All kinds of New Deal measures are all beneficial to the country and the people, and the common people live a good life. If corrupt officials are found and investigated one by one, who would dare to do evil?Besides being grateful to Dade, who would be dissatisfied?

Therefore, there is no need for Li Wei and others to make any deliberate arrangements and preparations. Mingzhu can feel at ease to observe the people's conditions, and occasionally find some small problems, but these small problems are not problems in Mingzhu's eyes. Compared with the Jin Empire, which has lived for many years, it is very different.

Of course, Mingzhu's understanding of the people's sentiments is not limited to the area around the imperial capital Chang'an, she even went to remote villages in the area under the jurisdiction of Hongfeng Province, where she saw the same prosperous scene and heard the same voice of praise , and even some radical scholars publicly stated that only the government orders of the Qin Empire are suitable for the development of today's society. I believe that in another ten years, the Qin Empire must become the most powerful empire in the Cangyun Continent.

Mingzhu spent more than a month, traveled to many places, witnessed the vibrant scenes of the Qin Empire everywhere, and praised the prime minister everywhere, at this time, she already had a satisfactory answer in her heart.

Xiao Xiaoxiao and Qing'er took turns to accompany her to observe the people's sentiments. They were also smart, and Wu You confessed some things specially. .

Mingzhu already had the answer in her heart, so she no longer went to the villages to observe the people's conditions, but went to visit the Imperial Research Office.

There are many skilled craftsmen in every empire, but no empire like Qin Empire pays so much attention to these skilled craftsmen, and the treatment alone is much better than that of ordinary officials, which makes Mingzhu feel curious and surprised.

"Sister, you don't know, Xianggong, technology represents the productivity of an era, so Xianggong proposed the measure of rejuvenating the country through science and technology."

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was accompanying her, explained to her in a low voice, and she didn't know how to explain such profound things as productivity. Fortunately, she had heard something from her husband before, such as the plows that ordinary people use to plow the fields.

Of course, Mingzhu has seen plows also known as young master plows. All empires in the mainland are using this kind of plows. However, except for some aristocratic families who are willing to spend their money, the plows used by the people are made of wood and are easily damaged. Therefore, the cost is also high, and most people cannot afford it at all.

Throughout the Qin Empire, there are all iron plows. In a continent with backward technology, iron ore is expensive. Needless to say, it is all used in military affairs.

But the Qin Empire benefited the common people, how much courage does it take? "Our husband has invented many miraculous things, such as young master wine, young master font, young master plow movable type printing and so on."

Xiao Xiaoxiao counted them one by one with her fingers, her pretty face was full of pride, women are the ones who are happy, and the pride of husband-in-law is also their pride.

"Sometimes, we all feel that Xianggong is not human at all."


Mingzhu responded in a low voice, how many weird ideas are still in my husband's mind, how can he come up with so many weird and admirable things?The two of them suddenly thought of something, looked at each other, and their pretty faces turned red. In a certain way, the husband is also not a human being. He rushed to the scene and tossed them all to pieces. Can ordinary people have this ability? ? "Perhaps, as long as you give Xianggong another ten years, the empire will become the most powerful empire on the mainland."

At this time, Xiao Xiaoxiao is no longer acting, but expressing his true feelings, unable to control himself, "Msang Gong said that only by unifying the mainland, without wars and disputes, can the people of the world be rescued from the fire and water."

"My Xianggong once said such a sentence, I launched a war just to eliminate the war. We sisters didn't understand it at the time, but thought that it was Xianggong's ambition to dominate the world, but we didn't know that his real ambition was for the people of the world. People, with this husband and son-in-law, what is there to leave behind in this life?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao revealed his true feelings and sighed a lot. The same thoughts surged in Mingzhu's heart. Wars often broke out between empires, but they were only out of interests, and never considered the life and death of the people. The common people in the world, how great and noble is this?

Mingzhu didn't know that she had been brainwashed unknowingly, and she began to worship her husband blindly, and was completely moved by his great ideals.

After returning home, she asked Han Zhuoyun some questions, then sat alone in the room and began to think about some questions slowly.

In fact, these questions are what she asked Han Zhuoyun just now. If she wants to save the common people in the world, the only way is to launch a war and unify the mainland.

When there is only one empire in the mainland, there will naturally be no disputes, and without disputes, there will naturally be no wars, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment.

The sooner the war ends, the people will be able to live a better life earlier, and the prerequisite for this to be achieved is that the empire must be strong, crushing all empires with a powerful army.

Of course, wars inevitably lead to death, a lot of people died, but this was only a temporary disaster. Han Zhuoyun made a calculation for her. The cumulative number of deaths in the wars that have occurred in the mainland in the past ten years is too many to count. Countless people's families were ruined and displaced, and it was a last resort and a necessity to exchange a temporary disaster for the stability of the mainland for thousands of years.

This night, Mingzhu thought a lot, and only fell asleep in a daze when it was almost dawn.

"Ah, sister Mingzhu, what's the matter with you, are you not feeling well?"

When eating breakfast the next morning, the attentive Qing'er noticed something strange about Mingzhu. Although her eyes were as bright as usual, they were obviously a little bloodshot. It must be because she didn't sleep well last night and suffered from insomnia.

Mingzhu shook her head. After the meal, she pulled Qing'er and Xiao Xiaoxiao into the room, hesitated for a while, and then hesitated to express her thoughts. I also want to help my husband solve problems, but my strength is that I can lead soldiers In war, it's just that if I, a woman, want to be in charge of the army, my husband won't be angry, right? "Oh, my silly sister, have you forgotten who you are?"

"That's right, sister, you are recognized as the undefeated Goddess of War in mainland China. If you are not qualified to command the military, who else in the world is qualified?"

Qing'er and Xiao Xiaoxiao looked at each other, and suppressed the ecstasy in their hearts. In order to convince you, Xianggong and others have spent a lot of effort, but you finally figured it out. Xianggong was too happy to be happy, so how could you be blamed? "I... I am afraid that my husband will be dissatisfied..."

Mingzhu snorted, she was really worried that her parents-in-law would be dissatisfied with her being a woman who showed her face in public, and led troops to fight like a man, what is the point of this? "Sister, don't worry, it's up to us."

Xiao Xiaoxiao and Qing'er said a few words of comfort, and couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts, they rushed to announce the good news to Xianggong impatiently.


Li Wei thought he had heard wrongly, so he asked again, and after confirming that he heard correctly, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth together, he embraced the two girls in his arms, and said with a smile: "You guys helped my husband." I'm very busy, and I have made such a great contribution. Do you think I should thank you for my husband? Hehe..."

The two girls bowed their heads in shame, their jade cheeks flushed, and the family laws, punishments, and rewards for merit that the husband talked about were all absurd things that made people feel ashamed, but couldn't stop, loved and feared.

Xiao Xiaoxiao snorted, broke free from her husband's embrace, and ran away as if fleeing for her life. Just a few nights ago, she was fooled once, and now thinking about it, she was so ashamed that she dared not go out.

Li Wei can't wait to give prizes to the two concubines right away. However, he has no time right now. The formation of the Phoenix Legion has been planned a few days ago, but it has not been put on the agenda. Now, he is a little impatient wait.

Chapter 382 Phoenix Legion

The formation of the Phoenix Legion was officially put on the agenda, but in fact it was just a formality. Anyway, Li Wei left all these tedious matters to the cheap daddy, and continued to act as his hands-off shopkeeper.

However, the formation of the Phoenix Legion was not very smooth, because with the current financial resources of the empire, it was quite difficult to support the original four major legions. In addition, knowing that Mingzhu's arrival was still deliberately concealed, not many people knew about it, and opposed it. The commenters don't even know that the Phoenix Legion is tailor-made for Mingzhu.

In fact, the establishment of the Phoenix Legion is a matter of certainty, and with the full support of important masterminds such as Tian Ce, Wen Zishan, Wu You, the matter has passed, and the site of the Phoenix Legion is located in the newly built camp in the north of Chang'an City. Inside.

The new military camp in the north of the city is still under construction. Li Wei first took Mingzhu to visit the military academy opened in the imperial capital the year before last, and let her learn about some of the regular military training subjects added by the empire.

The training of the Qin Empire spread all over the mainland, and it became a joke for a while. No one believed that the training of walking around was of any use. It would be better to use this time to let the soldiers practice more fighting skills.

Mingzhu Zong is a military prodigy, but he only listened to what others said about this kind of maneuver training. He did not witness the maneuver training of the soldiers of the Qin Army, let alone feel the atmosphere and momentum. Have doubts.

Most of the students in the imperial military academies are reserve officers, as well as outstanding reserve soldiers, and of course there are grassroots officers and soldiers in service. In short, these non-commissioned officers receive formal and strict military training, and will be assigned to various troops after graduation Act as a grassroots officer.

The commander-in-chief of the first army issues orders, the ordering officers convey the orders to the generals of the brigades, and the generals pass on the orders, and the grassroots officers direct the soldiers under them to carry out the orders of the commander. Therefore, the grassroots officers are the foundation and cornerstone of an army.

The instructors of the school are all veterans who survived the bloody battle, but most of them are disabled and can no longer fight on the battlefield, so after careful selection, only the best are arranged to serve as instructors in military academies, enjoying some enviable special treatment.

Most of these instructors who have brushed against the god of death are heartless and cold-blooded animals. One by one, they practiced the student soldiers under their hands to the point of death, which also forged their steel-like determination.

Now, Mingzhu is standing on the general platform, witnessing groups of non-commissioned officers lined up neatly, striding forward in a uniform pace, striding past in front of her with high spirits, she feels the same, and immediately understands Seeing the beauty of training in formation, Fang felt a little more admiration and admiration for the husband who created this new routine military training subject.

Mingzhu also held a large volume of imperial military routine training courses, imperial war history and tactics in her hand, which she needed to read.

Books such as the history of the mainland's wars recorded some of the most famous battles in the mainland, as well as the analysis and annotations of famous generals from various countries. She had read, studied, and annotated them all, but with the rapid development of the Qin Empire's technology , has completely surpassed the level of the mainland countries. With the invention and innovation of various equipment, new tactics have also been born, such as the crossbow that uses pedals to fill arrows, and the three-edged heavy crossbow that can penetrate heavy armor. Arrows, the arrow array composed of thousands of archers can implement long-range coverage, similar to modern artillery, which can give the enemy a fatal blow, and can also block the enemy's attack and cover the soldiers of one's own side. This is a new tactic.

Like a thunderbolt chariot that launches stone bullets, this guy is a heavy weapon for attacking and invincible. Since Li Wei accidentally ground the stone bullets with a water wheel, the accuracy of the grain has been greatly improved and a certain range has been ensured. It can implement long-range precise coverage, suppress and destroy the enemy's Thunderbolt chariot, which is another new tactic.

The thunder chariot has more functions, it can be used as a fixed turret, it can be installed on a warship, it can be used for long-distance attack or short-range shooting, and the power of short-range shooting is even more terrifying. Fortifications.

There is also the heavy armor attack and defense that traps the camp. With the solid and thick iron armor, the defense is impenetrable and the offense is invincible. And mastering, as well as the coordinated operations of various arms, etc., is enough for her to study for one round.

After visiting various military workshops, Mingzhu discovered that the military development of the Qin Empire had grown to a level that was outrageous, and that all the empires on the mainland could not match it. She was amazed and admired and worshiped her own husband. Like sons and daughters, a little blind.

There are too many things to watch, study, and study, and Mingzhu becomes busy all of a sudden, but it also makes her feel extra fulfilled.

Li Wei, the hands-off shopkeeper, is also busy. This time, he is really busy. For the sake of Pearl's Phoenix Legion, he personally takes care of the big and small matters. In dozens of large warehouses.

The empire originally had four major legions with a staff of about 10. Among them, the light cavalry troops were equipped with at least 5000 horsemen, 5000 thunder chariots, and more than [-] thunderbolt chariots. The full number of Zhang Nu's archers is [-], and the rest are all infantry, of which [-] are auxiliary soldiers.

However, the number of legions depends on the situation. If there is no war, basically only a standing army of less than [-] soldiers will be kept. The remaining [-] soldiers will be disbanded and go home to farm. They will be called for military training when they are free.

Li Wei wants to recruit 10 people for Mingzhu's Phoenix Legion in one go. In addition to the number of Thunderbolt Chariots and Thunderbolt Chariots, which are the same as the other four major legions, the number of light cavalry troops is [-]. Two thousand heavy armored soldiers were recruited from the reserve team of the trapped camp.

This has already made people envious. If the Phoenix Legion wants to quickly form combat power, it has to recruit some veterans and low-level officers from the four legions to enrich it, so that the old can bring the new, which makes the commanders and generals of the four legions full of complaints.

There are more than 400 non-commissioned officers in the two military academies in Jiayue Province, the capital of Chang'an, who are about to graduate soon, and all of them will be assigned to the Phoenix Legion to take up military positions. Some mid-to-high-ranking officers were recruited from the legion, such as the well-known second-generation official Tian Youwen Junchen and others, and Han Zhuoyun, who had just joined the Li Group and performed quite outstandingly, was also assigned to Mingzhu to serve as a staff member, etc. Deputy, in short, the treatment of the Phoenix Legion was so good that the commanders and generals of the four major legions had a lot of opinions, until they learned that the commander in charge of the Phoenix Legion was the goddess of war who was famous in the mainland and had an unpaid defeat. I was stunned.

In fact, considering Mingzhu's feelings, Li Wei persuaded her not to show her true face, just use a false name, and even didn't want to use the Phoenix Legion in the future duel with the Jin Empire, but Mingzhu had already seen it and made up her mind. Insisting on making it public, Li Wei had no choice but to let her go.

In the final analysis, Mingzhu was still deceived by his so-called great ideal of saving the world from suffering. She didn't know that her husband's great ideal was actually to gather all the beauties in the world into the harem, and to hold a grand meeting without any cover.

To form a new army of 10 people, it doesn't mean that it can be formed immediately. After all kinds of work are ready, it will be the busy season of spring farming in the second year.

After the spring plowing, the Phoenix Legion was formally formed. The commander was the famous invincible god of war Pearl in the mainland, Tian Yuwen, Junchen Han Zhuoyun and others were the staff, and the battle flag of the legion was the red phoenix, which was engulfed in flames.

The treatment of soldiers in the Qin Empire Army is much better than that of other imperial armies. The soldiers were successfully brainwashed and fought for the glory of the soldiers for the empire. The common people were proud to be able to enlist in the army. Enough recruits were recruited within a few days. This is still after careful selection. It is said that there are as many as 10,000+ young and strong people who flock to sign up.

After recruiting enough soldiers, the next step is to carry out various routine military training. In the spacious barracks, the sounds of drills sound one after another, making it very lively.

Mingzhu's disclosure of her identity not only suppressed dissatisfaction from all parties, but also established her prestige in the Phoenix Legion. Looking around the world, who would dare to doubt her ability to command the army?

383 Chapter Grace

Mingzhu disclosed her identity, married Li Wei as a concubine, and took charge of the Phoenix Legion. There were many advantages, but there were also disadvantages. In short, the entire Cangyun Continent was shocked. For a while, various voices flooded the continent, and Li Wei became the attack of Mingfan. The goal, many women and the little girls in the boudoir have different reactions, most of them are jealous, and many people admire and envy. At least, Mingzhu dares to pursue her own happiness, but they can only obey the arrangement of their parents and elders. A man I've never met, who I don't know at all.

The voices of the scholar-bureaucrats of the various empires were one-sided. Mingzhu was the future concubine designated by the old Jin Wang Huazhao, but she escaped on the eve of the wedding and married Li Wei, the Hussar General of the Qin Empire, as his concubine. Gotta crackle.

Although many people's hearts are sour, they would rather accept the current result, but also look at the jokes of the Jin Empire, who made the Jin Empire too powerful, and beat them at every turn, and finally let out a bad breath .

In the Jin court, the new Jin Wang Huabin was furious, staring at his red eyes like wild animals and roaring. He wanted to use all his strength to fight the whole country and destroy the Qin Empire, and all the ministers were silent.

It's no wonder Huabin is so furious. It's the same for anyone else. If your woman is abducted by others, it's fine. You keep a low profile and sneak around. Everyone knows that the face is slapped, who can bear it?

Everyone thought that the enraged new king would really send troops to conquer the Qin Empire. A few people were eager to do so. However, the result of the court discussion was unexpected. The new king only sent a mission to the Qin Empire, threatening to sever diplomatic relations and start a war.

Another order is to allocate additional military expenditures to the navy and build a large number of naval warships.

The mission set off on the same day and rushed to the Qin Empire. Xuan Yue, who had just been granted the title of national teacher, was the deputy envoy and accompanied the mission.

"Young master, don't worry, Huabin dare not go to war, at most he threatens to sever diplomatic relations."

Tian Ce and other important counselors looked calm and calm. Hua Bin had just ascended the throne, and the old King Jin had not been buried yet. The situation was not stable yet. Apart from threats, Hua Bin would not dare to start a war at all, unless he was a lunatic.

Hua Bin is not a lunatic, this guy is quite talented, ambitious, and has a deep family, so he will definitely endure it for a while. After two or three years, when he is firmly on the throne, he will definitely declare war on the Qin Empire and increase the strength of the navy. Allocating military spending is preparing for the war two years later.

"However, for Ming Shuai, this trouble is still there."

Wen Zishan reminded that the so-called trouble refers to Xuanyue, she is Mingzhu's master, the master of heaven and earth, she is equivalent to Mingzhu's elder, if it is not handled properly, Mingzhu's reputation will inevitably be damaged.

This is a troublesome matter, it depends on Mingzhu's attitude, no one can help.

Li Wei rubbed his swollen temples and rushed to the military camp in the north of the city. After Mingzhu took charge of the Phoenix Army, she spent most of her time in the military camp, eating and lodging with the soldiers, and quickly won the respect of the entire army.

"My husband, my concubine..."

Wearing a fiery red phoenix battle armor, Mingzhu retreated from the generals and stood up to apologize. She wanted to let the Phoenix Legion form a fighting force as soon as possible. respect.

As a result, it is natural not to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a wife.

She was not only worried about the blame from her husband, but also from her parents-in-law, and she was always uneasy.

"It's too late to thank you for my husband, how can I blame you, don't think too much about it."

Li Wei embraced him in his arms and comforted him softly.


Mingzhu's jade cheeks were blushing, and she twisted her delicate body uneasily. This is a military camp, and her husband, who is the commander of the Chinese army, is not at all restless, which made her feel happy and ashamed at the same time.

"Hush, listen to Mr. Xiang."

While removing the carefully crafted new-style phoenix armor for her, Li Wei told about the visit of the Jin Empire mission, and then looked at her nervously.

Mingzhu let out a low sigh, then her face became solemn, and she said slowly: "Don't worry, Mrs. Mingzhu, since the day she left, Mingzhu is no longer Xuan Suju's disciple."

It's just a short sentence, and there are many meanings to express, but it also shows her determination.

Li Wei couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, what he was most worried about was that Ming Zhu would not be able to face Xuan Yue's accountability, this ghost woman was shrewd all her life, but she was really stupid to kill Zhen'er in front of Ming Zhu.

"Mingzhu, Xianggong misses you, this, and this..."

This guy was in a good mood, suddenly he held Mingzhu's hand with a smile on his face, put it on his chest, and then moved it down.


Mingzhu was ashamed, and when her husband was dishonest, she was simply inhuman.

On that day, Mingzhu returned to the mansion surrounded by guards after training the recruits and arranging the military affairs. Her husband missed her, and she had to go home to fulfill her responsibilities and obligations as a wife.

A few days later, the Jin imperial mission arrived in Chang'an. Prime Minister Li Gang hosted a banquet in the prime minister's mansion. Faced with the threat of the Jin special envoy, Li Gang just smiled lightly and said that Mingzhu is the daughter-in-law of my Li family. If you dare to touch the old man's family, try. Directly put the envoy of Jin to death.

Afterwards, Jin Deputy Envoy Xuan Yue paid a private visit, and Su Yuejiao received her as the prime minister's wife, accompanied by Kong Rong, Xiao Xiaoqing'er and Ming Zhu, while Little Six and Poison Lady Zhao Fengqin waited on her.

Xuan Yue's temper has been a bit irritable recently, without any courtesy, she just wanted to pull Mingzhu to speak alone.

"Guangshi Xuanyue has something to say directly to the face, I can still afford it."

Su Yuejiao stretched out her hand to block it, and when their palms touched, Xuan Yue's face changed slightly.

Both of them were of the same generation, Xuan Yue's martial arts were unfathomable, and Zhang Fenghua, the frustrated master, was defeated by her. Her reputation in the Jianghu had reached its peak, and she accepted it calmly as the leader of the Jianghu Baidao.

On the contrary, except for Su Yuejiao's little fame when she was young, not many people knew about her. After marrying Li Gang, she disappeared in the Jianghu.

Xuanyue only knew that she was a disciple of Gu Daoren, but the two had never fought against each other. They just tried it just now, and their complexion couldn't help changing slightly. Su Yuejiao's internal strength was even higher than hers.

It's no wonder that in the past few years, she has focused on controlling the power of the Jin court and infiltrating the courts of various empires. It can be said that she has spent all her energy and time on this aspect.

Except that Su Yuejiao was a little anxious about her grandson, most of the time she was idle and had nothing to do, concentrating on her cultivation, her skill was increasing day by day, and she had completely stabilized Xuan Yue's head.

The expression on Xuan Yue's face was ugly. She had secretly observed all the people in the hall, and only by looking at their aura, she could already feel how advanced the inner strength of the girls was. Level, and after a few more years of hard work, you can enter the ranks of the master level.

Qing'er is slightly inferior by one or two points, but she can also be regarded as a super master.

As for Zhao Fengqin, although her cultivation base is not very high, there is a fluffy little guy squatting on her left shoulder. At first glance, it looks a bit like a squirrel, but its fur is white, and it eats colorful spiders and scorpions. , Needless to say, he must be a master at playing drugs.

This kind of person is poisonous all over his body, and even a master-level master will have a headache when he encounters it.

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