To make these preparations, Li Wei and the civil and military generals of Jiayue Province were extremely busy. No one had the time and mood to admire the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival night. When they stopped for a while to catch their breath, they realized that winter had quietly approached.

When the first heavy snow came, the earth turned into a silvery white overnight.

It was freezing cold, and except for those who were busy making a living, most of them stayed at home and warmed up by the fire.

The goose feathers were snowing heavily. On the official road leading to Baiwuguan, convoys full of grain and grass were slowly moving forward. The so-called soldiers and horses did not move, and the grain and grass went first. These caravans flying the flag of the Universal Chamber of Commerce were responsible for transporting a large amount of grain and grass to Baiwuguan has accumulated a lot and transported goods under the banner of the Chamber of Commerce, so that it will not attract the attention of others.

The dozen or so large granaries in Baiwu Pass were already full of grain and grass, and were guarded by heavy soldiers. However, the checks for passing the pass remained the same as usual, without any change. Tang Tianhe was in charge of guarding Baiwu Pass, and implemented the loose outside and tight inside. alert.

Several large military camps outside the city were also filled with a large amount of weapons and equipment, and they were also heavily guarded. These military camps had been set up a few months ago, and they claimed to be training recruits, and they also piled up a lot of sundries. It attracted the attention of spies and spies from all sides. Even if someone started to pay attention, there was no movement for a few months, and naturally no one would pay attention.

The war machine of the Jiayue Provincial Government was running quietly, but it did not attract the attention of all parties. Li Weiyi was as busy as usual.

In the early morning of this day, Li Wei had just left the mansion when he was blocked by Xiao Xiaoxiao, the head of the Yiyun Building.

"Young Master, have you been busy recently?"

Although Xiao Xiaoxiao was wearing a fur coat, it didn't give people a bloated feeling at all. On the contrary, she looked more graceful and elegant, adding a touch of elegance and noble charm.

Her red lips were slightly raised, and she had a coquettish and slightly angry demeanor of resentment, which made the man feel pampered and caring.

"Busy, there's no way..."

Wrapped in a fur coat, Li Wei shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, with an expression that I was really busy and didn't lie to you, "Don't blame me for not being able to cheer for Miss Xiao, ha ha."


Xiao Xiaoxiao naturally walked side by side with him. She blinked her bright eyes, and a mischievous smile escaped from the corners of her red lips, with a bit of undeniable resentment. After that, there is no one to talk to, so the young master can talk to them, don't refuse."

"It's too late for Xiaosheng to be happy, how could he refuse? The person who refuses must be a big fool."

Li Wei said with a smile, Xiao Xiaoxiao's slightly coquettish and resentful demeanor, as well as her slightly naughty tone of voice, made him feel a bit like a modern girl who is acting coquettish to her boyfriend, which made him feel flustered and glib. Bad habits come out out of habit.

Xiao Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and smiled lowly, the two of them talked casually while walking towards Yiyun Tower.

It snowed heavily for several days, and a thick layer of white snow accumulated on the ground. Although the road was cleaned by someone, the ground was wet and slippery, and people would fall if they were not careful.


Xiao Xiaoxiao suddenly exclaimed and fell to the side. Li Wei instinctively reached out to help, but the road was wet and slippery, his feet slipped, and he fell down holding Xiao Xiaoxiao.

At the same time, the sound of Jinya flying rapidly piercing the air suddenly sounded in mid-air, several arrows whizzed past, and one of them sank into Xiao Xiaoxiao's body.

"There are assassins!"

A group of guards reacted quickly. Dozens of people swarmed up and surrounded Li Wei who had fallen to the ground. A dozen people rushed to the houses on both sides. Several assassins lay in ambush on the roof and shot cold arrows.

"Miss Xiao..."

Li Wei, who got up from the ground, hugged Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was hit by the arrow, and called anxiously. The assassin's target should be him. Xiao Xiaoxiao accidentally slipped and fell to help him escape the catastrophe.

"Is there... an assassin?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao's pretty face was pale and bloodless, obviously frightened, she instinctively grabbed Li Wei tightly.

"Don't move, you've been shot."

Li Wei was so frightened that he quickly stopped her from moving around, and frantically checked where she was hit by the arrow.

"I...was shot by an arrow?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes white in fright, and fell limply into Li Wei's arms.

"Miss Xiao..."

Li Wei hugged her with one arm, and lifted her fur coat with the other, and took a deep breath.

The sharp arrow shot through the fur coat from the left breast and got stuck on her chest, just a little bit to hit the two peaks that made evil thoughts breed.


Li Wei wanted to take out the arrow that was stuck in the chest for Xiao Xiaoxiao who had fainted, but because of nervousness or carelessness, his finger touched a place that shouldn't be touched, and the softness and amazing elasticity were terribly soft. The feeling made him grin his teeth and suck in the cold air.

He only touched it lightly, but he honestly confessed that the feeling was really cool and terrific.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, then reached out and grabbed the shaft of the arrow and pulled it out.

There was a hissing sound.

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, and looked down, only to find that the arrow shot through Xiao Xiaoxiao's jacket. He pulled it so hard that it tore his jacket, revealing his pink silk apron. , and that deceptive skin like frost and snow, and the peaks and mountains that captivate the soul.

Chapter 1 Everything is Ready

Perhaps because of the biting cold wind, Xiao Xiaoxiao groaned and woke up slowly. She opened her eyes and instinctively covered her chest and exclaimed, "Li Langjun,"


Her instinctive movement of covering her chest pushed the big hand inside the chest to a place where it shouldn't be. She almost screamed in fright, and let go of her hand in a panic.

The feeling of ecstasy that was soft, smooth, and full of amazing elasticity made Li Wei grin his teeth in a strange way, he swallowed hard, and explained, "Uh...I...I thought you were shot by an arrow... "

"Li...Lang hand..."

Xiao Xiaoyu's cheeks were blushing, and her expression was shy. Fortunately, all the guards beside her turned their backs and stared vigilantly at the surroundings to prevent the assassin from coming out suddenly.

"I... I really didn't mean it, I just wanted... I wanted to help you pull out the arrow... In the end... I really didn't mean it..."

The more he explained, the redder Xiao Xiaoxiao's smooth cheeks became, the lower and lower her head drooped, and her slightly thin and beautiful chin was about to touch the towering peaks that tempted people to commit crimes.

"Oh... I really didn't mean it, I can swear... if I... um..."

Li Wei was eager to prove his innocence, and even uttered a poisonous oath that the ancients dared not swear easily.

"Li Langjun...don't...Xiao Xiao just trusts you..."

Xiao Xiaoxiao hastily covered his mouth with his hands, and raised his head three feet to see the gods, so this poisonous oath cannot be made indiscriminately.


Li Wei smiled wryly. He felt that the more he explained, the more he misunderstood the other party. It was a sad feeling that he couldn't wash away even if he jumped into the Yellow River. Fortunately, Xiao Xiaoxiao didn't seem to blame him for taking advantage of the chaos and eating tofu.

"Miss Xiao, thank you."

This thank you, Li Wei is sincere from the heart, he was able to escape the catastrophe, all because of her unintentional slip, maybe, God is helping him.

"Li Langjun doesn't have to be so polite."

Xiao Xiaoxiao raised his head, glanced at him quickly, and immediately lowered his head again, as if to say: Are you and I still so polite?

Li Wei scratched his head habitually, and swallowed with difficulty. The beauty's shy and coquettish expression was so captivating that any man with normal physiology couldn't help but want to hug her into his arms and love him fiercely. impulse.

"Young Master, four assassins have been killed, one was captured alive, and four were injured by the brothers."

The guard's report completely destroyed the ambiguous atmosphere unintentionally created, and Li Wei sighed helplessly. However, it was a bit surprising that the guard actually captured an assassin alive.

Xiao Xiaoxiao lowered her head, stood up with his support, and hastily arranged some messy clothes. She felt her cheeks were burning hot, her heart was beating wildly, and a dazed look flashed across her beautiful eyes.

She was ordered by her master to approach Young Master Li intentionally. Although the young master's reputation is so great that countless scholars and students admire him, and countless young ladies in Huaichun secretly agree with her, other than her admiration, her heart is as calm as ever.

At least, she thought so.

However, just now, no matter whether he was intentional or unintentional, it is an indisputable fact that he took advantage of him. To put it more seriously, even if his innocence was stained and his reputation was lost, but in her heart she just had A trace of embarrassment, if it was another man, he would have to be skinned and cramped to light a sky lantern to relieve his hatred.

I... what's wrong?

Li Wei didn't pay attention to the complex look in her eyes at all. While ordering to take care of the four injured guards, a dying assassin covered in blood was dragged in front of him.

"Give him a bandage to stop the bleeding, so that Dr. Jia can heal well."

Li Wei looked disappointed. This assassin was miserable enough. He had several short arrows stuck in his body. Let alone an interrogation. It's been a while.

The seriously injured assassin and the four injured guards were carried away by the patrols who came after hearing the news. In order to prevent other assassins from attacking and killing them, Li Wei still sent ten guards to escort them.

Li Wei sent Xiao Xiaoxiao downstairs to Yiyun and then stopped. After such an accident, no one was in the mood to rejoice in the wind and the moon. Besides, he was really busy for the war in the spring of next year.

Xiao Xiaoxiao stood outside the door, watched Li Wei's back go away, glanced at the strong men scattered around Yiyun Building, and entered the building with complicated emotions.

Those strong and strong men were the inner guards specially left by Li Wei, not to monitor Xiao Xiaoxiao, but to worry about her safety.

Back in her attic, she picked up a pen and wrote quickly. After finishing writing, she gave it to the maid standing outside the door to send it out.

Li Wei secretly organized the army to prepare for a large-scale attack on Hongfeng Province in the spring of the coming year. Some unusual actions, but Li Wei's real intentions have not been guessed yet, so the only way is to sort out the collected information and his own speculation, and send someone to report to his master Zhang Fenghua who is far away in the Jin Empire.

During the new year, the old eunuch Li Gang gave the singing girl Le Niang to Wu You, the military commander of the right. The relationship between the two has long been no secret in the eunuch's mansion, but they dare not communicate publicly without the old eunuch's permission.

In ancient times, Li Wei couldn't reason, let alone accept, the act of gifting a concubine. However, Le Niang is the singer of the cheap father, and she fell in love with Wu You. She followed Wu You, and she had a good home. .

Although Wu You's appearance is a bit wretched, he can't get on the stage, and he is a master of deception, but he is still sincere to Le Niang.

After the new year, Li Wei's left and right military advisers Tian Ce, Wu You and others became more busy. The three thousand soldiers of the camp who had been equipped with heavy armor and Mo Dao practiced day and night, and the other two thousand soldiers were not equipped with heavy armor and Mo Dao for the time being. The knife can only be temporarily used as a reserve team. If there is a loss during the war, it can be replenished at any time.

In a blink of an eye, it was the Lantern Festival again. When the people in the city were busy celebrating the festival, a new army of 5 people left the city that night and quietly marched in the direction of Chongyang City. .

Chongyang Guard General Sun Jai had been notified by Li Gang early on, and he would fully cooperate with Li Wei's marches. There were already a large amount of food, grass and weapons stored in dozens of large granaries and military warehouses in the city, and several vacant large barracks had also been newly opened. , waiting for the [-] soldiers drawn from Jiayue City to move in.

Fifteen days later, the army quietly arrived at Chongyang City. In addition to leaving 3 people to garrison the city, Sun Jai also deployed another [-] soldiers in the two nearby counties. .

One night at the beginning of February, Li Wei's left and right military advisers Tian Ce Wu You and other confidant think tanks led [-] camp soldiers and [-] tiger and leopard cavalry to set off quietly, marching northeast to Baiwu Pass.

Now, the Jiayue Mansion's army is ready for everything, it only owes the east wind.

The so-called east wind is an excuse to start a war.

In ancient times, the name of integrity was emphasized, and this aspect must be taken into account in everything you do. Only by standing up to the righteousness can you learn from the name.

During this period, the yamen in Baiguan Wunei and the yamen in Changping City under the jurisdiction of Hongfeng Province had frequent frictions, and the war of words escalated to physical contact.

Chapter 1 The Pretext for War

Two neighboring countries whose land borders each other usually set aside an undefended buffer zone for local border residents and merchants to conduct business.

Tariffs are one of the main channels of income for the local state government. If there is no war, the highest local governor will not close the border and cut off his own money. No one will make trouble with money.

In the buffer zone between Baiwuguan in Jiayue Province and Changpingguan in Hongfeng Province, whether it is windy, rainy or scorching hot, the border residents of the two provinces will carry the things grown in the field to the border to sell or exchange what they want. Small merchants and peddlers yelled, low in and high out to make a little money, while rich and powerful businessmen or people from aristocratic families pulled a whole caravan full of goods to trade big orders, making a lot of money, and some were unlucky and lost money. capital.

In short, in such a small narrow buffer zone, there are so many goods that you can be dazzled, and the prices are also cheap.

Because there is no defense, officers and soldiers generally do not enter the buffer zone, and the patrolling soldiers just watch from a distance as they pass by. There are only yamen responsible for collecting taxes and maintaining order.

However, in recent months, the yamen on both sides have been very angry, and some small conflicts have occurred from time to time, which have escalated from verbal battles to physical fists, but the two sides are still restrained, only suffered some flesh and blood injuries, and have not developed yet. To the point of moving the guy.

Today, only six yamen from Baiwuguan came, and there were as many as 15 yamen from Changpingguan. Lan Yu was extremely upset.

The guard of Changping Pass is Lan Shaoping, the second younger brother of Lan Yun, the prefect of Hongfeng, and the suspicious Lan Yun is nepotism. Such an important pass town, it is natural to arrange the most trustworthy people to guard it.

Lan Shaoping is a mighty general of the Lan family. He has no five-in-one general under the gun, and his force value is very high. However, he has a violent temper, and is greedy and lustful. The people in Changping hated it very much, but they had no choice but to swallow their anger.

Young Master Lan usually led a group of foxes and dogs to eat, drink and play, harming the common people. He overheard the conflict between the two sides. Ten guards with strong martial arts pretended to be Ya Ding, and the menacing revenge came.

Soon, the conflict resumed, and the officials of both sides fought into a ball. As for how it happened, no one paid any attention to it. This kind of phenomenon had already started a few months ago, and it happened almost every day. People have long been used to it.

This time, there were ten masters led by Lan Ei Shao on the side of Changping Pass, and the five yamen of Baiwu Pass were quickly beaten to bruises all over their bodies. Fall on your back.

A dagger was stabbed into the vital part of his vest until it reached the handle, even the Daluo elixir could not save him.

The sudden change surprised everyone present.


I don't know who was the first to howl. The people who had been watching the excitement were so frightened that they hurriedly closed the stall and fled back in a panic.

"The young master is dead..."

The ten master bodyguards brought by Lan Evil Shao were so shocked that their faces turned pale. Someone pulled out the hidden guy and rushed towards the yamen of Baiwuguan with a howl.

Someone took the lead, and naturally someone followed, and soon, five Baiwuguan yamen who were covered in bruises fell into a pool of blood, and the entire buffer zone was in chaos.

The red-eyed Changping Yading wielded weapons to kill the fleeing Baiwuguan people and businessmen, and some took the opportunity to rob.

The patrolmen of the two gates were standing guard not far away, and when they saw something was wrong, they rushed forward with swords and guns, without the command of the officer, they all slammed into a group until they fell down.

Lan Shaoping, who was drinking fine wine in the general's mansion and admiring the performances of singers and dancers, heard that his precious son had died, he yelled angrily, overturned the short couple, gathered the army, and left the customs with a murderous look. Several advisers around him tried their best to dissuade him However, Lan Shaoping, who was so enraged that he lost his mind, had no choice but to send someone flying to report to Lan Yun, the old magistrate who was far away in the provincial capital of Hongfeng.

When Lan Shaoping assembled his army and led the army out of the pass, the soldiers on both sides had already lost hundreds of battles, and the soldiers on both sides were constantly reinforcing and fighting, preferring to die rather than retreat, so as to cover the people outside the pass and withdraw into the pass.

Lan Shaoping personally led an army of [-] to crush them, and the patrols at Baiwu Pass had no choice but to retreat. Fortunately, there were not many people stranded outside the pass.

"Close the gates!"

Standing on the top of the city and watching, Li Wei ordered the city gates to be closed to prepare for battle. At the same time, he ordered the soldiers to lower a large basket woven from old vines from the top of the city and hang people up from the bottom of the city.

The [-] soldiers from the camp he led and the [-] tiger and leopard cavalry traveled all the way day and night, and they had quietly arrived at Baiwu Pass a few days ago. In several large military camps.

There were suddenly so many soldiers in the previously vacant barracks, it was impossible to keep it completely secret. The Hongfeng Provincial Secret Agent lurking in the Baiwuguan area reported the collected information to Lan Shaoping, Lan Shaoping But don't take it seriously.

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