Li Wei pointed to his own nose and smiled, he couldn't stand the scary gloomy faces of the three of them, so he had to enlighten them all the way to ease the oppressive and uncomfortable atmosphere.

Xiao Xiaoxiao glanced at him, didn't say anything, just sighed.

Wu You also sighed, and even Little Six also sighed surprisingly.

None of the three said anything, but the three sighs in succession also showed his intentions. This matter was too risky to do.

"Okay, okay, don't make it look like I owe you money and don't pay it back. Don't worry, I am a gentleman, and a gentleman does not build a dangerous wall. This is a famous saying through the ages. How can I forget it?"

Li Wei used to raise his arms to hug someone, but suddenly realized that the person walking beside him was not the dog-headed military master Wu You, so he coughed a few times in embarrassment.

The rare thing is that Xiao Xiaoxiao didn't go crazy, but just lowered her head, her smooth and clean cheeks were full of touching blush, and she was extraordinarily charming.

Li Wei and his party rushed all the way, arrived at Pingtang Pass in the evening of the third day, and settled down to rest at a secret stronghold of the Military Intelligence Department.

Along the way, the black-clothed secret agents and the intelligence personnel of the Military Intelligence Department who rushed ahead continued to report back the information they found.

At this moment, the prince tried to rebel and was punished, the Tang king was furious, and the news of wantonly purging the prince's civil servants and military generals had spread to Pingtangguan. , but at a loss what to do, the family members are in Beijing as hostages, they dare not make any changes, they can only wait for the imperial decree to arrive in fear.

Their subordinates were equally panic-stricken. Even if the king of Tang did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, their superiors would definitely be replaced, and the new superiors would surely use their cronies, and their official careers would probably end there.

Rumors are flying all over Pingyong, and people are panicking.

On the night when Li Wei arrived at Pingyong Pass, he met Teng Shengwen, the general of the Pingyong City Guard.

Pingyong Pass was originally a pass of the Qin Empire, but was forcibly occupied by the Tang Empire. The people of the Qin State under the original rule were enslaved, but they dared not speak out because of the powerful force of the Tang Army.

The Teng family was one of the prominent families in the original Qin Pingtang. Teng Shengwen's father, Teng Yi, used to be the magistrate of the Fuya county.

Teng Shengwen has been good at martial arts since he was a child, he has practiced martial arts well, and his art of war is quite excellent. He was conscripted by the generals guarding the pass of the Tang army. Originally, he was from Qin and could not be reused, but the new general guarding the pass, Mo Wu, appreciated him. He was promoted to general of Zhonglang and took charge of a school of soldiers and horses because of his extraordinary talents.

Teng Shengwen's body is still full of the blood of the Qin people. The land fell, and his brothers and sisters were bullied and humiliated by the Tang people, which made him very sad and indignant. Li Gang never forgot to regain the lost land, and sent a large number of secret agents to lurk in the city. Many people also mixed into the army.

The lurking inner guard spy secretly observed Teng Shengwen for a long time, confirmed that he still belonged to the Qin Empire, and found him. Since then, Teng Shengwen has become an important chess piece for Li Gangbu in Pingtang Pass .

Out of safety considerations, Li Wei met with Teng Shengwen as a counselor, while Wu You transformed into the person in charge. Although this guy's appearance is wretched, but as a right-handed military officer offering wine, he is considered as an official in the Qin court. In a high position, the aura is still quite big.

The information provided by Teng Shengwen was roughly the same as that found by the intelligence officers of the Military Intelligence Department. All the civil servants and generals in Pingtang Pass were panicked. No one knew what fate was waiting for them. Resign and leave.

"General Teng, how many people are available under your command?"

Li Wei asked, although the civilian and military generals in Pingtang Pass were panicked, there was no solution to the large-scale purge under Tang Wang Longyan's wrath. Perhaps, they could only take risks.

The geographical location of Pingtangguan is very important to the Qin and Tang empires, but not to the Qin empire, this is not just a strategic issue of the gate barrier, its symbolic significance is even more important, and it shows to the mainland empires that the empire has changed. After many years of weakness, it rises again, inspiring soldiers and inspiring people.

There are more benefits in the details, as long as you only need to hold on to this dangerous pass, you can greatly reduce the pressure on Ningyuan Guan Ninggu City and Jincheng, and even reduce the troops stationed in Ningyuan Dao, and save the military expenditure of heavily guarding Ningyuan Dao every year , I can have a lot of room in my hand.

Moreover, guarding the Pingtang dangerous pass can also exert great pressure on the two counties of Baimo and Changchuan, and the probability of recovering the two cities will increase a little bit.

The two counties of Baimo and Changchuan originally belonged to the territory of the Qin Empire, and they were also the southern gateways of the Qin Empire. After being seized by the Tang Empire, the southern borders were opened. Rebuild the two cities of Jingu with manpower in strategic key places, and reshape the southern border gateway of the empire.

The geographical locations of Baimo and Changchuan counties need to be emphasized. For the Qin Empire, the two counties are the double gates to the southern border, while for the Tang Empire, they are strategic points for invading the hinterland of the Qin Empire at any time. It's not a gate barrier. On the opposite side of the two counties is the rolling Wulong Mountains. The mountains are steep. Tang Ting only built a few castles and fortresses on the mountains. A small number of soldiers and horses stationed there are enough to resist thousands of troops.

It is precisely because of the steepness of the Wulong Mountains, the rugged and difficult mountain roads, and the transportation is very inconvenient. The commercial road and logistics transportation basically have to go through the Pingtang Pass. Two off the throat.

To regain Pingtang's dangerous pass, apart from sending a large number of secret spies to infiltrate and buy Lalong, the most important thing is naturally the collection of intelligence.

Li Wei knew very well about the deployment of the troops of the Pingtang garrison. There was a standing army of 1 people stationed at Pingtang Dangerous Pass all the year round, and the more than 200 clerks in the county government could be ignored.

The standing army has a quota of 1 people, but it actually includes 500 logistics and auxiliary soldiers, plus the empty pay for officers at all levels. After deducting these, there are actually only about 7000 real soldiers However, once a war breaks out, the defenders will recruit the young and strong in the city to help defend the city, and the number of troops can skyrocket to 6, [-], or even more.

Li Wei now particularly wants to know how many soldiers loyal to Daqin are under the control of Teng Shengwen, an old spy who has been lurking for many years. The more he controls, the stronger the strength of his side will be. In contrast, the strength of the guard Mo Wu The more it decreases.

"If there are no accidents, I believe that I can control the soldiers and horses of this school."

Teng Shengwen bowed his head in thought for a while before answering.

"Are you sure?"

Li Wei was a little bit surprised, Teng Shengwen was reused by Mo Wu, the official worshiped Zhonglang general, and he was in charge of a school of soldiers and horses. There is no specific limit on the number of soldiers and horses in a school. Generally, it is 10002000 to 1500 people. A school controlled by Teng Shengwen Soldiers are [-] people.

In other words, the 7000 soldiers under Mo Wumo are actually only about 5500. If you count the subordinates of the mid-level and lower-level officers who were bribed, the number of soldiers in Mo Wumo's hands is actually less than 5000.

For the other side, this is a great thing. This unexpected information surprised Li Wei. Although the expression on Teng Shengwen's face was very serious, he still couldn't help but want to confirm it again.

Seeing the young master smiling so happily, Wu Youxiao and Xiao Liuzi's expressions became more and more gloomy.

2 Chapter Sixty

Although the three of them dare not say that they understand the young master's character very well, they do understand the young master's behavior style to some extent.

Strategies can be divided into scheming and conspiracies, and soldiers can also be divided into regular soldiers and strange soldiers. The young master always likes to use surprises and surprise soldiers, and defeat the enemy by surprise. The more soldiers Teng Shengwen has in his hands, the more dangerous the young master's military operations The more likely it is.

As a last resort, Xiao Xiaoxiao had no choice but to wink at Teng Shengwen desperately, but unfortunately, Teng Shengwen failed to understand her kindness.

"A certain person is willing to guarantee the head of the project."

Teng Shengwen slapped his chest loudly. As long as he killed a few officers from the Tang Dynasty, he would have full confidence in controlling the [-] soldiers under his command.

"In these years, you father and son have been wronged."

Li Wei was very satisfied. In fact, what Teng Shengwen said was basically consistent with the intelligence that the secret spy found. The Teng family endured the humiliation and devoted their lives to Daqin loyally. How could he doubt what Teng Shengwen said.

"My Teng family was born as a Daqin native, and died as a Daqin ghost."

Teng Shengwen's eyes turned red, and tears filled his eyes. Over the years, he has helped the people of Tang to bully the people of the original Daqin, and he has been burdened with countless infamy. I don't know how painful it is. Li Wei's words made him feel a lot of emotion and depression. All the grievances and pains in the depths of my heart turned into blood in an instant.

"Mr. Li, the Tang court is currently in turmoil and people are panicking. It is a good time to recover Pingtang Pass in one fell swoop."

Not only did Teng Shengwen fail to understand Xiao Xiaoxiao's good intentions, on the contrary, he also excitedly stated the reasons for regaining Pingtang Dangerous Pass. Those with connections are busy entrusting connections, those with connections are busy looking for connections, some are sweet officials with seals, and some are sick at home. There are not many officers on duty in the army, and it is easy to control the army.

Pingtang Dangerous Pass has about [-] people, most of whom are ordinary people from the original Daqin. During the years when the Tang people ruled Pingtangguan, they did not hesitate to bully the people of Daqin. Dare to be angry and dare not speak out, as long as you climb up and shout, the people of Daqin will definitely respond. As long as the plan is proper, it should be feasible to seize the city. As long as the army reinforces in time, defending the city is not a problem at all.

These words made Li Wei's heart come alive. He pondered for a long time, analyzed various possibilities, and couldn't help but be moved.

He is not a gambler, and has always believed in the golden rule that a gentleman does not build a dangerous wall, but sometimes he gambles and takes risks, and the rewards are still great.


The more Wu You watched, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he almost slipped his mouth in a hurry. Fortunately, he was quick-witted, and he covered his cheek with his hand and took a breath, "Oh, toothache... so uncomfortable..."

Teng Shengwen didn't care, but kept staring at Li Wei, the fake Li Junshi, his eyes were full of expectations. If Li Junshi could be persuaded, the plan to win the Pingtang dangerous pass was at least [-]% to [-]% passed, although in the end it was still It is up to the leader of the witch to make a decision, but Li Junshi will definitely be able to influence his decision-making.

"Let me think about it."

Li Wei pondered for a long time before he spoke his decision. Teng Shengwen let out a helpless sigh, his face was full of disappointment, and Xiao Xiaoxiao Wuyou and Xiao Liuzi breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Li Wei's subsequent plans made Teng Shengwen immediately hopeful, and also made Xiao Xiaoxiao and the other three feel tight again.

Although Li Wei still had some entanglements in his heart, he still did not give up his plan to take advantage of the chaos to recover the dangerous pass of Pingtang. He not only ordered the spies lurking in the city to step up their investigations, but also ordered Jinglei's various action teams to move closer to Pingtang City and stand by. Send a letter to Chang'an, informing his father Li Gang to make preparations for a raid on the city.

It didn't take long for Li Gang to receive the news, and immediately summoned a group of confidants to discuss the matter, and prepared for any opportunity that might arise at any time. He was determined to recover the lost ground, especially the most important Pingtang dangerous pass, so he naturally refused to miss the opportunity.

He wasn't worried about his son who had always acted like a monster. His son's style of acting had always been to seek stability, and he believed that he would not be able to stand on his own this time.

However, the war was launched during the spring plowing season, the timing was wrong, which affected people's livelihood, and the food and grass raised were not sufficient, but successive orders were still issued from the prime minister's mansion, and the army began to gather under the pretext of military exercises, but it would take a certain amount of time. Those who can act immediately are the special Yebushou and the black guard's secret agent in charge of the action dragon group mastered by Ding Xi, the leader of the black guard.

After Ding Xi took over the special nights, he expanded the number of special nights to 2000 people. However, Zhang Fenghua, the deputy commander, took away 500 people. Li Wei went to Jindu County, and he sent another 500 people to guard secretly. The next 1000 people.

However, he imitated the alternative special training method of not accepting special nights, and expanded the black-clothed guard dragon group that was really in charge of him and was responsible for operational matters to 3000 people. There were still 1000 personnel, and he sent 500 to support Li Wei.

Before the team set off, Ding Xi had a special training session, all of which were conducted in accordance with the training outline written by the young master. Weapons and equipment, salary and other treatment were not below the special night fee, and there were individual treatment even better than the special night fee. You must be good, you must perform well, and you must not lose to Special Yebushu, whoever embarrasses him, don't blame him for turning his face and refusing to recognize anyone.

At Ding Xi's order, 1000 special Ye Bu Shou and 500 black-clothed guards set off for Pingtang Pass immediately, using various identities as a cover to cross the border. As for equipment, weapons, etc., they will be transported by the Universal Chamber of Commerce. .

In the past two days, Li Wei and others spent the unbearable waiting. The spies scattered in the city desperately sent back the information they found. Or the local vigilance is in vain, the soldiers took the opportunity to blackmail and other disturbing incidents increased exponentially, and some people who resisted were even injured and killed, and the anger in the hearts of the people almost reached the breaking point.

For Li Wei, the harder the Tang people bully the original Qin people, the greater the public anger, the better. When the battle to seize the city starts, God knows how many people from the original Qin will spontaneously pick up weapons and join the battle to attack the Tang army.

For the past two days, Li Wei and others have been hiding in the secret stronghold of the Military Intelligence Department, desperately watching and analyzing the intelligence sent back by the spies, and studying the tactical deployment based on the city defense map provided by Teng Shengwen.

In the evening of the second day, a total of 520 people from the five combat teams of Operation Thunder arrived outside Pingtang Pass, scattered and hidden in several farms outside the city. These farms were all secret strongholds set up by the Military Intelligence Department near Pingtang Pass , there is not only a large amount of food and grass stored in it, but also a lot of weapons and equipment, enough to equip an army of 1500 people in a school.

At noon on the third day, the 1000 Special Yebushou and the 500 Black-clothed Dragons arrived, and they also hid in the farm outside the city to wait for orders.

Also arriving at the same time is a caravan from the Universal Chamber of Commerce. The caravan is huge, with a total of more than a hundred trucks. Except for the whip driver who drives the car, there are only a hundred people in the guards protecting the merchants. The mission of this trip is to cover the business. Transport weapons and equipment into the city.

The Four Seas Chamber of Commerce has become famous in the empires of the mainland, and has business contacts with many aristocratic families in the major empires. It is basically unimpeded to pass the checkpoints, and the soldiers guarding the gate do not dare to make things difficult. Putting money into their hands made the soldiers so happy that they couldn't close their mouths, but any caravan with the flag of the Universal Chamber of Commerce was just a symbolic "inspection".

At this time, in addition to the 1500 personal guards, Li Wei currently has 500 people in the special night group, 500 people in the black guard dragon group, 1500 people in the Jinglei combat group, plus a school of soldiers and horses controlled by Teng Shengwen. [-] people, not counting the number of soldiers under the control of some bribed lieutenant officers. At this time when people are in panic and the army is scattered, they have already caught the city by surprise and seized the strength of the city.

But the time is not yet fully ripe, Li Wei is still waiting for the action of his father Li Gang, the best time to act is once the army is assembled.

At noon on the fifth day, a gray carrier pigeon flew into the city, circled a few times in the sky, and landed in an inconspicuous house.

When Wu You unfolded the emergency information presented by the guards, his face turned pale.

Chapter 261 The Situation Sudden Change

"Master, it is easy to regain Pingtang Pass, but it is a bit difficult to hold it."

Wu You said with a smile, what he said was indeed the truth. At this time, it is much easier to seize the Pingtang dangerous pass, but next, he must face the crazy counterattack of the Tang army. The time for the arrival of the domestic reinforcements is decided An important factor in whether the city can be defended.

"What do you want to say?"

Li Wei frowned and asked, he felt that his words were a bit out of style, and he even wanted to trick him.

"With the current strength, it may be difficult to hold on to the city. Therefore, my subordinates have the courage to urge the young master to go back and summon reinforcements from the army, and the subordinates will be responsible for commanding the capture of the city."

Wu You rubbed his hands together, and revealed his real purpose. The news of Feige's urgent report just now made him feel deeply disturbed. Ying Yanglang's general Ji'an has left Beijing by order, and led three hundred guards to Pingtang Pass.

It was already three days later when the potential intelligence personnel obtained and confirmed the news. According to the fastest footstep calculation, Ji'an arrived at the evening of the day after tomorrow at the latest, that is to say, they still have a day and a half.

Once the young master knows the news, he will definitely order to seize the city tonight. Wu You didn't report to Li Wei directly, but first communicated with Xiao Xiaoxiao. Because he was worried about his safety, he had to come up with this not-so-smart trick and urged Li Wei to go back. There is another reason for moving the rescuers. If he comes forward to move the rescuers, the time for the reinforcements to arrive will be faster.

"Has the situation changed?"

Li Wei squinted his eyes and stared at Wu You for a long time. This guy was not very enthusiastic about making a plan to seize Pingtangguan before, but now he suddenly changed his attitude. There must be monsters in things that are abnormal.

"That... just received the Flying Pigeon Express..."

Wu You took a long time to present the information respectfully, which made Xiao Xiaoxiao and Xiaoliuzi look disappointed. Couldn't this guy be able to kill people and make people feel grateful to him? Why is it so so today? No standard?

In fact, it can't be blamed on Wu You's poor level of cheating people, but that the person who wants to cheat is Li Wei. I can't guarantee that I can hold it down, but I can definitely hold Wu You down.

"Damage the military situation, cut off the guy who eats you."

Li Wei kicked him bitterly.

Wu You giggled a few times to cover it up, Xiao Xiaoxiao had a gloating look, he deserved it, he couldn't speak, he was so stupid, even a military officer sacrificed wine, like a dog-headed military officer.

A look of envy flashed in Little Six's eyes, and then it returned to normal. The relationship between Military Master Wu and the young master was like good friends. He couldn't compare this to him. He could only win the young master's trust with his incomparable loyalty.

"Cha, Tang Wang actually played a dirty trick."

Li Wei, who had read the urgent report, couldn't help cursing, if the intelligence personnel hadn't obtained this information, the fighter plane would have been delayed.

The muscles on Wu You's cheeks twitched. It turns out that the young master is not an omnipotent god. Ying Yanglang rushed Ji'an to Pingtang Pass with the imperial decree. So he came first to seize Mo Wu's military power and stabilize the morale of the army, and then the new prefect came with the angels, read out the imperial edict, and took over the government affairs of Pingtangguan.

Just like the rebellion of the Tang prince, anyone with a little common sense knows that the prince is the future heir of the Datong. He can bear it for a few years or more before he can justifiably ascend the throne. How could he be so stupid as to rebel?

It can only be said that the unlucky prince was tricked.

"We still have half a day to prepare."

Li Wei said in a deep voice, he understands the good intentions of Wu You, Xiao Xiaoxiao and others, and doesn't want him to put himself in danger. However, if he stays at Pingtang Pass, it is not without benefits. At least it can boost morale and let the army Speed ​​up reinforcements.

His eyes swept over the faces of Wu You and Xiao Xiaoxiao, and he said slowly: "Your kindness, I understand in my heart, but time does not wait for me, I am determined to stay and stick to it until the reinforcements arrive!"

Xiao Xiaoxiao, Wuyou and the other six looked at each other, and showed helpless wry smiles at the same time. They all understood the young master's bad temper, and generally speaking, no one can change what has been decided.

However, Xiao Xiaoxiao's phoenix eyes were a bit more complicated than Wu You's six sons, apart from blame and worry, there was also some admiration.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Don't wait for me, start working quickly."

Li Wei laughed and cursed, and sat down on the chair, Wu You hurriedly came forward, Xiao Xiaoxiao also followed, stood by the table, staring at the defense map of Pingtangguan city laid out on the table, while Xiao Liuzi was like Stone sculptures generally stand still, he doesn't understand military affairs, he just needs to serve the young master well and ensure his safety.

In the past few days, Li Wei and Wu You have been researching targeted combat deployments based on the collected information and the city defense map provided by Teng Shengwen. It's just the last check of the battle plan.

Not long after, a butterfly-shaped kite with a long tail floated in the sky. Perhaps some child accidentally broke the string while flying the kite. The kite was blown higher and higher by the wind, and finally disappeared.

This was an emergency summoning signal determined two days ago. The leaders of the various groups hiding in the secret stronghold of the farm outside the city immediately set off into the city at the same time, rushed to report, and waited for instructions.

At this time, Teng Shengwen was urging nearly a hundred strong family members to practice martial arts in the martial arts hall at home. The Teng family is also a prominent family in Pingtang, and it is normal for them to support hundreds of family members, especially when their father and son endured humiliation and shouldered the burden of betraying the country and seeking glory. The crime of traitor is hated by many people, and the family also needs a guard to protect it.

He personally trained nearly a hundred slaves and conducted regular military training. There were also masters of the rivers and lakes who taught the art of fighting in battle formations. The elite veterans who have been fighting for a long time are only high but not low, and these nearly one hundred soldiers are definitely an elite team.

"My lord, please look at the sky."

An old old slave approached and whispered to Teng Shengwen.

Teng Shengwen raised his head and saw the kite floating in the sky. His eyes lit up and his body even trembled with excitement. The moment he had been waiting for for many years finally came.

Teng Shengwen took a deep breath, tried to calm his surging heart, and then ordered all the soldiers to disband, but they were not allowed to go out, so they could only stay at home to rest. Afterwards, he changed his clothes and took a few soldiers with him The guard hurried away.

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