Wu You, who was sitting by the side, had flickering eyes, as if he was thinking of some bad idea to trick others, let the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, take the throne, the harm would outweigh the benefits, if he is snapped, the little prince who is still breastfeeding Qin Yongfu is the only heir. No matter how capable the minister who assists him is, even if the little prince is a genius, he has to wait until he officially ascends the throne. That is to say, Jiayue has 18 years to develop.

In 18 years, hehe, I’m afraid the daylilies are all cold. The young master will definitely annex Qingchuan within two years at most, and then he will go straight to Chang’an, enter the cabinet strongly, and control the government. If he can completely control the imperial court, then the young master will have the final say on the affairs of the court?

Taking a step back, even if you are unlucky, you can't kill the fifth son Qin Yongqiang, drag him down, and be disgusting. He can still win two or three years to weaken the influence of Li's annexation of Hongfeng Province. This is an excellent opportunity , don't miss it.

"What's the master's plan?"

Xiang Wendong looked at Li Wei with bright eyes, full of anticipation. The thoughts in his heart were also thought of by Wu You, and he had already reported these thoughts to the old magistrate Li Gang, waiting for his decision.

The young master is the future Lord of Jiayue, so he must establish a relationship. The various new policies implemented by Jiayue, and the perfect action of annexing Hongfeng Province, all came from the young master. His heart is full of appreciation and expectation, so foresight and decisive , The courage of a generation of heroes.

At this moment, his heart is full of anticipation.

1 Thirty Chapters Chance

"Old witch, what do you think?"

Li Wei looked at Wu You, the military commander on the right, with a smile on his face. His eyes were wandering just now, and his eyeballs were rolling around. He probably thought of something.

Wu You glanced at Wendong, carefully said what was in his heart slowly, and finally said: "Master, this is the best time for Jiayuebori to get up."

Xiang Wendong couldn't help but said: "Wu Junshi is right, this is really the best time for Jiayuebori to get up, King Qin is old and frail, and he was hit by the pain of losing his son, so he probably can live another year." Two years at most."

He suddenly thought of something, blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "You said, King Qin is so old, he can still plow and move the fields?"

Concubine Wu Hui, the favorite concubine of the King of Qin, gave birth to a son. This was originally a happy event for the royal family, but news came from someone that the little prince born to Concubine Wu Hui... Although he said the following words, you all understand expression.

It is no wonder that some people suspect that the King of Qin is really old and frail, and his glory cannot be lifted. Even if he takes the medicine of tigers and wolves, he is probably just a dead snake. There are so many concubines in the harem, and they take turns to sleep, and their stomachs have not grown. , why can concubine Wu Hui conceive a dragon species alone?Li Wei and Wu You couldn't help laughing, with expressions of admiration on their faces. Which buddy is so awesome, dare to make King Qin wear a super big green hat?

Admiration is nothing but admiration, and I can only hide it in my heart, and make fun of it after dinner to enliven the atmosphere. After all, this is a private matter of the Wang family, and they can't control it even if they want to.

"Let's see the situation first."

Li Wei made the final decision. Although he also had the idea of ​​killing the fifth prince, Qin Yongqiang, there are so many soldiers around this guy, and there are many masters. In addition, his own strength is super strong. Moreover, the situation is delicate, so this guy must be more cautious. Assassinating him is harder than climbing to the sky.

Wu You secretly sighed, when did the young master become so timid?

But it's not bad, at least he didn't veto this plan, which shows that it is still possible. As for how much the dead man will pay, this is not a question that a planner like him considers.

That night, Li Wei stayed in Xiangfu, the road was bumpy, people were tired and horses were exhausted, everyone went to bed early.

Li Wei was woken up early in the morning, had breakfast, changed into a decent official uniform, and followed Xiang Wendong into the palace to face the saint.

The personal guards stayed outside the palace, Li Wei and Xiang Wendong entered the resplendent palace, and saw the civil servants and generals entering the palace one after another along the way, and the eyes they looked at were extremely complicated.

With a smile on his face, Li Wei introduced the ministers he met to Wendong from time to time. He followed suit and regarded himself as a junior, appearing neither overbearing nor humble, calm and easy.

There are many ministers among them, Xiang Wendong just explained their names and positions indifferently, Li Wei nodded with a smile, those people are the mortal enemies of the Jiayue Li family, Xiang Wendong didn't even bother to pay attention to them, let alone ask.

Although they are both ministers of the same dynasty, but the mortal enemy is the mortal enemy, and they will never communicate with each other. The court of the Qin Empire is a different kind of existence in the Cangyun Continent.

The two of them were waiting outside the Golden Luan Hall, waiting for the king of Qin to summon them. The ministers waiting outside the hall gathered together in groups of three or five and chatted in low voices. Li Wei could tell that these people had distinct factions, and the most numerous were the royalists and princes. In the party, the least number of people is his Jiayue Li family. There are only two people, he and Xiang Wendong.

Originally, Jiayue and Qingchuan were allies, but after the death of the old magistrate Kong Rong, Kong Ning took power and completely surrendered to the court. He originally supported the prince, but now that the prince died, he turned to support the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang. helm guy.

However, Li Wei knew that this was just a superficial phenomenon. Kong Ning was also an ambitious guy. He supported the army and respected himself, so he didn't have to pay attention to the court. It must be the fifth prince Qin Yongqiang who promised some benefits, so he would turn to support.

"Hey, isn't this my brother-in-law?"

Kong Ning greeted Li Wei with a smile from a long distance. In fact, he saw Li Wei a long time ago, but he just didn't bother to pay attention to him. He didn't have to say hello until the two of them made eye contact.

Li Wei turned his face and said in a deep voice, "If you think I'm your brother-in-law, then give me a plausible explanation."

Seeing this guy, he wished he could punch him hard, but he just thought about it. He knew very well in his heart how high his strength was. Thinking that he is a gentleman, a gentleman always uses his mouth but not his hands.

"That...hehe...it's just a misunderstanding, misunderstanding, hehe..."

Kong Ning grinned and laughed. Of course he knew that Li Wei was upset. He was defeated in the Battle of the Century. When he led his army back home, he snatched the money, food and women of Jiayue people. Afterwards, the Li family attacked Hongfeng Province. Leading a large army to attack Chongyang City, both sides suffered a lot of losses.

The so-called explanations are all nonsense. It is impossible for him to watch Hongfeng Province being annexed by the Li family. Even if his father is still alive, he will still send troops. However, after Li's annexation of Hongfeng Province, his strength has skyrocketed, and Jia The strength of the Yuefu army was so strong that he was a little startled. It was better not to provoke him at the moment, so he showed his favor, but Li Wei didn't appreciate it, which made him extremely annoyed.

While talking, a little eunuch sang, "Xuan Jiayue and Li Wei see you."

Under Xiang Wendong's smiling encouragement and the strange eyes of the ministers, Li Wei walked into the palace with his head held high and his chest held high.

"Your servant Li Wei kowtows to see my king, long live long live."

Li Wei knelt down and kowtowed obediently, but in his heart he greeted all the women of King Qin's eighteen generations of ancestors. Brother Nima has never knelt down before anyone at his age.

"Li Aiqing is alive."

King Qin's old and feeble voice came, Li Wei stood up after thanking him, and looked at King Qin sitting on the dragon chair.

King Qin was only in his early fifties, but he looked extremely pale, like a crappy old man with one foot in his coffin.

Li Wei guessed that this was a heavy blow from the loss of a child in old age, and it was also related to his usual living habits. The harem is full of beauties, and they must have indulged in sensuality without restraint. It is not bad that he has not been squeezed into a mummy.

But, then again, if it were him, facing so many charming beauties, he would still risk his life. Fortunately, the patriarch was wise and martial, and passed on the "Nine Suns Divine Art" and other magic skills in Fang Zhong, otherwise, he would just deal with the present A few big and small wives are enough to kill him.

The king of Qin was old and frail, and at this time he had lost his son and was exhausted physically and mentally. After saying a few words on the scene, he waved Li Wei back.

Afterwards, under the auspices of the minister, everyone participated in the ceremony of the prince. The ceremony was dull and boring. Li Weiwei stood up bravely and learned to look at Wendong's nose and nose and heart, just like an old monk meditating.

I don't know how long it took until he felt someone pulling his sleeves. Li Wei woke up and found that the ceremony was over. He felt numbness and pain in his legs, and couldn't help cursing again in his heart.

Following Xiang Wendong out of the palace, Wu You, the Right Army Master, and a group of guards were waiting outside the palace. They had been looking around for a long time, and they were relieved to see the two coming out.

"Master, let's take the car."

Wu You said flatteringly that he ordered people to spend money to buy the carriage, and then let the craftsmen refit it, adding thick iron plates on the sides of the carriage.

In these extraordinary times, the absolute safety of the young master must be guaranteed.

Li Wei patted him on the shoulder appreciatively, this guy's flattery, this time he patted it right, my brother's legs are sore now, there is a carriage to sit in, and ghosts ride horses.

The moment he boarded the car, he inadvertently looked at the opposite side, and he couldn't help being stunned, with a stunned expression on his face.

Chapter 131 Love Debt

At the corner on the opposite side of the street, a carriage slowly passed by, and a beautiful face was revealed from the curtain of the lifted carriage.

Seeing this face, Li Wei instinctively felt familiar. He seemed to have seen this woman somewhere before.

There are many similar people in the world, and it's normal for him to feel this way, but what surprised him was the woman in the car, she kept looking at her with those enchanting peach blossom eyes, her pretty face was both angry and happy , Zhu lips opened and closed, as if to say something.

she talk to me?Li Wei was stunned for a while, then pointed his index finger at himself, are you talking to me?

The woman nodded, the curtain was lowered immediately, and the coachman drove the carriage forward slowly.

Li Wei couldn't remember where he saw this woman for a while, but, driven by strong curiosity, he asked the coachman to follow her.

"Nephew, this is..."

Xiang Wendong noticed something strange, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Uncle Xiang, my nephew suddenly remembered that there are still some things to deal with, so I have to feel sorry for you."

Li Wei rubbed his hands with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Whatever, hurry up and do something, but be careful."

Xiang Wendong got out of the car with a smile, reminding him that this is an extraordinary period and he should pay attention to safety.

Li Weiying snorted, but his whole mind was on that mysterious woman. He didn't know who that woman was and why she came to him suddenly. The only thing he could be sure of was that he had seen her before, but he couldn't remember it in a hurry.

The ordinary carriage passed through several streets, and then stopped on the side of the road. The mysterious woman got out of the carriage and walked into Gu Ji Restaurant.

She was only wearing ordinary linen dresses, but she couldn't hide her plump and charming figure. According to the beauty pageant standards of later generations, just this figure alone must be at least eighty percent, coupled with her beautiful and gorgeous appearance, there is also that kind of The unique temperament that is difficult to describe for a while, even if it doesn't have a hundred points, at least 97 points, it can be called a big beauty who can bring disaster to the country and the people.

Before Li Wei got out of the car, Xiao Xiaoxiao and a few guards had already entered the Guji restaurant. It was inconvenient for women to travel, and she, Qinger and other women were all disguised as men. In terms of martial arts, she was slightly ahead of Qinger. The experience of the rivers and lakes, the difference between the two is worlds apart, it is best for her to go in and step on it.

The scale of Gu Ji Restaurant is small, it can only be regarded as an unknown small restaurant in Chang'an, the business is not very good, there are only a few tables of customers.

Li Wei ordered the guards to stay outside the restaurant, and he only went in accompanied by Qinger Xiao Xiaoxiao and Li Er.

The mysterious woman entered the private room of No. Yiwu, and Li Wei naturally chose No. Yilu. There is only a wall between the two private rooms.

Xiao Xiaoxiao opened the curtain of the private room in No. [-], and there was no one else inside except the woman, and she could feel that the woman was just an ordinary person.

However, the heart of defense is indispensable, even a person who has no power to restrain a chicken may be a killer, and the more ordinary people are, the easier it is for people to relax their vigilance.

She nodded to indicate that Li Wei could go in, then she winked at Qing'er, and she followed in, while Qing'er and Li Er stayed outside the private room.

"Excuse me, madam..."

After Li Wei sat down, the first thing he said was to ask the other party's background. When the mysterious woman took off her veil and revealed her beautiful face, Li Wei, who was watching from a close distance, couldn't help breathing.

There is no need to describe her appearance, her temperament is very similar to that of Baili Ruyi, her natural peach blossom eyes are charming, her longing is soul-stirring, her natural charm, with a flirtatious and mature charm, it is easy to let Normal men have an immediate urge to push down.

However, compared with Baili Ruyi, she has a kind of pampered and luxurious temperament.

The natural coquettishness and the lady's virtuous dignity, the whole mixture of an angel and a witch, is simply a masterpiece of God.

"You are... are..."

Li Wei, who opened his mouth in a daze for a long while, scratched his head desperately. He was absolutely sure that he had met this woman before, but he couldn't remember it in a hurry.


A trace of endless resentment flashed in the woman's soul-stirring peach blossom eyes, she was clearly blaming him, or lamenting herself, which made Li Wei scratch his ears and cheeks in a hurry.

The woman sighed faintly, stretched her hand into her bosom, and when she took it out again, there was already a jade pendant in her hand, and she put it on the table without making a sound.

Seeing the jade pendant, Li Wei couldn't help opening his mouth wide open, with an extremely weird expression on his face.

That high-quality jade pendant, he recognized it as the one he had lost just by looking at it, he remembered, that time he spent a very fragrant and exciting spring night in Qingchuan Hefu, it is a bit absurd to say , is also a bit of a fantasy, but it is true.

Just after that night, the jade pendant he was wearing with him disappeared. At that time, he thought it had fallen somewhere, so he didn't care.

Now that the jade pendant reappeared, it naturally fell into that room, and was picked up by the beautiful woman in front of her, no wonder she looked so familiar.


Li Wei scratched his head and didn't know what to say for a while, "I didn't expect...that we would meet again, maybe this is a kind of fate? Hehe..."

Standing behind him, Xiao Xiaoxiao curled his lips in disdain. He must have been confused before. Now, the creditor has come to his door. Alas, this guy is good at everything, but he is a little too sloppy, otherwise he will It's perfect.

However, this woman in front of her is too flirtatious, a vixen who specializes in seducing men's souls, humph.

"My concubine's surname is Wu, and her name is Hui Niang."

The beautiful woman blinked her watery eyes, opened her mouth lightly, and her voice was soft, soft, and especially ecstatic.


Li Wei looked a little silly at this time, he was a little bit overwhelmed by the sudden large amount of information, and he was digesting it little by little.

"Hui Niang..."

He lowered his lips and said in a low voice, "Where do you... live? How are you doing...?"

At this time, he thought of the madness of that night, and felt extra exciting, but, he didn't expect to meet again one day, he was not afraid of taking responsibility, and with his family background and identity, it would not be a problem to raise more girls.

"not good."

Wu Huiniang glanced at him, her peach blossom eyes turned red, and her tears filled her with a sense of desolation and helplessness.


Li Wei opened his mouth, not knowing how to comfort her.

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was standing pretty behind him, twitched her mouth. This woman is probably here to make up for it, and she asked you to be merciful. Now you know it's troublesome, right? "What can I do for you?"

Li Wei asked softly, compensation or something is the easiest solution, he lacks everything except money, but he still hopes for that from the bottom of his heart.

The feudal society is an old society with all evils. However, after fully integrating into this old society, his thinking has gradually changed. Whether it is decayed or perishing, he just wants to express his true feelings in his current position, brother really like very much.

Chapter 132 I'm a father

Wu Huiniang looked up at Xiao Xiaoxiao, but hesitated to speak.

Li Wei softly said: "It's okay, my own, you just feel free to say it, as long as it is within my ability, I will definitely help you solve it."

Wu Huiniang hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Someone wants to harm our mother and son..."

She gritted her teeth and added, "It's our child."

"What...you...what did you say?"

Li Wei opened his mouth wide, thinking that he had heard wrong, and his face was full of astonishment.

"It's your son!"

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