Chen Yuzhou shook his head, and said solemnly: "It's true, it's my younger brother who came here yesterday, he looks exactly like me, he stole the family's treasure and used it as a pawn."

"Then you want to lead troops and take everything back? Kid, this is King Kang's property. You don't know who King Kang is, do you?"

"Of course I can't afford to offend King Kang, but I can't do anything about it. Those things are dedicated to the current emperor, and they are already belongings of the heavenly family. His Majesty was furious when he heard this, and issued an imperial decree, asking me to take all the things. Take it back, no matter how big Kang Wang is, he is not as big as the emperor, come here, seal up the shop, and move all the things inside!"

Li Wei is a well-known stupid king, he can do any immoral thing in order to make money, but Huang Zhongtao didn't expect that Li Wei would play such a trick, and the one who robbed his own uncle, is this still human?

He kept complaining in his heart, but facing the imperial decree in Chen Yuzhou's hand, he didn't dare to stop him, so he could only take the initiative to lead the way to the treasure house.

"This batch of things belonged to you...your brother, take them all away."

"That's what my younger brother did? Why do I think you're hiding something? Search it for me, and search it carefully."

"You... well, I admit it, this matter is not over."

After a stick of incense, a soldier reported that he had found the darkroom. Huang Zhongtao became anxious immediately and shouted, "No, that's where other people keep their treasures..."

"Storing treasures? I think it's my brother's pawned treasures, search for me!"

"No, you can't..."

Seeing that Huang Zhongtao was still talking, Chen Yuzhou slapped him and sent him flying.

The soldiers quickly moved out twelve large boxes, tore off the seals, and smashed the locks. Chen Yuzhou took out an account book and closed it hastily as soon as he looked through it.

"Just kill these, take them away immediately!"

Looking at the officers and soldiers leaving like the wind, Da Chaofeng asked with a puzzled face: "Shopkeeper, didn't they come for the treasures? Why did they take away twelve large boxes, and those boxes were the target? Could it be... ..."

"Shut up, no one is allowed to mention what happened today!"

Twelve boxes were stored by a mysterious person who did not want to be named. He opened a pawn shop in Chang'an. This kind of thing often happens. If you pay a generous storage fee, the pawn shop will keep it for you. If you don't see the bills, you won't give them. This is the rule.

If the emperor wanted something, he could fight it out with open fire. Of course, Li Wei did the same, but if he had to find a reason to confiscate the tribute treasures, it meant that the things in the box were very important and could not be seen.

The emperor is so scrupulous, they dare to say more, don't they think they have a long life?

In the woods outside Chang'an City, Wang Rusheng, who closed his eyes tightly, tried his best to control his breathing, so as not to let his officers and soldiers see his nervousness.

Chapter 633 The Soldier is a Bandit

Until now, he still couldn't figure out how he got into the bandit boat and fell to where he is today. If he thinks about it carefully, since he accepted the horse as a gift from His Royal Highness Kang Wang, he has made a mistake and hated him forever.

Now, under Zhuang Zhiming's instigation and Kang Wang's promise, he led his officers and soldiers to become robbers.

At this time, he also wanted to understand that the aloof Li Chang and the wealthy Zhuang Zhiming could take a fancy to him and make friends with him. To put it bluntly, they just took a fancy to his soldiers and won him over. an armed force.

Wang Rusheng felt an irrepressible excitement when he thought of the glory and wealth he would get after the event was completed.

"General, here we come."

"Bastard, I said it, you can't call it a military position at this time, let the brothers put on their masks, and do it later, don't leave a living, so as not to bring disaster to yourself!"

"Yes, will... yes, master."

The caravan moved forward slowly according to the established route. Dun Chaolu was very nervous along the way, for fear that something might go wrong.

"Cheer up for me, it's almost here, and you can't relax at the last moment."

As soon as the words fell, the front of the team suddenly stopped. Dun Chaolu stepped forward to check and found that a trail ahead was cut off by a tree, blocking their way.

"Captain, don't worry, I'll find someone to move the tree away."

Just as Dun Chaolu's subordinates were about to bring someone to help, Dun Chaolu reached out to stop him.

"Wait, it's not right."

Dun Chaolu always had a bad premonition in his heart. This road is located in a remote place, and there are no traces of people living around it. Looking at the traces of the tree stump being cut off, it was obvious that it was cut off intentionally.

"Not good, everyone pay attention, be careful there is an ambush!"

According to the usual experience, it was probably not accidental that such a situation occurred. Dun Chaolu led many guards to be on the sidelines carefully.

Suddenly, several bursts of fireworks burst out from all around, which really startled these people. Before they could react, a group of masked men in black came out from both sides of the path.

"Kill me!"

Dun Chaolu reacted very quickly. He raised the crossbow and was about to shoot, but he shot a fist-thick arrow head-on, brushed Dun Chaolu's arm, and pierced through four or five guards behind him. Big, chilling.

The masked men had prepared early in the morning, and had deployed multiple attack points around them. Their bed crossbows were extremely lethal, and every time they were fired, they could hit dozens of guards in a row.

"Everyone, be careful, the opponent has a bed crossbow, spread out and don't get shot! Find a way to attack the bed crossbow first!"

Dun Chaolu led a team to rush forward. Although they didn't have any bed crossbows, the crossbows were more flexible in comparison, and they moved quickly, so the bed crossbowmen could do nothing for them.

The masked men saw that the bed crossbow was useless, so they drew their swords and rushed forward, and fought with Dun Chaolu's guards. The more masked men fought two against one, and within a short while, all the guards were killed.

"I advise you to stop resisting and surrender obediently. Maybe you can save your life."

Seeing that the few guards were still stubbornly resisting, Wang Rusheng simply put down his guard. At this moment, victory was within his reach.

Dun Chaolu was protected by the remaining guards, "Captain, what should we do next?"

"It doesn't matter, we still have one last card."

Dun Chaolu's face was calm. He knew that the matter was not over yet, so he boldly shouted at the masked leader: "I'm not dead yet, it's not certain who will win."

"It's really a hard-boiled duck. I don't kill you, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you. In view of your brave performance just now, I intend to let you join us. Wouldn't it be good to eat spicy food in the future? "

Dun Chaolu sneered and said, "I've said it all, it's not the end yet, and it's not certain who will win!"

Last night, the three hundred Guihua Hu pro-army got Li Wei's order and went out of the city secretly. Early this morning, they turned around and returned to Chang'an as a caravan, in order to lure attackers to the real caravan behind.

Since I had thought of an ambush for a long time, I naturally made full preparations, and it was fine if there was no one to ambush. If anyone dared to come, they would definitely die as many as they came.

As soon as the words fell, Dun Chaolu opened the carriage of the caravan behind him with a swipe, and saw a large number of guards rushing out of it. The masked man obviously did not expect that there were so many guards hidden in their carriage .

"Kill me!"

The masked man rushed forward angrily as if being teased. Unexpectedly, Dun Chaolu's main event was still to come. After the last two carriages were opened, the masked man froze in place.

"It turns out that we have three bed crossbows, which are much more powerful than their bed crossbows!"

The guards stomped their feet excitedly after seeing the three crossbows exposed in the carriage, so that the masked men would retreat in spite of their difficulties.

"Now let's see what they can do to us!"

After finishing speaking, these guards jumped into the carriage one after another, and caught the masked man in front of him by surprise with the three-bed crossbow.

Dun Chaolu wanted to kill these people completely, so he called his cronies, "You take a group of people to hide on the way they might retreat, and we will follow their example, ambush in the dark in advance, and kill them when the time comes. Fuck them all!"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Seeing that a group of guards were suddenly transferred away, the masked man didn't think much about it. The situation at the moment was enough to give him a headache. He could have easily ambushed them all, but he didn't expect that a little relaxation would cause unnecessary trouble.

"Boss, looking at the situation, we can't fight."

The masked man, who had suffered from several close combats, suddenly felt that the situation was over and was about to retreat, but these guards chased after him as if they were getting excited. In a short while, the masked man suffered heavy damage from the three-bed crossbow and close combat.

"If we can't beat it, let's withdraw quickly, don't love to fight!"

The masked man realized that the situation was not good, so he led the remaining group of brothers to retreat. They had roughly touched the route before, and there were three escape directions, one of which was the avenue, fearing that there might be an ambush.

The other two were a dangerous road and a small road that no one knew about. After much deliberation, he decided to take that road.

"Would it be too dangerous?"

The subordinates of the masked man hesitated a little. At this moment, the guards had resumed using the three crossbow arrows to attack. They could only try to retreat while defending. From time to time, they would kill a few desperate people behind them. It was really a pincer attack.

"As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. Presumably these people would not expect us to choose the easiest one, so we will bet with them today."

Afterwards, under the cover of everyone's joint efforts, the masked leader barely escaped the encirclement of the guards, and started to flee with a few people. As he expected, nothing unusual was found on this avenue.

"Our leader is still the wisest, and these idiots would not guess that we escaped from here."

Wang Rusheng felt that something was wrong, but he wondered from time to time whether he was worrying too much. Maybe they didn't want to ambush them at all, but they always felt something was wrong.

Just when they had just escaped halfway, a group of guards suddenly appeared around them, far more than they had fought before. The masked man, who had already suffered a heavy loss, was no different from hitting a stone with a pebble in front of these people.

"Don't take chances. Our captain said that if you cooperate obediently, you can save his life."

"I bother!"

The masked man said dissatisfied: "Why don't you just learn from our way of persuading surrender!"

"Then don't blame us for not being sympathetic, this is what you asked for!"

After finishing speaking, these masked men held cold blades in their hands and killed them head-on. Wang Rusheng saw that the situation was not good, so he retreated while fighting.

"Don't chase after the poor, the caravan behind is coming soon, send out 100 people to clean the road, and the rest, follow me to meet the caravan!"

Outside the city of Chang'an, corpses were strewn all over the field, and swords were on the verge of breaking out in front of the palace gate. Gao Deqing said, "Your Majesty, half an hour has passed, and it's still good for Your Majesty to give you an answer."

"I ask you the last question, do you have to abolish the New Deal?"

"I came here this time to beg Your Majesty not to go my own way, and hope that Your Majesty can abolish the New Deal, otherwise I would rather resign and return to my hometown!"

More than 200 officials shouted their conditions together as if they had been rehearsed.

Zhuang Zhiming said with a smile: "Your Majesty, if you can't do something, you can't do it, otherwise you are stupid. The grass-roots people have already persuaded your Majesty not to think that you are the emperor and do it recklessly, but your Majesty just doesn't believe it. It's a pity, a pity.

It seems that His Majesty is still too naive to be a good emperor. If you don't stop abolishing the New Deal, I'm afraid the throne will be lost. "

"Are you forcing me to sit in Zen?"

Today is the moment of decisive battle. Zhuang Zhiming, who thinks he has the chance to win, no longer needs to have any scruples. He sneered and said, "Do you know why Li Chang didn't come today? The new king came forward and forced the old king to abdicate. His reputation is not good. Now King Kang His Highness is in his palace, waiting for good news."

"Are you sure Li Chang is happy now?"

"Naturally happy."

Putting up the awning to look at it, Li Wei pointed to the distance and smiled without saying a word. Zhuang Zhiming turned his head in doubt and saw thick smoke in the direction of King Kang's Mansion.

"You, you dare to kill Li Chang?"

"He is my uncle, how can I kill him? It's just that he conspired to rebel, and I can't tolerate him. Fortunately, Li Chang still has a little conscience. After the incident was leaked, he committed suicide."

Zhuang Zhiming knew about Li Chang's virtues. How dare a cowardly person commit suicide?

Definitely committed suicide.

"If you attack your uncle casually, you won't be afraid..."

"Dragon Robe and Jade Seal were confiscated in King Kang's Mansion, and the evidence is conclusive."

After being stunned for a moment, Zhuang Zhiming couldn't help laughing, "Haha, the dragon robe jade seal is really a good thing. If your majesty throws it at anyone's house, the family will be ruined. Do you want to use this method to deal with my dealer?"

"You're not worthy."

Chapter 634 It's hard to make a big deal

"Hehe, Li Wei, you are so naive. The world needs a king. As for who it is, it doesn't matter. What if Li Chang dies? Can you destroy the nine clans by yourself and kill all the clan sons? Gao Deqing, do it!" !"

Hearing Zhuang Zhiming's words, Gao Deqing, who had completely boarded the thief's boat, shouted loudly: "Your Majesty is foolish and has no way, and he is planning for the world. Please give up your Majesty's throne!"

Li Wei's reforms have been cut on the officials' pockets, which has long caused dissatisfaction among the officials. Now Gao Deqing and Zhuang Zhiming are taking the lead, and they have become the ministers of the new king. Li Wei didn't dare to kill them all.

With this idea, the courtiers also echoed and shouted, and even the common people who were also dissatisfied with the money shortage also shouted.

"You think that's why I'm afraid of you?"

"Haha, so what if you're not afraid? Even if you can't let your Zen seat, such a commotion, the Qin country will inevitably be in chaos. Han Chu and Da Jin have long been eyeing Da Qin, and they will definitely send troops. I will become a great hero of the Three Kingdoms. I am prosperous Chang, can still exist, can continue to do business, and even make it bigger.

As for these courtiers, they are officials when they work for you, and they are also officials when they go to other countries. Naturally, they want to be officials in countries where they can make money. Many options. "

"Hehe, okay, you have already given the answer, then I will give you my answer now, and show them the things."

Hearing Li Wei's words, the sixth eunuch immediately led a group of servants to place papers according to human hair. Seeing the things in their hands, all the officials who were crying just now shut up.

On it, it was written that He Shengchang gave them bribes. When, where, for what reason, and the amount of bribes, they were all clearly written.

They dared to gather a crowd to make trouble, just relying on the law and not to blame the crowd, Li Wei did not dare to deal with them for no reason, but with these evidences, if they were published, even if Li Wei didn't kill them, the people would tear them apart.

"Your Majesty, this..."

"I'll give you two choices, one is to get out immediately with these things, and the other is to continue to make trouble."

"Your Majesty, if the ministers leave, after that day..."

"I swear to God, I will never blame the past for the things on these accounts."

The officials were not fools, so they naturally knew how to choose, so they left one after another without Li Wei's nonsense.

Seeing them leave, Li Weiqiang suppressed his anger. This time the situation was too serious, so he could only let them go temporarily, but the list of officials involved in the account book had already been copied by Xiao Liuzi.

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