Everyone now knows that it is only a matter of time before the Li family replaces the Qin family. Of course, Li Wei will be the only legal heir in the future. Holding his thick thighs will bring more benefits than ten fingers can count. If we don't invest more now Strength, how long do we have to wait?As a result, Xiao Xiaoxiao and Qing'er were under tremendous pressure. Even Tang Fei'er, who was still keeping his filial piety, had to be more vigilant, taking turns to stay by someone's side 24 hours a day, so that those good girls with missions in their hearts would not have the slightest bit of pressure. Opportunity to hook up, it is inevitable to feel resentment, why are these three so jealous, so close, they don't give them any chance?

Even if Li Wei became the shopkeeper, there were still many official documents that needed to be reviewed and commented on, and there were still many things that needed attention, especially the construction of the [-]-mile Great Wall. He was always worried that the Great Wall would not be completed in a day.

At noon that day, Li Wei felt a little sleepy and was about to take a lunch break when the little six rushed in and presented the secret document urgently sent by the black guard.

Li Wei unfolded it, his expression changed slightly, and he urgently ordered the guards to summon Wu Youtian Ce and other counselors, as well as Zhuo Fengxing, who was in charge of guarding Yicheng, to a meeting.

According to the comprehensive analysis of all kinds of information collected by the Black Yiwei, seven or eight aristocratic families such as Chen Guanli in Yicheng and more than a dozen powerful patriarchs have been in frequent contact recently, and the various families even exchanged some stuff at night, because They are all covered with coarse cloth, so it is impossible to confirm what it is, and because of the heavy security, the secret spies of the black guards dare not take the risk of sneaking in for reconnaissance, and can only guess based on the shape of some things that they are weapons and equipment.

Therefore, the Black Yiwei has reason to believe that these dozen powerful families are plotting a rebellion.

The aristocratic family is wealthy and powerful, and owns a lot of fertile land, and these fertile fields require a lot of manpower to cultivate. These manpower are people who were displaced due to various reasons such as avoiding wars. These people belong to the private property of the aristocratic family. It is a private soldier who can take up arms and fight.

Powerful clans have private soldiers of two to three thousand, and some even have as many as four to five thousand. It is normal for these clans to equip their private soldiers with weapons and equipment, and this cannot be used as evidence of rebellion.

Of course, according to the intelligence analysis collected by the secret agents of the Black Guards, it can be confirmed that the aristocratic families mentioned above have secretly planned a rebellion. However, now is a critical period for maintaining stability, and any slight fluctuations may have a big impact on the people of Tang. Influence, therefore, convincing evidence must be produced before the butcher's knife can be justifiably raised.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the secret agents in black who discovered the changes of these aristocratic powers, it would be a big trouble for them to suddenly act. The most conservative estimate is that there are at least 5 to [-] people. private soldiers.

Zhuo Fengxing was in charge of guarding Yicheng. Although there were 3000 soldiers under his command, due to the extraordinary period, some small counties that did not need to garrison were not allowed to station a few hundred to [-] soldiers. Counties with slightly more important geographical locations even had to station [-] soldiers. There are more than a dozen large and small counties under the jurisdiction of Yicheng, of which five or six are important, and they also account for nearly half of Zhuo Fengxing's troops. The troops stationed in Yicheng are actually only [-] soldiers. Three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry, five thousand light cavalry, and five thousand heavy armored soldiers trapped in the camp were dispatched to assist Mingzhu in guarding the Great Wall under construction.

Yicheng is the capital of the Tang Dynasty. The city is nearly half larger than the average county town, and the population is much larger. Eight thousand soldiers must not only guard the city, but also guard the palace, and deal with forty to fifty thousand powerful families. Private soldiers, that is very difficult, unless the elites are concentrated to strike first.

The prerequisite for the preemptive attack is to have conclusive evidence, or to induce these aristocratic tyrants to act in advance, and at the moment they gather, the army surprises and gives a fatal blow.

"How difficult is this."

Tian Ce offered his advice with a smile, because only 8000 troops were stationed in Yicheng, and only those aristocratic tyrants dared to rebel. He only needed to spread the word and send an additional 1 troops to garrison Yicheng within a month.

Chapter 423 Killing

Chen Guanli and other seven or eight aristocratic families and more than a dozen tyrants really have the intention of rebellion, and have secretly carried out various preparations, but the deployment has not been completed, and they have not yet started an incident.

They were very dissatisfied with some of Li Wei's deeds, thinking that Li Wei didn't pay attention to their centuries-old aristocratic families at all, and it was fine to divide the cake without a share, and even blackmailed them to donate food. , they decided to make a big fight.

With the help of insiders, they clearly grasped all the troops in the city and even learned which palace Li Wei and others lived in the palace through special channels, which further aroused their determination to make trouble.

However, the insider had just received news that a Qin army of [-] people would be transferred within a month to strengthen the strength of Yicheng. This forced the heads of each family to meet urgently to discuss important matters.

The Qin army in Yicheng has only 8000 people. If they want to defend a large capital, they have to divide their troops to guard the large-scale palace. The strength of the troops is obviously insufficient. It has to be offset, and the result of the discussion is to act in advance, and the time is set to be three days later.

Although the secret agents of the black guards were unable to find out the exact time when these tyrannical clans took action, Wu Youtian Ce Wen Zishan and other scheming advisers could only guess from their little movements, and secretly made targeted preparations Work.

Yan Mansion, the secret room.

There were more than a dozen people in the secret room, each with serious expressions, and the oppressive atmosphere made people feel uncomfortable and suffocated.

The Yan family is a time-honored family in Yicheng, the former imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty, and also a loyal royalist party. The head of the family, Yan Zu, was scheming and escaped in time when he felt bad, so he was not affected much during the chaos in the imperial capital.

"If you don't die, you won't die. The words of the Hussar General are classic!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Yan Zu's serious expression, the heads of the dozen or so families were all short-sighted, since they wanted to seek death, the Yan family was very happy to use their corpses to show their loyalty to Li Huanqi.

In the early days of the change of dynasty, if you can't seize the opportunity like the Han family and other clans, catch up with the ruler first, and win great benefits for the family, the initial discomfort will definitely be unavoidable, so it is normal to pay some price. Isn't this always the case with every dynasty change?

As long as the ruler is not harsh and does not deliberately suppress, some losses can be tolerated. This is also the proven law of survival of the family. However, those few families have been deceived by lard, and have forgotten these laws of survival. They will seek their own death and rebel .

All present here are elder-level core members of the Yan clan, and all of them are old foxes who have cultivated to become elites. After hearing Yan Zu's words, they all beamed with joy. With the loss of more than a dozen powerful competitors, life is natural It's much better, and you can climb up by stepping on their corpses, and you can earn some benefits. Such a good thing, you can't find it with a lantern.

"Patriarch, do you want to warn General Hussar?"

Someone asked aloud, rebellion is the first-class death penalty, and family and family are ransacked. Since you want to please General Hussars, this is an excellent opportunity.

"We can all see it, but the Hussar General can't see it?"

Yan Zu shook his head, categorically denying this suggestion, the movement of the dozen or so families is not small, if Li Huanqi can't even see this, then he is not worthy of being called a strong man, and the Yan family will have to leave a way out.

Furthermore, the warning can only be icing on the cake, sending out a surprise soldier at a critical moment, giving Li Hussar decisive help, that is sending carbon in the snow, and the Yan family will get more benefits.

Of course, in order to avoid misunderstandings by Li Huanqi, the preparation work must be as low-key as possible, and only the elite of the clan should be recruited. The more people who know the better, the safer it will be.

During these three days, for many people, it was the most difficult three days in their lives. During this period, a 3000-strong army was ordered to leave Yicheng and go to reinforce the Mingzhu troops stationed in front of Canglong Mountain and Tieji Mountain. It is said that Zhou Jun has undergone abnormal transfers recently, and he has to strengthen his defenses.

The troops in the city were already insufficient, and 3000 more troops were dispatched, which made it even more serious. Fortunately, the additional [-]-man army is said to be on the road, and it will arrive in Yicheng in half a month to solve the serious shortage of troops. For the powerful families of more than a dozen aristocratic families, in half a month, the day lily was cold, and Yicheng was already under their control.

The daytime on the fourth day is the most difficult for many people. Some people with weaker psychological endurance are even more frantic. They can only think of ways to kill this long day.

Finally, the sky darkened.

Although it is not yet time to launch, but before the launch, the troops move quietly, and it will take time to gather at the designated location, and these must be acted in advance.

Although the sky is getting dark, the city is still brightly lit. The night market has just started, and it will take about an hour or two before it stops.

It was pitch black outside the city, you couldn't see your fingers, the moon was dark, and the wind was high, which was a good weather for making troubles.

At a farm twenty or thirty miles away from Yicheng, the gate of the village was wide open, and teams of strong men with swords and guns poured out of the village, lined up under the command of the steward, and then strode forward in the direction of Yicheng.

The number of people pouring out from each farm is not many, ranging from three to 400 people, and as many as a thousand people. People from other farms will continue to join in on the way, and the team is slowly expanding, approaching the southern city of Yicheng. At that time, the number had reached more than 3.

The time for the incident has not yet come, and the signal for the attack has not yet been issued. They arrived at the attack position according to the scheduled time and waited.

More than 3 people sat quietly on the ground, and no one dared to talk too much. They just looked at their companions with some anxiety, and a battle would break out after a while. God knows how many companions can survive the tragic fight?

If you want to survive, you can only pray to God of Longevity to bless you.

Inside the city, on the top of the south gate, Chen Kang, the captain on duty, raised the wind lantern in his hand and shook it three times. Then he desperately opened his eyes wide and looked at the dark wilderness in the distance. He saw a star shining brightly. After three times, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Go and inform the owners."

Chen Kang whispered to the soldiers around him that the army outside the city was already in place, and it was time to mobilize.

He watched the few soldiers around him disappear into the darkness, then hurried down the city, and led fifty strong men who had been waiting in the darkness into the South City camp. To control the thousands of soldiers in the camp, he had to get Soldiers.

The soldier talisman was in the hands of Ying Yanglang General Lu Qian, and the commander's tent was still lit, which meant that Lu Qian was still working, so he led the crowd straight into the commander's tent of the Chinese army.

The camp was silent, the soldiers fell asleep, and snoring could be heard from time to time, even if there was a small commotion, no one heard or noticed it.

When he came to the tent of the commander in chief of the Chinese army, Chen Kang left 40 people to guard the surrounding area, and brought ten people with him to break in directly.

At such a time, people loosen their vigilance early on, and combined with mental calculations or careless intentions, the fifty strong men around him are all expert dead soldiers whose families invested heavily in their care, and he himself is also a master of martial arts. Isn't it easy to deal with Lu Qian?Chen Kang raised the curtain and took a look inside. There was no one there. Where is Lu Qianren?Before he could react, he suddenly heard the sound of bowstrings in his ears. In the middle of the night, which guy is so boring practicing archery?

Uh, no... Chen Kang suddenly thought of something, shivered tremblingly, and his face instantly became pale and bloodless.


Fifty expert dead soldiers were unprepared, including Chen Kang, who were shot into big hedgehogs by the sudden rain of arrows, and their shrill screams pierced the silent camp.

However, if there is a large military camp, it is still quiet and there is no movement at all. Thousands of soldiers in the camp seem to be asleep and cannot hear such a big movement.

Teams of armored soldiers poured out of the darkness, quickly dealt with some of the injured masters who were still struggling and shouting, and then quickly disappeared into the night.

These movements are not small in the barracks, but the barracks is too spacious, even if the movements are big, they cannot be spread outside.

Outside Nancheng, more than 3 strong men are still sitting on the ground, waiting for the signal to attack.

"Brother, what did you hear?"

In the dark crowd, someone seemed to have heard something, felt uneasy in his heart, and couldn't help asking his companions.

"Shh, Xiaoqian, do you want to die?"

Someone whispered a warning.

"Uh, this place...seems to be moving..."

Chapter 424 Killing 2

In fact, more than 3 young and strong people sat on the grass, and many of them also felt the ground under their buttocks moving, to be precise, it was shaking, as if something was messing with the ground and caused the vibration.

If you are a veteran who has been on the battlefield and witnessed the spectacular scene of thousands of cavalry galloping, he must know that this is the big shock caused by thousands of horses galloping at the same time, but the distance is still far away.

These young and strong are domestic slaves raised by aristocratic families. They usually do all kinds of farm work in the farm and earn a lot of money for their masters. .

Because of their good treatment and excellent weapons and equipment, these private soldiers are stronger than the general army. However, no matter how good their weapons and equipment are, they are just a group of peasants who have never been on the battlefield. compared to trained veterans.

These young and strong all looked at a loss, wondering why the earth would shake and shake?

Some people speculated that it was an earthquake or something, but no one thought of the huge shock caused by thousands of horses galloping at the same time.

More than 3 private soldiers were assembled by more than a dozen families and divided into more than a dozen teams. Each team was led by someone with a high level of seniority. , don't worry about messing things up.

More than a dozen leaders stood in front, looking eagerly at the towering Fortified City. Once the city gate opened, it would be a signal to attack. They were both excited and nervous. This was the first time they led an army to fight.

The abnormal state of their subordinates made them frown, and they sent trusted guards to ask the reason, and the guards quickly reported back.

"Earthquake? Are you kidding me?"

"Uh, Mr. Chen Sanlang, I seem to feel it too..."

"It's thundering?"

More than a dozen leaders still haven't reacted, and the sound of rumbling Yin Lei is far and near, piercing the silent night.

"God, what is that?"

On the horizon in the distance, countless black shadows flew over like ghosts, the rumbling thunder became louder and louder, and the vibration of the ground became bigger and bigger.

ghost?In the continent that believes in gods, everyone shuddered, and a thought flashed instinctively in their minds, could it be the ghosts that haunt the night? "Cavalry, cavalry... what a cavalry..."

People with good eyesight saw through the hazy moonlight that the faintly flying ghosts were cavalrymen. Thousands of cavalrymen couldn't help screaming in fright.

"Quickly form the formation, form the formation!"

When the dozen or so leaders came to their senses, they all shivered tremblingly, and then hissed and roared.

There are tens of thousands of their private soldiers, but they are all infantry. This cavalry suddenly broke out, so it is naturally the cavalry of the Qin Army. The cavalry dealt with their more than 3 infantry.

Such an open area is conducive to the galloping of the cavalry, and escape is a dead end. Only a dense array of spears can withstand the impact of the cavalry.

It's a pity that although these private soldiers are well-equipped, have received formal military training, and have high combat effectiveness, they still have not been tempered by blood and fire on the battlefield, and they are only better than ordinary recruits. The pressure came, and everyone was so frightened that their legs swayed and they retreated desperately. The entire formation was in a mess.

Three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry were like a torrent of steel, huddled together in a mess, and crushed away the black private soldiers.

It is only a few days, and it is impossible for ordinary cavalry to rush back from the construction site of the Great Wall, but the tiger and leopard cavalry with three riders can do it. I didn't stop to rest for a while, and finally arrived at the predetermined location after dark.

The exhausted soldiers fell on the grass, closed their eyes and fell asleep. The exhausted, they desperately seized the time to rest and recover as much energy as possible so that they could go into battle.

An hour and a half could not restore the soldiers who were holding the tiger and leopard cavalry back to their best condition, but it was enough for a battle. They hurriedly ate the dry rations, and according to Li Wei's instructions, tied the four hooves of the horses with thick cloth to ease the speed of the horses galloping. The sound and vibration made from time to time, this trick is very effective. After the tiger and leopard cavalry attacked, they were only discovered by the private soldiers at a very short distance.

This distance is exactly the distance for a war horse to sprint at full speed. Even veterans who have experienced many battles cannot quickly line up in such a short distance, let alone private soldiers who have not been on the battlefield and have undergone blood and fire. soldier.

Facing the rolling torrent of steel, the earth-shattering rumble of hooves crushed most of the private soldiers' will to resist. Many screamed in terror, dropped their weapons and ran away.

"Bastard, who dares to run? Hurry up and form an formation, form an formation..."

More than a dozen leaders and their own soldiers roared desperately, beheading the deserters with their long swords.

Once the morale collapses, the gods are helpless. The more than 3 private soldiers scattered like a colony of ants that exploded their nests, and even the leaders were pushed forward by the surging crowd. You can't help but run, you If you hesitate for a moment, you will be pushed to the ground by the people behind you, and thousands of feet will step on it, and before you can even scream, it will become a big piece of meatloaf.

There were also those who were dizzy and ran directly towards the oncoming Rumble cavalry, and when they realized something was wrong, they were crushed into powder by the torrent of steel before they could utter their desperate screams.

"Fork, what kind of private soldier is this?"

Shang Xingyun, who led the charge, couldn't help cursing aloud. He rushed over so desperately, thinking that he could have a bloody slaughter, but it turned out to be a one-sided massacre.

More than 3 private soldiers had already collapsed, and they were allowed to slaughter, but they could not see clearly at night and could not tell where the enemy's leaders fled, so Shang Xingyun had to order the cavalry to disperse and pursue.

Although the cavalry was scattered, they did not separate randomly and chasing and fleeing the enemy in a chaotic manner, but a small group of hundreds of cavalry formed a small organization to pursue. The tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers who have experienced many battles have already mastered the wolf pack tactics. The Ji Feng Camp trained by He Jin himself can't get the slightest advantage.

The roaring and killing sound pierced the silent night, and also disturbed the sleeping people in the city. The roaring and killing sound was everywhere, and the people didn't know what happened. at home.

At this time, there were torches everywhere on the walls and under the walls of the imperial palace, illuminating the dark night as bright as day.

Under the city, black private soldiers were attacking, and on the city wall, standard Qin soldiers were defending, and the sound of roaring and killing resounded through the sky.

Li Wei stood on the top of the wall and roared loudly to boost the morale of the soldiers. Xiao Xiaoqing'er and the guards each held an iron shield, and their expressions were extremely nervous. There was nothing they could do. They were very nervous, for fear of any accident.

In fact, Li Wei has always kept in mind the wise saying that a gentleman does not build a dangerous wall. However, the defense of the palace is the most critical battle tonight, and there is no room for any mistakes. He had to go to the front line to boost morale.

Although a lot of targeted deployments have been made, but there are too few troops in the city, he has no choice but to cover everything, and he is worried that those who dare to rebel will see the situation is not good and run away in advance. And most of the troops were attracted under the walls of the palace.

There were originally only 500 guards in the palace, and 500 were drawn from the city guards to make up 5000. Adding Li Wei's [-] bodyguards, the total was just such a small force, and the attacking private soldiers were [-]. With more than [-] people, it would be difficult to defend Ruoda's palace.

Fortunately, the careful deployment was made before, and it only needs to last for half an hour or so. After the various ministries have solved their goals, they will quickly return to help and encircle and wipe out the enemies who attacked the palace.

Arrows rained down on the city, and groups of private soldiers screamed and fell down. The ground was piled up with dead bodies in various shapes, and the bluestone was stained red with blood. However, under the supervision of the heads of various families, more and more More and more private soldiers roared and bravely attacked the city.

The gate of the palace has long been blocked by soldiers with various sundries. Even if the gate is broken, it will take some time to remove the sundries before they can enter the palace. It is only necessary to leave one or two soldiers to keep an eye on it. More troops can be invested to defend the city walls.

The walls of the imperial palace are shorter than the outer city, and you only need a long ladder to climb up. Even if you fall from the ladder, if you are lucky, you will break your skin at most, and if you are unlucky, your hands and feet will be broken.

Li Wei kept shouting loudly to boost morale, reminding the snipers from time to time to kill the enemy officers.

In fact, the snipers have not forgotten their duties, but the troops on their side are too few, the wall to be defended is too long, and the enemy is coming up like a tide, sometimes they have to deal with the enemies who have already climbed the top of the city first There is free time to snipe and kill the enemy's officer or leader-level target.

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