In the territory of the Wei Empire, the battle in Feihu City occupied by the Qin army was even more tragic. In the past ten years, it was the first time that Emperor Jin had landed on the territory of the Wei Empire. In addition, all the elites who went out this time, the siege of the city was crazy and very organized , causing considerable casualties and pressure to the Qin army defending the city.

The commander-in-chief of the Jin army is General Longxiang Zhuang Zheng. He also wanted to make meritorious service, so he desperately swung his troops to attack the city, but he didn't know that this was the new Jin Wang Huabin's plan to kill with a knife.

General Longxiang Zhuang Zheng has too many traces of Xuansuju, his concubines are all disciples of Xuansuju, his daughter is also a disciple of Xuansuju, and his position as General Longxiang is also the head of Xuansuju, Xuanyue It took a lot of help to climb up. He is a person with clear grievances and grievances. He is grateful to Xuan Yue in his heart, and he is naturally included in the blacklist by the new Wang Huabin who wants to get rid of him quickly.

If Zhuang Zheng can really break through the city and make great achievements, Hua Bin doesn't mind being promoted to his official position, and it will be easy to get rid of him with an unfounded excuse in the future. If he can't break the city, he will have to bear the disadvantage of siege , the responsibility for the heavy loss, even if his head is not beheaded, this General Long Xiang will definitely be killed. Anyway, it can cause big troubles for the Qin Empire, killing birds with one stone.

Li Wendong guarded Feihu City and dealt with it calmly, coupled with sufficient troops, weapons, equipment, food and grass, he firmly guarded Feihu City without retreating an inch.

Although he envied He Jin and Ming Zhu for commanding the army to attack the city and make great achievements in battle, he also knew the importance of Feihu City. He only needed to block the Jin army in Feihu City, and it would be a great achievement. Being able to get Qin Ting's approval, living up to the young master's kindness, and being able to squeeze into the core of the Li Group, so the pressure in his heart is not too great, as long as the soldiers come to block, the water will flood, as long as he handles it properly, he has full confidence Hold the Flying Tiger City.

Under Anyuan City, the division of labor between Mingzhu and Hejin's coalition forces is detailed. Each of them trapped two city gates, and then ordered the soldiers to dig the soil and build dozens of high earthen platforms outside the city. The city wall was slightly higher by half a meter, and Thunderbolt chariots were erected on it out of the range of the guards' Thunderbolt chariots, firing flat shots at the guards on the city wall.

The most terrifying power of Thunder Chariots is flat shooting, and the lethality caused is very scary. While bombarding the city with a large number of Thunder Chariots, more than 500 Thunder Chariots were also erected on the flat ground, bombarding the city The indiscriminate bombing, which looked like it was about to blow down the city wall, caused extremely heavy psychological pressure on the guards guarding the city.

Anyuan City is an important gateway to Spring City, the capital of the Wei Emperor. Once it is lost, the Qin army can directly march under the city of Spring City and trap the Emperor to death, so there is no room for loss.

At this time, King Wei Gongsundu was so frightened that he couldn't help but desperately urged the Qin King's divisions from all over the country to gather in Chuncheng, with a force of 50 people. He divided an army of 15 people, led by General Shangguan Yunyang Commander, go to Anyuan City to relieve the siege.

A minister said that troops from all over the world are coming in a steady stream. In a month or two, there will be at least 80 million people if there is no one million. Is it too little to send such a small army to rescue the siege?

It is best to send two armies to advance side by side, to fight the Qin army with superior strength, or to solve the siege of Anyuan as soon as possible.

But the cowardly and unmotivated King Wei refused to agree. In his opinion, the safety of the imperial capital Spring City is the most important thing. The more guards there are, the safer it is. It is rare for him to act arbitrarily, which makes the ministers very helpless.

Anyuan's urgent distress letters flew in like snowflakes. Dragon Knight General Shangguan Yunyang didn't dare to delay at all, and gathered 15 troops to set off in a hurry and rushed to Anyuan City to rescue the siege.

When the army had just entered an unnamed Shaan Valley in Jin County on the boundary of Anyuan County, the ambushes rose up, and stones and big trees were used to block the escape route at both ends. Countless flaming fireballs and rockets rolled down from the mountains on both sides, piled up in the canyon. The dry firewood and weeds ignited. Except for the 5 horses of the rear army who did not enter the canyon to escape, Dragon Cavalry General Shangguan Yunyang and 10 horses were all buried in the flames.

Mingzhu and He Jin did not attack the city with their troops, but only bombarded them indiscriminately with thunderbolt chariots and thunder chariots.

Secret spies of the Qin Empire spread all over the Wei Empire, and Ming Zhu and He Jin also sent a large number of Yebushu, desperately spying on the military situation of the Wei Army. As soon as Shangguan Yunyang's army was dispatched, Ming Zhu and He Jin had already received the information , He Jin's troops continued to besiege the city, while Mingzhu led a part of the Phoenix Legion to use the night as a cover to sneak into the unnamed canyon outside Jin County and set up an ambush, and succeeded in one attack.

It's no wonder that Shangguan was careless. Liu County, Chen County, Jin County and other counties are still in the hands of the guards. The Qin Army just trapped Anyuan County to death, and did not sweep these small counties. Jin County is at least five miles away from Anyuan City. During the six-day journey, who would have thought that Mingzhu would dare to lead a small force of the Phoenix Legion to weave around, use the night as cover, and run such a long distance to set up an ambush in the Wuming Canyon in Jin County?

After Mingzhu's troops successfully ambushed Shangguan Yunyang, they led their troops back to the division and swaggered through Chenxian and Liuxian towns. There were [-] guards in the two counties. Watching Mingzhu lead the army to swagger around the city and go far away.

When Mingzhu led the army back to the division, He Jin led the army to attack after the thunderbolt chariot smashed down a section of the city wall of Anyuan City, and captured Anyuan City at the cost of nearly 5000 casualties.

There are 5000 defenders in Anyuan City. The city has high walls and thick walls, and sufficient food and grass. He Jin only paid the price of nearly [-] casualties to take it down, which is considered a brilliant victory.

In fact, He Jin already knew that the weaponry and combat power of the guards were not at the same level as his own. In addition, the city was trapped to death, and the terrifying lethality of the large number of thunderbolt chariots and thunder chariots had already made the soldiers tremble. Heartbroken, morale is very low, if Mingzhu didn't cherish the lives of the soldiers, he would have sent troops to attack.

After capturing the important town of Anyuan, the coalition forces rested for three days, leaving 5000 people to guard the city, and then advanced all the way to Spring City, the capital of the Wei Emperor, sweeping all the counties under the jurisdiction of Anyuan County along the way.

Intimidated by the power of the Qin army, the defenders of the counties did not make any resistance at all, and directly abandoned the city and fled to the imperial capital Chuncheng. It's not easy to deal with.

He Jin's Red Maple Legion and Mingzhu's Phoenix Legion met at the foot of Emperor Wei's capital Spring City a few days before winter.

Chapter 392 The Igloo

Although the first snow in winter has not yet fallen, the weather is already so cold that people are shivering. Fortunately, Li Wei and others have already made sufficient preparations for the cold. Thick winter coats, cotton gloves and cotton socks, and plenty of charcoal to keep warm by the fire.

The coalition forces of Mingzhu and Hejin trapped all the four gates of Chuncheng, the capital of Weidi, to death. The soldiers were ordered to dig trenches outside the city. The situation that Chuncheng has been trapped to death for a long time.

The Qin army outside the city did not attack the city, and the Jin soldiers inside the city were happy to take a break. However, this is just an appearance. Everyone's heart is heavy. The capital is trapped to death. God knows who can turn the tide and rescue the siege?

Pessimism and despair spread throughout the city.

A few days later, the temperature dropped sharply, and a light rain began to fall in the gray sky. After two hours, the light rain gradually turned into light snowflakes, and the ground became more and more wet and muddy.

After nightfall, the falling snowflakes turned into heavy snowflakes, and the sky and the earth were silvery white.

Li Wei and a team of logistics and transportation teams marched hard in the snowstorm and arrived at the city of Spring City a day later than expected. The transportation team not only brought a large number of quilts, winter clothes, gloves, cotton socks, charcoal and other cold-proof items, but also brought Plenty of food and wine.

Under normal circumstances, drinking alcohol is not allowed in the military, but now is a special situation. This ghostly weather can freeze people alive. Strong alcohol can help keep out the cold, as long as you don't get drunk, and it can also boost morale.

The siege of Chuncheng will be a very long process. After a long time, the soldiers on the front line will inevitably miss their loved ones at home and feel war-weary. Therefore, it is necessary to boost the morale of the soldiers from time to time.

For this matter, Li Wei racked his brains and added full-time couriers at each post station to deliver letters from soldiers. All states, provinces and counties have dedicated military communication stations, and the families of soldiers can come to receive letters or deliver letters from time to time. It greatly facilitates the communication between soldiers and their families.

Almost all the soldiers are poor, and most of them can't even write their own names. Li Wei also recruited a group of scholars to act as gunmen, and let them write family letters for the soldiers, and then gathered all the letters and handed them over to the logistics. The transport team took it back, and then transferred it to the post station to send it back to the country.

This move was warmly supported by all the soldiers. The shouts of Long Live the Young Master were louder and louder. Mingzhu Wu Youtian Ce and others were all in admiration. Although this matter was cumbersome and troublesome, it managed to win over the hearts of the soldiers to the greatest extent. Wonderful.

It was freezing cold, and Li Wei and others braved the blizzard to comfort the frontline soldiers. Although he was dressed so thickly that even a sharp steel knife might not be able to cut through it, his toes were still numb from the cold.

Although there were braziers in the tents where the soldiers lived, it was still very cold, and many soldiers were frostbitten. After a few days, nearly 300 non-combat casualties were lost.

Li Wei thought that he had already made sufficient preparations, but he didn't expect that under such bad weather, all the previous thoughts and preparations were still a bit overwhelming.


This is not acceptable, once withdrawn, all previous efforts will be in vain.

Continue to siege the city, this terrible weather will seriously affect the morale of the soldiers, what should we do?

This guy turned his head desperately, recalling some relevant knowledge about winter heating in his previous life, what movies and TV, etc... Well, movies, he remembered, he had seen one before, but he forgot the name, anyway, the venue was the North Pole, a world of ice and snow Yes, the people there live in houses made of ice.

By the way, he fully remembered, the North Pole was mentioned in geography class, and the Eskimos were mentioned. These people lived in igloos to keep out the cold.

At this time, after more than ten consecutive days of heavy snowstorms, a thick layer of snow has already accumulated on the ground, which has reached the ankles, and there is a creaking sound when stepping on it.

At the current temperature, boiling hot water will be frozen into ice immediately when poured on the snow, so it is easy to make ice bricks. Of course, this is the case in theory, but if you make it yourself, you still have to experiment first to know if it works.

The reason why an igloo can be heated is because the igloo is strong and airtight, which can completely block the cold wind outside the house. Secondly, ice is a poor conductor of heat and can be well insulated. The heat in the house can hardly be conducted through the ice wall. go outside.

Li Wei has always been a man of action. As soon as he has an idea in his heart, he immediately puts it into action. His three hundred soldiers are called, and according to his instructions, they sweep the snow and dig the ground, take melted snow and water to make ice bricks, and then put The resulting ice bricks were stacked one by one, poured with hot water for reinforcement, and after the top was sealed, a layer of animal skins and thick hay were spread on the semicircular roof, which was soon covered by fluttering snowflakes.

With a lot of people and strong strength, several semi-dome igloos were completed very quickly. Thick cloth curtains were hung at the door. Thick comforter.

Li Wei called dozens of soldiers to act as experimental mice, and asked them to stay in for one night to see how the situation was going, and then report the truth to him tomorrow, and no concealment was allowed.

In fact, Li Wei really wanted to experience it himself, but he knew that he couldn't really experience it.

His big tent is not only as warm as spring, but there are also two warm quilts, Xiao Xiaoxiao and Qing'er, which are warm all night, just in case you don't have the energy.

Mingzhu also came over occasionally, but every time she was sneaky, afraid of being seen by others, every time she came, Xiao Xiaoxiao and Qing'er lived in the next tent with interest, giving her time and space to be alone with her husband .

During the period of the expedition, the two of them spent the most time with their husband, which must have made the other sisters envious. Therefore, they can't just keep occupying their husband, can they?

Early in the morning, the dozens of soldiers who served as experimental mice were passed into Li Wei's big tent one by one to report the experimental situation. The statistics basically satisfied him. Living in an igloo was much warmer than living in a tent. It is very comfortable, but there is no fire inside, the light is too dark, and it is a bit inconvenient to be blind.

Li Wei didn't remember whether it was possible to light a fire in the igloo, but it was still possible to light a wind lantern for lighting.

After confirming that this heating method was completely feasible, tens of thousands of soldiers of the coalition army immediately got busy, dismantling tents, shoveling snow and digging ground, melting snow to make ice bricks, and working in an orderly manner under the command of the officers. lively.

In just one broad daylight, all the tents stretching for tens of miles were dismantled and replaced with white semi-domed igloos. The soldiers happily moved their personal belongings into the designated igloos. Statistics plummeted, and morale was unaffected.

The guards in the city were not treated so well. They huddled up and huddled next to the brazier to keep warm. The pits of the Tibetan soldiers were ventilated everywhere. war of the Damned.

In the palace of King Wei Gongsundu, it was the complete opposite. The charcoal fires placed everywhere gave off a lot of heat, and the palace was as warm as spring. Unless you went out, you would definitely sweat if you wore a coat.

Gongsun Du's mood has gradually improved recently, so today he held a large banquet in the palace for all the civil servants and generals.

The goose feather heavy snow has been falling non-stop, and it is freezing cold, so cold that it is deadly. This is definitely great news for the defenders, but it is definitely bad news for the attackers. The empire turned defeat into victory. In this winter.

Before the imperial capital Chuncheng was under siege, Qin Wang's divisions from all over the country came one after another. In addition, the army that conquered the glacier Wulansu and other tribes returned triumphantly. Now it has nearly 80 troops, and the entire Spring City has become a huge military city.

Wei Wang Gongsundu intends to endure it, and wait until the time is right before launching a full-scale counterattack, defeating the Qin army in one fell swoop, and reversing the unfavorable situation.

Prince Wei Gongsundu was in a good mood, and he naturally remembered Anasha, the queen of Ulansu who was under house arrest in the palace. She had blond hair and blue eyes, breasts and buttocks, and was very exotic. She was a stunning beauty.

Thinking of it, King Wei Gongsun Du felt hot all over, but he was devastated by successive defeats in the previous battle, how could he have the time and mood to pay attention to this charming blonde beauty with blue eyes.

Gongsundu decided that he must be lucky with this beauty tonight!

Chapter 393

Queen Anasha, who had showered in the fragrant soup, only wore a thin pink gauze, her beautiful curves looming, adding a bit of magic to the soul.

Half a month ago, she was escorted into Spring City by the guards, and she was imprisoned in the deep palace. She had no worries about food and clothing, and could even walk around at will, but the palace gates were overlapping. She tried to escape several times, but after running for a long time, she was still in the maze. Wandering around in the ordinary harem, was "invited" back to the forbidden palace where the eunuchs and maids lived.

Queen Anasha was a little desperate. After hearing the comments of the court ladies and eunuchs, and knowing that the army of the Qin Empire had approached the city and trapped the city of Chuncheng to death, she realized that the lord was so busy that he didn't have the mood and time to deal with her. , otherwise it would have been eaten long ago.

She wished that the Qin army would break through the city sooner, but today, she heard the maid say that the fatuous King Wei was suddenly in a good mood, and even threw a big banquet in the palace, which immediately made her feel bad. Could it be that the Qin army was defeated?

After being bathed by the maids, she sat on the soft chair in a daze, very anxious, but didn't know what to do.

In the midst of panic, a beautiful woman in palace costume, Niaoyao Nana, came in, and after waving her hand to drive away the palace maids and eunuchs, a pair of beautiful eyes focused on Queen Anasha.

Queen Anasha met the other party's scrutiny without showing any weakness. She didn't know the purpose of this Concubine An, who was so favored by the emperor, was she worried that she would fall out of favor? "Did you enjoy your stay?"


Queen Anasha blurted out, then shook her head, "But I don't want to stay here even if I die."

The climate and environment of the glacier are very harsh, and only those who have lived there have a deep understanding. Compared with the Central Plains, it is simply the difference between heaven and hell. If it is not forced to help, who would want to live in such a ghostly place?

The magnificence of the Imperial Palace of the Wei Empire dazzled her, and she was filled with emotion in her heart. It would be against her will to say that she didn't like it, but if she was allowed to stay and serve that stupid king, she would rather die.

Concubine An nodded and said softly, "Do you want to leave?"

Queen Anasha rolled her phoenix eyes, aren't you talking nonsense?However, her heart moved, and she asked back: "Are you worried about falling out of favor?"

Concubine An smiled slightly, took out a small ornament from her sleeve, put it on the desk in front of her, said something that made Anasha inexplicable, and left in a hurry.

When you saw him, you said it was an old friend of Tianxianglou begging him to show mercy.

What does it mean?who is he?I will meet him?An old friend of Tianxianglou?This is easy to understand. He is An Fei's friend, so he begged him to show mercy, but the question is who is he?

The very inexplicable sentence made Queen Anasha think hard and couldn't think of a reason. Her eyes fell on the ornament on the desk, and her heart moved, and she immediately caught it in her hand.

That is a very ordinary iron hairpin, but one end is polished so sharp that it can kill people even if it penetrates into a vital point.

After she was escorted into the harem, the hidden daggers on her body, even the phoenix hairpins on her head, were searched by those court ladies and eunuchs, and there were no metal objects left in the palace. Too big and too heavy to hold.

Queen Anasha's heart suddenly thumped wildly, Concubine An wants me to stab King Wei to death?

No, if that was the case, she wouldn't have said that sentence.

Just as she was thinking wildly, she suddenly heard the singing of the king coming, which startled her a lot. She jumped up instinctively, clenched the iron hairpin in her hand, feeling extremely nervous.

As the footsteps approached, Queen Anasha looked down at the iron fork in her clenched hands, suddenly felt something was wrong, and quickly hid her hands behind her back.

"My concubine, I'm here."

The chubby Prince Wei Gongsun Du came in excitedly, seeing Queen Anasha who was in front of Qiao Li with a tense expression, a hot figure, and a tempting crime, he couldn't help swallowing, and waved all the eunuchs and maids out. Then rubbing his hands together, he eagerly stepped forward, wanting to hug the beauty into his arms.

Wen Xiang nephrite hugged his arms, King Wei Gongsun Du was sweating profusely, but it was not hot sweat, but cold sweat, because an extremely sharp thorn stuck to the vital part of his throat, as if it had pierced the skin , He howled in pain.

Several eunuchs guarding outside the hall rushed in when they heard the sound, and when they saw Queen Anasha restraining the king, their faces turned pale with fright.

The soldiers guarding outside the palace were also alarmed, and they all rushed in. They all pointed their iron swords and spears at Queen Anasha, but no one dared to step forward. The iron thorn in Queen Anasha's hand had pierced the king The blood flowed out from his skin, and Queen Anasha's hand only needs to gently send the king back to the west.

The commander of the guard coaxed and frightened, but Queen Anasha just clasped Wei Wang Gongsundu's neck with one hand, and the iron hairpin with the other hand, without saying a word, just looked at everyone in front of her coldly.

Ulansu was originally a nomadic people in the grasslands. Men, women and children are good at riding and archery. After being defeated by the Golden Empire, they fled to the extremely cold glacier to inhabit. The extremely harsh climate and environment of the glacier can temper people's physical fitness and will. Although Anasha You are a queen, but she is not a delicate flower in the greenhouse. Her riding, shooting and melee fighting have reached the level of tribal warriors, and it is easy to restrain the pampered King Wei Gongsundu.

" hurts to death...quickly save me..."

Wei Wang Gongsundu's pitiful howling like killing a pig made all the soldiers dare not act rashly.

Soon, the entire palace was alarmed, the empress's eldest grandson and all the concubines poured in, everyone was so frightened that they didn't know what to do.

"Anasha, as long as you let the king go, you can do whatever you want."

It was Concubine An who was talking, currently she only favored the harem, and the Empress Changsun wanted to give her three points. As soon as she spoke, all the concubines including Empress Changsun nodded desperately, as if they had found their backbone, and they all agreed with An Concubine Concubine's words.

"I want to go home!"

Queen Anasha glanced at her, exerted a little force on her hand, and Prince Wei Gongsun Du immediately let out a miserable howl like killing a pig. Since he was a child, he has never suffered much. His neck really hurts.

When he howled miserably, Empress Changsun and the others were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They were all panicked, and their eyes instinctively focused on Concubine An.

"Okay, but you must ensure the safety of the king."

Concubine An calmly issued a series of orders, ordering everyone to leave the palace. A court lady put Anasha in a fur coat to keep out the cold, put on cotton shoes, and then she herself carried a palace lantern and walked ahead to open the way.

Anasha escorted Prince Wei and Gongsundu to walk behind, followed by soldiers like Lin, followed by Empress Changsun, who was so frightened that her hands and feet were weak, and other concubines, as well as civil and military officials who came from the court after hearing the news.

Many ministers in the court were quite dissatisfied with Concubine An, thinking that she had seduced the king, but after seeing her performance now, they felt a great deal of affection in their hearts. This beloved concubine has the bearing of a mother.

Queen Anasha carefully escorted Prince Wei Gongsundu out of the palace slowly. Outside the gate of the palace, there was already a luxurious carriage for the imperial use. Anasha escorted Gongsundu into the carriage, and Concubine An also got in.

Behind the carriage was a large number of soldiers. Several times, the master guards in the palace wanted to take risks to save people. They were either stopped by Concubine An or scolded by Empress Changsun. Are you harboring evil intentions and wanting to kill the king?

This crime was ransacking the family and exterminating the family. None of those master guards dared to do anything, so they could only ride behind the carriage.

Although it was a night of heavy snow and howling cold wind, the officers and soldiers of the brigade came out suddenly and sealed the whole street tightly, which still alarmed the people. Everyone looked out from the cracks in the doors, but unfortunately, except for the many officers and soldiers who were like wolves and tigers Besides, they saw nothing.

Queen Anasha walked through the south gate, and a large number of officers and soldiers rushed to the top of the south gate. Numerous torches illuminated the south gate as bright as day, which naturally alarmed the Qin army outside the city.

Li Weiming, Zhu Hejin and others all crowded to the defense line of the southern city, climbed up the high tower to wait and see, and the soldiers were also ordered to enter the fortifications. The thunderbolt chariot and thunder chariot were loaded with stone bullets and giant arrows, ready to launch at any time.

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