Yang Songlin waved the long knife in his hand, Ma Laoliu was shocked by the experiment just now, he had never seen such a sharp sword, but he was the one who discovered it first, but now it has become Yang Songlin's treasure.

"Brothers, no one will look down on us bandits again!"

Just as Yang Songlin was about to put away the treasured knife, a chill came down his back, and then he felt a sharp pain in his back and chest. He lowered his head and saw a white knife stabbing out of his chest.

He turned around, only to see Ma Laoliu looking at him coldly. He never expected that his second boss, who he regarded as his brother, would attack him from behind.


"Brother, I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, Ma Laoliu kicked him hard, and saw Yang Songlin fall straight into the big pit with staring eyes. Ma Laoliu walked over and picked up the treasured sword on the ground, and then raised it above his head.

The bandits were stunned by what they saw, they didn't expect the second leader to kill the first leader in public.

"Listen up, everyone. With me, Ma Laoliu, in the future, you can act recklessly for a day. You have also seen that this baby represents status. No one will dare to provoke us in the future!"

Ma Laoliu began to brainwash everyone, "Brothers, don't worry, from now on, as long as I, Ma Laoliu, eat a mouthful, you will have a mouthful. When I become the overlord of the martial arts, all of you will get great benefits!"

"I didn't expect this thing to be so suspenseful."

"Yeah, who would have thought that we dug out a treasured knife below!"

The bandits complained dissatisfiedly below, if this is the case, they should have discovered it.

Just when Ma Laoliu was describing a bright future to everyone, his confidant suddenly rushed up and stabbed him in the waist with a knife. , The confidant's head is easily separated.

Seeing him staggering a few steps, another confidant rushed up and pierced his heart from behind while he was not prepared. Ma Laoliu trembled for a while, and then fell to the ground.

Right now the bandits are in chaos, and their chief and second masters have died one after another, which means that there is no one in charge right now, and they are free.

"Whoever grabs that treasured sword will be the overlord of the martial arts world. Let's fight for it!"

I don't know who came up with such a sentence, like a flame that ignited a raging fire, the bandits swarmed up, whoever got the treasured sword was attacked by a group, and was quickly killed, and then came the next person .

The bandits knew the importance of this treasured sword, and everyone was red-eyed. They had long forgotten that they were brothers in the same adversity. In a pool of blood.

When more than half of these bandits were killed or injured, more than 30 men in black suddenly rushed out from nowhere, and they fought from the outside to the inside. attacked.

"Everyone stop fighting!"

Soon, some bandits realized the seriousness of the situation, and began to organize their own people to kill each other. However, these people were so red-eyed that no one noticed the man in black behind him.

Soon, these men in black easily killed more than half of the bandits. After the rest of the bandits finally realized that something was wrong, they stopped killing one after another. Everyone turned around and started pointing their long knives at the man in black.

But now the situation has reached a critical point. They are no longer the opponents of these men in black. Three or five men in black rushed in quickly. With the weapons in his hands, these bandits can be easily eliminated.

Even if they resisted vigorously, they were already powerless. The moment they fell down, the men in black grabbed the treasured sword, and then walked away in satisfaction. More than 30 men in black only injured a few people.

The corpses of bandits were all over the place, lying on the ground in disorder, and the rain washed away the blood on the ground. The big pit where the stone box was dug out before was already filled with the corpses of bandits.

The news of the precious sword's existence spread rapidly as the bandits who escaped by chance spread around.

At first, many people scoffed at this, after all, rumors are the most indispensable thing in the world.

But an imperial decree from the imperial court shocked everyone.

The Emperor of Qin personally issued an imperial decree that those who presented the precious sword to the court would be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold, five hundred acres of land, and the title of Marquis.

The treasure that is so valued by the imperial court has been officially certified by Li Wei, so it is definitely not false news.

Afterwards, the treasured sword often appeared in the hands of the leader of a certain force by coincidence, and then other forces encircled and suppressed it. Naturally, everyone wanted the treasure that could command the rivers and lakes. On the rivers and lakes road in Jinghuai County, there was a bloody rain of snatching the treasured sword immediately. fishy.

Those who can snatch the precious sword will try their best to hide the news immediately, but no matter what they do, the news will spread out immediately.

After playing with a knife flower in his hand, Li Wei put the knife back into the scabbard in satisfaction.

"Your Majesty, within three days, there were already sixteen bandits in Jinghuai County, and ten out of ten gangs that harmed one side were wiped out. Gui Yuandao also sent someone to mediate, but they were all secretly beheaded by the inner guards."

"That's right, Gui Yuandao also played a little trick with me to hide soldiers from the people. I just made a treasured sword, and the so-called soldiers and horses they hid would kill each other."

Hearing this, Ding Xi immediately continued: "That's right, Your Majesty is resourceful and resourceful, he returned to Yuan Dao in a mere way, and in a matter of seconds, His Majesty was useless and relying on force..."

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, something serious has happened!"

Ding Xi looked at Chen Yuzhou who ran in, his eyes showed deep dissatisfaction, everyone wanted to climb up, but young man, you are too anxious.

Chen Yuzhou didn't notice the thoughts of his immediate superior at all, and hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty! It's not good!"

"Bastard, Your Majesty is the Ninth Five-Year Honor, what's wrong?"

"No, no, I, I mean, just received an informant that something big happened in Han."

"What's the big deal?"

"The emperor of Han is dead!"

Hearing this news, even Li Wei was taken aback, and the precious sword in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Ding Xi snatched the memorial from Chen Yuzhou and sent it to Li Wei.

Li Wei's mouth twitched when he saw the latest information from the inner guard. This Han emperor is really... a model worker in the emperor's world.

Great Qin chased death and chased north, annexed countries, and had a tendency to unify.

Facing the aggressive Qin Dynasty, the Han State did not think about the strategy of enriching the country and strengthening the army, but instead put all its energy on diplomacy.

After forming an alliance with the Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Chu, the emperor of the Han Kingdom felt that he could rest easy and continue to live his boring life.

There was no news about the death of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, and it was not because the internal guards were not good at doing things. No one thought that the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, who had worked hard and worked hard to reproduce for the Han Dynasty royal family, would suddenly die in the belly of his concubine.

"Hey, this is really an age of entertainment to death."

"Your Majesty, what shall we do?"

"What else? Return to Beijing immediately!"

The confrontation between Daqin and the Three Kingdoms Alliance put the mainland into a balance of power, and no one dared to act rashly. Now that the emperor of the Han Dynasty died suddenly, for Daqin, the only good opportunity was a godsend.

At this time, Li Wei couldn't care less about solving the small problem of Guiyuan Dao. In the face of the unification of the mainland, any problem must give way.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will inform you now to escort His Majesty back to Beijing..."

"You don't want to go back."


"You stay in Jinghuai County and continue to deal with Guiyuandao. When you are done, you can stay in Jinghuai County as a county lieutenant."

Hearing this, Ding Xi, who was still full of disappointment, suddenly changed his face, kneeling on the ground and ignoring Xie En.

The commander of the internal guards, listening to his majesty, even the head of the court is afraid of three points, but Ding Xi has never dared to fly, he knows that all his power comes from the emperor.

The emperor trusted him, and he was the supreme commander of the internal guards. The emperor hated him, and he killed his head, ransacked his family and wiped out his family.

Now His Majesty's transfer order has indeed caused him to be demoted from the official position, but he has successfully left the circle of right and wrong in the capital. As long as he does not risk his life, the wealth of himself and his family will be stable.

"I leave this precious sword to you, there are two more in the warehouse."

Ding Xi is also an old mille-feuille, and instantly understood what Li Wei meant.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the precious sword is now only affecting people in the green forest. After the humble minister receives the sword from His Majesty, it will definitely spread to all the forces that have colluded with Guiyuandao!"

If before, Li Wei also wanted to be smooth and over, and clean up Guiyuan Dao steadily, but the situation suddenly changed, and Li Wei had run out of time, and he wanted to cut down on everyone who wanted to challenge the court.

"Very well, Tian Baoping will also stay as the county guard. There is going to be a big battle, and I can't send troops to support you."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if I die, I won't let Gui Yuandao make trouble for Your Majesty when my Great Qin dominates the world."

After explaining the matter of Jinghuai County, Li Wei left in a hurry with the Panshiying. At this time, Lundib also got news from the Kingdom of Jin.

Putting down the letter, Lundib said coldly: "There is going to be a big battle, call all the hands, let's go."

"Your Highness, are we going back to China?"

A follower asked excitedly.

"This is a big battle that will determine the future of the mainland. Even if we go back, it won't matter if we go back, but we can give them a fatal blow when we go to the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom. Stop talking nonsense and let the brothers prepare to leave immediately."

In the Three Kingdoms Alliance, after the death of the emperor of Han, he was busy with the succession of the new emperor. The state of Chu realized that the war was about to start and had issued an order to prepare for the battle. However, the mobilization ability of the Chu army was impressive. Today, the imperial forest army in the capital did not go to the border.

The only exception is the Kingdom of Jin. During this period, Fulongduo has been suppressing the disobedient tribes by force. The main force of the Kingdom of Jin is by his side. After receiving the news, he ordered all the ministries to gather all the young and strong to join the battle, and at the same time led the main force to the Kingdom of Chu. Came straight to Daqin.

Chapter 715 We Can't Win

The War of the Century had already severely damaged the Kingdom of Jin, and Furondo launched a protracted civil war in order to secure his position. This time, under Furondo's strict order, all the men on the grassland who could mount a horse-drawn bow were gathered together, and then Calculated to make up 20 troops.

The 20 Jin Kingdom's army marched south, and the army spread its teeth and claws, covering the sky and covering the earth. It seemed huge, but its actual combat power was not as good as the [-] elites of the Jin Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Jin has a large number of horses, and its mobility is the best in the mainland. During the battle, there is no such thing as logistics.

After receiving orders from various departments to disperse and loot, Frondo, the small leader of the Mende Department, led his troops and found that the people in the surrounding villages had long since disappeared. They hadn't even found food or livestock, so they could only set fire to the village to vent their anger.

When Fulongduo was anxious, a Qin man named Goudan approached him and offered to be a guide.

Fulong didn't care too much about dog eggs, as long as he gave enough benefits, the cowardly and despicable Qin people could even sell their own parents.

"This is where?"

After walking for more than two hours, Fulongdo looked around. The map drawn by the Chu people in his hand was too simple, and there was no indication on it that he would pass by this place. Where there are people.

"Just go ahead."

Goudan said calmly.

"We have been walking for a long time, which map does not indicate that we will pass through such a large forest, it is getting late, how long do we have to go, what if..."

If it's dark and you haven't gone out yet, wouldn't it be dangerous to rush on your way in the middle of the night? "There's no chance, don't worry, this is the terrain here, the land is vast and sparsely populated, don't be afraid, if you continue to struggle, Mr. Jun, I'm afraid you really won't be able to get out before dark."

That's right, it's better to rush on the road than to struggle with him.

The team continued to move forward, and after a while, Frondo still had doubts. There were so many roads leading to the destination, why did he choose this one?

And it just so happens that I don't know it.

"Why are we going this way?"

As Goudan walked, he pretended to be patient and explained: "Mr. Jun doesn't know something. Although there are many roads to the destination, the fastest one is here. Are you in a hurry? If you follow the road marked on the map, it may take several days The day will never come."

Although he was in a hurry, there were a lot of variables on this road. He had a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that the eyelid of his right eye was always twitching, which didn't seem like a good omen.

"Don't look at the ruggedness of this road. Others will never know it. If you want to win the battle, the choice is very important. Taking this road not only saves time, but the most important point is that it can catch the enemy by surprise.

Although I'm just a vulgar person, I don't understand your war strategy, but in everything, you have to pay attention to an opportunity, right? Whoever can grasp it will have the initiative. "

"I didn't expect you to be eloquent when you spoke, I hope so."

Furondo sighed, thinking, since he has already gone this way anyway, is there any reason to go back?

Goudan stopped talking and just led the way silently. The sky gradually became darker. Furondo felt that the surroundings seemed familiar. walked by.

Is it possible that I lost my way? "That's not right."

Sensing that the situation was not good, Forondo suddenly ordered to stop, and then sent a few soldiers to investigate around.

Worried about getting lost before, Frondo specially asked someone to mark the trunks. Sure enough, he saw one of the trees with the marks he had made.

"Why don't you leave?"

"We may have lost our way. Over there is the mark I left before. It is very likely that we are spinning in place now."

"No, the mountains and forests here are all like this. If you don't believe me, you can go and see your mark. Is it the one you wrote down before?"

Goudan seemed particularly confident, Fulongduo didn't believe it, and when he took a closer look, it was indeed different from the one he had left before, this mark was more like the pattern of a tree trunk.

Could it be that I was dazzled by myself?

Furondo felt that there was a ghostly aura everywhere in this place, and he felt that something was wrong everywhere, and a chill came slowly from the soles of his feet, making him very uncomfortable.

"Wait a minute, just to be on the safe side, I think it's better to send someone to investigate first."

"If you don't believe me, you don't need to say it now. Since you asked me to be a guide before, but now you don't believe me, I might as well leave. I tell you that there are exactly the same trees growing here.

Our ancestors have lived here for generations, and we can know how many roads there are with our eyes closed. Without me, you will not be able to get out. "

Mostly in a threatening tone, Fulongdo was not sure, he was right, if there were no dog eggs, they would be even more puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, it's just that the sky is going to get dark soon, and I'm anxious to get out."

Goudan nodded, "I understand, don't worry, I promised to take you there before, and I will definitely do it, otherwise, wouldn't it be a pity for my little life?"

In desperation, Furondo could only continue walking forward with Goudan, and the sky became darker and darker until the sun set.

They walked for several hours, but they still didn't get out of the forest. At this moment, the starry sky was densely covered. Furondo looked up and suddenly realized that they were going in the wrong direction.

"It's really wrong!"

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