Although he was mentally prepared, the coalition's defeat so quickly was completely beyond his expectations.

"What's the situation? Where did the Jin army go? Where's our army?"

The Ye Buye hurriedly presented the information, Li Wei hurriedly checked and watched, and Tian Ce who was beside him didn't care about being rude, and hurried over to watch.

After the 80 allied forces conquered Shangluo City at a very heavy price, with the spirit of victory, they divided into two groups and stormed the Jin army retreating to Quyang and Moyun.

The two sides fought fiercely for several days. The Jin army successively abandoned the two cities and retreated to Fuping.

Dazed by successive victories, the generals of the coalition forces ordered to attack the city day and night, hoping to capture Fuping in one go and approach Xijing, the capital of the Jin Empire.

The coalition forces stormed Fuping for three days and three nights, and captured the top of the city several times, but they were all recaptured by the tenaciously defending Jin army. Both sides suffered heavy losses.

During the siege that night, a huge cavalry of the Jin army suddenly rushed out from behind the coalition forces and stormed the rear camp of the coalition forces. Although the morale of the coalition forces that had won consecutive victories was high, the successive marches made the soldiers exhausted and indirectly relaxed. Be vigilant, the coalition forces of the rear battalion resisted hastily and were quickly defeated.

The Jin army who had entered the back camp set fires everywhere. With the help of the wind, the fire spread quickly. The whole back camp was a sea of ​​flames. The defeated soldiers of the coalition army fled in all directions. The main force.

It is inconvenient to command at night, and then the defeated soldiers scattered like a tide, the entire formation of the coalition army was in chaos, the cavalry of the Jin army took advantage of the situation to hide and kill, and the guards of the Jin army in Fuping City also opened the gates and charged out. , Internal and external attacks, the coalition forces suffered a disastrous defeat, fleeing all the way, causing countless casualties.

The [-] Jiayue Army led by Tang Tianhe was responsible for the logistics, transportation and security of the coalition forces, and they were stationed in the back camp. Fortunately, the coalition forces were huge, and the company camp stretched for more than ten miles, so the back camp was divided into left, middle, and right. In the third battalion, Tang Tian and his troops were stationed in the right battalion, and at the same time, they were responsible for guarding the right wing of the coalition forces. The Jin army cavalry that suddenly broke out were mainly attacking the middle battalion of the coalition rear camp, allowing Tang Tian and his troops to escape by luck. robbery.

The left rear battalion was not attacked by the Jin army, but Tang Tianhe saw that the entire camp was in flames and the coalition forces were defeated. He made a decisive decision, abandoned the camp and supplies, and the whole army retreated towards Shuzhou.

His decisiveness saved [-] soldiers from the Jiayue Mansion. The soldiers of the allied army who fled in all directions were driven away by the cavalry of the Jin army and broke through the barracks. up.

In the eyes of the generals of the Jin army, the 70 Jiayue soldiers are just a small sesame seed, and the other [-] coalition troops are the big watermelon. Who would be interested in a small sesame seed?

Fortunately, the soldiers of Jiayue Mansion who were retreating were not attacked by the main force of the Jin army. Instead, there were two Jin army cavalry with more than [-] people chasing after them. After the violent attack of the cavalry of the Jin army, three thousand elite cavalry took advantage of the momentum and rushed out, annihilating the enemy one after another.

In the decisive battle of thousands of troops, morale is the most important thing. Once the morale of the army is unstable, the low morale is like a plague, which quickly spreads to the army and causes the entire army to collapse.

Fleeing defeated soldiers are like frightened birds, and it is impossible for the generals in command to reorganize the routed defeated soldiers immediately. Therefore, it is not surprising that only a thousand or so soldiers on the winning side dared to pursue tens of thousands of defeated soldiers who fled.

However, these two [-]-man cavalry of the Jin army obviously picked the wrong target. The coalition army of nearly a million was indeed defeated. However, although the morale of the [-] Jiayue army under Tang Tianhe's command was seriously affected, they did not collapse and flee, but Formed into an orderly retreat, two thousand cavalry went to attack the [-] army with three thousand fine cavalry wings, but they knew the result even if they thought about it with their toes.

The two unexpected small victories relieved most of the fear in the soldiers of the Jiayue Mansion. Although the morale was still low, the morale of the army was still stable. At least there were no soldiers absconding.

Tang Tianhe led the army to retreat towards Pennsylvania, and at the same time sent Ye Bushou to report the battle situation to Li Wei, telling him the retreat route and approximate time, and asked him to send troops to support and contain the Jin army in Binzhou City.

In the Lijiadu temporary command post, Li Wei and Tian Ce were lying on the spread out military map, staring at the location marked Fuping City in a daze. They both had the same doubt in their hearts, how did this huge Jin army cavalry appear behind the coalition army? of?

However, the situation was critical, and neither of them had time to think about it.

Following the issuance of a series of orders, Meng Hai led the No. [-] Brigade of Special Nights to set off urgently, rushed to Pennsylvania to contact Tang Tianhe, and scouted the way for the three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry who followed him to ensure the safety of the marching route. , At the same time, who is the commander-in-chief of the Jin army?

At the same time, there were also [-] elite Jiayue standing soldiers. The battle situation had changed drastically. The situation was very bad. In order to ensure that Tang Tian and his troops could withdraw smoothly, Li Wei played all the cards in his hand. .

The large warships moored at the ferry began to set sail, carrying the few remaining supplies and supplies back to Shaoguan City, and then cruising the river to prevent the Jin army's naval warships from suddenly attacking, and a large number of empty fishing boats docked at Lijiadu At the pier, waiting for people to cross the river.

At this time, the black tiger battle flag of the Jin Empire was already fluttering in the wind above Moyun City, hunting.

With picturesque eyebrows and a face as calm as water, wearing a red phoenix battle armor, the heroic female general stands on the top of the city with her hands in her hands, looking towards the direction of Pennsylvania City.

The coalition forces were defeated, and already took advantage of the victory to pursue and regained Quyang and Moyun cities in one go, and continued to pursue Shangluo and Shuzhou cities.

The news of success is frequent, which makes people happy and encouraging, but at this time she is slightly frowning. According to the report from Ye Bu Shou, the [-] troops of the Jiayue Province of the Qin Empire retreated to the east when the coalition forces collapsed, and they were retreating. On the way, she annihilated the two thousand cavalry that her side was chasing, and she couldn't help but become interested in the commander of the Jiayue Army.

When retreating in a big rout, he was able to annihilate the [-] chasing cavalry on his own side and stabilize the scattered army. The general who commanded the army was quite capable.

Out of curiosity, she decided to go to Pennsylvania. If possible, she also wanted to meet the general of the Jiayue Army.

Prior to this, she had divided the army into two groups in the southeast. The army on the south route recovered Shangluo and stopped the pursuit after driving the coalition forces out of the country. When the enemy was under the city of Binzhou, they drove the enemy troops across the Nu River and then returned to the division to recover Shuzhou City.

She was looking forward to meeting the enemy general down in Pennsylvania.

Chapter 74 Raiding the City

On the flat road, the [-] Jiayue Mansion troops were marching in a hurry, the speed was many times faster than the usual march, everyone wanted to go home alive, without the urging of the chief, everyone desperately accelerated their pace.

However, no matter how fast the infantry marched, it could not be as fast as a four-legged galloping horse. A team of the Jin army was speeding along the rugged trail, and it would be twenty miles away to reach the city of Pennsylvania.

A dozen arrows were suddenly shot out from the bushes on both sides of the trail. The twelve Yebu received the arrows, but they didn't expect someone to bury them. They were caught off guard. Five of them fell from their horses with a scream, and the remaining seven quickly drew their iron swords. , put on the saddle and leap the horse, and continue to gallop forward.

However, they failed to break out of the siege, Meng Hai led a dozen special Yebushuo riders to block their way, after a lot of fighting, all the seven Jin army Yebushuu died in battle.

Meng Hai found a letter on one of the corpses. The handwriting on the cover was beautiful, and it was a woman's handwriting.

He carefully removed the lacquer with a thin piece of iron, opened the envelope, read the contents of the letter, and couldn't help laughing. This time, he made the first effort.

After carefully finishing the sealing paint, he wiped the sealing paint of the envelope on the wound of the corpse, so that the envelope was stained with blood, even if the sealing paint was not intact, no one would notice.

Afterwards, he asked his subordinates to strip off the clothes and armor of the 12 corpses, and selected twelve of similar stature to put them on. They became Ye Buchai of the Jin army, rode on their horses, and swaggered straight to the city of Pennsylvania.

As Meng Hai and others entered the city of Pennsylvania, the news of the defeat of the million-dollar coalition quickly spread throughout the city, causing the soldiers and civilians in the city to flood the streets with excitement, and cheers resounded through the sky.

Guard General Lu Daming of Pennsylvania read the letter, and then asked Meng Hai a few words. Meng Hai answered truthfully. He met the Qin Army's Yebushou team on the trail and wiped out the enemy, but also damaged a few. One brother, and the rest are all wounded.

Lu Mingda nodded, Qin Jun's Ye Bushou was always active around the city, Meng Hai rushed to deliver the letter, it would be a strange thing if he didn't meet Qin Jun, so be careful.

He read the letter carefully again. The handwriting is beautiful and flamboyant. It is Ming Shuai's handwriting. Thinking of the naughty girl with two long braids and ghost spirits, Lu Daming couldn't help laughing. Who would have thought that , more than ten years later, this naughty girl has such an impressive achievement?

Lu Mingda immediately obeyed Commander-in-Chief's order and left [-] soldiers to guard the city. He personally led [-] soldiers out of the city and set up a defensive formation on the flat ground, preparing to intercept the [-] Jiayue troops who were about to arrive.

With 5000 troops blocking [-] enemy troops on flat ground, it was really risky. However, he only needed to hold out for an hour, and buying time for Han Kuifang's [-] cavalry would be considered a great achievement.

According to the information provided by Meng Hai, the forward of the Qin army retreating from Fuping was still about [-] miles away. During this period, there was also some time to dig traps and put up horses, and set up some simple fortifications.

Lu Mingda is too cautious, he does not seek meritorious deeds, but seeks no mistakes. What he is thinking about now is how to enhance the defensive capabilities of the troops and complete the task of intercepting the [-] Qin army. Therefore, the army did not line up on the flat ground when they left the city. , but according to his order, Dongdong was busy defending in front of the position.

While he was busy, a few horsemen came rushing forward, and the knights immediately reported in a panic, "General, the Qin army's forward is less than five miles away."


Lu Mingda was taken aback. Just now, did Meng Hai say that the forward of the Qin army was still more than 20 miles away?Could it be that Qin Jun can't fly?

not good!Lu Mingda reacted very quickly, and immediately understood that this was a trap. He couldn't help but thank himself for being careful, and still sent Yebushuo to scout for information.

"Return to the city, the whole army returns to the city!"

Gritting his teeth, he gave an order to the captain of the personal guard standing beside him, telling him to go into the city immediately and arrest Meng Hai and other spies.

The soldiers who were working hadn't reacted yet, several cavalry rushed over in a panic on the official road leading to Lintong, bringing bad news to Lu Mingda, a cavalry unit of the Tang Army with nearly [-] people was rushing towards this side. Come.

In fact, all the soldiers could feel the ground shaking under their feet, which was the effect produced by thousands of horses galloping. Moreover, they could faintly hear the rumbling scorched thunder approaching from far away, getting closer and closer. Bigger and bigger, faster and faster.

"Hurry up and go back to the city, go back to the city!"

Lu Mingda, who was pale with fright, hissed and roared. On the open flat ground, without any fortifications to rely on, the infantry fighting against the cavalry was simply looking for abuse.

Without his order, all the soldiers rushed towards the city gate with all their might. The rumbling thunder that was getting closer almost shattered their hearts. They would be fools not to run.

The billowing dust covered the sky and covered the sun, and a white dragon battle flag with a black background quickly caught the soldiers' eyes. It was the unique battle flag of the Tang army. Thinking of the shameless behavior of the Tang army who robbed everything, Jin people hated it to the bone , but there is nothing to do.

Everyone ran for their lives. More than 1 people crowded into the city gate. If they accidentally fell to the ground, they were trampled on by countless feet and turned into meatloaf in the blink of an eye. Many soldiers were squeezed into the moat, unable to swim. He also struggled a few times, and soon sank to the bottom of the water.

The narrow city gate was blocked by the black crowd, with their chests pressed against their backs, and they couldn't move. The people behind were still pushing forward desperately. one slice.

"Penns State is over..."

Looking at the chaotic situation, Lu Mingda let out a desperate cry.

"General, go to the west gate."

A soldier reminded: "Go to the west gate..."

"it's the same……"

Lu Mingda shook his head and smiled wryly, even if he entered the city from the west gate, so what, the cavalry of the Tang army had already killed them, and the city of Pennsylvania was also destroyed.

With a bang, the iron sword came out of its sheath, and Lu Mingda shouted loudly: "You are dying, it is better to fight, sons, follow me to meet the enemy!"

It's a pity that his voice was completely drowned out by all kinds of chaotic waves, and the only ones who accompanied him back to meet the enemy were his personal guards.

Facing the fierce rolling torrent of steel, the personal guards of more than a hundred people were crushed into powder in the blink of an eye.

The tiger and leopard cavalry under the banner of the Tang Army rolled towards the city gate like a torrent of steel, and blood and flesh flew all over the place, and screams of pain could be heard endlessly.

Afterwards, the [-] elite infantry who had been ambushing nearby also rushed out. Under the banner of the Tang army, they also rushed into the city behind the tiger and leopard cavalry, chasing and killing the scattered and fleeing soldiers.

For the soldiers and civilians in Pennsylvania, who were still immersed in the joy of victory, the gap between this up and down was too fast and huge, so fast that they didn't even realize it. Entering the city, this joke is too big, isn't it?

Chapter 75 Take the clothes off

When Li Wei Tiance and others entered Pennsylvania surrounded by three hundred personal guards, the situation in the city was generally under control. Jiayuefu soldiers under the banner of the Tang Army controlled the main traffic arteries of the four city gates and the warehouses of the prefect's mansion. Barracks and other important places.

However, the soldiers did not pursue the rout soldiers who had fled into the depths of the alley, and even the three city gates in the east, west, and north were opened. , into the woods.

Li Wei really wanted to attack Pennsylvania, but the cautiousness of the prefect of Pennsylvania Lu Mingda kept him from finding a chance. When Tang Tianhe led [-] Jiayue troops to withdraw in a hurry, he originally planned to send troops to pretend to attack Pennsylvania The city was covered to cover Tang Tian and his troops to retreat safely, but they did not expect the opportunity to break the city to fall from the sky.

Although the city of Pennsylvania was captured, time was running out. He couldn't carry out the so-called looting at all. He could only occupy the four city gates, the traffic arteries, and control and protect key points such as government office warehouses.

As the military order was issued, the officers of each unit began to gather their own troops, entered the designated location, and made preparations for defending the city.

Fortunately, these [-] soldiers are the elite standing army of the Jiayue Provincial Government. They have strict military discipline and have not harassed the people. Take a breath.

Afterwards, the three city gates in the east, west and south were closed, and two dragon-breaking stones weighing a thousand catties fell from the east and west gates, breaking the chain of the winch and sealing the two gates, leaving only the north and south gates to pass through.

Next, the [-] soldiers originally reserved for the reserve team were divided into hundreds of squads, and with Li Wei's order, they poured into the homes of the rich and big families, threatening to eat fruit with gleaming iron guys, asking for money?Or die?

You can figure it out.

Life is gone, what is the use of money?

Even though those rich families hated these wolf-like Tang Jun to their bones, their lives mattered. In addition, these Tang Jun only wanted money and did not insult women, so they basically cooperated and handed over a sum of money to keep them safe.

There were also some wealthy families who escaped from the city before, and some valuable things such as antiques, calligraphy and paintings left at home, as long as they were not large and easy to carry, were all cleaned up. This was Li Wei’s last madness. The soldiers were very loyal. Execute his ransacking mission.

While Li Wei was busy looting the big families in the city, Tang Tianhe's vanguard army, two thousand Qingqi, had arrived in Pennsylvania and was placed to rest in the abandoned barracks of the Jin army. The Jin army's Qingqi chased after them all the way, and they were about to catch up with the army.

Li Wei and Tian Ce didn't dare to be sloppy, and hurriedly led [-] infantry out of the city to form an array. Thirty thunder chariots were in front of the array. Shocking little stuff.

Tian Ce also ordered the soldiers to desperately cut down the big trees outside the city, and piled them on both sides of the gun array as obstacles, trying to prevent the enemy's cavalry from attacking the sides of the gun array as much as possible.

An hour later, Tang Tianhe led the main force to the city. In order to prevent the army from rushing into the three long spear formations outside the city, Tang Tianhe led the army to bypass the spear formation and enter the city. Many people rushed into the city, and the cavalry of the Jin army chased after them closely. As long as they stayed outside the city, it would not be safe.

"Take off your clothes, take off your clothes..."

Wu You shouted loudly, ordering the soldiers to take off their clothes and pile them on the avenue, ordering the soldiers to gather firewood and haystacks and throw them together.

"Cha, brother actually forgot this trick..."

Li Wei understood Wu You's intention, slapped his thigh and sighed. He still had some time before to carry hay and firewood, and set fire to stop the cavalry of the Jin army, but he forgot.


Wu You, who was covered in dust, ran over panting heavily, her face full of frustration, more nervous and uneasy.

As a military adviser this time, following Tang Tianhe on the expedition, he thought he would have the opportunity to show his abilities and make great achievements in battle. Who would have thought that the coalition forces would suffer such a miserable defeat? "Being able to bring people back safely is already a great achievement."

Li Wei patted him on the shoulder to comfort him. The coalition army was defeated and suffered heavy losses. In such an extremely unfavorable situation, the party has withdrawn the soldiers safely, and even wiped out the two thousand cavalrymen of the Jin army who were chasing after them. It is indeed a great achievement one piece.

Tian Ce on the side also stroked his long beard and kept nodding his head. Winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs. Although he was defeated, he was able to bring all the troops back, which is considered a great achievement.

"This subordinate is incompetent and has failed the young master's high expectations..."

Wu You looked ashamed, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It was indeed not his responsibility to lose a battle, but under normal circumstances, it was inevitable that he would be scapegoated. The young master didn't have the slightest intention of blaming him, which made him blame himself and feel grateful at the same time. , I am glad that I did not follow the wrong person.

Tens of thousands of troops huddled outside the city, and exhausted soldiers poured into the city like a tide. However, the teams entered the city in an orderly manner, one after another, and no one fought for the road, causing chaos. This is also due to the credit of the law enforcement team. If you dare to grab the road, you will be killed.

In the distance, the sky was covered by billowing dust and smoke, and Li Wei and the others could clearly feel the ground shaking under their feet. As the sound of rumbling iron hooves became clearer, the vibration became more and more intense.

Chaser, finally here! "set fire!"

Following Li Wei's order, more than a dozen soldiers threw torches on the haystack, and then retreated to the formation.

The torch ignited the dry grass and clothes, and soon a fire rose into the sky. For a while, thick smoke billowed, covering the sky and the sun, and the scorching heat wave hit the face.

Both Li Wei and Tian Ce sighed at the same time. If they had thought of blocking the enemy with fire before, and if it wasn't for the fact that a large number of soldiers still failed to retreat into the city, the fire would not have been set off in advance. unexpected surprise.

The Jiayue Mansion army stranded outside the city was still slowly retreating into the city. Han Kuifang led [-] light cavalry to arrive after the tail, but was blocked by the raging fire, and the army was unable to launch an attack for a while. However, he also saw the firewood pile Very few, and they will be burned out soon. Obviously, Tang Jun fired them in a hurry to stop his cavalry from attacking.

Han Kuifang squinted his eyes and looked at the three spear phalanxes in front of him through the billowing smoke. He couldn't help admiring the calmness and determination of the Tang army commander. The large black soldiers in front of him were exhausted and their morale was low. They completely collapsed, but he had to break through the three long spear formations in front of him first.

He let out a sigh, if the city of Binzhou is not lost, Lu Mingda leads the army to block the road, and the [-] Jiayue soldiers will use up the entire army, but unfortunately, at the critical moment, the city of Binzhou will fall.

Han Kuifang didn't have time to think about how the city of Pennsylvania fell. The flames in front of him were getting smaller and fewer and fewer Jiayue soldiers were stranded outside the city. The opportunity to fight would be missed. Regardless of the exhaustion of the soldiers, he ordered [-] Qingqi to attack the three soldiers standing in front of him. A long spear array launched an attack.

Chapter 76 Horror Thunder

"Pikemen, get ready."

Following the roar of the officer, the four rows of gunmen in front of the formation squatted down immediately, their spears were raised obliquely, and one end was propped on the ground, forming four dense gun forests.

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