Every time the soldiers trapped in the camp uttered a roar, they pushed forward, and the Mo Dao followed, and the enemy soldiers in front of them were split in half, and blood was sprayed everywhere. In the blink of an eye, a dense square formation was wiped out. It was nearly half crushed.

Within a few breaths, the first dense phalanx of the Qingchuan government soldiers collapsed. Although most of these Qingchuan government soldiers were recruited into the army for the first time and entered the battlefield for the first time, there were not many brave people among them. They fought desperately to save their lives. Slashing with an iron sword.

However, when the iron sword hit the opponent's armor, there was a deafening bang, and sparks burst out, but it was unable to cause substantial damage to the opponent. On the contrary, it made the arm holding the sword numb. Even the iron sword was broken, and the opponent's huge strange blade was like chopping melons and vegetables, and the shield and armor seemed to be made of tofu. When the companion was slashed by a knife, it was not divided into two halves, and only a little flesh was connected. The tragic death is chilling.

This was a massacre on one side. The soldiers crowded in the back watched helplessly as their comrades in front were cut in half one by one, blood was sprayed everywhere, their courage quickly dropped, and their fighting spirit dropped to freezing point. Finally, some people collapsed and became hysterical. Some people wailed loudly, and even disregarded the sword unsheathed behind them, and the bow-stringed supervisor team turned around and ran back desperately. Some took the lead, and others followed. It was like a plague that infected the entire phalanx. In an instant, the entire dense phalanx The formation suddenly scattered, like an ant colony that exploded its nest, scattered and fled in all directions.

The officers shouted desperately to stop them, even swiping their swords to kill the deserters was useless. The fleeing soldiers rushed in like a tide, and even the officers were trapped inside.

Sikong Jian ignored Jiang Baiji's troops who were besieging the city, and commanded five thousand soldiers to attack Ou Cheng's commander-in-chief banner.

Ou Cheng's face was ugly at this time, the two schools have 1 troops, no matter how bad the combat power is, at least they can entangle [-] enemy troops for an hour, right?

The result was like tofu, and it collapsed in a single charge, so fast that his jaw almost dropped from shock.

He wished he could kill all the officers of the two schools, but now was not the time to settle accounts, and five thousand enemy troops were approaching his central army, so he had to make deployments as soon as possible.

Excluding the 1 soldiers who attacked the city, and the 5000 troops of the two schools that were defeated, he still has [-] troops and [-] light cavalry. The cavalry is used to deal with the [-] Jiayue cavalry that may suddenly appear at any time, and the [-] soldiers that can really be used are [-].

Ou Cheng quickly made adjustments and divided the [-] soldiers into three square formations, arranged in the shape of a character. When the enemy approached, the square formations on both wings outflanked the [-] enemy troops, gathered them and wiped them out.

In terms of tactics, he made such a deployment correctly, and Sikong Jian's trapped camp advances very slowly, so he has enough time to change his deployment.

Sikong Jian is also changing his formation, from a dense square formation to a conical formation, which is an attacking formation that only attacks but not defends, putting them to death and then reviving.

When the two armies collided fiercely, Ou Cheng knew that he was wrong. The enemy army was not an ordinary elite at all, but an invulnerable steel monster. , And then chilling and trembling, low fighting spirit.

The phalanx facing the front is like being chiseled by a sharp awl, and a small point is quickly chiseled. As the soldiers of the trapped camp push forward, the cracks also expand, and the phalanx is in danger of being pierced through.

Chapter 162 Defeat

The phalanx facing the frontal battle was cut open in this way, and it continued to expand. The enemy's conical formation was almost chiseled in, piercing the phalanx.

Ou Cheng finally saw and experienced the terrifying attacking power of this armored army. Their attacking speed was not fast, they just moved forward step by step, very slow, but very steady. Every step forward was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The feeling of being invincible and unshakable will cause fear and despair in the fighting soldiers, and the fighting spirit will quickly drop and collapse.

"Order all the rear troops to press up, the cavalry to turn around, and attack from the flank!"

Ou Cheng, who was pale and bloodless, quickly issued an order. At this time, he could no longer take care of the three thousand Jiayue cavalry who had not been able to find out their hiding places. The frontal phalanx was about to be pierced. A large army is in danger of collapse.

The [-] soldiers of the rear army quickly stepped up to relieve the strong pressure on the frontal phalanx. The only [-] light cavalry detoured to the right side of the trapped camp.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and turned their heads to look around.

Billows of dust and smoke swept out from the woods not far away, and the sound of rumbling hooves was earth-shattering.

"It's an enemy cavalry, go up to it!"

Captain Wang Ping waved his long sword and shouted loudly, if the enemy's cavalry was allowed to charge the infantry phalanx, the entire army would surely collapse.


Zhuo Fengxing led [-] tiger and leopard cavalry to charge out from the path in the forest. He stood in front of the horse, held the bow in his hand, and held three arrows between his fingers.

Three powerful arrows whizzed out, knocking down the two horsemen who were rushing forward, and the rumbling iron hooves trampled over them, and even the bones of the fallen knights could not be found.

Both sides were charging, and the distance was approaching quickly. After Zhuo Fengxing shot six arrows, he pulled the reins, and the horse turned and galloped to the right. The knights behind him also turned after shooting the arrows in their hands. Open, split into two.

Wang Ping led [-] cavalry under his command to charge forward, and before they could make contact with the enemy, nearly [-] cavalry were shot down by powerful arrows flying all over the sky.

When the two sides were about to collide, the enemy cavalry did not engage in the fight, but circled around to avoid it, which made him startled, what is the enemy army trying to do?The strength of the enemy and us is one to three, and the enemy actually avoids the battle when they have a huge advantage?

Just stunned for a moment, several people around him were shot by the roaring arrows and fell off their horses screaming. If he hadn't reacted quickly and slapped the flying arrows with a sword, he would have died too.

The enemy army was divided into two, he didn't know which one of the enemy cavalry should be pursued?Or retreat?

There are only more than 700 cavalry left under him, which is obviously at a disadvantage.

Wang Ping, who was trying to figure out the enemy's intentions and hesitated, soon understood what was going on from the actions of the tiger and leopard cavalry, and his face suddenly turned pale.

The three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry were divided into two, circled half a circle and turned back. When they rushed towards him, the two separate groups of cavalry joined together again, urging the mounts and firing arrows.

"Damn, retreat!"

Surprised and angry, Wang Ping cursed and turned his horse's head. The enemy cavalry did not avoid the battle at all, but regarded them as prey. They just hunted and killed them with their bows, and did not engage them head-on at all. How can we fight this battle?

He had heard that the soldiers of the Golden Empire outside the Great Wall grew up on horseback. They were unparalleled in riding skills. They could shoot arrows on horseback. The field battles are very powerful, and the one who has experienced the most profound experience is the Jin Empire, which is adjacent to the Jin Empire.

Many generals have thought about how infantry can deal with cavalry in field battles, but unfortunately no one has come up with a good solution so far. They have been using Marshal Mingzhu's baggage cart to block the enemy's pikemen on the outside before the formation of archers. The method of killing the enemy.

This method is indeed effective, but it not only tests the fighting spirit and psychological quality of the pikemen, but also requires a large number of archers, and they can only defend passively, and the initiative is completely in the hands of the enemy.

Wang Ping had only heard about it, and learned about it from historical records, but he didn't take it to heart. He probably wouldn't be able to go outside the Great Wall to fight against the Jin Empire's army in his life. He didn't expect to experience the power of cavalry and archery today. My heart was filled with a sense of helplessness.

The defeat was irretrievable, he had to persuade the chief general, Ou Cheng, to retreat, maybe he could save some of his troops, otherwise, when the enemy cavalry rushed to the battle, the whole army would inevitably be defeated.

Arrows were flying in the air, Wang Ping turned his horse's head, and suddenly felt a shock in his back, and a sharp pain came from his spine. He couldn't help but let out a miserable cry, and his huge body fell from the horse's back.

The main general died in battle, and the remaining hundreds of light cavalry immediately collapsed and fled in all directions, no one cared about their comrades who were still fighting bloody battles.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ou Cheng hurriedly ordered to retreat. The rear army was responsible for resisting the enemy, and the two wings retreated. Even if they were defeated, they could still retain part of their troops.

However, he overestimated the soldiers under his command. Almost all of the [-] soldiers under his command were recruits who were forcibly recruited into the army. When the order to retreat was issued, the entire army scattered like a colony of ants blasting their nest.

Ou Cheng didn't expect that an order to retreat would lead to such a result. He was trembling with anger, and suddenly roared, spewed a mouthful of blood, and fell off the horse.

A group of guards quickly picked him up, mixed with the fleeing defeated soldiers, and fled for their lives in a panic.

The mountains and plains are full of defeated soldiers fleeing. The 20 camp soldiers did not pursue them. They are exhausted. The [-] army led by Kong Ning is approaching, and they must withdraw from the battlefield as soon as possible.

The 20 tiger and leopard cavalry chased for a few miles and killed some rout soldiers. Seeing the dust rising from afar, they knew that the [-] troops led by Kong Ning had arrived, so they quickly retreated.

Li Wei knew that most of Kong Ning's 20 troops were formed by forced conscripts, and their combat power was extremely low. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a mob, but when the quantity reaches a certain level, the quality can be overwhelmed. Yes, he didn't want to spend countless money and energy building the two most elite troops on these rabble.

He led the army to retreat in a hurry. Not only did he not clean up the battlefield, he even gave up on Jiangyang County.

Kong Ning looked at the messy battlefield and almost wanted to vomit blood. Fifty thousand versus several thousand, the defeat was so miserable that the number of defeated soldiers gathered was less than 5000. He wished he could chop off Ou Cheng's head, but at the time of employing people, only Neng could suppress the monstrous anger and ordered him to commit crimes and make meritorious service when attacking Chang'an City.

Kong Ning did not station Kong in Jiangyang County, but sent a large number of Ye Bujuu to inquire about intelligence, and at the same time ordered the army to speed up the march, and must camp under Chang'an City tonight.

He did not camp in Jiangyang County, but sent a 5000-man army to stay behind. This small county is used as a logistics transfer station to ensure the supply of food and grass for the army.

Chapter 163 I'm Not Here

In the evening, Kong Ning led an army of 20 troops to the city of Chang'an, and the company camps stationed stretched for tens of miles. For a while, the government and the public were shaken again, people were panicked, and various rumors were flying everywhere.

There was already a lot of quarrel in the court hall. Just one day after Xiao Qin King ascended the throne, the ministers desperately sought official positions, fighting for the vacated position of Shang Shu Zuo Pu. They spat at each other in the Golden Luan Palace, there was no way, the post of Shang Shu Zuo Pu She was the highest other than the king, he could be said to be an extremely human minister.

The quarrel was still inconclusive, and 20 Qingchuan government soldiers pressed the border, frightening all the ministers to look pale and bloodless, with cramp in their calves.

During the mutiny in Chang'an, the guards of the city guards Habayashi guards and the guards in the palace participated in it. Most of them died in battle, and those who survived escaped without a trace. In short, there were only [-] Jiayuefu soldiers left in the city.

The disparity between the military strength of the two sides is almost one to seven. It would be a lie to say that they are not afraid. For this reason, the ministers began to quarrel endlessly. Generally, they are divided into the main combat faction and the peace faction, and there are also a few silent factions. Squeak, it's hard for people to understand what's in his mind.

It is a matter of survival of the royal family. Even the loyal Royalist faction has some advocates for war, and some for peace talks. The main combat faction believes that Qingchuan Kong's soldiers encircle Chang'an for rebellion and treason. If they negotiate peace, it will set a precedent.

The Yihe faction believed that the Kong family was powerful, and once Chang'an City was breached, the consequences would be unimaginable, and they should act urgently. They could appease the Qingchuan Kong family first, agree to some demands, and let them withdraw their troops to ensure the safety of Chang'an.

The two factions with different opinions quarreled in the Golden Luan Hall, spitting all over the sky, and Li Gang, the prime minister in charge of the whole country, was obviously ignored. This may be intentional by the officials to vent their hatred for Jiayue Li dissatisfaction.

The position of prime minister is newly established, and its rank is the same as that of Shangshu Pushe, but its responsibility is greater than that of Shangshu Pushe. It not only controls the country's soldiers and horses, but also controls the affairs of the empire. Although it is an imperial decree issued by King Qin, all ministers Naturally chose to ignore.

In everyone's mind, they thought that this was a compromise the royal family had to make to keep them safe, and it was also a reward for the so-called escort.

On the day of the mutiny, several forces killed the sky and the earth was dark, and there was chaos in Chang'an City. The leader of the King Bao faction, Shang Shu Zuo Servant shot Sima Lang, died at the hands of the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang, and Qin Yongqiang died at the hands of Qingchuan prefect Kong Ning, his ambitions were completely exposed. Kong Ning wanted to storm the palace, but fortunately Jiayue Li's army arrived in time and drove Kong Ning away.

In such a chaotic situation at that time, the Li family could completely cast a poisonous hand and blame the Qingchuan Kong family. The empress dowager Wu Huifei had to compromise because of the blood of the former king. Therefore, in the eyes of the ministers, Jiayue Li's contribution to escort Changing the taste, on the contrary, recognized the empress dowager's wisdom in times of crisis.

Li Gang has been watching the slobbering of the audience and ministers. If he hadn't considered the various adverse consequences caused by usurping the throne, he really wanted to sit on the dragon chair on the high platform and experience the feeling of the real dragon emperor.

However, this idea is only fleeting, he is old, how many years can he sit on the dragon chair?Isn't it for his son that he worked so hard?For Lee?

Furthermore, the surname of Little King Qin is not Qin, but Li. His first grandson, he is always a family member, and flesh and blood are thicker than blood.

Instead of leaving a turbulent empire to his son, it is better to take advantage of the remaining situation to build a stable Li family empire for his son and grandson.

After looking away, Li Gang was rejuvenated for the third time. He put all his energy into fighting for his goal. His son took control of the military and fought outside, and he himself escorted him in the court. The stumbling block must also ensure the supply of weapons, food and salaries for the army to go on an expedition.

In the past few days, he has desperately recruited young men in Jiayue and Hongfeng provinces to form a new army to assist his son in fighting. However, the manpower is still on the way to Chang'an.

He clearly knows that some forces are unwilling to give up. Kong Ning's troops forced Chang'an, and those guys are even more restless. However, he currently only has 3 people guarding Chang'an City. He is seriously short of manpower and cannot fully monitor him. He can only wait patiently and take a look. Those who don't know how to live or die will jump out, wait for their son to kill Kong Ning, and then settle the score later.

Now, the city guard guarding Chang'an City is his Li family's army, and the Habayashi guards and palace guards guarding the palace are all his people. The generals in charge of the army are all carefully selected, and there is absolutely no question of loyalty. , When Kong Ning is destroyed, all the maids and eunuchs in the palace will be replaced with their own people.

There are also various deployment offices, especially important departments such as the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Rites, etc., all have to arrange cronies to fill in. As for the right ministers, he has plenty of ways to force them to submit.

Although Li Gang was in charge of court affairs, he was always keeping an eye on the progress of the war. Kong Ning personally led an army of 20 to besiege Chang'an City. It would be strange for him to say that he was not nervous.

Although there are [-] defenders in Chang'an City, and most of them are the elite who have followed him for many years, but some soldiers were transferred from the army to re-form [-] Yulin Guards and [-] Palace Guards, and to maintain the order of Chang'an, Important traffic arteries need to be guarded and some important government officials should be protected. In fact, only [-] troops can be invested.

The most elite 400 camp of the Jiayue Army has retreated to the city to rest. The defeat of Kong Ning's [-] vanguard army in the Jiangyang County Battle has greatly boosted morale. However, the camp also lost nearly [-] people. Add it right away.

At the same time, more than a thousand wounded private soldiers from aristocratic families also retreated into the city. The thousands of private soldiers were like a drop in the bucket in the dangerous situation they were facing, but it was better than nothing.

Li Wei did not enter the city, but led three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry to cruise outside the city, waiting for the opportunity to move.

There was a serious shortage of troops and manpower, and the far water could not save the near fire. Li Gang had a headache because of this, and he desperately rubbed his swollen temples and sighed.

Even though it was midnight, the prime minister's mansion was still brightly lit, and all the confidants were sitting or standing, without exception, frowning and thinking hard, desperately thinking of a solution.

"Prime Minister, I have a strategy, which may alleviate the serious shortage of troops."

Wen Zishan, the famous scholar who surrendered in Hongfeng Province, who has now become Li Wei's confidant and think tank, said in a low voice.

"Sir, please speak."

Li Gang was refreshed when he heard it, no wonder his son valued it so much, and he came up with a solution so quickly, he is worthy of a famous Hongfeng scholar.

Wen Zishan stroked his long beard and said: "Kong Ning led an army of 20 to besiege Chang'an. The people in the city were panicked, and the morale of the army was also unstable. Since this is the case, it is better to magnify the panic."

He didn't say the following words. He didn't have the wisdom to test Li Gang, but a way of being an official with prudence and protection. The greatest contribution should belong to the superior. For so many years, Jiayue Li's family is already finished.

Li Gang was startled for a moment, bowed his head in thought for a while, then slapped his thigh fiercely, laughed loudly and said, "Zishan is a good plan!"

Chapter 164 The Battle of Chang'an

The army of 20 Qingchuan Provincial Government surrounded Chang'an City tightly, black and dense like an ant colony, and filled the flat ground outside the city, with iron shields like mountains, spears like forests, battle flags fluttering like the sea, and camps stretching for dozens of miles. It put great pressure on the defenders in Chang'an City, and made the people feel great fear.

This night, many people in the city survived the long night in fear.

It was finally dawn, which also meant that Qingchuan government soldiers were about to launch an attack. The fear in the city became more intense, and the people's hearts became more panicked.

I don't know who sent the news. In order to boost the morale of Qingchuan prefect Kong Ning, Xu Ruo, the first soldier to enter the city, was promoted to three ranks, and a reward of ten thousand taels was given. After breaking the city, he was free to plunder for seven days.

The news spread rapidly in the city like a plague, and soon spread throughout the city, aggravating the panic of the people in the city.

Free looting for seven days, how many families have to be robbed?How many people were killed?How many young ladies and daughter-in-laws have been insulted?

The panic in the hearts of the people intensified, the city was besieged on all sides, and they couldn't escape. The panic turned into despair. In despair, some people cried out in fright, while some bloody young and strong silently picked up sticks, axes, and hoes. Many people are helpless.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, are you just watching your food and money being robbed and your wives and daughters being humiliated? Are you still a man?"

"Let's hide under women's skirts without eggs. All men with eggs come here. Let's join the army and swear to the death to defend our home and country, and protect our wives and children!"

Under the instigation of conscientious people, the desperate people finally picked up all kinds of guys and rushed to the street with the leaders. They shouted slogans of defending their homes and the country, and headed towards the emergency conscription station opened by the imperial court. rush.

Li Gang didn't need to go out to watch, just listen to the deafening roar that resounded through the sky to know that he would soon be able to recruit tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of young and strong recruits.

He also knew that among these new recruits there must be secret operations of various forces, but in this critical period, the only thing to do is to defend Chang'an City first, and nothing else is important.

Time was running out, and it was impossible for the recruits to undergo any training. After receiving their weapons and equipment, they went directly to the top of the city to prepare for battle.

Fortunately, Li Gang led the army for many years. He promoted the veterans of the army to low-level officers such as general Qu, the leader of the corps, and commanded the recruits.

Furthermore, although Qingchuan Mansion soldiers are claimed to be 20, there are more than [-] real elites. The rest are recruits who have just joined the army and have never been on the battlefield. The number of recruits is not much different from that of recruits. However, as long as there is sufficient food, grass and weapons, there will be no problem in defending Chang'an for a few years.

Li Gang knew very well in his heart that he had enough capital to fight with Kong Ning, but the desperate Kong Ning couldn't afford it at all. If he couldn't capture Chang'an City in half a month at most, he would surely be defeated.

Now, Chang'an's troops have skyrocketed and the biggest problem has been solved. Next, he is going to visit Wuwei General Xia Houshang.

The Xiahou family is a prominent family in Chang'an, and even a family of generals. Xiahoushang is the current head of the family, and the only remaining pillar of the empire. It means that I want to invite this old general to come out of the mountain. As long as he climbs up and shouts, those soldiers who fled back home due to the mutiny will definitely join the account again, and he will soon be able to pull up a team with slightly higher combat effectiveness than the recruits.

The wishful thinking in his heart was well planned, but he was silent, and the old general Xiahou refused to see the guests on the grounds that he was sick and needed to rest.

Even if Li Gang was unhappy, it would not have destroyed the Xiahou family. He is a hero, so he still has the capacity to accommodate others, otherwise, he would not have so many famous people working for him.

This kind of matter can't be rushed, and it can't be forced, so Li Gang can only leave with a sigh. The most important thing right now is to defend Chang'an City first.

Just about to climb to the top of the city to observe the enemy's situation, a soldier came to report, and an envoy sent by the Kong family outside the city asked to see him.

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