Zheng Ejiao gasped and let out a soul-stirring low moan, her delicate body twisted, and then she collapsed into Tang Su'e's arms, her cheeks were flushed with blush, and her brows were full of spring love.

Tang Su'e is indeed very skilled in this aspect. She has trained Zheng E, who is pure and pleasant, into a silver baby who is in the sea of ​​desire, and she is devoted to her.

"E'er, don't worry, Master only treats you well."

Tang Su'e giggled and put her arms around the little lover in her limp arms, while the other hand stayed under her skirt, "That girl is a piece of precious jade, if you train her well, she will definitely be able to do it." But it’s a matter of senior sister’s mind.”

What she said was indeed the truth. Xuan Suju had taken in a large number of young and beautiful female disciples a few years ago, and carried out all-round training and training. The knowledge of palace etiquette and music to please men is a compulsory key course. .

After training these young ladies, through some channels, those with excellent appearance and temperament will be sent to the palace to please the monarch, and those who are inferior may marry important officials or their heirs as wives and concubines. These female disciples are actually the descendants of later generations. female spy.

Through them, Xuanyue can not only clearly understand the direction of the court, but also grasp some shady handles of the important officials in the court, and through various cooperation such as coercion and temptation. After several years of unremitting efforts, Xuan Suju successfully penetrated into Jin Dynasty. The powerful class of the empire has created a huge network of influence, which can even affect the decision-making of the king's court.

The ambitions of Xuanyue, Tang Su'e and others have also grown bigger and bigger with the expansion of power, and they can even be said to be crazy. They are no longer satisfied with only controlling the Jin Empire, but also control other empires in the mainland, and intervene in the Qin Empire. The struggle for unification was one of the steps in the outward expansion of power, but when they encountered the same ambitious and more powerful Li Gang, they fell short of success.

Xuanyue, Tang Suo'e and others are all people who must take revenge. The assassination of Li's father and son is not only to avenge the blood of the same family, but they also know that they must get rid of Li's father and son before they can intervene in the Qin Empire. Therefore, Tang Su'e will Sitting in Chang'an, waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

Tang Su'e is in charge of controlling the assassination of the Li family and his son, and at the same time is looking for female disciples who are suitable for training. Feng Ling'er's appearance and temperament are all top choices, even better than Zheng E's. The favor of a king of a country, Tang Su'e naturally set her eyes on her.

However, although she was telling the truth, she didn't finish it. For a beauty like Feng Ling'er, of course, she had to enjoy it for a while during the training process.

Feng Ling'er didn't expect that a rare outing would turn out like this. Surrounded by so many people, the mood was lost. If it was before, she would feel somewhat complacent, but now, she is a little uneasy. He glanced at Li Langjun, afraid that he would be unhappy.

"My slender lady, the gentleman is so arrogant."

Li Wei had a smiling expression on his face, and he didn't feel any discomfort in his heart. This is a very normal phenomenon. Whether it is modern or ancient, beautiful women are always a beautiful landscape, which is pleasing to the eye.

Beautiful women attract people's attention, and a man who is accompanied by beautiful women and full of green leaves is even more enviable and jealous, but it also greatly satisfies the sense of vanity in his heart.

It's just that the ancient scholars and talents were more courageous and thick-skinned than the modern handsome guys, and they swarmed up to strike up a conversation. If you do enough, you can't beat or scold you, which makes you very helpless.

The status of scholars in this era is very high. If you dare to hit a scholar, you will be drowned by countless saliva. Moreover, not all scholars are powerless. Riding and archery are compulsory homework, but relatively Generally speaking, poor scholars don't have such good conditions and opportunities to practice, while those from aristocratic families have much better conditions. Among them, there are not many who are good at riding and archery.

It's all messed up, and you still make fun of others? "Master Li..."

Feng Ling'er couldn't help stomping her little feet, rolled her phoenix eyes in reproach, and then thought of something, her smooth jade cheeks flushed, looking for cracks all over the place, this was a bit like flirting or something, it was so embarrassing.


Li Wei laughed lowly, swallowing with difficulty, the beauty's coquettish and angry demeanor did not have a soul-stirring charm.

"Master... is also a human being, and even a human being has to eat, and he also knows what..."

Although a certain person's muttering was very low, but Feng Ling'er was standing beside him, so she could hear it clearly, her pretty face was getting more and more red, and her head was beating wildly, almost jumping out of her chest.

A master's words may be a little ominous, maybe a little funny, maybe a little ambiguous, a little heart-pounding, a little... In short, it depends on how you understand it.

Chapter 251

Feng Ling'er's mood at this time is quite complicated, but it's more joyful, because the few words that a certain master muttered can also be understood as a disguised confession, but whether this is really the case, she has no idea, But she would rather believe it was true.

However, she didn't have time to think about it. There was already a handsome, tall young talent who clasped his fists at Li Wei.

"My lord, Luo Zhi, dare to ask your brother's name."

Li Wei smiled wryly, the scene of the outing in Jiayue Province is re-enacted here, don't look at people who are polite to you on the surface, but in fact they have murderous intentions.

However, he had a similar experience, and he was mentally prepared. A beautiful woman is a beautiful landscape, which is pleasing to the eye. As a flower protector, although he is ecstatic and satisfies his psychological vanity, he has also become a public enemy of men.

To act as a flower protector, one must have the consciousness of becoming a public enemy and being beaten by gangs. To be a qualified flower protector, one must have certain skills. The more powerful the skills, the easier it is to capture the hearts of beauties.

However, what Li Wei said shocked everyone present.

"Long time, long time."

Li Wei clasped his fists in return, and said calmly, "I'm Bao Wei, I'm so ashamed, I don't have any fame yet."

The fame of a scholar is a scholar. With the fame of a scholar, it goes without saying that there are various benefits. I don’t know how many scholars study hard for this fame, but many scholars spend their entire lives. .

The status of a scholar is inherently high, and if one obtains fame, there will be a dazzling halo on the top of his head, and he will be thrilled everywhere. I don’t know how many scholars are envious, and how many young ladies from good families have their hearts germinated. But Li Wei Self-revealing his shortcomings shocked many people's jaws on the spot.

"Mr. Bao Lang is too modest, and if he studies hard for a few more years, he will definitely be able to enter high school and be named on the gold list."

Although the young scholar who called himself Luo Zhi had a smile on his face, he sounded like a senior teaching a junior. He is a scholar, so of course he has the qualifications to be proud. For a junior like Li Wei who dared to expose his shortcomings in public and admit defeat in public, his heart suddenly resurfaced. A little bit of goodwill, and a little bit less hostility.

Li Wei didn't feel upset at all because Senior Luo changed his surname for him, but just bowed his hands, thanking Senior for his teaching.

Is that okay?

Feng Ling'er glanced at Li Wei with some disapproval, but after thinking about it for a while, she immediately felt relieved. He is the youngest and most talented grandmaster who is well-known in the mainland, so naturally he will not be as knowledgeable as the younger generation. This is everyone's demeanor.

However, to be honest, she hoped that Li Wei would compose poems on the spot to frustrate these arrogant scholars. Even if it wasn't for her, she would really like to see everyone's peerless splendor with her own eyes.

She is a loyal and fanatical Li fan, so she naturally thinks of the best. At this moment, the image of everyone in Li becomes more and more lofty in her heart, while Comrade Luo is regarded as an arrogant scholar who does not know what is good or bad.

She resisted the urge to stand up and defend Li Wei's idol, stretched out her hand and gently tugged on Li Wei's robe, and said softly, "Li Langjun, how about... let's go back."

After being disturbed by these arrogant scholars, the atmosphere and mood of outing are gone, it is better to go back.

Li Weizheng had this intention, but before he could answer, that Luo Shusheng rushed to say: "Mr. Bao Xiaolang, there is a good saying, it is better to be alone than to be happy."

The implication is that beauty belongs to everyone, and you can't enjoy it to yourself. Besides, you don't even have the reputation of a scholar, so what qualifications do you have to protect flowers?Fighting poems and essays, you are doomed to lose, we will not slap you in the face, but you have to go on the road, recommend for us seniors, right?

It's a pity that Li Wei was stupid and couldn't understand Senior Luo's painstaking efforts. He didn't even look at Senior Luo. He turned his head and nodded to Feng Ling'er. Why don't you go back and barbecue and eat meat skewers in your back garden.

"Mr. Bao Lang..."

Seeing that Li Wei didn't understand his painstaking efforts and good intentions, Luo Zhi couldn't help feeling a little anxious, but he was firmly blocked by the big house slave in front of him, and he couldn't squeeze in at all.

"Xiaosheng Dong Ping, dare to ask the little lady's name?"

Seeing that Feng Ling'er was about to leave, some impatient scholars in the crowd hurriedly stood on tiptoe, waved and shouted, desperately trying to attract the beauty's attention.

"A group of disciples."

Feng Ling'er's pretty face sank, she snorted coldly, and flung her sleeves away. Although her pretty face was frosty, she also carried an exciting charm.

Li Wei shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands at the group of talented scholars. The beauty is angry.

Dengtuzi, the most easy-to-understand explanation is a shameless rogue, but although it is a curse, it is much gentler than a son born without chrysanthemums.

A group of scholars and talents looked at each other, and being scolded by a beauty for shooting wolves, that would be a disgrace and a shame. Could it be that this beauty doesn't like talents?You know, in this era where culture is more important than martial arts, talented people are a film, and they are admired and admired by beauties. If not, why are only the love stories of talented scholars and beautiful women being praised, and there are no love stories about rough warriors and secular people?

A group of aristocratic families standing not far away had expressions of gloating. It wasn't that they didn't want to strike up a conversation with the beauty, but that when they traveled, they usually brought a female companion with them. It was rude to leave the female companion to seduce the beautiful woman What's more, they are not as thick-skinned as those scholars, and they dare not approach them shamelessly to find that they are uncomfortable.

Of course, among these aristocratic families, there are not all uneducated and idle dandies, but since the Li family came into power in Chang'an, the times have changed. The law and order is very strict here, you can be a dandy, play a little hooligan, Molested a little girl from a good family, but if you really dare to mess around, you will be interrupted by the head of the family or the elders if you don't get caught by the officials of the inspection department. Who would dare to mess around?

Most of the time, those dandies would go to the brothel to fool around honestly.

Everyone watched the beauty board the car and leave, and there were some immortals who wanted to follow, but they were blocked by those big and round house slaves, so they had no choice but to stop, and resentfully threw down a scene of a gentleman talking but not doing anything.

Tang Su'e ordered the whip driver to turn the horse's head and follow Li Wei and the others from a distance. She fell in love with Feng Ling'er, so naturally she wanted to follow her to find out where she lived.

The guilty Li Wei didn't dare to bring Feng Ling'er back to his Hussar General's mansion, but went to Wu You's mansion, and brought a big beauty home suddenly. There must be a lot of complaints, but fortunately, Wu You's mansion is also big, and the back garden is well organized, and the barbecue in the garden is also good.

Hearing the young master's arrival, the whole Wufu was immediately busy. Before Li Wei and his group entered the mansion, all kinds of things had already been set up in the gazebo in the back garden. Even the meat skewers were grilled. .

Feng Ling'er lifted her skirt and got out of the car, when she suddenly heard someone calling her name loudly in the distance, her pretty face suddenly turned pale.

Chapter 252 Give You a Chance

"Miss Feng, Mistress Feng..."

Not far away, a young man with the appearance of a scholar waved and shouted, but was blocked by the guards of the witch mansion and could not squeeze over.

Li Wei glanced at Feng Ling'er, who was pretty and pale, and gestured to the guards to release him.

The young scholar looked winking, hurried over, stopped four or five steps away, first clasped his fists at Wu You and the others, and then saluted Feng Linger, "But Miss Jindu Feng?"

Feng Ling'er nodded in return, and asked anxiously: "Xiao Langjun is..."

"I'm Liu Huaimin, my father Liu Gongyi."

The young scholar reported his family, Feng Linger immediately remembered that the Liu family is a scholarly family in Jindu, and Liu Gongyi is a very famous local celebrity, but the few sons of Mr. Gongyi are not very up to date. He joined the sect of a famous teacher, but failed repeatedly, and only had the reputation of a scholar.

"It turned out to be Mr. Liu Lang."

Feng Ling'er bent down again and said, "I don't know what's the matter with Mr. Liu Lang?"

After confirming that he did not identify the wrong person, Liu Huaimin heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately explained why he came here. He failed many times in the Tang Empire, so he came to the Qin Empire to try his luck. Nothing at all, the city of Tianjin has fallen out.

Feng Ling'er has been allowed to shoot Duan Hua Erlang Jun Duan Peng since she was a child, and the Feng family is a big family in Jindu. There was a lot of trouble in the county, and Mrs. Feng fell ill on the spot and was bedridden.


Hearing that her mother fell ill, Feng Ling'er wept bitterly, her frail body was on the verge of falling, Li Wei hurriedly helped her up, and Wu You hurriedly asked Le Niang and other concubines to help her into the mansion.

Everyone went in, except for the guards guarding the gate, Liu Huaimin was the only one left, he didn't leave or didn't leave, it looked extremely awkward.

Fortunately, a guard came out and brought him in, which made Liu Huaimin tremble with excitement.

Outside the city, when Feng Linger was surrounded by a group of talented scholars, he recognized Feng Linger at a glance among those talented scholars, but he was not sure at the time.

Afterwards, Feng Ling'er boarded the car and returned to the city, and Liu Huaimin hurriedly followed behind. When Li Wei and his party stopped outside Wu You's house, his mind immediately became active.

He was hit hard by repeated failures in the domestic imperial examinations, so he came to the Qin Empire to try his luck. It is true that some talented scholars were employed exceptionally, but those were only a very lucky few. There were still many talented scholars who did not have the opportunity or lacked ability. However, it also caused a large number of talented scholars to gather in the Qin Empire.

When Liu Huaimin came to Chang'an, he was not familiar with the place where he was born. He could not find any way out except hanging out with a group of talented scholars. Wu You's right army teacher gave him a big signboard for sacrificial wine, which gave him a sudden idea. Say hello.

This time, he made the right bet. The guards led him in, which meant that Army Master Wu had noticed him, and the rest depended on his skill and luck.

Liu Huaimin followed the guard all the way into the mansion, and guards with guns and swords could be seen everywhere. The guards were extremely strict, and the security of the palace was no different.

Entering the hall, he saw Wu You and Li Weiduan sitting at the head. He didn't know Li Wei's identity, but to be able to sit at the head with Wu Junshi, his status must be very good. He saluted respectfully, "I have seen Wu Junshi Bao Sir."

Wu You waved his hand, motioning him to sit down, and Liu Huaimin was flattered by a servant girl serving fragrant tea. It's unimaginable for him to be treated so courteously by the Military Master Jijiu for a mere talent.

"Liu Lang-jun, you must have heard of the prime minister's order of meritocracy, so I will not repeat myself as a military advisor. What specialties do you have?"

Wu You coughed lightly, and went straight to the point, you are here to seek fame, okay, I will give you this chance.


Liu Huaimin opened his mouth wide. He originally thought that Wu You would make a big deal first, go around a few times, test his talent and learning, and then accept him as a student, and he, a student, would pay tribute to the ceremony of apprenticeship, and then wait patiently for the scientific examination , but he didn't expect that people would not go around with him at all, and went straight to the point.

He hesitated for a long while before he said cautiously, he didn't know what specialties he had, but he knew clearly that he couldn't lose this rare opportunity, success or failure depended on it.

Although Liu Huaimin has studied under famous teachers since he was a child, he has learned a lot and is very miscellaneous, but his aptitude can only be regarded as the middle or lower level among many of his peers. What kind of advice to rule the world, those are just the usual rhetoric of scholars and talented scholars, just like floating clouds, there is nothing at all In practical terms, a young lady from a good family or a girl from a brothel is okay, but in front of old officials in the officialdom, it is nonsense.

What expertise do you have?What expertise do you have?

Liu Huaimin was so nervous that sweat dripped from his forehead. He hesitated for a while, and then gritted his teeth and said that he didn't have any expertise. It was just that when he was studying in Shimen's villa, he helped the nearby people with some farm work. After traveling for a year and a half, I have a deep understanding of the sufferings of the people.

Prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people also suffer. As the person in power, he should take it as his responsibility to relieve the suffering of the people. The people are like water, water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn a boat.

Although Liu Huaimin seemed extremely nervous, he knew that success or failure depended on one move. He spoke more and more smoothly. Although he didn't speak impassionedly and passionately, he also clearly expressed his inner feelings. I don't have any great talent, but I have Through experience, I understand the sufferings of the people. Therefore, if I am any party, I must take it as my duty to benefit one party.

After talking, he found that his palms were covered with sweat from nervousness, his whole body was cold, and his clothes were completely soaked in sweat.

Wu You kept her eyes closed. After listening to him, she opened her eyes and glanced at Li Wei. Seeing him nodding slightly, she couldn't help grinning. I'm afraid that before he finished speaking, he would have ordered him to blast him out.

This guy dared to speak out about his own shortcomings, at least he was honest. Since he has experienced the sufferings of the people, when he was a parent and official, he should have taken into account the various feelings of the people. For the sake of his honesty, he should be given a chance anyway.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance, but before that, you have to stay in the countryside for three months and work in the fields like an ordinary citizen."

Li Wei said indifferently, since you said that you have experienced the sufferings of the people, let you continue to experience it, and let you go deeper. You are the magistrate of Qipin County in your place, and you have a one-year probationary period. If you really make achievements, then your porcelain rice bowl will become an iron rice bowl.

"Thank you Bao Langjun and Wu Junshi."

Liu Huaimin was so excited that he bowed his hands to thank him. The three-month training in the countryside was nothing. It was not that he had never worked in the fields when he was studying in Shimen's villa, so he gritted his teeth and passed it. Only a fool would miss this kind of opportunity.

After Liu Huaimin withdrew, Li Wei went to the back house to visit Feng Ling'er, and after a lot of talking, he comforted her and arranged for her to set off home with the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce caravan heading for the Tang Empire the next day.

Chapter 253

Wu You sneaked a glance at Li Wei, who had a complicated expression, and swallowed the words abruptly when he reached his mouth. He couldn't figure out what the young master was doing. He obviously liked Miss Feng so much, and Miss Feng was also fond of her. Secretly promised, and revealed the meaning that if you ask me to stay, I will stay, but the young master is like a fool, making it difficult for him to guess for a while.

At this time, Li Wei watched Feng Linger's carriage go away with the huge convoy of the Universal Chamber of Commerce, and his mood was rather complicated. It's really not his style not to accept such a beauty, but, she had already engaged in a marriage contract, so she accepted it, feeling a little bit Animals, don't accept them, they are not as good as animals, he is so entangled in every possible way.

Wu You understood that Li Wei was very conflicted at this time, and he was tactful and silent. After going back, this fellow thought for a while, and ran to talk to Ding Xi, the commander of the black guards. The cold-blooded and ruthless Ding Xi was persuaded, it is my duty as a courtier to solve the lord's worries and problems, not to mention, this is also for the lord's sake, flattering the lord, such a good thing, but it is hard to do in a thousand years, If you miss it, there is no chance.

Ding Xi immediately summoned Wei Yue, his confidant, and repeatedly instructed him. Afterwards, Wei Yue led a team of black-clothed secret agents and five special Yebushou to leave the city in a hurry, and followed Feng Linger's carriage far away.

The order Wei Yue received was very simple. He led a team to sneak into the Tang Empire. One team stayed near Fengfu to secretly protect Miss Feng. However, this matter had to be done without leaving any traces, that is to say, Duan Peng had to die in an accident.

On the spacious avenue, the huge convoy of the Universal Chamber of Commerce was slowly moving forward. The carriage that Feng Linger was riding in was caught in the middle of the caravan. An ordinary carriage sped past and quickly overtook the caravan.

Tang Su'e sat in the carriage with her apprentice and little lover Zheng E, watching the situation outside through the gap in the curtain.

She is extremely conceited about her own martial arts cultivation, but she is not so arrogant that she dares to fight against the entire caravan with more than [-] caravan guards with her own strength.

The caravan guards of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce are different from the caravan guards of ordinary aristocratic families. Most of the guards are from the elite soldiers in the army. She can easily deal with more than a hundred people alone, but if they fight in groups, she must be the one who dies. .

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