Layman Tang showed his concern for his lover, holding her little hand all the way, as if he was afraid that she would be scattered by passers-by, and kept protecting her, which made Xiaonizi feel cared for Caring happiness.

The two walked through several streets, walked into a deep alley, and then entered a large mansion.

On the surface, this house is no different from ordinary small and medium-sized houses. However, after Zheng E finished practicing a set of swordsmanship taught by his master in the practice room, the master pressed a button on the wall, and a secret door was revealed on the wall. She looked up and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

There is a different world inside the secret door. The first small room inside is like the outer room of an ordinary bedroom, and then there are two rooms, one large and one small. The big room is the bedroom. Many ostentatious official ladies were also speechless.

The floor was covered with a red carpet, and the feet felt soft when they stepped on it, as if they were stepping on cotton, and the feeling was indescribably comfortable.

The walls are surrounded by heavy pink curtains. In addition to high-end luxury furniture, there is a big bed next to the wall, which is twice the size of a normal big bed. It is simply two big beds folded together.

Red curtains, big red bed sheets, red mandarin duck embroidered pillows, big red silk quilt, and the same embroidered picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water. Like a newlywed's bridal chamber, burning red candles and the heat emitted by the red-burning charcoal fire make the whole bedroom as warm as spring, revealing a bit of warmth and a bit of sultry reverie atmosphere.

The other small room is a bathroom for showering. The layout inside is probably no less than that of the emperor's concubines. The white marble bath is filled with hot water, and the steaming heat fills the entire bathroom. .

Zheng E has been practicing for a long time, and she is already dripping with sweat. In addition, there are pots of red-burning charcoal fires in the dark room. The temperature is as warm as spring, and she is sweating from the heat even in winter clothes. Master said that the warm water is for her. Yes, she immediately cheered happily, took off her clothes in a hurry, and soaked comfortably in the warm water.

When she had soaked enough and got up to get her clothes, she remembered that she was dizzy with excitement for a moment, and she even forgot the clean clothes she was about to change.

However, the master was very careful and handed her a set of clean clothes in due course.

Zheng E took the clothes and looked at them, the whole pretty face immediately turned red, and she was too shy to put it on.

The clothes are red, the color she likes, and the material is high-quality, soft and smooth. It is definitely not affordable for ordinary rich people, but it is too thin, as thin as a cicada's wing, and it doesn't matter much if you wear it on your body. The difference, and it's just such a one-piece tulle, there are no other clothes, not even a bellyband and underwear.

"Master...Master...this clothes..."

Zheng E's cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and she covered her vital parts with her hands and dared not see anyone. She wanted to wear the old clothes that she took off earlier, but found that they were all gone, thinking that they were taken away by the master.

"What are you afraid of? It's just you and my master and apprentice here."

Layman Tang came in, chuckled, and led her out of the bathhouse, into the magnificent, warm and spring-like bedroom, which was sultry and thought-provoking.

Zheng E was so ashamed that she didn't even dare to lift her head, and her chin was about to touch her well-developed chest. Fortunately, there were only two of them, the master and the apprentice, but even so, the master was both a woman, but she was dressed so revealingly. It still made her feel ashamed, wishing she could burrow into the ground and hide.

At this moment, she realized that her master was only wearing a white veil as thin as a cicada's wings, and the graceful curves were looming under the veil, which was so fascinating that even if Zheng E was a woman, her heart couldn't help but burst into tears. He jumped up wildly, lowered his head, not daring to peek at Master's breathtakingly graceful figure.

Layman Tang could feel the hot flashes in his apprentice's little hands. She has practiced for many years, and her skills have reached the level of a master. ambiguous smile.

Her full name is Tang Su'e, and her cultivation has reached the perfect level. She was abandoned by a heartbroken man in her early years, and became a monk in anger. She joined Xuan Su's sect and ranked ninth among her peers.

Since the death of the master, after the very ambitious senior sister Xuanyue took over the Xuansu residence, she began to recruit a large number of young and beautiful female disciples, and most of them were daughters from official families or scholarly families. Turned in a relationship.

These female disciples have undergone various trainings and have become tools for her to win over the powerful and gather information. Tang Su'e is one of the persons in charge of teaching these disciples the compulsory courses such as poetry, book etiquette, etc. This time, under the order of Senior Sister Xuan Yue, Come to Chang'an to preside over the task of assassinating Li's father and son.

Tang Su'e, who was abandoned by her husband in the early years, has undergone a drastic change of heart, and she is hostile to all men in the world. Her personality has also changed, and she is only interested in young and beautiful women.

She took Zheng E as her apprentice because she was beautiful.

The second is that her father, Zheng Jing, was the first rank Shangshu Youpushe of the Qin Empire. With this relationship, Xuan Suju could easily climb up the ranks of the Qin Empire's dignitaries, and then enter the court.

The third is that it is estimated that she will stay in Chang'an for a while, and she needs a lovely person to accompany her to comfort her loneliness. The pure and pleasant Zheng E is very suitable for her taste.

Tang Su'e pressed Zheng E to sit on the soft carpet, then lit the ambergris placed beside her, and the scent of beasts soon filled the entire bedroom.

This ambergris contains an aphrodisiac, and when inhaled, it makes people feel aroused and can't control themselves.

Originally, to deal with a young girl like Zheng E who has not yet understood her style, there is no need to use this kind of provocative fragrance, but she is a little impatient to eat the cute girl in front of her, and Zheng E is For the first time, she wanted Zheng E to experience an unforgettable love, so that she could no longer leave herself.

"E'er, you have to remember that practicing martial arts is very hard. It's hard to train your bones outside, but you can cultivate your breath internally. As a master, I will now teach you the method of breathing and breathing in your own school."

"Yes, Master."

Zheng E was extremely happy, but her voice was a little low, either because the almost transparent pink gauze on her body made her shy, or because of the luxurious decoration in the room, the provocative and charming atmosphere made her a little bit The inexplicable nervous heartbeat and wild thoughts, as well as the strange eyes of the master also made her instinctively feel a little nervous.

For some reason, she felt that Master's eyes were a bit like a bully molesting a good lady on the street, like a wolf, as if he wanted to devour her whole...

Chapter 215 A Different Kind of Jelly 2

"E'er, this is Qihai Point, also called Dantian Great Point, where the inner family's true Qi is stored..."

Tang Su'e put on the posture of a master, preaching and teaching very seriously, pointing out to Zheng E the important acupoints of the human body that must be understood for inhalation and exhalation.

"Master... Master..."

Zheng E's whole body was trembling, not only her pretty face was flushed with embarrassment, but even her body was flushed with a touch of embarrassment. She felt her heart was beating violently, her breath was short of breath, and what was more terrible was her body. Inexplicably, a strange wave surged up in the depths of her heart, washing her nerves one wave after another... Perhaps it was because of Master's low, extremely soft voice, but with an inexplicable magical power, or perhaps it was Master's fingers made her skin itch slightly, maybe it was... "Ah... Master..."

Zheng E gasped and let out an uncontrollable moan. In a daze, she realized that Master's hand had penetrated into her silk robe. The strange heat and the strange feeling that she had never had before made her tremble all over. .

She wanted to struggle and resist, but that wonderful feeling and the surging heat deep in her body completely overwhelmed her remaining rationality.

Looking at the disciple who was limp in her arms and had lost her mind, Tang Su'e showed a smug smile on her face. Even a woman who is three chaste and nine fierce, under the dual effects of evil arts such as Meixiang and Red Flame Palm, she will surely lose her mind. Become the best slut you can be.

Now, she can enjoy her prey to the fullest.

On the white snow field, dozens of riders marched slowly against the cold wind that shouted.

It was Li Wei, surrounded by dozens of personal guards, who used inspection as an excuse to go to Hongfeng Province to visit Lin Ruoying, who had been missing for a long time.

Although this tour was sneaky, he even put on a human skin mask and pretended to be a scholar on a study tour, but he still couldn't hide it from the all-pervasive eyes and ears of the black guards. Ding Xi sent many black guards and special night guards to covertly protect along the way.

The weather is cold, and there are very few pedestrians on the road. Occasionally, you will meet passers-by or caravans carrying goods.

Today, the empire is unified, and the imperial court has repeatedly implemented many new policies, built water conservancy bridges, roads, government schools and other convenient facilities, vigorously opened up wasteland and cultivated, and added various preferential policies. With no clothes to wear, the common people have hope. Naturally, there will be no more strongmen who are forced by the government to turn into bandits and block the road. Even if they travel alone, basically no accidents will happen. The case is enough to illustrate the current good situation.

It was cold and icy, and the road was slippery. Li Wei had no choice but to rush to the provincial capital of Hongfeng immediately. It took him fifteen days to reach the provincial capital of Hongfeng.

After entering the provincial capital of Hongfeng, Li Weixian quietly went into the prefect's mansion to visit the prefect Xu Zongtang, an old subordinate whom his father relied heavily on, and he should be respected from the elder Long Yuan.

How dare Xu Zongtang put on the airs of an elder, the young master is the future lord, and he was able to climb to this position, all thanks to Li Shi, if this situation is not clear, he has been in the officialdom for so many years in vain.

After receiving the report from the guards, he immediately went out of the mansion to greet him with the attitude of a subordinate.

Xu Zongtang welcomed the young master into the mansion, and at the same time sent someone to inform Yingyang General He Jin and his son Xu Jun, young people, there is no generation gap, and the son was originally one of the young master's friends, so it would be perfect for him to be in charge of entertaining.

He Jin, who is in charge of the Red Maple Legion, is sitting in the barracks to train soldiers. He is a core member who knows the strategic plan drawn up by the young master. Three years later, the empire will definitely use troops against the Tang Empire. Therefore, even though it is in the rear of the empire, there will be no war. , but he has not stopped training the soldiers under the Mount.

It is a pity that the empire is in the period of post-war reconstruction and recuperation. The treasury is tight, and it is all inclined to agriculture. Except for the standing army, he can't gather the entire army for training. He can only use the slack season to concentrate on drills. Daily consumption is still staggering.

However, he has the full support of his father and family. The empire's finances are tight, but the family has sponsored a certain amount of food, silver, war horses and other materials. It can be said that looking at the entire empire, except for the most elite three thousand tigers and leopards under the command of Li Wei, the three thousand wind camp Apart from the cavalry, the Red Maple Legion has the most cavalry troops, with a whole school of [-] cavalry. He even imitated the tiger and leopard cavalry, and carefully selected [-] cavalry from the [-] cavalry to form a more elite iron-blooded dragon cavalry. It is better than ordinary cavalry, and it is even luxuriously equipped with one man and two cavalry.

It can be said that most of the [-] cavalry troops of the Red Maple Legion were formed by him at his own expense, but he was not so stupid as to regard it as his own He family army, otherwise, He's family would be left with a hidden danger of genocide.

Therefore, while paying out of his own pocket, he also made it clear to Li Wei that I risked my life not to support my own self-respect, but for the great war three years later, for military merit, and soldiers should be proud of dying in battle .

Although Li Wei didn't dare to fully understand He Jin, but he knew that there was no need to be suspicious and no doubt about employing people. He Jin was a smart man, and he would not be so stupid as to have the idea of ​​self-respect. If he really came up with this idea, he would be a Heshi Countdown to death.

After receiving Xu Zongtang's notice, He Jin immediately led his guards out of the camp and rushed to the prefect's mansion.

"Little Lord."

He Jin saluted respectfully. Although he and Li Wei are sworn brothers, the situation is different now, and he can no longer regard himself as the big brother like before.

A group of subordinates have all kinds of titles for Li Wei, young master, young master, Lang Jun, Hussar general, etc. Various titles also represent various statuses.

People like Tian Ce, Wu You, Wen Zishan, Ding Xihejin and others all called the young master, who was Li Wei's most trusted core personnel.

Li Er and other personal guards, guards, maidservants and other servants in the prime minister's mansion call the young master. This kind of affectionate title refers to the close people behind the Li family. Although their status is different, they are all the young master's most trusted group. people.

General Hussars is called General Hussars by a group of people from Xiahou Fu Xiahouba, formerly Qingchuan Hongfeng Changan, etc. They have also been reused, but they have not yet entered the nuclear class.

"Brother, you're a little skinny."

As soon as Li Wei met He Jin, he punched He Jin, and then hugged his shoulder affectionately and asked him a lot.

Not long after, Xu Jun also returned to the mansion, saluted respectfully, and called the boss rather cautiously.

He has been in the army for more than half a year, and he has grown up and learned a lot. Although he was the young master's childhood playmate, it is no longer possible to molest a good lady like he used to. Corrected.

"Master Xu has finally grown up, hehe."

Li Wei also punched him, and then hugged his shoulder, acting as affectionate as before.

When the young master came, Xu Zongtang, as the prefect, of course had to do his best to entertain him. He held a banquet in the mansion, and Li Wei was not too polite. Eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink, because Li Wei gave special instructions, Xu Zongtang, He Jin and others did not make it public However, the servants in the mansion did not know Li Wei's true identity, but only knew that he was a distinguished guest of the prefect.

Knowing that the young master was not here for inspection, Xu Zongtang secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Since he took office, there have been as many gifts as crucian carp crossing the river. He accepts gifts from others, so he naturally has to give them some convenience. There are inevitably some shady transactions here.

However, there are some things that he dare not touch, such as the provincial treasury's silver storage and grain. , don't blame me for not remembering old love, turning my face and denying others.

During the dinner, Xu Zongtang suddenly thought of something, and asked in a low voice: "Young master, did you send someone to invite Hao Tongzhi?"

Chapter 216

As one of the core members of the Li Group, Xu Zongtang naturally knew some secret things that were not known to the public. For example, Hao Quming and Hao Tongzhi, the third person in the provincial government.

He remembered a sentence that Li Gang told alone before leaving, "Hao Quming is my own."

A bunch of confidantes are all his own people, but when Li Gang said this sentence, and he also specifically exhorted him, the meaning is completely different, and it is not as simple as just confidantes.

As far as he knows, the Hao family is a scholarly family, and it is considered a famous family in Baiwu County, Jiayue Province, but in this generation, it has completely declined, and there are no talented people. The head of the family, Hao Quming, is just a small county magistrate of Baiwu County. Among the core members of the Li Group, there is no one with the surname Hao.

In the official system of a province, the prefect is the most respected, followed by the magistrate, and the next is the co-prefect. The third person who really holds the real power cannot be competent without his cronies. A little-known county magistrate suddenly jumped to a province Tongzhi, it can be said that it is a fish leaping over the dragon's gate, and I don't know how many people are jealous.

Xu Zongtang was both puzzled and curious, and after further inquiring, his son quietly told him that Hao Quming had a daughter named Hao Ruoying, who was in her late teens, who looked just like Lin Ruoying, the leader two years ago.

Speaking of this, Xu Zongtang didn't understand the tricks in it, so he was in the officialdom for so many years. Reminiscent of the time, the young master was Lin Ruoying's guest in the curtain, and the young master praised Lin Ruoying at the oiran meeting. His own son was one of the parties involved. Leading the young master to command a group of dandies to wave their flags and cheer, coupled with Lin Ruoying's own strength, he defeated the leaders of all the buildings and won the championship in one fell swoop.

However, after Lin Ruoying won the top spot, she suddenly redeemed herself and disappeared without a trace, which really disappointed and curious many people for a while, but as time went by, Lin Ruoying has been gradually forgotten by people. .

Who would have thought that the leader of the year would have transformed into Hao Quming's daughter. Xu Zongtang knew the stuff here, and the young master was doing this to clean up Lin Ruoying's life.

Today's Lin Ruoying's surname is no longer Lin, but her surname is Hao. She comes from a scholarly family and is an upright lady.

Because he has figured out the key issues, he asked such a question, which is very obvious to please.

"This is a private banquet, so there is no need to be so troublesome."

Li Wei grinned, implying that he would like to thank his uncle for his kindness. It's better not to make this matter public. I'll take care of my business.

"That's right, come, come, drink, drink, Jun'er, you should respect the young master a few more glasses."

Xu Zongtang grinned widely and smiled happily. Although the young master rejected his kindness, the phrase "private banquet" has another meaning. Private refers to himself. A private banquet is his own family banquet. It means a lot.

Satisfied with food and drink, Li Wei declined Xu Zongtang's offer to stay overnight in the Taishou's Mansion. Seeing that it was still early, he bathed and changed clothes in the mansion, then left through the back door of the Taishou's Mansion and headed for Hao's Mansion.

Tongfu Inn is closer to Hao’s Mansion, only one street away. As soon as he entered Hongfeng Provincial City, he asked the guards to go to Tongfu Inn to book a room. Except for the few guards who accompanied him on the surface, the guards who followed secretly There were dozens of people, and they stayed in the hotel with various identities, which was equivalent to booking the entire Tongfu Inn.

The business suddenly became so good that the owner of Tongfu Inn couldn't close his mouth with joy.

Inside Hao's mansion, Hao Quming was drinking and having fun with his beloved concubine in his arms. A guard came to report, and outside the door, Li Langjun who claimed to be from Chang'an asked to see him.

Surnamed Li?

Hao Quming got up quickly, no matter whether it was Li Wei or not, he had to go out to have a look.

The Hao family is a scholarly family, and can be considered one of the famous families in Baiwu County, but that is all in the past.

The reason why he was able to sit where he is today, and that his two sons who are not good enough to be able to enter the official position, is purely a big pie from the sky. Anyway, someone sent him a daughter inexplicably, and he recognized it in a daze , and then, all kinds of benefits came one after another, and he was so happy that he almost got carried away.

Hao Quming was not dizzy with joy, he clearly knew that the Hao family was able to have what it is today, thanks to Li Wei, and when he heard that his surname was Li, he came from Chang'an, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest.

"My nephew pays a visit to Uncle Hao."

Li Weike saluted politely. After all, Hao Quming was Sister Lin's nominal father, and he could also be regarded as his future father-in-law.


Hao Quming hurriedly backed away, looking a bit at a loss, how dare he accept the gift from the young master, he should be the one to salute.

"Uncle is being polite."

Li Wei stopped him from saluting, and ordered the guards to bring in the gift he had brought.

" can this be done..."

The bewildered Hao Quming was overwhelmed and became more and more nervous.

After welcoming the young master into the living room, ordering the maid to serve fragrant tea, Hao Quming politely brought Li Wei to the attic where his nominal daughter Hao Ruoying lived alone.

Hao Ruoying was sitting in front of the window in a daze, when she heard her sweetheart coming, she didn't care about her ladylike demeanor, she ran downstairs like flying, if it wasn't for the crowd, she wished she could throw herself into someone's arms, hold her tightly Put your arms around him to comfort the pain of lovesickness.

Hao Quming stepped back tactfully, while a group of guards quietly occupied the surrounding area, completely enclosing the entire attic.

When the young master goes out, Xiao Xiaoxiao, who is his personal bodyguard, naturally has to follow him. For the convenience of the trip, she and the poisonous lady Zhao Fengqin who accompanied her escort are both disguised as men. Welcome banquet.

Seeing Hao Ruoying running down the stairs, Xiao Xiaoxiao was startled for a moment, then blinked her bright eyes. She was smart and guessed the key point immediately. No wonder Lin Ruoying suddenly redeemed herself after winning the ringleader. Missing, she hid here, and became Hao Quming's daughter. All of these must have been arranged by someone to change Lin Ruoying's innocent identity so that she can marry her in the future.

All this guy arranged for Lin Ruoying was too difficult for him.

However, this guy has more and more women, which makes people feel... Seeing the two hurried upstairs, looking impatient, she couldn't help letting out a low hum. Good thing, shameless bastards and men and women, in broad daylight...whew... the poisonous lady Zhao Fengqin laughed lowly, and joked in a small voice: "Hey, why do I smell a sour vinegar smell? "

Xiao Xiaoxiao was ashamed, stamped her little feet, and ran out of the backyard as if fleeing for her life, causing Zhao Fengqin to chuckle and shouted at Xiao Xiaoxiao's back: "Do you want me to help you?"

Hearing this, Xiao Xiaoxiao immediately stopped in her tracks, but, out of a woman's reserve, she just stood without turning around, her heart beating wildly.

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