After urgent discussions, Xuan Yue decided that, except for the five elders, the news should be concealed, and only a few potential female disciples would be secretly transferred away, while the rest would remain in the mountains to confuse Jin Wang Huabin.

It had to be said that Xuan Yue was not only ambitious, but also a little crazy. There were nearly 300 disciples who stayed on the mountain, and in order to avoid being discovered by Jin Wang Huabin, they all became her abandoned sons.

After the arrangements were made, Xuan Yue went down the mountain overnight, and at the expense of her true energy, she rushed to the foot of Xijing City with light body lifting technique, and climbed into the city.

Power is like poison, it is very addictive. Countless people would rather lose their heads than give up the power in their hands. Xuan Yue is one of them.

After Xuanyue climbed into the city, she used the darkness of night as a cover to sneak into the homes of those aristocratic families or court officials who took refuge in her, and arranged the action plans one by one. She was not at all worried that these people would inform them, because they had engraved The brand of Xuan Suju can't be wiped off no matter how hard it is. These people are all on Jin Wang Huabin's blacklist. They are all going to ransack their homes and behead their heads. If they don't want to die, they can only fight back.

The fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better. Xuan Yue only chooses those important officials in important positions or powerful families to discuss secretly.

After the arrangements were made in secret, Xuan Yue returned to her State Teacher's Mansion as usual, and when it was time to go to court, she still went to court, and she still did what she should do, without arousing Jin Wang Huabin's suspicion at all.

Jin Wang Huabin did not expect that Zhang Fenghua dug a big hole for him under Li Wei's instructions, and he was still carrying out various deployments according to the original plan. With Jin Yiwei, his news is well-informed.

Shang Yiming, the head of the internal servants, who is also in charge of Jinyiwei, suddenly became busy. However, in order to kill Xuanyue and eradicate all the forces in Xuansuju, he must also be busy.

Although Jin Yiwei had just been established a few days ago, it had the original inner guard team. Although it was still short of manpower, it was still enough to monitor a few people, and it copied the Qin Empire's black guards, and its operation was so-so.

However, Shang Yiming was in a very bad mood today. According to the report from Jin Yiwei who was in charge of monitoring Wang Ma, the madam of Piaoxianglou, Wang Ma disappeared. As for how she disappeared, they really don't know.

After checking down, I found out that Piaoxiang Building had changed owners, and the new owner bought Piaoxiang Building at a very low price. As for the whereabouts of the previous owner, Wang Ma, the new owner did not know either.

Shang Yiming had no choice but to plead guilty to Jin Wang Huabin, how could Jin Wang Huabin blame him for such a trivial matter, instead he comforted him, and on the day when Zhang Fenghua and Xuan Yue duel, the army only needs to trap the duel to death on all sides, then Can the two ghost women escape?

Shang Yiming just returned to the Jinyiwei official office, and his subordinates rushed to report and found Wang Ma's hiding place.

Because most of the manpower was sent out, Shang Yiming personally led people to arrest them. He had a big plan in his mind to control Wang Ma, force her to work for him, and then use her to kill or buy some important people in the Frustration Hall. Characters, thus controlling the entire Frustration Hall in his hands and transforming into the power of Jinyiwei.

When they came to the house where Wang Ma was hiding, Shang Yiming led others to break in, but found Xuan Yue sitting in the house, with many black-clothed men standing behind him, holding crossbows in their hands.

Knowing that the incident had been leaked, Shang Yiming turned around and wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape the net formed by dozens of crossbows. He was shot into a big hedgehog in an instant, and all the dozen or so guards he brought were also shot. Kill on the spot.

After dark, King Huabin of Jin saw that Shang Yiming hadn't returned to the palace, so he didn't become suspicious. Jinyiwei was established hastily in the midst of an emergency. As the commander, Shang Yiming had too many things to deal with, and he was too busy normal.

In the middle of the night, people had already fallen asleep. No one noticed that the south city gate was open, and a large number of private soldiers poured in from outside the city, quietly controlling the city gate and other important places.

This is the secret mobilization of the power of the family that Xuansuju belongs to. As long as the two military camps in the city are controlled, a group of Xuansuju masters headed by Xuanyue will mobilize in the palace to control Jin Wang Huabin, and the situation will be completely controlled.

The actions of Xuan Yue and others in the palace went very smoothly. They dispatched several officers who taught the masters to restrain the inner palace soldiers, controlled a group of inner palace soldiers, and then restrained Jin Wang Huabin who was staying in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Jin Wang Huabin didn't know how the matter was leaked, but he knew that if he fell into Xuanyue's hands, he would definitely die. No matter how threatened Xuanyue was, he would not hand over the military talisman even if he died.

Although Xuanyue wished to dismantle King Jin Huabin into three pieces, she really didn't dare to kill Huabin before the situation was completely under control and a new puppet King Jin was supported.

Hua Bin refused to speak, so she had to order her subordinates to rummage through boxes and cabinets, and they must find the talismans for mobilizing the city guards. There are [-] city guards in the city. If they can't control it, they may fail.

Things went very smoothly, but when preparing to control the city guards, something happened.

Chapter 448 Upheaval

Sometimes, a small accident can cost you countless energy and efforts, and all the well-prepared things will be wasted. What's more, this small accident is still man-made.

The more chaotic the powerful Jin Empire, the greater the benefits to the entire Cangyun Continent and the Great Qin Empire. Li Wei didn't want Xuanyue to be slaughtered by King Huabin of Jin, so he instructed Zhang Fenghua to disrupt the situation and help Xuanyue escape this catastrophe .

But considering Xuan Yue is a crazy woman who can do anything, in order to prevent her from taking risks, Li Wei also ordered Zhang Fenghua to secretly monitor Xuan Yue's actions. If it is as he expected, it will also disturb her. Her game, in short, is to let the two sides play ping-pong-pong pong happily, the more chaotic the better.

This matter is very important. Zhang Fenghua personally monitored Xuanyue's every move secretly. All the spies lurking in the city have been evacuated, but there are still more than a dozen special night guards by Zhang Fenghua's side. Although the manpower is small, it is enough.

Xuan Yue's secret visits to some aristocratic families were all under Zhang Fenghua's surveillance, exactly as Li Wei expected, Xuan Yue was a lunatic, and she wanted to take a dangerous blow, so she made some preparations in advance.

When the private soldiers of those aristocratic clans poured into the city quietly, Zhang Fenghua and a dozen special Yebushuo took the lead. They sneaked near the Nancheng camp, shot and wounded several patrolling soldiers guarding the gate of the barracks with bows and arrows, and then disappeared. In the vast night.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Several soldiers on patrol at night were shot down by sudden arrows. The howling of pain was especially loud in the silent night, and the uninjured soldiers dutifully sounded the alarm.

The [-] soldiers in the entire barracks were all awakened. When they heard the enemy's attack, they were all shocked. They grabbed their weapons and rushed out of the camp. It just so happened that thousands of private soldiers from the aristocratic family happened to touch the vicinity of the camp and were guarded. The sentry found out and issued an alarm in time, and the melee broke out, and the sky-shattering roar pierced the silent night.

The commander of the Nanying City Guards, Ying Yanglang General Tian Shi is a member of King Huabin of Jin. He happened to be on duty tonight. There was a fierce fight with the private soldiers of the five thousand aristocratic families, and both sides suffered casualties.

Although those private soldiers are well-equipped and their personal force value is good, they can't compare with the officers and soldiers who have experienced battles. Most of the city guards in Xijing City are composed of elites drawn from various local troops. They are decisive and fierce. With the cooperation and the superiority of the troops, a large number of archers under the command of the officers effectively killed the attacking private soldiers. In just half an hour, [-] private soldiers were defeated and retreated steadily.

The battle in the southern camp was won by the city guards, but the battle in the northern camp was utterly dark. Although Jin Wang Huabin secretly cleaned up all the forces in the army and appointed his confidants to lead the army, he was worried that he would scare the snakes, so he did not dare to blatantly clean up the city guards. There are still a lot of Xuansuju forces in the village, if Zhang Fenghua hadn't sent people to warn and disrupt the situation, the military power of the Peking Camp would have been almost controlled by Xuansuju's people through deliberate calculations or unintentional calculations.

Although the stealthy attempt to seize military power failed, Xuan Suju's power in the camp north of the city was not weak, plus five thousand private soldiers from the aristocratic family, the two sides were evenly matched, and it would be difficult to tell the winner for a while.

The roaring sound shook the sky, the raging flames shone red in the sky, and the prosperous imperial capital, which concentrated politics, culture and economy, turned into a Shura hell overnight. The people didn't know what happened, and they curled up in their homes tremblingly, praying for the blessing of the God of Longevity .

The Habayashi Guards and Inner Palace soldiers who were in charge of guarding the palace immediately poured into the palace to protect them. The power of Xuansuju among the three emperor's pro-armies had already been wiped out seven times by King Jin through means such as promotion, transfer or expedition. Seven or eight, there is no trouble at all, but Jin Wang was restrained by Xuan Yue, and he didn't dare to act rashly for a while, and the two sides confronted each other, and they were in a stalemate for a while.

Xuanyue didn't know which step went wrong, and she was about to succeed, but she didn't expect the situation to become uncontrollable. In desperation, she had to take Jin Wang Huabin as a hostage, and forced him to force the officers and soldiers to make way. She withdrew from the palace step by step. To the north gate.

A group of ministers who protect the king and king gathered, discussed urgently, and elected the minister, the right servant, She Gongyeliang, to take charge of the overall situation temporarily.

The Gongye family is the second century-old family in the Jin Empire. It is powerful. The patriarch, Gong Yeliang, is the right servant of the minister in the court.

Originally, there was another equally respectable candidate, Shang Shu Zuo Pu She Ximen Bo, the Ximen family is also a century-old family, and the power is still higher than the Gongye family. It is the largest family recognized by the Jin Empire.

However, the old man Ximen Fu passed away a few years ago, and Ximen Bode returned to his hometown to observe his filial piety. During his Dingyou period, the affairs of the court were basically decided by the right servant Shegong Yeliang.

Under the command and dispatch of Gong Yeliang, the military leaders commanded the troops to launch a fierce attack on the private soldiers of the rebellious family. After defeating the private soldiers, they quickly controlled all the traffic arteries in the city, hunted down the private soldiers hiding everywhere, and locked up all the private soldiers. There are officials and powerful families associated with Xuansuju.

Xuan Yue escorted Jin Wang Hua Bin, and under the protection of a group of Xuan Suju elders and disciples, as well as many family members, retreated cautiously towards the north city gate.

At this time, the sound of roaring and killing in the city has weakened significantly, and there are officers and soldiers like wolves and tigers everywhere. Xuan Yue knows the general situation is going, and the most important thing now is to save her life first.

Under the command of Gong Yeliang, thousands of murderous officers and soldiers surrounded Xuan Yue and the others, but with King Jin in her hands, the officers and soldiers dared not act rashly.

Originally, there were several thousand Habayashi guards and inner palace soldiers behind the thousands of officers and soldiers, but Gong Yeliang asked them to retreat to guard the palace on the grounds that the palace also needed protection. There are about a hundred soldiers in the inner palace, and the rest are mostly court ladies and eunuchs.

Xuanyue took King Huabin of Jin as a hostage, she had nothing to fear, threatened the officers and soldiers not to get too close, and ordered Gong Yeliang to equip thousands of horses outside the city, and Gong Yeliang complied with all conditions.

After Xuanyue exited the city gate, a group of court ladies and eunuchs who followed were stopped by the officers and soldiers, and they were not allowed to leave the city. Several eunuchs who were making a fuss were stepped forward, pinched left and right by the officers and soldiers like wolves, dragged them away from the crowd, and fell from there. unknown.

A large group of officers and soldiers blocked the aisle of the city gate, not allowing people in the city to come out. A large group of officers and soldiers also rushed to the top of the city, replacing the previous officers and soldiers guarding the top of the city. People could only stay at the bottom of the city, anxiously waiting for news from outside the city. .

Xuan Yue led Jin Wang Huabin to walk for more than two miles, and stopped at the edge of the woods not far away, followed by the dark army of officers and soldiers, still surrounded on all sides.

"Where are the war horses?"

Xuan Yue found that there was no war horse she wanted nearby, so she couldn't help asking sharply.

None of the officers and soldiers around made a sound, all of them looked indifferent and murderous.

From the beginning to the end, Jin Wang Huabin acted calmly, without the slightest panic, but when he heard Xuan Yue's stern voice, his heart skipped a beat. When he looked closely, his face turned pale and bloodless.

It was only now that he realized that none of his confidantes, the Habayashi Guards and the Inner Palace Sergeants, followed. The surroundings were all city guards. No, after leaving the city, thousands of city guards followed. All of them were replaced without knowing it. Although the surroundings are all in black armor and equipped with excellent weapons and equipment, it can still be seen that these soldiers are all private soldiers raised by the family.

Jin Wang Huabin was terrified in an instant, someone wanted to use Xuan Yue's hand to kill him.

In fact, about a hundred officers and soldiers of Habayashi Guard and Imperial Guard Inner Palace Sergeant still followed, but they were separated by a large group of officers and soldiers when they left the city gate.

A Habayashi guard officer felt that the situation was not good, he put his hand on the hilt of his sword and asked the officers and soldiers crowded around him, if he wanted to rebel?

However, before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his heart. When he looked down, he realized that half of the sword was protruding from his chest.

More than a hundred soldiers of the Son of Heaven hadn't reacted, and were caught off guard by the group of officers and soldiers who surrounded them.

"Gong Yeliang, you... ah..."

A group of civil servants and military generals watched the bloody case happen right in front of their eyes. A civil servant understood what was going on, pointed at Gong Yeliang and asked sharply, but was stabbed in the mouth by a guard behind Gong Yeliang and died on the spot.

The crowd was scared out of their wits. The timid ones turned their eyes white on the spot and collapsed to the ground. Some officials reacted quickly and ran away. There were also more than a dozen military officers who drew their swords and resisted. Quan was so frightened that his face paled and he trembled.

Chapter 449 Breakthrough

A series of dense bowstring sounds sounded, and countless arrows roared into the sky, and then fell like raindrops.

Xuanyue was so frightened that all souls trembled. She had calculated thousands of times, but she didn't count that Gong Yeliang dared to kill the king. Seeing the arrows raining down, she reacted quickly and dragged Jin Wang Huabin who was already scared to death. fell to the ground.

She didn't want to protect King Jin Huabin, but to use him as a shield.

Arrows rained down, blood sprayed, and screams were heard endlessly. Those Xuansuju disciples and family members who were slow to react or hadn't reacted all turned into bloody hedgehogs.

Hua Bin, who was the real dragon emperor, was full of arrows, and he couldn't die anymore.

There were also those who reacted quickly and used the weapons in their hands to shoot arrows, but the scattered arrows were too dense, and one side could not be defended against the other, and in the end they were hit by arrows and fell down.

There are also more than a dozen disciples of Xuansuju who are strong in martial arts, and they danced the long sword in their hands very fast in the style of wind and rain in all directions, covering their whole body. Only three of them died because they were half a beat too slow.

"Come with me!"

While the archers were touching the arrows, Xuan Yue suddenly burst into flames, and rushed towards the private soldiers like lightning. She used Hua Bin as a shield, and then used her profound skills to forcefully shake off some arrows that endangered her body. lossless.

Thousands of private soldiers formed a big circle, the first few rows were spearmen, and the rear were archers, only a wave of arrows rained down, almost all the people in Xuansuju and those aristocratic families lay down, only a dozen people stood Then, those spearmen felt that they didn't need to take action at all, and the archers could settle down. Unexpectedly, Xuanyue's approach was like lightning, and they didn't have much defense.

Trapped in the encirclement of thousands of private soldiers, if she wanted to survive, she could only kill a bloody road. Xuan Yue fought her life, and the seven-foot green sharp edge in her palm flashed sharply, quickly harvesting fresh lives one by one.

She is like a wild-haired tigress, relying on her profound art to protect her body, she completely ignores the sharp spears that stab her, and immediately rushes into the formation of private soldiers. Wherever the sword light goes, flesh and blood fly everywhere, The screams were endless.

Those who can survive such a dense rain of arrows are either favored by the God of Longevity or powerful in martial arts. The dozen or so people who can stand are all masters of Xuan Suju, four of them are elders. After only a few ups and downs, he had already killed Xuan Yue's side.

A raging tiger is scary enough, not to mention a dozen or so raging together. Under the leadership of Xuan Yue, a group of Xuan Suju masters cut through the waves in the formation of private soldiers, rampaging without restraint, and there is no one under the sword. The opponent, Xuan Yue even snatched an iron gun, swung it round with one hand, and could sweep away a piece of it with one sweep, and those who stood in the way were covered.

Although there are many private soldiers, they are no better than well-trained officers and soldiers who are skilled in battle and can cooperate with each other. Facing more than a dozen fierce female killers, they are scared out of their wits and retreat desperately. , Invisibly also blocked the attack of the companion.

Although Xuan Yue and the others were extremely fierce, there were thousands of private soldiers. They killed layer after layer, but the private soldiers still surrounded them densely, and they couldn't kill them all.

Xuanyue and the others used their profound arts to protect their bodies with true qi, without fear of attacks from knives and guns, and rampaged like tanks, crushing all creatures who dared to block them. Although they killed a large number of private soldiers, their true qi was quickly consumed At that time, the female disciple with the weakest skill was exhausted and was stabbed down by a forest of spears.

Xuanyue slashed desperately while cheering up the sisters, but there were too many private soldiers to kill them all. Seeing the sisters from the same school fell one by one, the two red-eyed elders were in a hurry. One of them resisted the enemy and the other pulled Live in Xuanyue.

"Master, the revival of the sect depends entirely on you!"

"I will avenge you!"

Xuanyue gritted her teeth while absorbing the true energy that her junior sister forcibly infused, and vowed that if she didn't kill Gong Yeliang in this life, she would die with peace in her eyes.


The elder suddenly yelled, grabbed Xuanyue's palm with one hand, lifted her up, and spun her violently. After spinning a dozen times, she roared and tried her best to lift Xuanyue up high. Throw it out.

Xuanyue relied on the inertia of the rapid rotation, coupled with the real energy erupted by the elder, her whole body was like an arrow off the string, and with a whoosh, it flew over the heads of many private soldiers like lightning.

Thousands of private soldiers surrounded Xuanyue and the others tightly, forming a densely packed area with ten floors. The private soldiers on the periphery couldn't see the scene of fighting inside at all, and their expressions seemed very leisurely.

No matter how awesome people are, it is impossible to break through such a dense encirclement. Therefore, it is not their turn to take action. The private soldiers on the periphery basically have nothing to do except roar and kill. No one thought that Xuan Yue would will fly out of it.

No matter how far Xuan Yue flew, it was impossible to fly out of the overlapping encirclement circles all at once. When she landed, her toes were a little above the head of a private soldier, and she bounced up with her strength, and quickly flew outwards with her breath. Leaping vertically, he threw himself into the dark woods.

None of the Xuansuju masters trapped in the encirclement surrendered, and they all died in battle. However, they also killed nearly [-] private soldiers, so fierce that the private soldiers who witnessed this bloody bloody battle had nightmares when they slept.

Such a tight siege still allowed Xuanyue to escape, Gongyeliang was furious and ordered his men to search desperately, but it was dark, and the woods were so dark that he couldn't see his fingers. Xuanyue, a great master of martial arts, ran faster than a war horse Hurry up, it's harder than climbing to the sky to catch her.

Gong Yeliang didn't have much time to get angry. He brought Jin Wang Huabin's body back to the city. The dozens of arrows on Huabin's body had been pulled out and covered with a white cloth. No one could see clearly. People only knew that it was Xuan Yue's poisonous hands.

Gong Yeliang controlled the situation, convened all the ministers to discuss overnight, and finally supported Hua Chongyang, the five-year-old son of the fourth prince Huayun, as the new king.

After Hua Bin ascended the throne, he started to eradicate those who threatened his throne, that is, all his brothers. In Hua Yun's mansion, a loyal servant girl replaced the little prince Yun Chongyang with his own son.

Only Gong Yeliang knew about this matter, he took the risk to hide Yun Chongyang in the farm outside the city, and killed the loyal maidservant, patiently waited for the opportunity, and finally let him wait for this rare and rare opportunity in the ages. good chance.

Gong Yeliang had a large army in his hands, and he killed all the ministers in the court who dared to oppose him. Therefore, the five-year-old new king ascended the throne, Gong Yeliang monopolized the power of the court, and proclaimed himself prime minister.

In the name of the Son of Heaven, Gong Yeliang eradicated dissidents. Many generals in the military were forced to resign, or were executed for unwarranted charges. Many aristocratic families were also executed. Ximen, the largest family in the Jin Empire, However, Ximen Bo, the Patriarch of the Ximen Clan, was in his hometown of Ding You, Yixiang, and was accompanied by many children. Even though his home was ransacked, he still retained some of his strength.

Gong Yeliang purged his dissidents wantonly in Xijing, and at the same time sent a large army to Yixiang to capture Ximen Bo. A living Ximen Bo could still threaten his status. Therefore, Ximen Bo must die, and the Ximen clan must be wiped out!

4 Chapter Fifty

In order to prevent the news from leaking out, and also to prevent the aliens in the city from fleeing, Gong Yeliang, in spite of the strong dissatisfaction of the people, ordered the closure of the four city gates. Being able to sit on the seat of the largest family in the Jin Empire, the power is beyond his imagination.

On the night of the turmoil, some people from the Ximen family took advantage of the chaos to sneak out of Xijing and rushed to Yixiang overnight to report to the head of the family. When Gong Yeliang planned to kill Jin Wang Huabin, several people from his private soldiers disappeared. All the people in the Ximen clan were lurking in the Gongye clan, but their status was low and they couldn't sneak into the high-level people. Naturally, they had to rush to Yixiang to report such an important matter.

Before the army sent by Gong Yeliang arrived in Fuping County, Ximen Bo, who had already heard the news, had already used his official position and influence to quietly obtain the military power in Pengcheng, and grabbed the opportunity of Gong Yeliang's army entering Fuping County. Before Jijie persuaded the prefect and general Zhenguan of Fuping County to take Fuping into his hands.

The army sent by Gong Yeliang had just entered the boundary of Fuping, and was ambushed by Ximen Bo's army near the county town of An, causing heavy losses.

After the victory, Ximenbo sent people to spread the news, saying that Gongyeliang had an evil heart and killed Jin Wang Huabin on the occasion of the rebellion of the national teacher Xuanyue, and then used his illegitimate son to pretend to be the son of the fourth prince Huayun Hua Chongyang, and then blackmailed the emperor Order the princes to issue a crusade at the same time, hold an oath of alliance meeting, assemble an army of 15, and claim 30 to the outside world, and prepare to crusade against Gong Yeliang.

And Gong Yeliang had just issued an imperial decree to the new Jin Wang Hua Chongyang to the world. The national teacher Xuan Yue rebelled, and after the defeat, he killed the Jin Wang Huabin. Beijing took an oath of allegiance.

As soon as this edict came out, the world was in an uproar, and the people of the Jin Empire were all confused. Who is real and who is?Which should they believe?

Not to mention the common people, even the prefects and generals of the provinces and counties are also dizzy. Whether they are cautious or impatient, they stand still at this time and take a wait-and-see attitude. It is not surprising that these people belong to the two factions, whether they are loyal to Gong Yeliang or support Ximen Bo.

The operation to capture Ximen Bo failed. Ximen Bo's 30 troops have already been dispatched, while the prefect of Huxing County and the general of Zhenguan are all on the sidelines. The army met.

The armies of the two sides formed a formation in the area of ​​Lang County at the junction of the imperial capital Xijing and Fuping County. They fought happily, and both sides suffered casualties.

The turmoil of the Jin Empire made all the empires on the mainland applaud. A very powerful Jin Empire is not in their interests at all. It is best to split into two or more small countries, and they can rest easy from now on.

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