Li Wei had a headache for a long time in order to get a good war horse. He didn't expect that there was nowhere to look for when he broke through the iron shoes. Big problem with headaches.

The prudent Li Wei tested it himself, picked out more than a dozen good horses outside the Great Wall, and raced again with the dozen mules and horses brought by the three businessmen. The advantage, but after running for more than 35 miles, the mules and horses, known for their endurance, became more energetic and began to shorten the distance. After running for nearly [-] miles, most of the good horses outside the Great Wall were overtaken. After [-] miles, all the horses outside the Great Wall were overtaken. The good horses failed to continue, and they were all pulled down, losing to the mules and horses.

"Come here, everyone will give you five hundred silver rewards."

Li Wei, who was in a good mood, rewarded each of the three merchants with 500 taels of silver as a reward for solving his headache.

Because mules and horses are thin and inconspicuous, they are generally only used as a tool for transportation. The price is much lower than that of tall war horses on the prairie outside the Great Wall. An adult mule and horse only costs 70 to [-] taels of silver, which not only solves the shortage of The problem of the war horse, and also saved a lot of money.

Originally, he originally planned to let these three merchants buy mules and horses on his behalf, but in line with the principle of not letting the rich water go to outsiders, he decided to let the newly established Universal Business Alliance be responsible for this matter.

The three businessmen thanked them a thousand times, leaving behind the dozen or so mules and horses that had won them a lot of money, and happily slipped away.

"Master, why don't you go to Liuxiang Residence for a drink?"

Xu Jun finally caught the opportunity to flatter, so he naturally didn't want to miss it, so he took the opportunity to propose a treat.

Li Wei would be in a good mood now, and he agreed casually, and the group rushed into the city, heading straight to Liuxiangju.

"Does Xu Langjun have something on his mind?"

On the way to Liuxiangju, Wu You asked Xu Jun with a smile.

"Mr. Wu also knows that I have something on my mind?"

Xu Jun sighed, and then showed a look of admiration. This wretched-looking guy can be the boss's counselor. He must have some ink in his stomach. Maybe he can really help him solve his problems.

Wu Jun tilted his mouth, revealing a very obscene and evil smile. The expression on your face clearly says "I have something on my mind"

Even an idiot can see the words.

Li Wei has also seen that Xu Jun seems to have something on his mind, so he is so desperate to pull himself to drink, to show courteousness for nothing, to rape or steal, because he works so hard to please himself and pay a lot of money. It doesn't matter if I help him a little, so I agree to go to Liuxiangju for a drink.

"Mr. Wu, it's like this..."

Xu Jun desperately lowered his voice, expressing the worries in his heart.

He idles around all day, spends a lot of time, spends a lot of money, and often causes troubles. His father Xu Zongtang is very dissatisfied, not only cut his pocket money by half, but also ordered him to find something to do in the near future, otherwise he will go to his own business I work in a shop as a grocery clerk.

The father suddenly turned his face cruelly, making Xu Jun, a dude, as if he had been thrown into hell to suffer and suffer, and he was about to hang himself.

This is not the point. Last month, his mother told him about a relationship. The little lady was beautiful and charming by nature. She was the type he liked, and she was also a talented young lady from Jiayue City. Parents are satisfied, Xu Jun is also very satisfied, and even privately asked the young lady to meet, and wanted to board the boat early, but was met with supercilious looks from the young lady.

I don't ask you to be as capable as the young master, as long as you act like a real man and do something human, I can think about it, if you can't, get out!Although Xu Jun was ignorant, he also had a strong sense of self-esteem. Being so provoked by the little lady, he really gritted his teeth and made up his mind to do something that a man should do.

What are the things that a man should do?

After thinking about it, Xu Jun felt that what a man should do is to join the army, go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, serve the empire, make military achievements, and glorify the lintel. Guard this way.

He's not a fool, and he won't be so foolish as to really go into battle to kill the enemy, he just needs to be a civil servant first, and then he can pass the test of his father.

"How difficult is this, ha ha."

Wu You squinted her eyes, with a fox-like smile on her thin black face, but her voice was slightly raised so that Li Wei, who was riding in front, could hear it.

"Master, isn't there a shortage of war horses and military expenses? You happen to have money and horses. Sending charcoal in the snow is more meaningful than icing on the cake, isn't it? Look at these soldiers, all dressed in armor, majestic and majestic. "

Wu You flicked her tongue, and continued: "The important thing is that at home, in front of Mr. Xu, the voice can be a little higher.

The important thing is to survive for a few years and make military achievements. Doesn’t the little lady look at you with admiration? "

Xu Jun is not a dandy with a lot of money and a lot of money. After thinking about it in his mind, he feels that it is still a bit of a deal. At least he doesn't have to look at the old man's face all day long at home. After a few years in the army, even if he doesn't make meritorious service, he will still suffer. Please, the boss should take care of him, right?

When facing other young ladies in the future, at least the waist can be straightened.

"Mr. Wu, look..."

Xu Jun blinked, he was really moved, but, I don't know how much money is appropriate to donate?

Wu You didn't say anything more, but compared his right palms, he rode his horse with a calm expression, and followed Li Wei slowly.


Xu Jun cried pitifully in a low voice. He estimated that if he sold all his dandies, he would be able to make up the amount. If not, he had to go home and beg his mother. This time he was buying an official. I believe my mother will definitely help him.

Li Wei, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two of them, heard every word. He kept silent, but he sighed in his heart that Wu You, a wretched uncle, lived up to his name and was even more powerful than him. It is so high-sounding and upright.

Now he has fallen into the eyes of money. 5 taels of silver is not too much, but it is not much. If he can earn a copper coin, it counts as one. Good deal.

"Okay, who made us brothers, I will give you a captain first, and then you will be promoted to a noble after you have made military exploits."

Li Wei said, Du Qiwei is just a military officer, and the one who is really in charge of the army is General Lang Zhonglang.

"Boss, thank you."

Xu Jun was so happy that he almost fell off his horse.


All the dandies were jealous, and looked at Li Wei pitifully. They were short of everything, but they didn't need money. It felt cool to donate money to buy an official to play with.

"Well, there are, everyone has."

Li Wei said with a sad face, but he was calculating in his heart, not counting the best war horses, one 5 taels of silver, eight people would have 40 at least.

"Boss, wait a moment, I'll go home and get the silver."

The impatient dandy brother rushed home to get the money, someone started, someone followed immediately, and suddenly they all broke up.

"Hey, didn't you say that you are treating guests..."

Chapter 62 Do You Want The Great Sword?

In just a short while, a group of playboys, including Xu Jun, brought money and war horses from home, and those who eat fruits donated money to buy officials.

Xu Jun's 5 taels of silver was given by his father, and these dandy old men all have the same idea. Instead of letting them idle around all day, sitting around and making troubles, it is better to push them into the military camp to hone their training and get rid of it. If it's not good, you can still develop a personal appearance, and if it's not good, it's better than the current appearance.

The young master used to be the worst dude, he was able to change his past, and the prodigal son turned around. Even if our child can't change like the young master, it's a good thing to be able to become one-tenth of him , the most important thing is to find a future for them, after all, they are also the young master's friends, how can the young master take care of them?

Li Wei collected the money with his left hand to collect the war horse, and gave the right hand to the officer, and asked his personal guards to take Xu Jun and the others to lead the army plate armor, etc. He also took care of the former gang of cronies.

After going to the chamber of commerce and explaining the purchase of mules and horses, Li Wei went home with a smile on his face. Wu You, he was right. Although his appearance and character are not very good, he is definitely a master of fooling people. .

He is happy to have such talents, but there are too few talents available. The Cangyun Continent is not the ancient Chinese empire that he reads from books.

He now has two advisers, Tian Ce and Wu You, Tian Ce is good at overall planning, and Wu You is good at detail arrangement. The post must be given to them, but it is not the time yet. They can only be given a general post of staff and counselor, but the salary is paid according to the sacrificial wine of the military division, and there is also a jar of "special" yamen wine every month.

Thinking of Ya Nei Liquor, he admired his own wise decision. Because Ya Nei Liquor is not sold on the market, it is only available for internal use, so it has become extremely precious. You have made great contributions, and rewarding you with a pot of Ya Nei Liquor is considered a gift. I was so moved.

In the days that followed, Li Wei, who had solved the problem of war horses, felt much more relaxed. Apart from inspecting the drills of the new army every day, he squatted in the general camp to cheer up the craftsmen.

Due to the backward steelmaking technology, the blacksmiths rushed to work day and night. It took nearly two months to forge 36 horse-cutting knives, [-] long weapons custom-made by generals, and [-] swords that cut iron like mud.

These 36 exquisitely crafted swords are very precious. Both sides of the gauntlet are inlaid with gemstones of the same size and color. The hilt is made of pure gold and inlaid with three gemstones. The sash and scabbard are also made of rare materials such as jiao skin, which are invaluable.

After the swords were made, the sword molds were destroyed, and these 36 swords became unrivaled products, which cannot be bought even in mountains of gold and silver.

The 36 precious and unusual swords are named after the 36 Tiangang, the name of Tiangang is engraved on one side of the sword body, and a line of hard pen and thin characters written by him himself is engraved with glory is my life.

Li Wei handed over the 36 swords of Tiangang to the cheap father for safekeeping, so as to reward the meritorious soldiers, which made all the civil servants and generals jealous. The 36 swords of Tiangang are not only a status symbol, but also represent the supreme glory and trust , in order to get a reward, one must have enough military merit or contribution.

The reason why Li Wei spends so much money and painstakingly working out the 36 swords of Tiangang is to create a belief and let his men fight to maintain this belief. After being brainwashed, the soldiers will become extremely fanatical and loyal, and the glory is mine. life!Even though Tian Ce and Wu You saw through Li Wei's intentions, they couldn't help but feel passionate, longing for a Tiangang sword, fighting for glory, and going down in history.

Wu Youchu was a little puzzled about the newly forged Zhanma Dao, which was listed as a military secret. Is it really better than an iron sword?

The iron sword has always been one of the main weapons of the armies of the empires in the Cangyun Continent. It has been used for a hundred years, and Xin Dongdong will inevitably make people suspicious.

It wasn't until he learned about the performance of the Saber Saber and tried it himself that Wu You believed that it was much better than an iron sword. He looked at Li Wei with admiration in his eyes.

Fifteen days later, when the first batch of [-] mules and horses arrived at the barracks, and Li Wei distributed the horses to the soldiers, both Wu You and Tian Ce were at a loss. They thought that Li Wei was going to form a large number of cavalry troops, but they did not expect to Distributed to the new army that has not yet been officially named, and each of these recruits has almost a good horse outside the Great Wall.

Li Wei looked mysterious, "You two, what are the characteristics of cavalry?"

Tian Ce and Wu You rolled their eyes at the same time, isn't this nonsense?

No matter how civilized they are, they clearly know that the characteristics of cavalry are mobility and impact.

Li Wei chuckled and said, "It is said in the book of war that cavalry can run for thousands of miles. With only one horse, plus the weight of soldiers, armor, weapons, dry food, water and other loads, can they travel dozens of miles a day?"

Tian Ce and Wu You shook their heads at the same time, and traveled hundreds of miles a day. Compared with the real horses, ordinary good horses will not be able to eat news if they run for dozens of miles in a row. And other factors, the journey is shorter, and it will take many days to do it.

Li Wei blinked, "What if each soldier is equipped with three horses?"

He remembered the records in the records that the cavalry of the ancient Huaxia Yuan Empire rode with two or three cavalry, ran for thousands of miles, and swept across the major European empires. It can be said that the mobility of the cavalry was maximized.

Si Tian Ce and Wu You took in air-conditioning at the same time. If this is the case, the mobility of this cavalry has been brought to the extreme. The young master wants to create an elite cavalry with high mobility and high combat power. How much money does this cost?Li Wei grinned and said with a grin: "It's not about the number of soldiers, but about the quality. Under normal circumstances, this young master would not use this fine cavalry to charge into battle, hehe."

Both Tian Ce and Wu You stroked their long beards and kept nodding their heads. They spent a lot of money to build such a high-mobility elite cavalry. It is not worthwhile to use it to charge the battle. It is better to use its mobility expertise.

Think about it, if the two armies are facing each other and are at a stalemate, and there is such a mysterious cavalry in the rear to attack everywhere and cut off the food road, will the army's morale be stable?

The morale of the army is unstable, morale is low, and it is defeated without a fight.

Both of them couldn't help laughing, the young master is very far-sighted, they are all glad that they bet on the right treasure, and following such a wise and ambitious lord, prosperity and wealth must be indispensable.

But the ambitions of the two seem to be more than that. When they think of the founding fathers, their names will go down in history, the blood in their bodies instantly boils.

Chapter 63 Are You Lost?

Li Wei is still very busy. He has devoted too much effort to the elite cavalry built with a lot of money. The more critical the training is, the more nervous he is. He spends most of the time on the training ground every day, supervising the recruits in various kind of intensive training.

On the extremely spacious circular training ground, the sound of hooves rumbled and roars shook the sky. Teams of knights urged to dismount their mounts and galloped around the training ground. They rode bows in their hands and shot arrows at the target standing in the center.

Ordinary people can shoot arrows on flat ground or on a stationary horseback, but shooting arrows on a galloping horse is a difficult technical job, which requires not only superb riding skills, but also superb archery skills and so on.

The new recruits are now practicing riding and archery. Li Wei currently only requires them to be able to shoot a few rounds of arrows within the specified time. As for hitting the target, it is still a very distant target, and it is possible to achieve it after a long period of hard training.

"Master, isn't this request...too high?"

Wu You hissed inhaling air-conditioning, and shot an arrow on a galloping horse. To hit the target, only a few highly skilled generals could do it. Asking ordinary soldiers to do it was harder than reaching the sky.

Li Wei grinned, and said calmly: "Whether men or women outside the Great Wall can do it, why can't we do it? It's just more practice, practice makes perfect!"

Tian Ce on the side was silent, this cavalry, in addition to learning how to ride and shoot, also had to have the ability to fight on horseback and charge into battle that cavalry should have.

I'm afraid the most expensive unit in the mainland, the heavy armored cavalry, can't compare to it.

However, if this cavalry is trained into an army, one can imagine how terrifying its combat power will be.

Thinking of the young master's all kinds of whimsical ideas, he couldn't help but feel refreshed again. The young master is doing all kinds of preparations for the future competition in the world. Thinking of the near future, he can fully display what he has learned all his life, and his name will go down in history. Can't help but let out a happy smile.

"Young master, the new army hasn't been named yet. According to the plan, it will attack thousands of miles, come without a trace, and go without a shadow. Why don't you call it a flying army?"

"It doesn't feel powerful enough..."

Li Daya scratched his head, he had been struggling with the name of the new army, he always thought of a very powerful name, but he thought about it a hundred times, but he was not satisfied.

"Flying Tiger Army."

Wu You interrupted.

Li Wei and Tian Ce rolled their eyes at the same time, have you ever seen a flying tiger?

Vulgar, vulgar!Wu You laughed lowly, he had already figured out the temper of the young master and Tian Ce, if he wanted to get along with the boss, he had to be flexible and thick-skinned.

"Think about it again, what's a good name?"

Li Wei rubbed his swollen temples and sighed. He didn't expect to have such a headache just to name him.

"The tiger is the king of beasts, the leopard is fierce and swift, and the sons and daughters are as brave as tigers and leopards, why not call them tigers and leopards."

In the end, Li Wei adopted Tian Ce's suggestion, and this elite cavalry built with a lot of money and cost him countless efforts was officially named Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

Another worry was settled, and Li Wei felt indescribably relaxed. He was watching the soldiers drill when a sentry came to report. The lady looks familiar, she seems to have walked outside the camp gate before.

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, then walked out of the camp gate, and seeing Xiaoyu, Zhuang Xi's personal maid, he remembered that it had been almost two months, and he was so busy that he almost forgot about Zhuang Xi.

He hurried out of the camp, smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, are you looking for me?"

"Li Langjun..."

Xiaoyu hurriedly blessed, "Ah... no... Xiaoyu was on an outing with Miss, and happened to pass by..."

Li Wei looked up at the sky, the sun was scorching in the sky, the sun was scorching, and the heat made people feel very uncomfortable. Going out at this time?He didn't reveal it, and asked with a smile: "Where is Miss Zhuang?"

"My little lady is over there."

Li Wei looked in the direction she pointed, Zhuang Xi was standing under a big tree in the distance, and her light blue dress was fluttering in the wind, looking very graceful and moving.

He strode up to Zhuang Xi's side and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, there have been too many things lately..."

Zhuang Xi's pretty face turned red, and she said in a low voice: "I just came out to relax and just happened to pass by..."

Seeing the person whom I missed day and night became thinner and darker, and apologized as soon as we met, the grievances in my stomach disappeared immediately, and my heart was sweet.

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