After that, he followed Mingzhu to participate in many battles against the Wei-Tang Empire. Not only did he get more practical training, but he also witnessed Mingzhu's unconstrained command art, which gave him a qualitative leap in his vision and military talent, and also changed the thoughts in his mind.

Originally, under the influence of his father, Tian Yu wanted to be a mastermind who could direct the universe, but after witnessing Mingzhu's unconstrained command art, his thoughts changed completely, and he felt that it was more exciting to lead an army of [-] to fight on the battlefield. more exciting.

Mingzhu also discovered his talent, and specially trained him to be her deputy. This time, letting Tian Yu take charge of an army to attack Huangzhou was meant to test the school. Passing the school is enough to stand alone.

Of course, this is not a joke. Mingzhu made such a decision based on the situation in Huangzhou County that Ye Bushou had inquired about. To ensure that Huangzhou could be taken down, she also sent Wen Junchen to Tian Yu as a deputy and military advisor. , also has the meaning of picking up what is missing and making up for omissions and supervision.

Wen Junchen is taking the mastermind route, and his commanding ability on the battlefield is not as good as Tian Yu's, but he wins by becoming calm, which is enough to make up for some of Tian Yu's shortcomings. In addition, the two have cooperated several times before, so the two partners are perfect.

Beside Mingzhu was Han Zhuoyun, who was no less resourceful than the two of them. The three of them, together with Xia Houheng, the commander in chief of the Central Army, could be regarded as outstanding figures of the younger generation of the Great Qin Empire.

Tian Yu led the army to advance to Huangzhou, but he was not in a hurry to encircle Huangzhou County. Instead, he first captured Wen County and Luojiaji under the jurisdiction of Huangzhou County, cut off the connection between Huangzhou and Yanyunguan, and then sent people to pretend to be The defeated soldiers in Wenxian City fraudulently opened the gate of Huangzhou County City, and the army then entered the city and successfully captured Huangzhou County City.

On the other front, He Jin led the Black Tiger Legion to advance towards Pennsylvania. On the way, Wei Shaoan, the eldest son of An Jianhong, the prefect of Shuzhou Wei Tao, who claimed to be the eldest son of An Siluo, the prefect of Pennsylvania, asked to see him. Sealed letter as evidence, and a letter written by Anslow.

It turned out that although Wei Tao and An Siluo's two-county coalition forces desperately resisted Zhou's fierce attack, hundreds of thousands of Zhou's troops seemed to go crazy and launched wave after wave of crazy attacks regardless of the cost. He had no choice but to abandon Shuzhou County, which had collapsed several sections of the city wall, and led the remnants to retreat to Pennsylvania County.

The two originally planned to defend Pennsylvania to the death and see how the situation changes first. They never thought that the Qin army, which had been standing still, suddenly crossed the river and attacked Fengdu County, took down Jianghuai and Lintong like ruins, and completely opened up the eastern and western borders of the Jin Empire. At the portal, Mingzhu and Tianyu took Xinyang and Huangzhou again. The situation changed suddenly, and the two were at a loss for a while, not knowing how to make a choice.

There are four roads before the two of them. One is to fight to the end and live and die with the city.

The second is to surrender to the Zhou army, the third is to surrender to the Qin army, and the fourth is to abandon Binzhou and go to Yan Jinliang, the prefect of Yanyun Pass.

Coexisting and dying with the city is not in line with the family's survival rules, and Ansello and Wei Tao directly ignored this rule.

Binzhou County City is their last territory. Once they abandon it and go to Yanyunguan prefect Yan Jinliang, they are like fish out of water. The remaining troops will be swallowed up by Yan Jinliang sooner or later. All have to be thrown away.

Then, all that's left is to surrender.

It happened that Zhou Jun sent envoys to persuade them to surrender and promised various benefits, making it difficult for the two to make a decision on whether to surrender to Zhou or to Qin.

Mu Yi, the former prefect of Shang Luo, analyzed the two of them. Although the king of Zhou promised many benefits, the desperate resistance of the two before caused heavy losses to the Zhou army. , If you don't make it right, you will lose your head.

An Siluo and Wei Tao weighed it, and finally decided to vote for Qin, so An Jianhong was sent there with the prefect's seal and a letter written by himself, facing He Jin who was leading the army to attack Pennsylvania.

In fact, the two of them also tended to vote for Qin. The Great Qin Empire rose rapidly and annexed the Wei and Tang empires. It has become the second most powerful country in the Cangyun Continent. The two of them admired it quite a lot. As long as they showed their performance, they believed that it would not be bad to take refuge in such a hero.

Once the two made up their minds, they naturally had to plan well for the future after joining Daqin. The two sent their eldest sons to meet He Jin, and they wanted their sons to be hostages, showing full sincerity, so as to dispel He Jin's doubts.

Of course, the sacrifice of the county city of Pennsylvania might be because the two had no other choice but to do it. Strictly speaking, it was not a meritorious service at all. Therefore, the two decided to take Yanyun Pass as a gift.

Although the Qin Empire occupied the three riverside defenses in Lintong, Jianghuai and Fengdu, and completely opened the eastern gate of the Jin Empire, it was separated from the country by a river, which was inconvenient. There was no supporting frontier fortress, and it was generally difficult to defend.

But if we win the two counties of Yanyun, Pennsylvania, and the two counties of Xinyang and Huangzhou that have already been occupied, the situation will be completely different. Taking Pennsylvania and Yanyunguan as the frontier fortresses and guarding all the counties behind will be considered true. It really took root.

Furthermore, the four counties of Yanyun, Xinyang, and Huangzhou in Pennsylvania are all plains, with fertile land, numerous fertile fields, and criss-crossing rivers. They are all grain bases rich in rice. Occupying these four counties can basically be said to have occupied Jinzhou. The granary of two-thirds of the empire.

An Siluowei Tao Muyi wanted to join the Great Qin Empire and obtain certain benefits, the only way was to offer Yanyun Pass meritorious service.

He Jin led the army to advance towards Shuzhou, trying to figure out how to take Shuzhou County smoothly all the way, An Siluo and the others were like a big pie falling from the sky, immediately urged the army to speed up the march, and died. The five thousand light cavalry from Fengying rushed forward first.

Of course, in order to prevent fraud, He Jin specially confessed to Lei Tao, the commander of Jifeng Camp, and asked him to play by ear.

Lei Tao led the [-] light cavalry from the Jifeng Battalion to the city of Binzhou, and the three prefects, An Siluo, Wei Tao and Mu Yi, came out of the city to greet them in person, which not only showed their sincerity in serving, but also dispelled Lei Tao's suspicion.

Lei Tao took over the city defense of Pennsylvania, and the three prefects, An Siluo, Wei Tao and Mu Yi, led the remaining [-] people to "evacuate" to Yanyun Pass.

After He Jin led the army to Binzhou City, he ordered the logistics auxiliary soldiers to use cement to reinforce the city defense of Shuzhou before the Zhou army arrived, leaving 4 troops to guard the city to resist the attack of the Zhou army. The [-] infantry under his command and the [-] Qingqi from the Jifeng Battalion went straight to Yanyun Pass.

An Siluowei Tao Muyi led [-] remnants to "escape" to Yanyun Pass, Yan Jinliang, the prefect of Yanyun Pass hesitated, and finally accepted the three of them.

In order to dispel Yan Jinliang's scruples, Ansello, Wei Tao, and Muyi, except for retaining their own personal guards, handed over all the remaining 500 people, showing their sincerity.

Yan Jinliang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he wasn't worried about what kind of disturbance the three of them would cause with their small force. There were a full 300 guards in Yanyun Pass. However, he was always suspicious by nature, so of course he wasn't entirely at ease. Well now, it is normal for the three of them to keep a personal guard of two to [-] people. After all, the three of them used to be the prefects of one side, and it would be unreasonable without a show.

Hearing that He Jin was leading an army approaching, Yan Jinliang ordered his subordinates to strengthen their guard, and at the same time recruited the young and strong in the city to form a new army of [-] people, intending to defend Yanyun Pass to the death.

According to Yebureceive's report, He Jin's troops have just captured Jin County, and they still need to capture Longnan County before the army can reach Yanyun Pass. It will take at least four or five days. Yan Jinliang is not in a hurry. He still has several days to make various preparations.

Unexpectedly, that night, Ansello, Wei Tao and Muyi's three major eunuchs attacked the East City Gate. The three guards each had 300 personal guards. If they were separated, it would not be a worry at all, but the whole army is one. The power that should not be underestimated, combined with mental arithmetic and unintentional, the three suddenly mobilized, captured the east gate with nearly 800 troops, and then opened the gate.

He Jin led his troops to ambush outside the city early, and the five thousand light cavalry from Jifengying rushed into the city first, and then the army poured in. The guards in the city had no defense at all and resisted hastily. Before the prefect Yan Jinliang was shot by An Siluo After the killing, the defenders collapsed, and He Jin took the dangerous pass of Yanyun County at the cost of more than [-] casualties.

Chapter 463 Female Soldier

Under the city of Xinyang, the sound of war drums was rumbling, and the sound of roaring and killing shook the sky. Soldiers from both sides were fighting bloody battles.

Inside the prefect's mansion, Mingzhu was reading private messages in her bedroom, looking very leisurely, she didn't even wear a battle armor, she was only wearing ordinary plain dresses, as if the fierce slaughter on the top of the city had nothing to do with her.

This is Mingzhu's style of doing things. After the arrangements are made, the command power is handed over to the soldiers under his command, and they are allowed to play freely, which is quite suspected of being the shopkeeper.

Even if she is really lazy to be the shopkeeper, not only will her subordinates have no objections, on the contrary, everyone is eager to fight, and they are full of fighting spirit. Ming Shuai is an opportunity for them to show their personal talents and meritorious deeds. No one wants to miss it. Gratitude is immense admiration.

Of course, Mingzhu didn’t just let it go. Before the war, he took all aspects into consideration. In the previous battle, the city walls of Xinyang County City had been scarred by the thunderbolt chariots of the Jin Army, and some sections of the city walls had not yet been bombarded. It collapsed, but after being repaired and reinforced with cement by the logistics auxiliary soldiers, it was not only intact, but even stronger.

In addition to the Phoenix Army splitting out to attack Huangzhou County City, there are still [-] elite soldiers staying in the city. These are [-] elite soldiers who have been tempered by blood and fire. The army is fighting, not to mention it is just defending according to the strong city.

Another one is that the Qin army has a certain advantage in weapons and equipment, and has the right time, place and people. Even if the Khan has a million troops, he can't even think about conquering the city of Xinyang. Mingzhu is naturally happy to take a break.

In the eyes of the soldiers, Mingzhu is the invincible female God of War, who is admired and worshiped by the soldiers. In the hearts of all the sisters, she has a unique charm, kind and easy-going, and the invisible appeal makes you unconsciously Listen to her, in short, according to the evaluation of the sisters, it is perfect.

In fact, everyone has weaknesses, or some unknown hobbies, even the perfect Mingzhu is no exception, Mingzhu likes to read someone's goosebump love letter, except for her husband, Nobody knows.

Mingzhu didn't know when she had this bad habit that made her blush and heartbeat, but she couldn't stop it. Maybe it was because she was used to someone's nasty love letters sent twice a month during her relationship, or maybe it was because she had been away from the army for many years and had a strong longing?

Although she was a little ashamed to reveal it, it was only a secret between the two of them, so she didn't plan to get rid of this bad habit.

The people in the city also seemed to be very leisurely. Some old people or in twos and threes gathered together to drink tea and talk about their future livelihood. There were also many young and strong people who spontaneously organized to help the defenders carry arrows, stone bombs and other defensive weapons, and carry the wounded. With the remains of the fallen soldiers, the women were busy with needlework, washing and cooking at home, and the children were still playing and playing as usual. There was no fear or anxiety at all because of the war, because Ming Shuai was sitting in the city, and she was The god of war that no one can defeat in the hearts of the people, as for the Qin army and the Jin army, any army is good, and they will obey whoever treats them well.

The common people in the city saw a few female soldiers shopping along the street, gesticulating and directing seven or eight stalwart military masters, all of them stared wide-eyed. There are female soldiers in the Qin army, are they dazzled?

Those female soldiers wore tailor-made women's leather light armor, sabers hanging from their waists, small leather shoes on their feet, and white armbands with red crosses on their right arms. They were charming and heroic.

The female soldier's standard military uniform is naturally made by Li Wei. He is an imitation of the modern female soldier's uniform. The upper body is a well-cut blue military uniform, and the lower body is a black knee-length skirt and long leather shoes. No matter how you look at it, it looks good.

However, the three cardinal principles and five constant principles have long been ingrained in people's minds. Those who show their arms and thighs are all unscrupulous bad women. They will be accused by thousands of people and those who are immersed in pig cages. No matter how capable Li Wei is, he dare not easily overthrow this millennium inheritance Therefore, the female soldier also wore a pair of trousers of the same color inside, which tightly wrapped a pair of white and slender beautiful legs, so that they were not breathable at all.

In Li Wei's view, this is superfluous, but the female soldiers like it very much, and he is helpless.

Of course, he would occasionally let his wives and concubines try on the special military uniforms made of Gongsi, and enjoy the coolness of the uniforms.

Someone couldn't bear the strong curiosity in his heart, and stepped forward to ask a young soldier who was carrying a burden and walking at the end.

The young soldier grinned as he walked, and answered with a smile.

In fact, it has long been no secret that there are female soldiers in the Qin army, and it was once regarded as a joke by the empires.

The Qin Army's female soldiers are currently limited to medical soldiers and secretarial officers. Medical soldiers are divided into doctors and nurses, each with several levels. The official ranks are appointed according to the unified official ranks of the Qin Army, but in normal times, they are generally collectively referred to as XX medical officer.

A secretarial officer is a recorder who is in charge of copywriting and joins the army. What is required is not only literacy, but also the ability to use the most concise words to summarize various documents and so on.

There are very few women serving as soldiers, and female soldiers who meet the secretarial requirements are even more rare national treasures. In the entire Great Qin Empire, there are only three female secretarial officers.

Therefore, the official ranks of female secretarial officers all start at the Weiwei level, and like female medical officers, they are treated so well that people are jealous.

The ears of all the people who followed were trembling, and their eyes were wide open. The Three Cardinal Principles and Five Constant Principles are deeply ingrained. It is immoral for a woman to show her face. The rich and big families are fine, but the poor people are different. There are many children in the family, and the daughter is quite So for a daughter-in-law who helps others, getting married is tantamount to throwing out water. Instead of letting her wash clothes for rich people every day, or go to a rich family's house as a maidservant, she can earn money all year round. That little money is not as much as a female soldier's salary for a month. This is not considered a special benefit specially set up for female soldiers, it seems to be very lucrative.

However, the heartbeat is the heartbeat, there are still not many ordinary people who really dare to let their daughters go to the army, there are only a hundred or so extremely poor poor families.

Even though there are many big girls who are excited, but the rigid father doesn't nod, they can only watch with envy that the usual good sisters are pulled by the elders at home, excited and anxious to go to the Qin army's barracks to join the army .

Suddenly, more than a hundred young ladies asked to enlist in the army, which naturally alarmed Mingzhu who was hiding in her bedroom reading love letters.

Looking at the young ladies over a hundred years in front of her, Mingzhu nodded in satisfaction. They are all daughters of poor families. They are hardworking and hard-working. Become a junior physician.

Regardless of the fact that there were female medical soldiers in the establishment of the Qin Army, and they were recruited all year round, but the old ideas were deeply rooted, and the number of women who came to apply for the recruitment was pitifully small. The number of female medical soldiers in the entire Great Qin Empire was only about [-]. When young ladies came to join the army, Mingzhu naturally accepted them all.

Leather shoes for military uniforms have to be tailored by a tailor before they can be sewed. Red Cross armbands are readily available. Wear them first to identify them. Because female soldiers are rare in the army, they are national treasures. Once enlisted in the army, each person will receive two hangings big money.

Mingzhu knew the simplicity and honesty of these poor girls' families. Even if she earned a meager amount of money by doing odd jobs, she only left a dozen or twenty copper coins for her dowry, and the rest was handed over to her elders. They decide by themselves, hand over half of the big money to their elders, and the rest of the big money is kept by the girl's family. These young ladies are so excited that they call Mingshuai long live.

Their elders were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths together. They could get so much military pay just after serving as soldiers, which was more than what they had earned after months of hard work. Moreover, the whole family became members of the military, and they could enjoy The various treatment of the military family, it turns out that having a daughter has such great uses besides giving birth to children.

Mingzhu had heard from her husband-in-law about the common people's thoughts. Apart from smiling wryly, she worshiped him very much in her heart.

Many young ladies who had just joined the army were chatting around the female guards around her, touching their uniforms with envious expressions.

Mingzhu's mind suddenly flashed the kind of silk military uniform that Xianggong specially tailored for all their sisters, and her smooth and pretty face couldn't help but become red.

Chapter 464 Bloody Battle

There was a relaxed atmosphere inside the city, but it was completely opposite outside the city. Most of them were sweating profusely, their faces were ashen-green, and all the tribal leaders standing behind held their breath carefully, for fear of being mistaken for a bird in the early days.

It's no wonder that everyone is sweating so much. The army stormed Xinyang County for more than ten days. All heavy siege equipment was put into use, and all siege strategies were exhausted. After paying a lot of casualties, the city still remained motionless. , impregnable.

Except for more than 2000 wounded, the rest of the 3000 puppet troops became real cannon fodder. In addition, tribal fighters also suffered more than [-] casualties, and [-] of them were among the best warriors in various tribes. The real warriors with proud titles such as the No. [-] Eagle Warrior on the Eagle Prairie, these warriors, as the first daredevil warriors, all fell on the way to attack and died on the top of the city. The loss was huge Not to mention the big and small tribal leaders, even those who have not used their own tribal warriors feel heartache.

Of course, the purpose of weakening the strength of the tribes was achieved through the hands of the Qin people, but why not weakening their own strength in a disguised form?

To rule the Central Plains, without the full support of these large and small tribes, it is simply wishful thinking.

The hope of taking control of the Central Plains has been more than half completed, and only this Xinyang County is left. If you don’t want to give up all your efforts, you know that the casualties are not small, but you must take down the Xinyang County in front of you anyway. The order to attack was issued.

This time, he not only mobilized his clan warriors who had been recharging their energy and did not go to battle, but also ordered his clan brother Gondolo to lead the army to attack in person, hoping that the two of them could open up the situation, or create a miracle.

Chen Gang and Duo Luo each led [-] tribal warriors to attack. Both of them were among the top five warriors in the clan. Khan.

At this time, the defenders on the top of the city were changing defenses in an orderly manner. Mingzhu divided each battalion into teams of thousands of people and took turns defending the city, so that the soldiers could get enough rest and ensure sufficient physical strength to go into battle.

Of course, when changing defenses, the team officer of the previous team should hand over some necessary information to the team officer receiving the defense, and remind them to pay attention to the situation and other issues, so that the team officer receiving the defense can accurately grasp the various situations and respond in time. Make targeted deployments.

Under the city, amidst the sound of rumbling war drums, the Jin army launched an attack again. Under the cover of the shield soldiers, the archers desperately shot upwards to the top of the city to suppress the defending archers and cover the attacking soldiers.

The Jin army won consecutive victories and captured a large number of weapons and equipment from the Jin army. In addition, the captured blacksmiths were forced to build weapons and equipment day and night. After replacing the new equipment, the Jin army's combat power has improved significantly. The longbows in the hands of these archers are the standard of the Jin army. Bows and arrows can shoot twenty or thirty steps farther than the riding bows they used before.

The archers on both sides were shooting at each other, and the mid-air was full of criss-crossing arrows, so densely packed that they even blocked the sunlight for a while.

A long ladder leaned against the city wall, each tribal warrior held the weapon tightly in one hand and climbed the ladder with the other, howling and climbing upwards.

The guards on the top of the city threw stones and logs down, sprinkled hot oil, or pushed down the ladder with long poles, hacked with knives, stabbed with spears, shot with arrows, and some even grabbed gold soldiers abandoned on the top of the city. The corpses are thrown down like stones. In short, anything that can be attacked can be used as a weapon for defending the city.

Holding a shield in one hand and a hatchet in the other, Chen Gang roared and commanded his soldiers to climb desperately to the top of the city. His standard black armor caught the attention of two groups of snipers.

The snipers of the later generations of Li Wei's cottage also specially summoned the sharp archers in the army, and established the sniper arms of the cold weapon era. They basically form a group of two or three, and shoot arrows at the target at the same time, in order to kill with one blow. Officers naturally become the primary targets of snipers.

In the offensive and defensive battle for more than ten days, the Jin army lost many low-level officers, and even more than [-] middle and senior officers who charged forward, but no one found that the Qin army's sniper was a terrible existence.

The tribes outside the Great Wall are born warriors, and everyone is good at riding and shooting. There is no empire that can match the number of marksmen.

Chen Gang was roaring and directing the soldiers under his command to attack, when three powerful arrows whizzed towards him, he reacted very quickly, blocked the first arrow with a large shield in his left hand, and chopped off the second arrow with the hatchet in his right hand, and then, he watched helplessly. The third arrow pierced through the three layers of iron armor and penetrated into the vital point of his chest.

On a ladder, with a scimitar on his back, Duo Luo quickly climbed up with a shield in one hand and a ladder in the other. The iron leaf shield in his hand has blocked more than a dozen arrows.

Duo Luo quickly climbed to the top of the city, blocked the oncoming spear with the iron leaf shield in his hand, and pushed forward fiercely. His hands were dripping with blood, and he fell down and sat on the bluestone slab dripping with blood.

Duo Luo drew out the scimitar inserted in the back with his backhand, cut off the long spear piercing from one side with one knife, and then stepped on the top of the wall.

With a loud roar, the iron leaf shield blocked the falling iron sword, and pushed forward, knocking another guard into the air, and knocked down another guard with the scimitar in his right hand.

Duo Luo was extremely brave, he cut down five guards by himself, firmly defended his position, and covered the soldiers behind him to climb up the city.

A tribal warrior had just stepped onto the top of the city, when the sharp roar of a powerful arrow piercing through the air came, the tribal warrior couldn't dodge, was hit by an arrow in the forehead, and fell to the ground screaming.

However, soon, another tribal warrior climbed up, hacked and killed the guards with Duo Luo, and covered the rear warriors to climb up the city.

Duo Luo was indeed a fierce general who charged into the battle. Although he was stabbed in the melee, it aroused his ferocity and chopped down five guards one after another.

However, his unusual ferocity was also discovered by a group of snipers. Two of the snipers shot three arrows with Lianzhu arrows, and the other sniper aimed at his left leg and quietly shot one arrow.

Duo Luo was protected by a large shield of iron leaves, and he blocked six arrows that were shot at him one after another, but he did not expect that there was another sharpshooter aiming at him in the third direction.

The sharp arrow pierced through his left ankle, and Duo Luo cried out in pain, and knelt down on the bluestone slab that was dripping with blood.

A guard rushed forward with a knife, but was cut down by Duo Luo who jumped up violently. However, the severe pain in the spine from his ankle also stopped his movements.

Three long spears stabbed at the same time, he blocked from left to right, and chopped down a guard. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his right arm, and he couldn't hold the scimitar in his hand, and fell to the ground.

A sniper still fired three arrows in a row, one piercing Duoluo's right arm, and the other two killing another tribal warrior beside him.

Several guards rushed forward with guns and swords. Duo Luo, who had lost his scimitar, could only block with the iron leaf shield, and was forced to retreat step by step to the wall, and finally had to jump off the city wall.

The walls of the city had already been piled up with thick layers of corpses. Although Duo Luo fell almost to pieces, he was surprisingly lucky and didn't break his limbs. A dozen or so shield-wielding tribal warriors braved the rain of arrows and rushed forward. Before, he hastily retreated.

Although this guy saved his life, he took an arrow to his left ankle. Even if he was cured, he might be called a lame warrior in the future.

As fierce as the Jin army's siege was, the Qin army's resistance was as heroic and tenacious, and Xinyang County was still impregnable.

Under the city, the ashen-faced Khan watched the brave and fearless warriors under his command launch wave after wave of charges, and then fell one by one on the way to attack. His heart was bleeding, and his chest was burning with anger. God didn't bless my Dajin Empire?

When two soldiers came to him carrying Chen Gang's body, Duobu sweated profusely and stared blankly at the person who was still alive just now, and turned into a cold corpse in the blink of an eye. , I felt the blood in my whole body surging, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and fell headlong from the horse.

All the tribal leaders panicked, picked up the unconscious Dabudu Khan and hurried back to the barracks, and urged the army attendant to rescue their wise and mighty Khan as soon as possible.

The Jin army was unable to attack for a long time, and their morale was already frustrated. The sudden movement of Wang Qi made their morale plummet even more, and they retreated like a tide soon.

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