Just now Li Wei said "there are many brothers"

All the armored sergeants were greatly encouraged. Now that His Majesty, who regards them as brothers, has an order, naturally he will not hesitate, pick up his weapons and rush forward.

Knowing that he had misunderstood the emperor, Chen Yuzhou was so ashamed that he was the first to rush forward.

The people in Skull Well usually fight fiercely and have clever tactics, but they are not enough to meet the elite of the Great Qin Army.

Song Sandao, who is famous for his viciousness, does have some skills. He wields two waist knives impermeably, and the short knife in his mouth is like a scorpion needle, taking people's lives at any time.

But facing a fierce soldier in iron armor, he couldn't cut through the heavy armor made of fine steel after seven or eight cuts.

When the fierce battle broke out in the building, there was also the sound of gongs in the middle of the street, and the sound of horseshoes galloping.

Opening the window and looking, hundreds of cavalry roared towards them. The swordsmen on the street had long been frightened by the cavalry's charge and fled one after another.

No matter how fast two legs are, they can't move as fast as four legs. These unlucky people have directly become living targets for cavalry to practice sword skills.

"Li Wei is too dishonest! We have agreed to buy someone, so why are we still using weapons?"

Looking at Ling Kongzi like an idiot, Yao Sixiao said coldly: "Send some elite experts over there, look for opportunities, and assassinate Li Wei if there is a chance, remember, once they do it, they will die. "

"Saint, don't worry, they are all reliable people who are extremely loyal to the holy religion. They have poisonous pills in their mouths, and they will never be left alive."

With a leap of stature, Li Wei came directly to Lin Qianru's side and smashed the chain with a single blow.

"Don't worry, I'm here, no one can hurt you."

"Many, thank you Your Majesty."

"This time the Zhuang mansion was raided and a large number of members of the Zhuang clan were arrested. I made a decree to review the case of Lin Ximin back then."

"My father was killed by the order of the first emperor, what else is there to investigate?"

"The order was issued by the first emperor, but there are some reasons for it. It was..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Wei's back suddenly lit up, and a deadly sense of crisis swept over his body.

With a "bang", the dagger in his hand blocked the stabbing sword behind him.

"Who are you?"

It is Song Chuanfeng's creed that a scholar should die for his confidant. No matter what kind of person Zhuang Zhiming is, if he owes him a great favor, he must repay it.

The Zhuang family was eradicated by Li Wei, and Song Chuanfeng knew that he could not rescue Zhuang Zhiming from the dungeon, so assassinating Li Wei and taking revenge for him was the only thing he could do.

Anyone with a discerning eye could already see Li Wei's thoughts on Lin Qianru. This time Song Chuanfeng sold Lin Qianru into the Skull Well just to attract Li Wei.

"Haha, the emperor pays off, you are here! Remember, assassinate the fool, Song Chuanfeng!"

In storytelling and drama, the emperor is always the big villain, and he is a warrior who dares to assassinate the emperor. Today, Song Chuanfeng wants to let his name go down in the annals of history forever.

The long sword in his hand was like a poisonous snake, and he was exchanging seven or eight moves in a blink of an eye. Song Chuanfeng was surprised to find that Li Wei, a faint king, possessed peerless martial arts.

"Didn't expect it, I can't kill if I want to, so die!"

One inch short and one inch dangerous, Li Wei's short knife flew up and down, blocking the long sword and at the same time kept approaching.

Facing the sword that cut iron like mud, Song Chuanfeng retreated instead of advancing, pointing the tip of the sword at Lin Qianru.

For Song Chuanfeng, Li Wei was [-]% sure of winning the battle, but with Lin Qianru around him, Li Wei was not even [-]% sure.

Seeing the assassination of the emperor, the other guards rushed over to support him. Song Chuanfeng screamed in his heart that something was wrong. The original plan was to kill Li Wei with one blow, and he would die in a fierce battle with the imperial court. In the name of loyalty, he did not expect Li Wei Wei is so difficult.

At this moment, holes were torn out of the roof by someone's palm force, and eight men in black jumped down from the top, actively blocking in front of the guards.

"You are really well prepared."

"I don't know these people, hehe, there are many people who want to kill you."

Song Chuanfeng, who had weighed Li Wei's weight, simply aimed his target at Lin Qianru, attacking Lin Qianru's vital points, forcing Li Wei to keep blocking her.

Seeing that Li Wei was almost injured by Song Chuanfeng's tricks in order to protect herself, Lin Qianru shouted: "Li Wei, you are the emperor, the lord of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and the people of the world rely on you. You can't do anything, just leave me alone!"

"Shut up! If I can't even protect my own woman, why should I be a Ninth Five-Year Lord!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, who is your woman... ah."

The skill of speaking caused Song Chuanfeng, who was blocked by Li Wei, to change his moves again. If Li Wei retreated in time, he would cut his belly open.

"Song Chuanfeng! I remember you, do you know what my adoptive father said about you?"

Seeing that Song Chuanfeng was furiously attacking and refused to answer, Lin Qianru said to herself: "Song Chuanfeng, hehe, traffickers and pawns know how to do it. It's a good knife, but it's just a knife. Yun Xiao, a bank can't do without this kind of person, but Don't reuse this kind of person, if you have used it, just kill it, so as not to damage the dealer's reputation."

Lin Qianru, who grew up beside Zhuang Zhiming since she was a child, has imitated Zhuang Zhiming's tone and demeanor completely. Song Chuanfeng couldn't bear it anymore, and angrily scolded: "Nonsense! The old proprietor Zhuang regards me as a brother. I quit the arena. He didn't kill me either."

Chapter 639

"Say you're stupid. You're really stupid. If you don't kill you, it's just to keep you. If he really treats you as a brother, will he mix you in at such a critical moment?"

"He can't..."

"Haha, what a joke, Heshengchang has mountains of gold and seas of silver, what kind of expert can't afford it? Song Chuanfeng, you won't be so narcissistic that you think you are the best expert in the world, right?"

The older the world, the less courageous. When he was young, Song Chuanfeng believed that he was a first-class expert, but after more than ten years in the world, he fully understood what hidden dragons and crouching tigers are. With Zhuang Zhiming's financial resources, even if he couldn't find someone better For a powerful master, it is not difficult to find a few masters of the same level as himself.

Lin Qianru, who had already filled up her Sense of Words and Moods skill points, continued, "You've been retiring all these years, and you've been unhappy, right? Do you always encounter difficulties, and the money you've accumulated before is almost gone?"

"how do you know?"

Seeing Song Chuanfeng's surprised face, Li Wei almost laughed out loud. A master of martial arts may have a prosperous business by opening a martial arts gym, but it's strange not to be tricked by others when he goes to do business.

Thinking of this, Li Wei no longer looked for opportunities to attack, and echoed: "If you are nourished, you will lose the courage to work hard. What use will Zhuang Zhiming keep you? I'm not afraid that someday you will leak out of your mouth and talk about the past. Leak out?"

People in the Jianghu do things based on the word "will". Song Chuanfeng's assassination of Li Wei today is nothing more than a great kindness he has received and he wants to repay.

But everything was Zhuang Zhiming's scheme, so wouldn't he be a fool? "No, you lied to me! Zhuang Zhiming won't tell you this!"

"Why not? I'm his adoptive daughter. I'm afraid you don't know it. He betrothed me to Zhuang Yunxiao a long time ago. He wants me to be in charge of Heshengchang in the future. Naturally, he knows everything about me."

"Haha, that's true. Did Zhuang Zhiming ever tell you that he killed your father and killed more than a dozen people in your Lin family?"

"What did you say?"

Originally, he wanted to provoke Song Chuanfeng with the provocative method, but he did not expect to anger Lin Qianru. Seeing that she was about to rush up to argue, Li Wei hurriedly reached out to stop him, but was hit by Song Chuanfeng taking advantage of the situation.

"There is no turning back when you open the bow. Even if Zhuang Zhiming plots against me and goes to the Underworld to confront him face to face, Li Wei, you will definitely die today!"

"Be careful behind your back!"

"Haha, do you think I'll believe you when the punks say hello to fight?"

Li Wei didn't think he would believe it, so he picked up Lin Qianru and dodged to the side.

Seeing this scene, Song Chuanfeng couldn't help laughing. The emperor is the emperor after all, and he doesn't have the guts to fight desperately. If he resists to the end, it's still unknown who will die. But now Li Wei is cowardly, and he just ran for his life and showed his back. Isn't he courting death? ?

With a twist of his wrist, the sword edge deflected, cutting towards the back of Li Wei's neck, and was about to succeed, but Song Chuanfeng suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

The familiar sound of piercing through the air sounded, and Song Chuanfeng secretly yelled "Oops", and his whole body was shot through by the thick arrow of the eight-ox crossbow.

No matter how high his cultivation level was, a bowl-sized hole in his abdomen would not be able to support it. Song Chuanfeng fell to his knees and stared at Li Wei unwillingly.

"I told you to be careful behind your back, but you just don't believe it."

Hearing Li Wei's words, Song Chuanfeng's blood surged, and he died of serious injuries.

Lin Qianru's provocative method did not expose Song Chuanfeng's fatal flaw, but it also won the time needed to reload the eight-ox crossbow, making a generation of masters so aggrieved to die under the military weapon.

"Hey, don't die! Explain clearly, who killed my father back then? Tell me, tell me!"

Lifting Lin Qianru up from Song Chuanfeng's body, Li Wei explained: "In order to solve the difficulty of transporting military rations, the imperial court asked merchants to send rations to the army in exchange for salt. Your father became a big salt merchant because of this. To get more wealth and want to enter the bank industry, Zhuang Zhiming was afraid of your father's talent and wealth, so he planned to frame you.

Swapping the food and grass, the first emperor found out that most of the food and grass sent to the army was moldy old food, so he was so angry... all this is Zhuang Zhiming's trick, the inner guard has already interrogated the confession, you can go to see the confessor at any time, Song Chuanfeng also told the truth just now..."

"Your Majesty, I just want to ask you one thing. Did the late emperor really act according to the law when he confiscated the Lin family? Wasn't he greedy for the wealth of the Lin family?"

Li Wei had seen the dossier a long time ago, and directly told him how much money his cheap father made in those years. With the style of cheap father, he was definitely making use of it. Zhuang Zhiming's framing was the fuse, and the wealth of the Lin family was the biggest original sin .

Li Wei didn't answer, but this was already a very clear answer.

Her whole family was killed, of course because of Zhuang Zhiming's framing, but Li Wei's father ordered it, even if he was not the mastermind, he was also the executor. Thinking of her family being punished, Lin Qianru really couldn't meet her enemy's son and smile away her grievances.

"Minnv thanked Your Majesty for saving me today. Now that the imperial court is raiding Heshengchang, I wonder if they want to arrest Minnv for questioning?"

"You are different from others, I forgive you for your innocence."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I wonder if the daughter of the people can leave."

"You... the Skull Well is not safe, I will have someone escort you away."

After thanking her again, Lin Qianru got up and left directly. Li Wei could only ask Chen Yuzhou to escort him personally.

Knowing Lin Qianru's thoughts, Li Wei could only sigh helplessly, this blood debt is not easy to resolve, no, it cannot be resolved at all.

After the cavalry disintegrated their unresolute resistance, more than 2000 soldiers also entered the Skull Well, and began to search from house to house. Anyone who dared to resist would be killed. Under Li Wei's strict order, the Skull Well, the largest place of filth in Chang'an The land was washed clean overnight.

Three days later, the gate of the Chang'an Royal Bank was crowded with people watching the excitement. After the horn sounded, the gate of the Royal Bank was slowly opened, and the onlookers couldn't even open their eyes under the bright white light.

Outside the compound of the Royal Bank, a rockery made of silver stands here. I have only heard of the "Mountain of Gold and Sea of ​​Silver" before.

, but no one has ever seen the real thing.

Even though the interior of this silver rockery is hollow, it took a full 40 taels of silver to pour it, which can be called the best in the world.

He Jianming couldn't see his eyes when he heard the continuous exclamation, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, such a grand event, the grassroots didn't even dare to think about it before. Your Majesty, many bank proprietors want to ask to see Your Majesty."

"Hmph, don't look at who you are, is your Majesty a merchant who can see you as soon as you see him?"

"Yes, it's the grassroots who are daring, and I hope His Majesty will forgive me."

"I understand what they mean, as long as they can accept my rules, they will be the same as Yonghengtai."

After receiving Li Wei's promise, He Jianming hurriedly knelt down, "Caomin thank Your Majesty for his grace!"

Heshengchang was completely defeated, and the bank alliance survived in name only. The dignitaries who originally supported the bank realized that something was wrong and withdrew their shares one after another.

The so-called shares are not that they pay money to buy shares, but that they are given out by the bank in order to get protection.

He was already fatally hit, but now he had to pay a large amount of shares. None of the banks in Chang'an City could bear it. Just when He Jianming was thinking about how to commit suicide, Li Wei actually sent someone to find him.

This time, He Jianming did not dare to put on airs as the owner of the bank. When he heard that the Royal Bank was willing to take a stake, he immediately agreed and was willing to accept the management of the Royal Bank.

With the example of He Jianming, other banks were also tempted. Li Wei finally achieved his goal of integrating the bank industry and rectifying finance.

"Your Majesty, the financial industry is in dire straits, but there is no leader. I don't know Your Majesty..."

"Hehe, you don't need to think too much, the leader will not be you. As for who it is, I have to invite you personally."

In a teahouse not far away, Ling Kongzi said contemptuously, "You are a fool, indeed you are a fool! It is so extravagant to make a rockery out of silver, which is unheard of."

"What do you know? The silver was made into a rockery, but no palace was built. When you want to use it, you can melt it down. It's just a waste of effort. How can it be extravagant?"

Ling Kongzi didn't dare to refute Yao Sixiao's words, so he could only complain a little unconvinced: "But such behavior..."

"This just shows Li Wei's brilliance. Chang'an cannot live without a bank, but the bank was destroyed by him again. The people lost their trust in the bank, but now it is different. With this mountain of silver, it is the biggest and most effective. advertise.

No one would doubt the strength of the Royal Bank, and naturally they would not question the bank with the Royal Bank as its backing.

This trip to Chang'an, if you can measure Li Wei's ability, it is not a worthwhile trip. You pack up and we will go back immediately. "

"Go back? Let's not stay..."

"If there is no opportunity, staying here will only waste the strength of the Holy Cult. It is better to retreat to the base camp and wait for the changes in the world."

Hearing that there were other meanings in Yao Sixiao's words, Ling Kongzi asked tentatively, "I don't know what the saintess said about the changing situation..."

Pointing to the north, Yao Sixiao smiled and said, "It's not peaceful there."

It was just dawn, and Han Shanyou, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a scream outside the village. Still in shock, he lay on the couch, stared at his eyes, held his breath, and reconfirmed that the scream was not a dream.

"what's the situation?"

He heard the sound of things being thrown from the village, accompanied by the crying of children and the hoarse screams of women, suddenly near and far away.

Han Shanyou had a bad premonition in his heart, so he quickly put on his clothes and carried a hatchet to go out to investigate.

The unsuspecting Han Shanyou opened the old wooden door of his house with a "creak", which attracted the attention of a man nearby. Before he could clearly see the messy situation, the half-open door was kicked Kick away.

Seeing a strange man rushing in, Han Shanyou staggered a few steps back, clutching the hatchet tightly in his hand, and quickly lowered his head to look at his feet. He almost fell because of a piece of morning ice just now.

"Who are you? Do you believe I will sue you if you trespass like this?"

Han Shanyou saw that the man was covered in blood, but he didn't see where he was injured. Don't think too much, it was someone else's.

"There's so much nonsense, take your life."

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