The Patriarchs of the three major families gathered to discuss, but failed to come up with a good solution for a long time. In desperation, they could only passively wait for the other party to send someone to contact them before making any plans.

Yun Chongyang, the head of the Yun family, just returned home, and the old housekeeper handed him a heavy letter with a disturbed expression. Hearing what the old housekeeper said, the letter was found in his bedroom, and his expression became even more gloomy. scary.

There are quite a few thugs and bodyguards in the mansion who are guarding the home and guarding the courtyard, and they also support thousands of customers. Most of them are rangers who have practiced good skills. It was effortless to remove his head?

He spent so much money to raise a bunch of idiots, and while he was extremely annoyed, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of fear.

Yun Chongyang ordered the old housekeeper not to speak out, then opened the envelope, and saw a few jade pendants in full bloom, an extremely complicated expression appeared on his thin old face.

Jade pendants are ornaments, mascots, and status symbols. Those jade pendants happened to be the physical evidence worn by the children of the missing clan, and it also showed that they were in the hands of the sender.

The content of the letter is very simple, Fang Zhiming's missing disciples of the Yun family are in their hands, and they are fine for the time being, so he is asked to go to Chanyun Temple for an interview at noon tomorrow, if he reports to the officials or informs people from the other two families, he will be at his own risk.

Yun Chongyang rubbed his swollen temples and pondered for a long time before letting out a helpless sigh. In the whole matter, he originally opposed the extermination of Bailishi, but he was already trapped in it and could not get out. It was a wrong step, a wrong step, It's too late to regret.

He racked his brains and couldn't figure out who was helping Bailishi, but since the other party was willing to meet and discuss, it meant that there was still a turning point, so he decided to go to the appointment alone at noon tomorrow, but tonight might be another long sleepless night .

Early the next morning, Yun Chongyang only brought a loyal old servant to the appointment. Firstly, he wanted to show his sincerity. Secondly, since the other party had arranged a meeting, he would definitely be closely monitored, and if there was a slight change, those clans would be endangered. It is unwise to act hastily without even knowing the opponent's life, and at present the best policy is to remain unchanged and respond to all changes.

Chanyun Temple is located on Qifeng Mountain, about twenty li away from the south of the city. Yun Chongyang just walked to the mountain gate, and there was a burly young man with an ordinary appearance, but shrewd and capable, who came up to him.

"Patriarch Yun Chongyang?"

"I am Yun Chongyang."

Yun Chongyang replied calmly, after confirming his identity, he followed the young man into the temple with a calm expression, and entered a meditation room.

"Patriarch Yun, please sit down."

The middle-aged man sitting in the room stood up and made a gesture of please sit down.

Yun Chongyang was not polite either, sitting cross-legged across from him, while looking at the middle-aged man in front of him who called himself Wang Chengzong.

He has an ordinary appearance, but he is deeply impressed by his shrewdness and ability, and he has a strange aura on him. He sits flat and steady, with a straight waist like a javelin, exuding a faint chilling aura, giving people an inexplicable sense of coercion.

This person... was born in the army?

Yun Chongyang's heart skipped a beat. This steady sitting posture and the murderous aura exuded from his body showed that the other party was a soldier, or had been, and had been on the battlefield and killed people before. Chilling and murderous.

This kind of people are usually nothing, but if you make them anxious, they will become real desperadoes. Those who have a family and business are afraid of such desperadoes who risk their lives.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of relief in his heart. Although he still doesn't know the real origin of the other party, it is unwise to fight with such unscrupulous desperadoes. As long as the other party is willing to sit down and discuss it, there will be a turning point for this matter room for.

At this time, he didn't consider the feelings and reactions of the other two families, nor did he consider personal honor or disgrace. As the head of the clan, he must put the family's interests first. Family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs are the rules for the survival of a large family.

"What are your conditions?"

Yun Chongyang was worried about the safety of the kidnapped children, and since this was not the time to quibble, and Wang Chengzong had an army aura, he simply cut to the chase and got straight to the point.

"Patriarch Yun is refreshing."

Wang Chengzong grinned wide, with a playful smile on his face. It was inconvenient for the young master to come forward for this kind of thing. The appearance of Wu You, the right soldier, was too easy for people to remember. Therefore, he came forward to play this chess game on behalf of Li Wei.

From the mouths of the kidnapped Yun family members, Li Wei learned that Yun Chongyang was opposed to exterminating the Baili family at the beginning, but later he had to bite the bullet and acquiesce due to the strong pressure from the other two families. Therefore, he chose The Yun family is a breakthrough, and it can be regarded as giving the Yun family a chance.

"Patriarch Yun must really want to know our origins, right?"

Wang Chengzong grinned, with a playful smile on his face, "Ghost, hehe, I wonder if Patriarch Yun has heard of it? We are ghosts."


Yun Chongyang frowned, and tried his best to search the memories in his mind. Except for the ghosts and undead in the legends of ghosts and gods, he had never heard of such a group of people. Perhaps, his own information was not well-informed?

Regardless of whether he has heard of a group of people like ghosts, anyway, he has not only heard about it now, but also witnessed it with his own eyes, and even sat down with the other party to negotiate.

Wang Chengzong kept staring at the other party, and the smile on his face was even stronger. He didn't expect that he would really believe it if he talked nonsense according to the young master's intention?He said indifferently: "Our ghosts often help people solve some difficult things. This time, we received a bonus from Bailishi, so..."

He didn't go on with what he said, but he had a look of "you know" on his face


Chapter 122

assassin?Yun Chongyang immediately understood the nature of the ghost, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, the Baili family only wanted to solve the family crisis and did not fight to the death. Otherwise, how many people would have died from the three major families?

He couldn't help but be thankful for his decision, he didn't take any rash actions, provoking the ghosts to take extreme actions.

"Although the three of you secretly joined forces to conspire against Bailishi, those few things were done very secretly, but"

Wang Chengzong smiled and elongated his voice, and said calmly: "There is a saying that is good, if people don't know it, they have to do it already."

What he said made Yun Chongyang's face turn pale, and he was even more shocked. The capsizing of Bailishi's merchant ship full of goods in the middle of the river was caused by his sending people, and Duan Zhao and his wife were the ones who capsized. What the family did, including stealing weapons and equipment from the government yamen's arsenal, bribed the yamen servants and killed two bought Baili's children, etc. All these things were done in the utmost secrecy, thinking that no one would know.

As a result, as the other party said, if people don't want to know the truth, they have to do it themselves.

"What exactly do you want?"

Yun Chongyang asked in a deep voice, he only admitted to being involved in the overturning of the Barry's cargo ship, and the other things were all pushed to the other two families. At this time, he can't be blamed for being dishonest, betraying his allies, and clearing the blame. interests always come first.

He was originally forced into the pirate ship by the other two families. Moreover, those few things were really not done by him, so there is no need to take responsibility. In principle, he did not agree to exterminate the Baileys. Forget it, if you want to kill them all, this is devoid of conscience. They are not as good as animals, and they will be struck by lightning.

Wang Chengzong smiled happily. He thought that he would have to spend a lot of time talking and even prepared threats, but he didn't expect that things went so smoothly that he couldn't believe it.

"This is the condition of Patriarch Baili."

He smiled and handed over a list, which listed the list and price of the goods carried by the Bailishi merchant ship. The discounted silver was 10 taels, and Yun's had to pay 30 taels of silver.

Yun Chongyang glanced at the amount of compensation, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. 30 taels of silver was a bit harsh, but it was reasonable when he thought about it. Whoever let himself be confused for a moment, he should be spending money to buy a lesson.

But he didn't know about the so-called compensation. The person involved, Bai Lishi, didn't even know about it. It was all done by Li Wei and Wu You. For such a labor-intensive effort, at least he had to charge 10 taels of hard work, right?

After negotiating the conditions, Yun Chongyang left in doubt. When he went down the mountain, someone drove a carriage over and left in a hurry.

Yun Chongyang lifted the curtain of the car and looked, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Several kidnapped children were lying in the carriage and sleeping soundly. They just inhaled the fragrance and were dizzy.

After Yun Chongyang left, the wooden boards on one side of the meditation room were removed, revealing Li Wei, Wu You and others, as well as Zhou Xingmin, the magistrate of Jingnan, who was sitting on a chair but couldn't move, with a very strange expression on his face.

He just woke up and found himself sitting here inexplicably, numb and unable to move, he couldn't even open his mouth, and there were a few inexplicably people around him who apologized to him, but what Wang Chengzong and Yun Chongyang said He could hear every word of those words clearly.

After thinking about it for a while, he understood the reason. This group of people was quite clever, and they actually came up with such a clever trick to help Bailishi solve the disaster of destroying his family. However, they were too daring to kidnap him, the prefect. It is really a heinous crime. According to the law, the family should be ransacked and the family should be wiped out.

"My lord Zhou, what Caomin did was really helpless. Please forgive me. In order to show my sincerity, this jar of wine and this copy of Master Li's authentic works should be regarded as compensation to my lord."

Wu You flicked her tongue, rubbed her hands and said with a smile: "Caomin knows that Sir is a good official who works diligently and loves the people, so..."

Zhou Xingmin's heart moved, and he blinked his eyes and asked, "The wine is..."

"Ya Nei wine."

Wu You replied with a smile, and at the same time licked her lips, gulped down a mouthful of saliva, with a greedy look on her face.

"Yan'ei wine?"

Zhou Xingmin opened his mouth wide open, thinking that he had heard it wrong. Nowadays, among the scholars in the world, who doesn't know Jiayue Li's name?

The Ya Nei Liquor secretly brewed by Mr. Li is also well-known, known as the nectar of the world, and it is only available for domestic use, and there is no market for the price.

Zhou Xingmin swallowed with difficulty. Like Li Wei's Zuo Junshi Tian Ce, he likes what's in his cup, and he has spent a lot of thought and thought in order to repay the nectar of the world. Unfortunately, the wine in the yamen is only known by name, but not paid. Its taste made him regret all the time, he never thought that the ghost person would actually give him a jar of yamen wine as an apology.

"You said that the young master's authentic work is..."

Zhou Xingmin swallowed his saliva, wishing to open the wine jar now and have a good drink. However, Master Li's authentic works also aroused his great interest. You must know that Master Li's original hard-pen and thin-style books have become popular in mainland China. High-ranking officials and ordinary people all fell in love with this style of calligraphy. It is rumored that the authentic works of Master Li have not been circulated so far, and they are also hard to find.

For a class like Zhou Xingmin, if they can get Master Li's authentic works, it is not just a simple value of ten thousand gold, but a kind of glory and capital that can be used to show off, which is of far-reaching significance.

"A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude.

Water does not have to be deep.

This is a shabby room, but my virtue... why is it shabby? "

Wu You answered irrelevant questions, chanted while shaking her head, her eyes were half-closed, and she looked intoxicated. To be honest, the young master's "Humble Room Inscription" showed the integrity of a literati. Considering himself a literati, he loves this chamber inscription very much.

Zhou Xingmin was a celebrity in the Tang Empire, with outstanding talent, he could naturally sense the good and bad and the subtleties of it, and he couldn't help showing an intoxicated expression immersed in the artistic conception on his face.

This room inscription is simply a portrayal of him, and he can't help but feel a little flustered for a while.

Wu You continued to flip through the tongue, "Master Zhou, this chamber inscription is the authentic work of Mr. Li, and it is simply a portrayal of Mr. Zhou, who is upright and upright."

Zhou Xingmin stroked his long beard under his chin, and couldn't help showing a happy smile on his old face. Even though he knew it was flattery, he happily accepted it.

Li Wei stood aside without saying a word, just watched Wu You fool Zhou Xingmin into a giddy state, and couldn't help but smile wryly, this guy's ability to fool people is not ordinary.

"The grass-roots people know that your lord is an upright official and will never let a villain go, but..."

Wu You struck while the iron was hot, "If there is no conclusive evidence for a family like Duan Zhao..."

Although Zhou Xingmin was flattered by the praise, when he mentioned this matter, he immediately became sober and couldn't help sighing. Indeed, a time-honored family like Duan Zhao's power is deeply rooted. I really can't help them.

Wu You suddenly said in a low voice: "It's rare to meet such an upright official as your lord to uphold justice for the people. The grass people have a secret that you want to tell your lord."

Chapter 123 Turning the Peak

The next day, Zhou Xingmin, the official of Jingnan's parents, held a public trial on the case of Baili's theft of the military library of the government office.

This matter has been widely circulated in Jingnan for a long time, people's internal organs were found, and the evidence was conclusive. People thought that Bailishi was dead. No one expected that during the court trial, Yun Chongyang, the head of Yun's family, suddenly stood up to testify against Duan Zhao. Jia is the real suspect, planting Zang to frame Bai Lishi.

The sudden change of the case stunned all the officials on the jury and the thousands of people hearing the trial.

Zhou Xingmin, the magistrate, issued an order, and the city guards dispatched to search Duan and Zhao's family. Not only did they find a large number of hidden weapons and equipment in the underground kilns of the two mansions, including some of the weapons and equipment stolen by the government office, but also found the blue flag. The flag and other things made everyone pale in horror.

You know, this blue flag has always been the hall flag of the Frustration Hall, and every time they rebel, they also use these various flags. The Frustration Hall has been listed as a public enemy by the mainland empires. Colluding secretly and conspiring against others is a serious crime of ransacking one's family and exterminating one's family.

Some people sighed, some scolded, and some doubted, but all the filth was found, and Yun Chongyang, the head of the Yun family, testified, and his parents, Zhou Xingmin, was a well-known upright official. no.

Hundreds of members of the two families were all arrested and imprisoned. Seeing that the situation was not good, their dependents immediately dispersed. Afterwards, people successively delivered petitions, suing the two families for various crimes. .

It can be said that the two families have gone through many hardships to achieve today's achievements. Sometimes they have to resort to some shady means, and they naturally form enmity. However, due to the power of the two families and the protection of corrupt officials, there have been no major problems.

Now that the two families have lost their power, the tree fell and the macaques scattered, the opportunity for revenge came, and naturally no one would miss it. In addition, there were many people who took advantage of the opportunity to make trouble and beat the dog in the water. In just three days, more than 300 people were piled up on Zhou Xingmin's desk. Zhou Xingmin was greatly shocked by the numerous crimes committed by Duan and Zhao's family on the certificate of identification, and it also prompted him to make up his mind.In fact, to put it bluntly, although the two big families are rich and powerful and have a huge relationship network, they are only businessmen at best. In the era when agriculture was emphasized and business was suppressed, the status of businessmen was not as good as that of a rural landlord. Zhou Xingmin, who had two huge criminal evidences in hand, was naturally determined.

Li Wei originally learned what he was selling now, imitating the two big families to use dirty tricks to fight back, but he didn't expect that Yun Chongyang, the head of the Yun family who had just left, would take the initiative to come to him, willing to testify against Duan and Zhao's family, so that he and Zhou Xingmin would be happy Feel startled.

The reason why Yun Chongyang and Duan Zhao's family broke up is because he brought the released family members into the house not long ago, and before he had time to inquire about what happened, the heads of the two families came to the door aggressively, threatening him with various threats. , and the fact that the two families even sent people to follow him made him angry. In order to protect himself, he had no choice but to make a bad move.

The whole process was rather dramatic. The sudden turn of events transferred Bailishi, who was in a desperate situation, to clear up his grievances. This time, it was all thanks to Li Wei's full help. As the head of the family, Baili Ruyi naturally had to reward Li Wei well.

The whole Baili's Mansion was decorated with lights and festoons, and there were huge crowds of people. It was a festive scene. The whole family, including the servants and slaves, had happy smiles on their faces. They escaped from death. Of course, they had to celebrate.

There were a lot of guests who came to congratulate, Zhou Xingmin, Zhou Daqingtian, who was the local parental official, was praised as the honored guest, and soon got drunk to the ground amidst the praises of the Qingtian master.

Li Wei is the great benefactor of the Baili family, so naturally the patriarch Baili Ruyi had to personally entertain him. Only Baili Ruyi and several elders of the Baili family knew his identity, and the banquet was held in Baili Ruyi's wing alone.

"If you are grateful, I will not say more, and I will respect the young master."

Baili Ruyi is toasting with hospitality. Today, she has carefully dressed up. The pink tulle can hardly hide the jade-like skin, and the pink mandarin ducks playing in the water can hardly cover the towering peaks and the deep ravines that tempt crimes. The watery peach blossoms The eyes are like two deep pools, drowning people is not worth their lives.

"That... I'll be drunk if I drink any more..."

Li Wei blinked, he wondered if Baili Ruyi was deliberately trying to get drunk and seduce him.

"Young master, this alcohol...hehe..."

Baili Ruyi covered her mouth and smiled lowly, her peach-blossom eyes were watery, rippling with a strong sense of spring that captivated the soul.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, the entire Baili family owes him the favor of helping him alone, and he can't repay it even if he is an ox or a horse. For a time in the spring breeze, she didn't feel that she was at a disadvantage. Anyway, she was a widow and had a notorious reputation as Kefu. The long night was lonely, empty and cold.

"That... um, actually... I'm already drunk without drinking..."

Li Wei stammered, he was usually eloquent, and dared to tease Baili Ruyi with ambiguous words, but today he seemed to be a little bit so, half of his tongue was shortened.

"Hey, no wonder there are so many confidante friends, the young master is really good at making people happy, hehe."

Baili Ruyi giggled coquettishly, her peach-blossom eyes flickered, and the towering peaks trembled, making Li Wei's eyes straight.


Baili Ruyi rolled his eyes at him, his expression of annoyance and annoyance was particularly captivating, and he didn't know if it was real annoyance?

Or... for some other reason.

Li Wei rolled his eyes, he suddenly thought of something, chuckled and said, "Patriarch Baili, that...well, please bring a pen and paper."

Baili Ruyi was taken aback for a moment, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes, she got up and went into the room, and quickly brought a quill pen and white paper.

Li Wei picked up a pen and drew two weird patterns on the paper, which stunned Baili Ruyi. These are simply scribbles of urchins.

Li Wei grinned, and said mysteriously: "Patriarch Baili can't see it, right? Hehe, here, you have a lot of knowledge."

"What is it?"

Baili Ruyi asked curiously, she really couldn't understand what those two strange pictures meant.

Li Wei laughed lowly, raised his finger and pointed at her breasts, "Can't you see it? It's actually very simple, it's the most fitting clothes for you women."

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