Even so, Ding Xi has a secret purpose and is still cautious in his actions. Except for his confidantes who have been promoted by himself, those who join the black guards through recruitment or other channels are excluded. Had to be careful.

The collective resignation of all the veterans and ministers has not yet been approved and processed. Pennsylvania Feige sent an urgent letter. He Jin, the leader of the Black Tiger Army who was in charge of guarding Pennsylvania, was assassinated and seriously injured. Launch a violent attack.

After the beginning of spring, the flames of war that had been extinguished once again reignited. The kings of all empires regarded the fragmented Emperor Jin as a fish, and eagerly dispatched large armies to launch a fierce attack on the Jin Empire. The entire Cangyun Continent was once again in a state of war confusion.

Li Wei, who has swallowed several provinces and counties, refused any temptation and no longer went into the muddy water. Therefore, in addition to strengthening the vigilance at the Yiwu border of Xinyang, Huangzhou, Binzhou, and Yiwu, the Qin army was completely irrelevant and watched the empires I had a great time playing.

Daqin originally wanted to get out of the matter, sit and watch the empires fight, and recuperate in secret, but King Chu Wangjiang of Zhou couldn't stand the wind of Concubine Zheng's pillow, so he dispatched two armies, one to attack Quyang, and the other with 20 troops to attack Pennsylvania.

If the guess is correct, Xuan Yue must have been responsible for He Jin's assassination. This ghost woman was fatal, she fled to the Zhou Empire, and soon took control of part of the power of the Zhou court.

Tang Su'e and Zheng E's masters and apprentices had already gained a firm foothold in the Zhou Empire. Zheng E even seduced the soul of Zhou King Chu Wangjiang with the technique of inner flattery, favored the harem alone, and secretly developed a force. The arrival of Ju's disciples strengthened Xuansuju's power even more.

Under the command of He Jin, the Black Tiger Legion has gone through many battles and has long been tempered into a hundred-fighting lion. Although the 20 Zhou army is attacking fiercely, it is impossible to break through the county of Pennsylvania in a short time.

However, because the coach He Jin was seriously injured in the assassination, the morale of the army must be unstable. It is necessary to send another general to guard the city and bring He Jin back to China for treatment.

Li Gang acted arbitrarily, and ordered Li Wei to hand over the post of supervisor to the country, and immediately led the Central Army to reinforce it. Without his order, he would not be able to return to the country until the border was stable.

This order is quite intriguing, because the issue of stability can be big or small, it all depends on Li Gang's mood, so it can be understood that without Li Gang's order, Li Wei can only stay in Shuzhou and other occupied areas, and cannot return to Chang'an.

A more radical understanding is that the King of Qin was under the pressure of a group of veterans and important officials, or he was quite dissatisfied with His Royal Highness's behavior that broke the rules, so he beat him.

For some, it was a signal that His Royal Highness was beginning to lose power.

After His Royal Highness the Crown Prince gave birth to a child, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is no longer the only legal heir to the Great Qin Emperor. The King of Qin has a choice. If he is unhappy, he can abolish the Crown Prince, or if the Crown Prince dies in an accident, he can appoint another grandson. for the heir.

On the downside, if something happens to the great-grandson, and there is really no male successor, the queen can be in charge, or the princess or princess can be elected as the next heir.

Among the royal family, there are countless cases of father and son fighting each other in order to fight for the throne. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also serves as the General of Hussars, and he is in charge of the country's soldiers and horses. This is a great threat to King Li Gang of Qin. Therefore, it is not difficult I understand why Li Gang issued this sacred order.

When he received the order, Li Wei didn't think deeply about it, but after Wu Youtian Ce and others analyzed it, he couldn't help frowning. Yue Jiao just gave a few words of comfort in a hurry, and then waved away people, which made Li Wei extremely depressed.

Li Wei, full of complaints and doubts, assembled [-] soldiers of the Central Army, led the army to Juyunguan, crossed the river by warship, and rushed to the county town of Pennsylvania for reinforcements.

As soon as Li Wei left, his recruitment order was also stopped, and even several officials of the Eastern Palace who were in charge of recruiting were scolded by the King of Qin, and two of them were even beaten. After a few months of recuperation, it was difficult to get out of bed and walk.

Is this another signal that the prince has lost power?

All the veterans and important ministers who asked to resign were retained by the King of Qin. They had achieved their goal, which was equivalent to winning, so they naturally followed suit and no longer asked for resignation.

After this incident, Qin Chaotang returned to its previous calm. All the civil servants worked hard for the livelihood of the people, giving people a good impression of harmony and unity.

However, in the minds of a group of officials, they faintly felt that the direction of the wind seemed to have changed a bit. Those who are good at speculative drilling began to think about their future. This issue of standing in a team is very important. If you leave the team, the future will be bleak for the light ones, or you will lose your position, and if you are serious, you will lose your head.

There was a small dispute between the veteran faction and the young and strong faction representing the prince's family before, but it didn't go too far. After this incident, the contradictions between the two factions began to intensify, and the disputes in the court gradually emerged and became more serious. stronger trend.

During the period when the empires in the mainland were in a mess and Great Qin was recuperating with all his strength, a few small incidents happened one after another, causing the originally peaceful Qin court to stir up waves again.

Tang Xiantong, head secretary of Linhua County under the jurisdiction of the capital Chang'an, was investigated for corruption and committed suicide in fear of crime.

The problem in Tianshui County is even more serious. Up to the head of the county magistrate, down to the head of the county lieutenant and the head of the county are colluding and wantonly corrupt. , Absconded in fear of crime, was shot and killed by the hunting officers and soldiers.

The above-mentioned two cases were just a matter of local officials' corruption of ink, while the incident in Li County was a serious situation. It almost caused a civil uprising, so much so that it alarmed the court. Qin Wang Li Gangqin sent a special envoy to investigate thoroughly.

Chapter 492 A Beggar

Li County is under the jurisdiction of Qingchuan County, which is located at the southeast junction of Qingchuan and the imperial capital Chang'an. The previous county magistrate Zhang Hao was transferred due to lack of ability, and the new county magistrate Yu Chunzhi was full of ambition. With the implementation of the New Deal, I want to do a lot of work and get to the top with excellent performance.

Cangyun Continent is backward in science and technology, and it is entirely based on agriculture. Emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business has always been the basic national policy of the empires. It is also something that has been passed down for thousands of years. It has long been deeply rooted, and no one will change it, let alone challenge it.

Even though Li Wei implemented various new policies to improve the status of merchants to a certain extent, with the current level of science and technology, vigorously developing agriculture is still the most basic national policy. problem.

After Yu Chunzhi took office, he made a lot of changes to his predecessor's decree after field inspection. In his opinion, his decree was better than his predecessor's and could solve some practical problems for the local people. However, when it was implemented, But an accident happened, and he was strongly resisted by the local gentry.

Yu Chunzhi is smart, capable, and ambitious, but he also has the impulsiveness of young people. In a fit of anger, he forcibly issued orders. As a result, villagers fought with weapons and dozens of people were killed or injured. More than [-] people were killed or injured.

With such a big commotion, Lin Mei, the prefect of Qingchuan Province, did not dare to suppress it, and hurriedly sent troops to suppress it and arrest the murderer. At the same time, he wrote a memorial and sent people to Chang'an to report.

Killing officials is tantamount to rebellion, and so many people were killed and injured, the court was shocked, Li Gang appointed Huang Chengran, the servant of the punishment department, as an imperial envoy, and thoroughly investigated the matter, and naturally the few small things that happened before were also revealed.

The imperial envoy has not yet set out on the road, and the secret spies of the black guards have spread all over the several counties where the incident occurred. The deputy commander Wei Laosi is the person in charge of the investigation.

He was originally just a low-level officer of the inner guard, but because of his loyalty and outstanding ability, he was valued by Ding Xi, and he was promoted one after another, becoming one of Ding Xi's most trusted confidantes.

These few incidents seemed ordinary and had nothing to do with each other, but Ding Xi could still smell something unusual in them. Even if he didn't receive the holy orders, he still ordered his confidants to investigate secretly to find the truth.

Not long after Wei Laosi left, Li Gang's secret order arrived. Ding Xi believed in his own judgment even more, and sent his henchmen to catch up with Wei Laosi, telling him that he must find out the truth at any cost.

This time, the boss not only dispatched a whole guard of 100 secret spies, but also dispatched fifty special personnel to accompany him at night, which was enough for the boss to attach importance to this matter. The secret agents were divided into three groups and went to three places to conduct secret investigations. He personally led a group of people and 12 special agents to go to Tianshui County. some clues.

All the black-clothed secret agents used various identities as a cover, and went to the designated place in twos and threes to investigate the case. Although Tianshui County governed Chang'an, the imperial capital, it still took three and a half days to travel.

It was already evening when Wei Laosi and his party arrived at Luoyangji, and they missed Sutou when they were on their way. When it got dark, he lay down in the woods beside the road.

He used to be a gangster in the road, and he went out to handle cases many times after joining the inner guard. It was inevitable that he would eat and sleep in the open.

One of his men hunted two hares and grilled them over the bonfire. The smell of the meat was overflowing, making people salivate.


The brother in charge of the patrol heard the strange noise and asked loudly, which alarmed Wei Laosi and the others, and they picked up the guys one after another to be on guard.

The patrolling brother quickly dragged a beggar in ragged clothes and smelly smell, which made Wei Laosi frown, but he still endured it.

That Huazi obviously hadn't eaten for several days, and he devoured the meat membranes given by the black-clothed guard. He ate so fast that he coughed again and again, his eyes turned white, and he drank a few mouthfuls of water. Only then did I catch my breath.

Wei Lao Si had already been lying down, but suddenly thought of something, he sat up abruptly, and asked the beggar in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

It's no wonder that he is suspicious. All the new policies implemented by the king are beneficial to the people. Now every household has fields to cultivate. Even if you are lazy, you can still fill your stomach. If you are diligent, you can save a little and have some savings, so you can marry your son a daughter-in-law No problem.

Because of this, beggars begging along the streets are rarely seen everywhere.

In other words, there is something wrong with the voracious beggar in front of him!When Wei Lao Si asked this question, a group of subordinates immediately surrounded the beggar, one by one pressed the handle of the knife, and stared at him fiercely.

The beggar realized that something was wrong, and immediately wanted to run away. What surprised Wei Laosi and the others was that this guy had not only practiced boxing and kicking, but also had good skills. Knocked the back of a knife to a special Ye Bushuo.

While tying the man into a big bun, someone discovered that the guy had a wound on the socket of his left shoulder. With Wei Lao Si's eyesight, he could tell that the wound was from a few days ago just by looking at it.

With such an injury, it would be difficult for ordinary people to move even if they didn't die. This guy's physique is not generally strong.

After tying him to a big tree, most of them, including Wei Lao Si, lay down again, looking very sleepy, eager to sleep, and lazy even for interrogation.

Only a few people broke off some branches, then sat down and cut off the branches and leaves with a sharp dagger. Among them, a tall and thin young man cut off the branches one by one, looking very serious and meticulous, as if he was making a valuable sculpture utensils.

"Damn, Xiao Wu, why don't you just cut a torture tool, there's no need to make it so exaggerated?"

A companion joked.

"Third brother, you don't know, this execution is like..."

Xiao Wu pondered for a while before answering. He seemed to be not good at words, speaking intermittently, but his expression was serious, making it impossible to doubt his words.

He said something, and the general meaning was: this execution is like carving a jade article, you have to carve it carefully, slowly, bit by bit, to carve a beautiful and precious jade article.

The beggar who was tied to the tree couldn't help shivering with fright. Nima said that the method of torturing people is like art. Die fast, and don't want to live another moment.

After Xiao Wu finished explaining, he still lowered his head and meticulously cut off a twig in his hand. The more serious he was, the more the beggar was stunned.

"You... who are you?"

The beggar's psychological defense seemed to be about to collapse, he kept struggling, his face was full of fear.

"Brother, let's not be in a hurry, let's enjoy a big meal first, hehehehe."

Old Wei rested his head on his four palms, and gently swayed the raised sole of his foot. He looked very leisurely, as if he really intended to give the prisoner a severe punishment before interrogating him.

"I...you...do you have the king's law in your eyes?"

The beggar struggled desperately, but his hands and feet were tied tightly and firmly, no matter how hard he struggled, it would be useless.

"The law of the king? Brothers, is this guy telling us the law of the king?"

A guard in black walked up to the beggar, took out a black iron plate from his waist, waved it in front of him, and said with a strange smile: "Boy, look carefully, do you know the words on it?"

"The black guard..."

The beggar read it in a low voice, a strange expression appeared on his filthy face, he opened his mouth to say something, but his eyes suddenly turned white, he couldn't catch his breath, and then his head tilted, he didn't know whether he fainted or was frightened Have to hang up? "Damn, scared to death?"

The black-clothed guard let out a strange cry, stretched out his hand and pressed on the beggar's veins, and then breathed a sigh of relief, "Nimma, this guy fainted from fright."

"Wake him up."

Wei Lao Si snorted dissatisfiedly, the scene that Xiao Wu performed just now has frightened that fellow, and his soul is about to dissipate, so you take out the waist card of the guard in black again, so as not to scare him dizzy die?

You know, the reputation of the Black Clothes Guard is even scarier than Lord Hades.

This trick is a common trick used by the guards in black when they interrogate prisoners. First, they threaten you with yin and yang, and break through your psychological defense invisibly. Generally, those who are not strong-willed will be frightened out of their wits without using torture, and confess obediently.

The beggar was woken up, let out a groan, and said weakly: "Masters of the black guards, the younger one is... it is Shang Yu, the head catcher of Tianshui County..."

Chapter 493 Another Hidden Secret

"What did you say?"

Wei Lao Si jumped up violently. According to the memorial, the entire county government was in collusion from top to bottom to commit corruption wantonly. Later, due to the uneven distribution of dirty things, the head catcher Shang Yu killed the county magistrate and absconded in fear of crime. Shoot and kill in Tianshui River.

"The villain is Shang Yu, the head catcher in Tianshui County, and he has a big grievance to avenge..."

The beggar who claimed to be the head catcher of Shang Yu in Tianshui County seemed very excited. He really had a big grievance to avenge. When he saw the identity badge of the black guard just now, he was not fainted by fright, but fainted from excitement .

"You said there was a grievance? Let's talk about it first."

Wei Boss sat carelessly on the grass in front of Shang Yu, but he didn't ask his subordinates to untie him. After all, Shang Yu was very skilled, even if he had a super killer like Special Yebushou guarding him, he still didn't want to take any risks. risk.

Although he is not a gentleman, it is his motto that a gentleman does not erect dangerous walls.

Not only did the murderer not die, but he was still standing in front of him alive. It was a hell... After all, Wei Laosi was a man who had experienced many storms, but he was slightly distracted by Shang Yu's words, but he quickly realized that it seemed simple. There is obviously something hidden in the usual official corruption case, and Shang Yu is the clue and witness to solve the case, which must be kept secret and closely guarded.

Of course, let's listen to what Shang Yu said first.

A master of the black-clothed guard stepped forward and untied Shang Yu, but at the same time restrained his meridians, and several others stood beside him with their sabers pressed to prevent any accidents.

Such a situation is a bit of a fuss, but it is also reasonable, Shang Yu thinks it is normal, if it were him, he would do the same.

He sat down, picked up the water bag that the black-clothed guard handed over, and after taking a few big gulps, he slowly told the truth.

As a head arrester in Tianshui County, he is usually only responsible for maintaining local law and order, solving cases and other work. Su Yang, a commoner, informs him.

In the official system of a county, the county magistrate is followed by the county lieutenant, which is equivalent to the second or third in command. The county lieutenant is in charge of the military power of the whole county, and the county lieutenant is under the jurisdiction of the government officials and arresters.

His immediate superior committed a crime. Shang Yu knew that the matter was of great importance, so he did not dare to report it immediately without conclusive evidence. He secretly checked and did not report to the county magistrate Jiang Chonghai until he had conclusive evidence. They colluded, and before the two had time to take action, Yang Sheng had already mobilized, stabbing the county magistrate Jiang Chonghai to death, and arresting Shang Yu.

Shang Yu couldn't tell the difference, and he was unwilling to be wronged and tied up, so he could only resist the arrest and escape after breaking out of the siege.

The yamen servants are the policemen of later generations, responsible for maintaining law and order, detective work, etc., usually performed by local people. So get their support.

Those arresting yamen servants were all thinking about Shang Yu's usual benefits, and they all went out to work without any effort, they just responded in vain, and even helped secretly, but they blocked Yang Sheng's confidantes.

However, although Shang Yu got the secret help of his subordinates and escaped from the siege, Yang Sheng's confidantes were still chasing after him. He didn't know where Yang Sheng found a bunch of helpers, and among those people, there were no all-rounders. Well, some of them still had an obvious army temperament, and some even had a chilling and chilling aura, like a killing god crawling out of the dead.

Military temperament?

Wei Laosi frowned, despite his carefree surface, he was actually quite delicate.

The army, that is, soldiers, but in small counties like Tianshui, except for the yamen and the police who are responsible for maintaining law and order, they generally do not garrison troops. Only a few counties with extremely important geographical locations will have troops stationed. Even so, the troops stationed It is only a second- and third-rate army, not a standing army with well-equipped weapons and first-class combat power.

Wei Lao Si knew in his heart that either Shang Yu made up stories in an attempt to excuse himself, or he could only believe that what he said was true, because he knew that a fast-moving yamen servant has dealt with all kinds of people all year round, and his eyesight is impressive. It's venomous, without any ability, how can it be qualified for a county to arrest the head for more than ten years?

Shang Yu took a few sips of clear water, and then continued, he was chased by Yang Sheng's men, he had nowhere to go, so he could only jump into the Tianshui River to escape, and was shot in the shoulder, but fortunately he was good at swimming, and swam to the other side of the river Hiding in the tangled grass was able to escape.

Yang Sheng led his people to search along the river bank, but he didn't see Shang Yu surfaced. He thought that his body had sunk to the bottom of the river, so he took his people away.

With such a big commotion, the entire county of Tianshui was under martial law. Shang Yu didn't dare to show his face. He hid all the way, took the mountain roads in the countryside, and picked some herbs in the mountains to bandage his wounds. He planned to go to Chang'an to sue the imperial court. injustice.

Maybe it was God's foresight that allowed him to meet Wei Laosi and his party who led the crowd to Tianshui County to investigate the case secretly.

Wei Lao Si repeatedly asked about some relevant details, and after noting down the names of several people, he sent four special Yebushou to escort Shang Yu back to Chang'an, met with the commander Ding Xi secretly, obeyed his arrangement, and led a group of subordinates Continue to Tianshui County.

When approaching Tianshui County, the crowd dispersed, using various identities as a cover, entered Tianshui County in twos and threes, and some wandered around the villages and towns near the county to inquire about news and collect relevant evidence.

The Black Yiwei is a spy agency in charge of the internal affairs. It belongs to the emperor's army under the emperor's hand. It has a large number of personnel, and there are all kinds of talents, such as lurking, infiltrating, inquiring, assassination and interrogation. , with a clear division of labor and distinct levels, thus forming a huge and complete spy system.

Any secret service agency attaches great importance to intelligence work, and Ding Xi copied Li Wei's military intelligence department's set of special foreign intelligence into the Black Clothes Guard, and thus recruited many talents who are good at comprehensive analysis of intelligence. People can distinguish the true from the false from all kinds of gossip, or analyze useful information from them, and then combine them to make the clues that were not there before become clearer.

Wei Laosi had several such subordinates in handling the case this time, but they were divided into three groups, and he only had two experts who analyzed intelligence by his side.

After arriving in Tianshui County, Wei Laosi did not go into the city, but went around the city, and went to Wujia Village, more than [-] miles away to the west of the city, where Li Chen, the bitter master who sued Yang Sheng for taking the women of the people, lived there.

However, Wei Laosi did not find Mrs. Li Chen, and the house was empty. It is said that he had not seen anyone for several days.

Wei Lao Si had a bad feeling, maybe they were a step too late, Li Chen's family might have been wiped out, the body sank at the bottom of the river or buried somewhere deep underground.

If it was as he had guessed, then the other sufferers might have died in accidents as well.

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