can rest assured in the Some things that are not convenient to appear outside are traded here."

"I also divide the area here. People of different status basically don't appear in the same area."

"Tell me, how much does such a guest room and shop cost per day?" Sean looked at Jonas with a smile.

"Uh... It can't be lower than a five-star hotel." Jonas didn't know how much the price was right, but he knew that there would definitely be a lot of people.

Because there is no shortage of bad guys in this world!

There is no shortage of things that are not visible.

He manages gangs throughout New Jersey, so he has seen too many of these things.

If the safe zone is really established and recognized by everyone, then the business...

Make money every day!

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