The triumphant Kong Ning couldn't help laughing wildly. The praying mantis was catching the cicada, and the oriole was behind him. He was the oriole that finally picked the fruit of victory.

A smart person like him who is good at calculating must be very good at settling accounts. The fifth prince Qin Yongqiang is too strong. To support him in the position, it is better to support the little prince who is still waiting to be fed to become a puppet king. He will control the government by himself. He is under house arrest, and he sits on the dragon chair as the emperor, hehe.

"Come on, break open the palace gate for me!"

Surrounded by guards, Kong Ning stood in front of the gate of the palace. He ordered the soldiers to smash the door. Before the two sides fought desperately, no one noticed when the palace gate was closed. For orphans and widows, he can only obediently let him manipulate.

Bang, bang, dozens of soldiers hugged the beams and hit the thick palace gate. Suddenly, a row of soldiers stood up on the city wall, holding strong bows, and shot arrows desperately. Even Kong Ning was almost shot into a hedgehog, and at least seven or eight of his guards died to protect him.

"what happened?"

Kong Ning was so angry that his face was livid. His ingenious layout attracted Sima Lang and Qin Yongqiang to fight each other. When the two sides were almost exhausted, he came out to clean up the mess. Logically, there should be no remaining forces in Chang'an City. The soldiers in the palace Either they escaped or they were all killed. Apart from the maids and eunuchs, there should be no army inside.

"Second uncle, are you all right?"

On the city wall of the imperial palace, Li Wei, who was wearing a new style of black armor, leaned on the wall and asked him with a smile.

"You... you... why are you here?"

Kong Ning opened his mouth wide, and the expression on his face was as ugly as if he had swallowed a few blowflies. He knew the brother-in-law's skills quite well, so he kept paying attention to him, and even conducted a special campaign against him. The layout, I didn't expect others to appear here, which means that all his layouts have failed.

"Second uncle, do you think you can kill your brother-in-law with three thousand Lan's volunteers and three thousand family private soldiers? You underestimate your brother-in-law too much, it's just a mob of six thousand, haha."

Li Wei said with a smile: "I won't bother Second Uncle here, let's go back and take care of the family. If the family disappears, it will become a bereaved dog."

"you you……"

Kong Ning was furious, even though he was mentally prepared for Qingchuan to be attacked by Li Shi, but now he heard Li Wei's words, he still couldn't help being furious, wishing to tear his body to pieces to relieve his hatred.

"Second Uncle, if you lose your temper, the Qingchuan 30 army will be leaderless."

Li Wei still said with a smile: "I hope that the second uncle will still have time."


Kong Ning's heart was shocked, and his complexion became more and more ugly. From Li Wei's words, he heard the deep meaning in it. The [-] troops hiding outside Jiangluo City and preparing to assault Chang'an were exposed.

Both ambition and secrets are exposed, and he will definitely make targeted deployments. Whether his [-] troops can successfully attack and occupy Dongping Pass, it is difficult to say with the commander An Ke.

Li Wei looked up at the sky, and said lazily: "I've been tossing around all day, but I'm exhausted. If the second uncle is fine, I'll go to bed first, brother-in-law, and I will send the second uncle off respectfully."

After he finished speaking, he yawned and disappeared from the city wall of the palace, presumably he really went to rest.

Kong Ning looked at the soldiers lined up on the walls of the palace with a face full of reluctance, and after a while he gritted his teeth and said, "Withdraw."

The peaches were about to be picked, but his brother-in-law beat him to the punch. He was not reconciled. However, he only had two thousand soldiers at his disposal, and some of them were surrendered soldiers from Chang'an, so the combat effectiveness was not mentioned.

He doesn't know how many troops they have in their hands. There are 500 people standing on the city wall alone, and the black armor is the bright armor that only middle and senior officers in the army are equipped with. Coupled with that chilling aura, he is definitely an elite man, and he can compete with his guards.

If it was just these, he might still try to test the reality, but the walls of the imperial palace are not low, without siege equipment, it is impossible to attack the city, and he is worried about the safety of his home, so he has no choice but to withdraw from Chang'an.

Li Wei and Wu You huddled behind the city wall of the imperial palace. Seeing that Kong Ning's men and horses had completely withdrawn, the two breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got this guy away.

Chapter 156 The Rebellion in Chang'an 7

Finally, he was fooled away.

Both Li Wei and Wu Youju took a deep breath at the same time, and looked at each other with wry smiles. If Kong Ning had a siege weapon and launched a tentative attack, it would be a big trouble.

The number of people standing on the city wall was indeed as many as four to five hundred, but most of them were young eunuchs in the palace, wearing battle armor and standing there holding swords to count.

Although there are still about [-] of his men, only about [-] of them can really fight, and most of them are slightly injured. After several consecutive fierce battles, they are already exhausted, can they hold on? Kong Ning's charge is hard to say.

There are nearly a thousand soldiers lying in the Yihe Palace. They are seriously injured and have lost their combat effectiveness. Xiao Liuzi is directing the maids and eunuchs to treat and nurse them.

Although Li Wei and Wu You took all aspects into consideration, they also dispatched thousands of inner guard secret agents, [-] special night-buying and [-] reserve team members to lurk in Chang'an City, plus [-] elite soldiers. The bodyguards, together with the three hundred guards of the Xiang Mansion, the most elite three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry and five thousand camp soldiers stationed outside the city, are enough to deter any force.

However, after all calculations, they still neglected some details, such as the so-called Lan's Volunteer Army, some aristocratic families bought by Kong Ning, and some local tyrants who wanted to fish in troubled waters.

The result of negligence is to pay a price. The Lan's Volunteer Army and those aristocratic families and powerful private soldiers add up to [-] people, plus some inexplicable enemies who fought, the impact of the defeat and the impact, etc. Li Wei almost capsized in the gutter.

When they saw the signal in the sky, they immediately started to act according to the original plan. The various action groups entered the predetermined location to assemble and stand by. The three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry outside the city quickly moved, ambushing and annihilating the soldiers and horses coming out of Yunluo City on the road .

The soldiers of the [-] camp were originally hiding in several farms outside Chang'an City, but because they accidentally discovered that Kong Ning had hidden [-] troops outside Jiangluo City, they had to be urgently transferred to Dongping Pass to guard against accidents.

Although there is no foreign aid, Li Wei still has nearly 500 elites in his hands. As long as there are no accidents, he can still control the palace.

The five hundred special Yebushou gathered at the Liufu Inn were originally ordered to sneak into the palace to protect Wu Huiniang's mother and son during the chaos, but something happened unexpectedly.

This secret stronghold of the inner guard was exposed at some point, but it was besieged by 500 Lan's volunteers and suffered heavy losses. Li Wei and Wu You each led [-] people to make emergency reinforcements, but they encountered a place in troubled waters on the way. Thousands of powerful private soldiers, the two sides fought inexplicably.

Although thousands of powerful private soldiers were defeated, they attracted attacks from several other powerful private soldiers. These powerful private soldiers were not very powerful, but they were numerous and powerful, and equipped with a large number of strong bows. cause a certain amount of damage.

Li Wei saw that the situation was not good, so he had to retreat while fighting, until another group of special Yebushou came out from the side. After a fierce battle, he defeated those powerful private soldiers, and when he led his team to Liufu Inn, they gathered at the The five hundred special Yebushou here have been scattered and broke through due to heavy losses after a fierce fight.

Li Wei, who was furious and furious, concentrated all his strength and killed the Lan's Volunteer Army. However, he seemed to be unlucky today, and only defeated more than 2000 Lan's Volunteer Army. More than 2000 city guards loyal to the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang joined the battle. During the fierce battle, [-] city guards loyal to Sima Lang suddenly broke out.

Li Wei desperately led his men to kill a bloody road, dragged his injured comrades out of the battle circle, and then crossed a street, but was rushed by a group of desperately fleeing soldiers, and some of his men were separated.

When he broke into the palace through the side door, he was caught off guard by nearly [-] guards and suffered slight casualties. , there were only about [-] people left, and the number of active people was pitifully small, and the loss was very heavy.

In fact, there should be more than these surviving subordinates. Some were responsible for leading away the pursuers, some were scattered by the defeated soldiers, and some were sent out to find the scattered brothers. These people have not returned yet, even if there are losses, but At least some of them survived.

The whole city was in chaos, and the killing was the most intense outside the palace. The elite main forces of both sides were concentrated there to fight. Li Wei was happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. All his wounded gathered in Yihe Palace , Let Xiaoliuzi organize the palace ladies and eunuchs to bandage and rescue, and at the same time closely monitor the movement outside the palace.

The palace is too big and the gates overlap like a labyrinth. He can't guard all of them with the little manpower in his hand. He can only arrange a team of two people at the side gates of the palace gates. The court ladies and eunuchs lead.

Although the loss is heavy, as long as the safety of Wu Huiniang's mother and child is protected and the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang is eliminated, it will be equal to victory. When something happened, the ambitious Kong Ning took advantage of Qin Yongqiang's inattention, secretly assassinated him, and killed him without any effort.

Li Wei knew that after Kong Ning defeated Qin Yongqiang's men, he would definitely break into the palace. His little manpower could not stop Kong Ning at all. Fortunately, Wu You took off the armor of the wounded soldiers and put them on for the little eunuchs in the palace. , Hardly bluffed Kong Ning.

Kong Ning left with his people, and Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief. Only now did he have time to talk to Concubine Wu Hui and hold his son in his arms.

"It's really like me when I was a child."

Li Wei carefully held the sleeping baby, grinning and giggling.

What he said drew Wu Huiniang's eyes, it was your own, so of course it looks like you, if you want to look like someone else, wouldn't it be troublesome?

The two daughters, Qing'er and Xiao Xiaoxiao, stood aside, looking at Li Wei and Concubine Wu Hui with complicated expressions. The former was a little jealous. A little change, Pian Xianggong and Wu Huiniang just hang out for one night, and they are still a young man, who compares people to others, and is pissed off.

If the master and all the wives know that Mrs. Li has a queen, how happy will they be?

However, Concubine Wu Hui is the favorite concubine of King Qin, her status is special and sensitive, how to arrange her in the future will be a bit troublesome.

However, these are not the issues she wants to care about. She also wants to give birth to some sons for Xianggong, but it is really difficult for Xianggong to be so busy and there are several sisters waiting for his favor.

Xiao Xiaoxiao's heart at this time can be described as full of mixed feelings. This guy is really romantic and merciful everywhere. He even dared to hook up with King Qin's favorite concubine. For a while, she didn't know what to say, but her heart was empty and full of lost.

Kong Ning withdrew from the palace unwillingly, his men were all cavalry, three thousand elite cavalry came, and almost one man and two cavalry left, that is to say, half of the three thousand elite cavalry was lost.


During the gallop, Kong Ning suddenly reined in his mount. At first, the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became. After he calmed down, he seemed to feel something in his heart.

Chapter 157 The Rebellion in Chang'an 8

When Kong Ning came to Chang'an this time, he brought two confidants with him. Their advice on the road was like enlightenment. They have reached this point. Li, who is surnamed Li, really thinks about affection, can he let him go? "go back!"

With a murderous look on his face, Kong Ning turned his horse's head and led his men to gallop into Chang'an City again.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the roaring and killing sounds had long subsided, but the people who had been frightened for a whole day were still afraid to go out. One place, now it can be said that Chang'an is already an undefended city.

The only lucky thing is that although the forces of all parties fought fiercely, they did not use fire attacks. Otherwise, the fire would spread, and many houses would be burned, many people died in the fire, and many people would be homeless.

The sound of hooves rumbled, and the earth shook. Kong Ning led his men to rush to the main gate of the palace like a whirlwind, and attacked without saying a word.

When the sound of rumbling hooves approached from far away, the guards guarding the walls of the palace had already sent someone into the palace to report. Li Wei and Wu You looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect to be seen through so quickly. It seems that there are capable people around this guy.

At this point, they can only rely on the high, thick and strong city walls to hold on for as long as they can, and make other plans if they can't. Where to climb in.

Knowing that such a defense is very passive, but even Wu You, the right military master who has always cheated people, was helpless. Li Wei had no choice but to order the court ladies and eunuchs to move all the wounded to other places, and let Qing'er and others protect Wu Huiniang's mother and son to hide in the secret passage first. Unforeseen.

There are more than a hundred guards on the wall of the gate of the palace, and more than a hundred more as a reserve team. They not only provide support at any time, but also intercept the enemies who break into the palace from other places.

Outside the palace, Kong Ning's subordinates just bluffed, rushed out of the range of the strong bow and retreated. There was no siege equipment such as ladders, and it was useless to roar loudly.

Before Kong Ning could give an order, his gang had already rushed into the nearby houses and forcibly removed the door panels and other things. Under the threat of Gang Dao, the people had to help them make long ladders.

In the palace, Xiaoliuzi led people to break down the gate of the armory, and asked the maids and eunuchs to move the arrows to the top of the gate to assist Li Wei in guarding the palace.

When the common people rushed out more than a dozen long ladders, it was getting dark. Kong Ning ordered the common people to light a few piles of bonfires outside the palace, one of them stormed from the main entrance to attract Li Wei's attention, and the other two climbed in from other places. palace.

The soldiers of Qingchuan Mansion uttered loud shouts, held shields and swords, and launched an attack.

On the top of the city, Li Wei commanded his men to fire bows and arrows. There were plenty of strong bows and arrows, but there was a serious shortage of manpower. Even so, he still shot and killed many Qingchuan government soldiers who were approaching.

Before the attacking soldiers rushed to the city wall, there was the sound of rumbling hoofs, and several horsemen came galloping. It was Kong Ningbu's sentry post at the head of Chang'an City, just in case of accidents.

The sentry came to report and found a large-scale cavalry galloping towards the city. From the vibration of the ground, it was estimated that there were at least [-] cavalry. Because it was dark and the sight was unclear, it was impossible to identify where the cavalry was.

Kong Ning's face turned pale and bloodless in an instant. He spent countless money to build an elite cavalry force of 5000 men, which was the maximum he could bear. Mrs. Yue Li, who has so many skills to form a cavalry of ten thousand people? "retreat!"

The situation was not good, and he immediately ordered to retreat. This time, he no longer had any illusions, and could only lament that God did not continue to bring him good luck at the critical moment.

Thousands of Qingchuan government soldiers ran away in an instant, causing Li Wei and others who were preparing for a fierce battle on the top of the city to look at each other, not knowing what happened for a while.

Soon, they knew what was going on. The earth-shattering sound of rumbling hooves approached from a distance, and an iron cavalry rushed towards the palace like a whirlwind.

Seeing the full moon flying eagle battle flag fluttering in the wind, the soldiers on the top of the city couldn't help cheering, the reinforcements came too timely.

While Li Wei and Wu You were overjoyed, they were also full of doubts. Looking at the battle flag, they knew that it was the elite cavalry tiger and leopard cavalry that he had spent countless money to build. They were ordered to set up an ambush in the middle of the road and rushed from Yunluo City to Chang'an The army, is the war over so soon?

No, according to the calculation of time, the army of Yunluo City will not be able to reach Chang'an until midnight no matter how quickly they march, so something must have happened.

Without his order, the excited soldiers had already opened the gate of the palace to welcome their own people into the palace.

By the light of the fire, Li Wei saw Father Cheap, Tian Ce and other counselors entering the palace surrounded by guards, he couldn't help scratching his head, why did they come here?

There were too many mysteries in his heart that needed to be unraveled, but without the slightest hesitation, he came down from the city wall to welcome Father Cheap and Zuo Junshi Tian Ce and others.

Li Gang grinned, and patted him on the shoulder vigorously, "It's fine, take dad to see the little guy."


Li Wei was speechless, his father had only his grandson in his eyes, and he was no longer a son.

"Congratulations, young master, congratulations, young master."

Tian Ce and other Yong counselors cupped their fists to congratulate, no matter how tragic and thrilling the process was, occupying the palace in the end is victory.

All of them couldn't hide their inner excitement and happiness. How many grandparents of Li's grandparents failed to realize their dreams, but let the young master complete them in a whirlwind. What kind of luck is this?

They also have great ambitions and want to show off their talents and be famous in history. Now, the young master has set up a stage for them. Next, it depends on their talents and luck.

At this moment, their hearts are not only full of gratitude to Li Wei, but more of admiration. Such a master, why worry about the great cause?

When Li Gang entered the city, he had divided his troops to guard the four city gates and closed the gates. All the troops were concentrated in the palace, and the specific arrangements would be made after dawn according to the situation.

Li Wei was naturally relieved of the cheap old man's deployment, and brought his old man, Tian Ce and others into Yihe Palace.

Concubine Wu Hui originally retreated into the secret passage to prevent accidents, but when she heard that reinforcements had arrived and the crisis was resolved, she immediately came out of the secret passage.

Seeing Li Wei coming in with a thin-faced old man in battle armor, she was slightly taken aback, her eyes fixed on Li Wei's face.

"Father, she is Hui Niang."

Li Wei winked at her, and introduced to Daddy Cheap with a smile.

Wu Huiniang was taken aback, and hurriedly bent down to give a blessing, her pretty face was full of tension and uneasiness, and there was also a bit of resentment and reproach, at least you should say it in advance, so I'm well prepared.

Li Gang received a big salute from her, and his eyes fell on the maid who was holding the baby next to her, and said with a smile: "This is my grandson?"

Chapter 158 The Rebellion in Chang'an 9

In the middle of the night, the city gates of Chang'an were opened several times and then closed again. During this period, several cavalry teams from Jiayue entered the city one after another.

The soldiers of Jiayue Mansion in Chang'an City have reached [-], which is enough to guard Chang'an City without losing it.

Thirty thousand cavalry?Li Wei was taken aback, where did Daddy Cheap get so much money to form such a large cavalry unit?

He was very tired, but there were too many doubts in his heart, and he would definitely not be able to sleep until he figured it out.

Fortunately, Tian Ce, the left army commander who was relied on as one of the left and right arms, quickly explained his doubts.

The contact signal between Li Wei and Anping is to release beacons, which is the fastest communication signal so far. Three beacons indicate that the previously agreed action plan will be implemented immediately.

However, he didn't know that after he came to Chang'an, Li Gang immediately summoned his confidants and made some changes to his action plan. In his words, Li Wei's performance in all aspects made him very satisfied, but , Sometimes the heart is too soft.

In the plan, Li Wei had no plans to seize Yunluo City because he was worried about public opinion and other issues. It was only later that he discovered that the guard of Yunluo City was bought by the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang, so he temporarily dispatched [-] tiger and leopard cavalry to set up an ambush in the middle of the road , defeated the army sent by Yunluo to Chang'an.

Li Gang doesn't care so much. Since everyone in the world knows the ambitions of their father and son, there is no need to cover up. Mind the killing spree.

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