"Why would I change positions? You can ask others about my character, Guo Jiushen, and you will never do that kind of thing."

The two immediately had a dispute, and the voices became louder and louder, and several people who watched the excitement gradually surrounded them.

"I don't care what you are. Anyway, you have agreed with me before that you can't change. If you change, you will be a profiteer."

"Are you a reasonable person? I have already told you very clearly. Do you not understand human speech?"

Guo Jiushen rolled up his sleeves and argued with Gabitu, but Gabitu thought he was provoking himself, and he became very angry.

Chapter 677 Well done

"Who do you think can't understand human language? You say my silver is not pure? What evidence do you have? You are clearly extorting. Seeing that I have money, I regret the price you said before, and you lied to me that the silver is not pure." pure."

Faced with Gabitu's nonsense, Guo Jiushen was speechless, and he didn't want to continue arguing with Gabitu, so he pushed the burden he brought forward, "In this case, you should go to another house."

"What's your attitude? Let's judge. He told me that it would only cost 50 taels, but when I got the silver, he said that the silver was not pure, and then he needed to ask me to get some conversion. What is this?"

Gabitu turned around to ask everyone to comment, but these people didn't know what happened inside, but according to Guo Jiushen's character, everyone still felt that Guo Jiushen could be trusted.

"Young man, don't be angry, why don't you listen to what Guo Jiushen has to say, he is honest and has a good reputation, so he probably won't lie to you."

For a moment Gabitu couldn't explain to everyone, so in a rage, he grabbed Guo Jiushen's clothes and dragged him in front of him.

"Since you provoked me today, I will let you go around without eating!"

After finishing speaking, he punched Guo Jiushen on the temple, then kicked him in the stomach, and kicked Guo Jiushen directly onto the cabinet. There was a muffled "bang", and Guo Jiushen hit the cabinet and fell to the ground. on the ground.

It was a hard hit, Guo Jiushen curled up on the ground and could not stand up, and the people who watched the excitement could not stand it any longer, so they hurried in and helped Guo Jiushen up.

"He is so old, you still treat him like this, are you still human?"

Several dissatisfied citizens stared at Gabitu, and they all defended Guo Jiushen.

"That's right, how much hatred is there for such a ruthless hand, what a bastard!"

The more everyone scolded Gabitu, the happier Gabitu felt, "You keep yelling, be careful I will beat you up too!"

Guo Jiushen struggled to get up, and the person next to him helped him up, "I'm going to report to the official, and let the official judge!"

"That's right, let's report to the police! Arrest this lawless guy!"

Gabitu looked at Guo Jiushen with a grin, showing no sign of fear at all.

"Okay, you go, I wish you could sue the officials, but I want to tell you, I am a golden man, are you sure you dare to report to the officials?"

Seeing Gabitu's arrogant face, Guo Jiushen was even more annoyed, "So what about Jinren, you have to abide by our rules here!"

"No, no, you still don't understand, even if you report to the government, those county magistrates will not do anything to me, you also know that we Jin people are people you can't afford to mess with, and you might be beaten violently by then It was you who blasted out."

"how can that be!"

Guo Jiushen didn't believe it, "Even if you are a golden man, don't you have laws and regulations?"

Gabitu spread his hands and shrugged.

"Of course there is, but it is also in our Dajin Kingdom. Here, let me tell you clearly, the government will not dare to do anything to me. Even if I burn your shop today, they will not dare to say a word. Believe it or not ,You can try?"

As he said that, Gabitu took out a fire pocket from his arms and prepared to light it. Guo Jiushen was so frightened that he hurriedly backed away.

Seeing this, the surrounding people blamed Gabitu one after another.

"You are really deceiving people too much, so what about the Jinren, we can't believe that no one can cure you when we play together!"

"You've completely embarrassed the golden man!"

"Swear, you can curse whatever you want, I have made up my mind, I will burn you to death here today, and your government will not do anything to me at that time, after all, our Dajin Kingdom has millions of soldiers, you just There are hundreds of thousands of people in the area, as long as you dare to shout, our horseshoes can raze your country to the ground."

As Gabitu said, he rummaged through the store for something valuable, put it in his arms, blatantly blatantly in front of everyone, and then started smashing all kinds of things recklessly.

The scene was full of chaos.

Everyone knows that the Dajin Kingdom is strong, but what they didn't expect was that the Jin people would take advantage of the strength of their own country to do whatever they want here.

I saw that Gabitu threw the fire fold in his hand on a piece of cloth casually, and the fire spread in a whizzing manner. There were still some people in the room, and everyone was about to run out in a hurry, but Gabitu blocked them. in the house.

"It was you who scolded me just now, right? Don't even think about going out today."

Gabitu stood outside the house and blocked it with a board, laughing wildly outside.

There was more and more smoke in the house, Guo Jiushen was injured, and the others were choked by the smoke, but Gabitu's laughter outside the house became more intense.

"This bastard!"

Guo Jiushen cursed furiously in his heart, but at the moment he didn't admit that there was nothing he could do. For the sake of other innocent people, he had no choice but to give in.

"I know I'm wrong, please open the door, I won't report to the government anymore, this is my only ancestral property, if you burn this shop down, I'll have nothing."

At this time, Gabitu put down the wooden board blocking the door, "You guys can come out, but I have to burn this shop down, so let's make an apology for your ignorance before, and you can report to the police if you want. I do not mind.

Anyway, your government is also soft-fed, and you dare not do anything to me, so you can do whatever you want! "

After finishing speaking, Gabitu laughed wantonly again, Guo Jiushen could only watch his shop being burned down, feeling extremely resentful in his heart, he wished to tear Gabitu's body to pieces.

"What do you look at? You Qin people never pay attention to credibility when doing business. This time I just teach you a little lesson. Anyone who dares to deceive us in the future will be killed without mercy!"

Seeing the gleaming scimitar in Gabitu's hand, the surrounding people dared not speak out.

Satisfied with the cowardice of the Qin people, Gabitu picked up his "trophies"

When he was about to leave, there was a sudden shout from the crowd.

"Beat people, rob things and burn down the shop, and you want to leave like this?"

Unexpectedly, there are still people who would dare to ruin their own good deeds, Gabitu frowned and asked, "Who?"

There was no need for Li Wei to take the initiative to stand up. After hearing his words, the surrounding people dispersed, for fear of being implicated by him.

"You want to stand up for Guo Jiushen? Don't blame me for not reminding you. I am a man of gold. If you dare to mess with me, it will affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Do you dare?"

"Just for the sake of the so-called diplomatic relationship, you have to swallow your anger. If so, you don't need this diplomatic relationship."

Upon hearing Li Wei's words, Gabitu burst out laughing, "What kind of thing are you, dare to say such big words? You are not convinced, and you have the ability to teach me a lesson?"

"Do you think I dare not?"

"Master Li, you are also an official of the imperial court, and you are also a son of the clan, so you can't just talk nonsense!"

Setting fires in the street, such an arrogant incident naturally attracted countless attention. Originally, Qiu Jien wanted to watch the fun, but Li Wei jumped out to find trouble again.

He failed in picking pearls, and the blame was all on his own head. Li Wei harmed him and demoted him to be a street patrol officer, and his enemies were naturally jealous when they met.

"You still have the face to say that the imperial court ordered officials? Is it because of the imperial court ordered officials to watch the Jin people bully my Dazhou people?"

"You don't understand the joints at all. If you make trouble, you can't afford the relationship. Come and arrest him!"

The patrolmen under him naturally knew the enmity between Li Wei and Qiu Jien, and upon hearing this, they all raised their spears and drew their waist knives to surround Li Wei.

"What are you going to do?"

Li Renhe hastily drew out his waist knife and led others to stand in front of Li Wei.

Qiu Jien waited for them to strike first, and said with a sneer, "Okay, you still dare to resist? According to the laws of Daqin, those who resist arrest with weapons will be killed without guilt! I'll give you a chance, obediently put down your weapons!"

"You dog, take the people away immediately, or grandpa will chop off your dog's head with a knife!"

Li Renhe gritted his teeth and said.

"You bastard, dare to swear at the imperial court officials? What are you doing, why don't you take them down? If you take down one person, the official will reward you with five taels of silver, and if you catch the leader, you will be rewarded with 20 taels of silver!"

With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and the watchmen didn't think that a personal guard of the clan would dare to attack them, Qiu Jien rushed up immediately after saying that.

The guards naturally couldn't let the current emperor be harmed, Li Renhe asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, let's kill them, such a group of trash can be killed in less than half a stick of incense!"

"Qiu Jien expects us to kill people."

Li Renhe couldn't understand the twists and turns in the Qin people's officialdom, but he had accumulated rich experience in confronting the civil official group, but he understood Qiu Jien's calculations at a glance.

Qiu Jien also knew that he couldn't do anything about Li Wei, but today's matter was related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries. He couldn't deal with Li Wei, but he could temporarily imprison Li Wei and ask for disposal after reporting.

The officials in Jinghuai County now hate Li Wei to the core, so they must have deliberately delayed, and they did not know how long it took to report to the court. During this period, Li Wei, who was in prison, naturally let them clean up.

If they were to be arrested, it would be better to kill and injure the patrolmen, and give them enough excuses to take down Li Wei. There are indeed many guards accompanying Li Wei, but there are also [-] soldiers in Jinghuai County. Unless they show their true identities, they will never escape. Prison disaster.

One side vowed to protect the emperor to the death, and the other side must arrest people under heavy rewards. The distance between the two sides has reached the point where weapons are touching, and a battle will break out at any time. At this moment, Li Wei suddenly spoke.

"Wait a minute!"

Qiu Jien seemed to have expected that Li Wei would compromise, and said with a sneer, "If you know the times, tell your people to put down their weapons and follow me."

"It's okay to lay down your arms, but I must always know my crime."

Gabitu, who had been on the sidelines, sneered and said, "You want to attack me and destroy the diplomatic relations between the two countries. This is your crime!"

"You are a Jin man, so in Jinghuai County, you can do whatever you want? Guo Jiushen was beaten by you, robbed by you, and you lost his shop. Can't you be held accountable?"

"That's natural. This is the privilege of my Jin people, the privilege of my Dajin Kingdom!"

Chapter 678

Li Wei was not surprised by Gabitu's words. Zheng Xiangze is a beast who can find ways to eliminate the poor in order to improve the economic level of Jinghuai County. charges.

What's more, Jin people's business in Jinghuai County can also stimulate Jinghuai County's economy. For Zheng Xiangze, who is determined to make political achievements, get promoted and make a fortune, it is natural for Jin country businessmen to be protected.

"Okay, I admit it, Qiu Ji'en, they Jin people have privileges, no one can offend them, even if they beat me Daqin people, or even Daqin officials, they can't be punished?"

"That's natural. For the sake of peace, even if you are angry, you have to let the court endure, especially if the court ordered officials to do so!"

"Okay, Li Renhe, go beat him."

After receiving Li Wei's order, Li Renhe would not be polite, and walked straight towards Qiu Jien, but was stopped by the patrols with their spears.

"What are you going to do?"

"Qiu Jien, you don't know yet, he is also a Jin man, and Li Renhe is just his name in Qin."

"That's right, I'm also a golden man!"

After Li Renhe finished speaking, he deliberately yelled and cursed in the golden language. Gabitu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard it, and several naturalized barbarians behind Li Renhe also spoke the golden language to prove their identity.

"You, why are you all golden men?"

"Don't worry about it. They are all golden men. How dare you arrest them? Beat Gabitu hard! Qiu Ji'en, this is a matter between the golden men. You'd better leave it alone."

Gabitu was also a fierce character, but in front of Li Renhe, he became a weak chicken with no strength to fight back. After two moves, he was beaten to the ground and allowed to be beaten by Li Renhe.

"This, it can't be like this..."

"Why can't it be like this? The imperial court ordered the officials, for the sake of the diplomatic relations between Qin and Jin, they will endure even if they are angry. You said this, call me!"

Several naturalized Hu guards rushed over, but the patrols didn't dare to stop them at all, even worried that they might accidentally hurt them, so they took the initiative to put away their weapons, and Qiu Jien also paid the price for his words, and was pushed to the ground and beaten violently.

After the beating Gabitu couldn't even yell, Li Renhe stopped, and took all the money from him and threw it to Guo Jiushen.

"Kneel down."

Nodding his head, Li Renhe knelt down in front of Li Wei. Seeing this scene, the onlookers couldn't help but exclaimed.

After the Jin civil war, his vitality was severely injured. In order to restore his strength as soon as possible, he had to let go of the market ban.

Sitting on a large pasture, the Kingdom of Jin has horses, a hard currency that Daqin cannot refuse. Although the Jinren will only choose the worst and castrated male horses to buy from Daqin, it can also allow Daqin to solve the problem of lack of animal power. Naturally, it is open The gate of the country allows merchants from the Kingdom of Jin to enter.

The tea produced in Jinghuai County is an absolute hard currency in the Kingdom of Jin. Naturally, a large number of businessmen from the Kingdom of Jin came here. In order to get horses from the Kingdom of Jin, Zheng Xiangze tried his best to please the Jin people. Every time there was a conflict between the Jin people and the Qin people, the government would Favor the golden man.

Over time, not only did the Jin people become domineering in Jinghuai County, but also the people in Jinghuai County consciously lowered the Jin people. Now that they saw the proud Jin people kneeling before the Qin people in public, everyone felt a sigh of relief. Bad breath.

The facts that he saw with his own eyes are more effective than any government orders. Li Wei nodded in satisfaction with the reactions of the people.

"The Jin people's entry into the Qin trade can bring many benefits to the Qin country, but His Majesty has long stated clearly that you must not let the people of the country be humiliated in order to obtain the resources and wealth of the Jin country. From today on, there will be no Jin people bullying you. , the government doesn’t dare to take care of it, I will take care of it! You can all go to me, and others don’t care about the goldsmiths, I dare! If there are goldmen who dare to act recklessly on my Daqin land, they will hit one if they come. If there is anything wrong, I will Take it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the audience immediately burst into cheers.

Li Wei was in a good mood after beating the golden man and boosting the country's prestige, but what happened next made him quite angry.

No matter which lumber factory I went to, I received warm hospitality, but when I reported my name, the lumber factory only had one answer, and the wood had already been booked out, and I didn’t sell it for any money.

At this time, Li Wei also understood that Zhang Jinying did have the capital of arrogance.

When Li Wei came back, Ma Minjun was waiting for him with a dejected expression.

"Why, the name of the Marquis of Wenyang can't buy wood?"

Hearing Li Wei's words, Ma Minjun subconsciously wanted to speak, but just as he opened his mouth, he swallowed the words abruptly.

Li Wei is a son of Da Qin's clan, so he will unswervingly support Da Qin. If he talks too much, he may bring disaster to his father.

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