The fourth son Han Zhuoyun's voice sounded, he is eighteen years old, quite talented and famous, he is still traveling and studying, and has no plans to become an official at all.

Universal Chamber of Commerce?

Frowning, Han Shizhong's heart moved, and he ordered Han Fu to invite the guests into the hall, and then called his fourth son, Han Zhuoyun, into the study.

"What's Zhuo'er's opinion?"

Han Shizhong looked at this young son who had just grown up, and a thousand feelings suddenly surged in his heart.

When the Han clan gained power, he could use his authority and Wang Chong to give Han Zhuoyun a half-time official position. According to his talent, any county magistrate is more than enough, but Han Zhuoyun is still young and lacks knowledge. , I am afraid that it is difficult to take on the heavy responsibility and refuse. I have been traveling for the past few years, and almost traveled the entire Cangyun Continent.

Regardless of his young age, he is quite insightful, much better than his older brothers. Sometimes Han Shizhong encounters difficult troubles, and even consults his opinion to solve the matter satisfactorily.

Now Han Shizhong is in the most difficult time, and it can even be said that he was forced to a desperate situation by the Lu family.

The people from the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce suddenly posted a post asking for an interview, which allowed him to see a glimmer of light in the darkness. However, this matter was unusual, and he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

"Father, does the child know why the child is unwilling to become an official?"

Han Zhuoyun answered irrelevant questions, with a faint smile on his face. Years of traveling had allowed him to gain a lot of knowledge and become more stable and confident.

The reason why he didn't become an official was because he didn't look down on the Tang Empire. Tang Wangjili was not a wise master, and he was not worthy of his service.

It is true that it can be a moment of success, but he sees farther.

During the few years of traveling, he spent most of his time in the Qin Empire, traveling all corners of the Qin Empire, silently observing and thinking, how can a weak empire that has been bullied by the Tang Empire for many years quickly rise in such a short period of time? , On the contrary, the Tang Empire was beaten very badly, and the national power quickly surpassed the Tang Empire. This is the main reason why the Qin Empire implemented various new policies to benefit the people. As the saying goes, water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it. The truth, but how many people can do it?Han Zhuoyun is an outright defender of the ruling class. Like all scholar-bureaucrats, he takes it for granted that the common people serve them. However, he believes that violence alone will not work to make the common people obediently. As long as they have enough to eat, live a good life, and have hope in their lives, who would want to do such a rebellious thing that loses their heads?

He traveled around the world and felt that in this regard, only the Qin Empire can truly benefit the people, and the Wei Empire is protected from the torment of war due to its unique geographical location, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment. It can be regarded as a benevolent monarch without aggressiveness, not enough to assist.

The royal power of the Qin Empire has declined, and Prime Minister Li Gang has monopolized the power of the court. The various new policies implemented show his courage. It is understood that most of the new policies are from the famous mainland, who is known as the youngest and most promising Li Wei Li.

He spent a lot of time collecting and getting to know this legendary figure. The more he got to know, the more he realized that he was almost omnipotent. All-around freak, of course, this legendary power is not without flaws, it is said to be a bit good.

Then again, which man doesn't have three wives and four concubines?

This small shortcoming is harmless at all and can be ignored.

Nowadays, the people of the Qin Empire only know Prime Minister Li and the Li family father and son, but not the Qin Dynasty. There are even various rumors, which generally mean that the Li family will replace the Qin family as the royal family.

The government didn't stop such rebellious rumors, they let them go, and they won the hearts of the people.

Han Zhuoyun also knew that with the passage of time, the Li family would sooner or later replace the Qin family as the royal family of the Qin Empire. Even if the Li family did not have this ambition, they would still be embraced as the throne by those subordinates. This is the so-called general trend.

In short, he believes that the Li family fully meets all the conditions he set up, and is worthy of serving as a master. For the long-term interests of the Han family, he must fight for it, but what is lacking is only an opportunity.

When he entered the house just now, he happened to see a few people who claimed to be from the Universal Chamber of Commerce posting a post asking to see his father. After seeing it, he couldn't help being ecstatic, because he recognized one of them. remember.

Han Zhuoyun stayed in the Qin Empire for the longest time, and usually just observed and understood silently. Many times when he saw Li Wei going out to do errands surrounded by guards, he stood watching from a distance.

He has always had a good memory, so he naturally remembered Wu You's appearance.

Wu Youguan, known as the "poison man", worshiped the right army division of General Hussar's mansion to offer wine. One of Li Hussar's most trusted masterminds came here in person, explaining how much Li Hussars valued the Han family. This is a good opportunity for Shi to rise again, and he must not miss it. He has made up his mind in an instant, and he must convince his father.

He also made the worst plan, if his father refused, for the sake of Han's future, he would work alone, and at the same time prove to his father, brothers and elders that his choice was correct.

Han Shizhong, who had calmed down, was not dissatisfied with the youngest son's answer. He just bowed his head and pondered for a while before nodding. The son has grown up and has his own thoughts. However, he is not optimistic about the Tang Empire?Han Zhuoyun first analyzed the current situation, and then briefly stated what he saw, heard and observed during his travels in the past few years, and then said: "Father, this is the only chance for the Han family to rise again. Father, please consider carefully."

Han Shizhong didn't answer, just smiled and said: "Let's go, accompany Weifu to meet the guests."

Although his son's words could not completely move his heart, he had already decided that the main rule for the survival of aristocratic families was not to put all their eggs in the same basket. Since his son was optimistic about the Qin Empire, he might as well let it go. He went off to start his own business.

In the hall, Wu You was sipping tea leisurely, when Han Shizhong came out, and politely clasped his fists, "Mr. has been kept waiting for a long time. If you are rude, please Mr. Haihan."

"Patriarch Han is too polite."

Wu You stood up and returned the greeting politely. He was received as the head of the family, a lowly "small businessman"

, not only gave enough courtesy, but also revealed a certain meaning.

After the two parties exchanged polite greetings, Han Shizhong invited him to the study to talk.

The study room is usually a place to discuss important matters or consider important issues. It has always been regarded as a forbidden area. Anyone who dares to trespass will be killed. Han Shizhong invited guests to the study room to talk, which naturally showed his thoughts.

Wu You posted a post to ask for a meeting as the vice president of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, and the talk was naturally about business matters. The Four Seas Chamber of Commerce wanted to increase its business in Guangnan County. Your Han family is the most prominent family in Guangnan County, a real local snake, I want to do a good job in business and do it safely, so I have to find you. Is your Han family interested in working together to make money?

Han Shizhong agreed without even thinking about it. The Han family has already cooperated with the Universal Chamber of Commerce in Guangnan, and the number is not small. The Han family has also made a lot of money because of the war between the two countries. , and then there was a civil uprising, and the entire Tang Empire was in turmoil, so the business with the Universal Chamber of Commerce had to be interrupted.

Both parties intentionally or unintentionally avoided some sensitive topics, and just talked about interesting things in the market, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Han Shizhong suddenly felt in a good mood, and ordered the cook in the mansion to cook a table of food and wine, and placed it in his study, with only his youngest son, Han Zhuoyun, sitting with him.

People are so enthusiastic, it's hard to turn down the hospitality, Wu You happily sat down and enjoyed the food.

After several rounds of toasting, Han Shizhong patted his youngest son on the shoulder and said, I have given birth to several sons, and this is the only thing that satisfies me. He has been studying in Lishui Academy since he was a child, and he studies very hard. In the words of later generations, it is A three-good student with excellent morality, intelligence and physique. The teachers of the academy are also very satisfied with his performance. He has been staying at home after graduation. Anyway, he is idle. Let him follow Mr. You to learn to do a small business to support your family. , Sir, please don't be disgusted.

Chapter 376 A Concubine

Han Zhuoyun appeared in Li Wei's team heading to Yicheng, the capital of the Tang emperor, as a guide for this trip.

Wu You's mission this time can be said to be a complete success. Although Han Shizhong didn't express his opinion, but sending his youngest son Han Zhuoyun here actually meant that. When the time comes to declare war on the Tang Empire and attack Guangnan County, I believe Han Shizhong will make a rational decision.

If you want to attract others, of course, you must first have a detailed understanding of them. The Han family still has a few outstanding young handsome faces, but the most outstanding one should be the young man Han Zhuoyun, just because he is still young and has not entered an official position. , and a low-key person, and travels all year round, almost never at home, basically forgotten by others.

However, at this time, Han Zhuoyun already has the potential of a maverick, what he lacks is experience and a stage to display his talent.

Li Wei was in a good mood when he accidentally got a young man. Along the way, he talked nonsense with Han Zhuoyun from time to time. Han Zhuoyun was a little flattered when he learned of Li Wei's identity. He was grateful for his father's choice. However, he also knew that If you want to be recognized by the young master and enter the core group of the Li family, you have to perform well.

Although Li Wei and his party did not pass through Jingnan County, they still sent people to inquire about the members of the Baili clan. Those members of the Baili clan who stayed in Jingnan and did not want to leave were basically finished. The house was ransacked, the family property was confiscated, and everyone was cut off. There is no more Baili family in Jingnan.

He knew that Baili Ruyi would be devastated when he heard the news, but he still sent the news back to her. Now, Baili Ruyi also invested in the Universal Chamber of Commerce and became one of the vice presidents of the Universal Chamber of Commerce. He is also helping Li Wei with business matters.

Although her status is not visible, no one dares to disrespect her. The Baili family can be considered to have officially taken root in the Qin Empire. However, there are not many clansmen who followed her to the Qin Empire. It will take decades.

At this time, it was snowing heavily and the wind was biting. Apart from the vast expanse of whiteness, there was nothing to see along the way. Li Wei and his party probably rushed on the road and arrived in Yicheng, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, temporarily staying with a spy agent lurking in the city. Zhao Wu's house.

Zhao Wu's external identity is a relatively successful businessman, so a few of his family have entered the mansion, which is enough to house Li Wei and others. However, the special night guard who accompanied him secretly could only find a place to stay by himself.

Li Wei didn't know Mingzhu's specific itinerary, but guessed that Yicheng, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, should be one of the stops. Before departure, he sent a special Yebushou to rush to Yicheng first, and guarded near the four city gates with Zhen'er's portrait.

Mingzhu's travel must be disguised, so as not to cause unnecessary troubles, so she can only stare at her personal maid Zhen'er.

Too lazy to go out in the cold weather, Li Wei simply asked someone to get a hot pot to brush the mutton. There were a lot of ingredients. Wu Youhan, Zhuo Yun, Xiao Xiaoqing'er and others almost swallowed their tongues After entering, it turns out that mutton can still be eaten like this, and the delicious taste is unforgettable.

In fact, the most important thing about hot-boiled mutton is the ingredients. If the ingredients are well prepared, any meat will taste delicious.

Li Wei once ate it in later generations. He used his memory to gather all kinds of ingredients as much as possible. Zhao Wu's daughter-in-law Su wrote it down on the paper, and then went to the vegetable market to buy it. When he came back, he followed what Li Wei taught. way to get.

Later, after retiring, Zhao Wu opened a restaurant, and the business was booming. He made a lot of money with the young master's hot pot, and became one of the famous big bosses in the catering industry.

I lived in Yicheng, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, for ten days, and I ate boiled mutton for ten days. Everyone felt fat, but the taste was so refreshing that it still made my mouth water when I recalled it.

No. At noon on the 11th day, there was an urgent letter from Feige from Pingtang Danguan. Jin Wang Huazhao was seriously ill and might die at any time.

Li Wei struggled for a while, and after listening to Wu You's analysis, he decided to set off for Xijing, the capital of the Jin emperor, to see what good things he could find in the muddy water.

Wu You believed that Jin Wang Huazhao was seriously ill. Even though Prince Huabin was the designated heir to the throne, the other princes would definitely not be reconciled. In this way, the Jin court would be in turmoil, and the party in charge of military power would win in the end.

Mingzhu has an irreplaceable influence in the military of the Jin Army, and Xuanyue, who supports the prince, will definitely send someone to chase her back to stabilize the morale of the army and the situation.

Wu You's analysis was completely correct. Mingzhu had only entered the Wei Empire for a few days, and Xuan Suju's disciple rushed to tell him that King Jin was seriously ill and the court was in turmoil. Xuan Yue ordered her to go back and sit in the town to stabilize the morale of the army. with the situation.

Mingzhu was very helpless, so she had to write a letter and send it to Chang'an, the capital of the Qin Empire, and then hurried back to Xijing.

Jin Wang Huazhao was seriously ill, unable to get up from bed, unable to preside over the government, the officials were unavoidably anxious, the princes did not want to sit still, and united against the prince Huabin, the strength of the two sides was even.

The two sides fought openly and secretly, trying their best to pull the cages of ministers and generals, buy people's hearts, and snatch the military power. For a while, the entire Xijing City was under turmoil.

However, as soon as Mingzhu came back, the equal strength of the two sides changed immediately. Mingzhu is recognized as the undefeated Goddess of War in the mainland, and has an irreplaceable influence in the Jin Empire military. The tiger talisman that holds military power is more effective, and the generals who hold military power remain neutral and only serve the king of Jin.

Apart from the guards in the mansion, the two sides basically have no military power. There is a distinction between high and low immediately. Prince Huabin is the heir designated by the King of Jin. , the vast majority of civil servants and military generals support Prince Huabin.

Although Jin Wang Huazhao is old, he is not so old that he is completely confused. It took him a long time to make the decision to make Huabin the prince. Every son has his own personality, expertise, strengths and weaknesses. There are few, but his character and behavior are more suitable for holding the kingship in troubled times.

There was a lot of commotion outside by the sons, Jin Wang Huazhao also knew it clearly, in order to stabilize the situation, he went to court when he was sick, reprimanded the princes in front of all civil and military officials, and ordered them to think about their mistakes behind closed doors and not to go to court without permission. If you go out, you will be monitored by the internal guards, and offenders will be punished severely.

King Jin's decision was tantamount to killing the ambitions and hopes of several princes to compete for the throne, and Prince Huabin won the victory.

Prince Huabin was extremely proud, and he didn't know what kind of demon method he used to persuade Master Xuanyue to enter the palace, instigated the queen and all the concubines to speak, and asked the prince to take concubines to rejoice, so that King Jin could recover soon.

The king of Jin couldn't afford to be tortured by the queen and all the concubines, and finally made a muddled decision to let the prince Huabin accept Mingzhu as the prince's side concubine.

Prince Huabin liked Mingzhu very much before. For Mingzhu, he even thought of begging his father to abolish the current princess and make Mingzhu the right concubine. It's only when I hate him that such a scene will come out.

The crown prince's side concubine sounds very flamboyant, but in fact, she is just a concubine, and the crown prince Huabin is taking revenge on Xuanyue and Mingzhu.

Xuan Yue didn't think so. Before the crown prince Huabin ascended the throne, the main concubine and side concubine were not important. After ascending the throne, it was completely different. With the power in her hands, it was enough to ensure that Mingzhu ascended the queen's phoenix seat. She is in charge of the harem, so she is not worried at all, and even very happy, urging the servants in the marshal's mansion to step up and decorate the mansion.

The elders are respected, and Mingzhu is an orphan. Therefore, Xuanyue is the master and the elder of her natal family. Therefore, Mingzhu's Marshal's Mansion is equivalent to her natal family. Prepare.

Mingzhu is a celebrity in mainland China. The news of her being concubine as the crown prince spread like the wind. Li Wei heard the news on the way to Xijing. He gritted his teeth and greeted the ancestors of King Jin's family while desperately mobilizing his mount. , I can’t wait to fly to Xijing immediately.

Inside the Marshal's Mansion, Xuan Yue had a gloomy expression on her face. She thought this was a marriage made in heaven. Which woman in the world wouldn't want to be the empress of the world?

But Mingzhu dared to talk back to her, and said that she would rather die than marry, which almost exploded her lungs.

Xuan Yue shook her sleeves angrily and left, and said coldly when she left, "The elders are respected, this matter is beyond your control, it's settled like this!"

Chapter 377

"What can I do? What should I do?"

In the embroidered building, Zhen'er, who was extremely anxious in her heart, was so anxious that she gave her whole heart to Master Li, and even her body. Naturally, one woman cannot serve two husbands, but how can I resolve the tension in front of me? dilemma?

Mingzhu's complexion also lost the calmness and composure she used to command a million-strong army to win a decisive battle. She looked very anxious, and there was even a hint of despair in her phoenix eyes.

Rao is extremely smart and has a lot of wit and tricks, but when things come to an end, she is still confused and seems a little flustered. The matter in front of her is really difficult to resolve. If it is just the order of the King of Jin, she will try her best to resist the order. She would rather die than agree to marry Prince Huabin, but she could not disobey Master's order.

She is an orphan, raised by her master since she was a child, and passed on her skills, she is already her reborn mother, and the elders are respected, how can she disobey orders?

If she had really dared to disobey her orders, she would have dropped everything and went to the Qin Empire to find someone. It was precisely because of this that she could not leave, and she could not disobey orders, which made her so embarrassed.

If it really came to that moment, she would have no choice but to die.

"Hey, I'm so anxious, what should I do, what should I do?"

Zhen'er is still jumping, running around the room, more anxious than Mingzhu.

"Little lady, why don't we run away?"

Zhen'er was eager to get wise, and finally thought of a good way to solve this predicament for her.


Mingzhu smiled wryly, if she could run, she would have already run away, why wait until now? "Yes, let's run to Chang'an."

Zhen'er excitedly said that if she ran to Chang'an, she would be able to stay with the elders of Li. At that time, no matter how capable Jin Wang and Xuan Yue Shitai were, they would have nothing to do.

A cold snort suddenly came from outside the door, scaring Mingzhu and Zhen'er until they were so pale and bloodless that they almost fell to the ground.

"you try?"

Xuan Yue pushed the door open and came in, staring at Zhen'er fiercely, her face was frosty, and there was a cold murderous intent in her eyes.

This damn girl actually dared to encourage Ming Zhu to abscond. If Ming Zhu really escaped, wouldn't it be that all her hard work would go to waste?Zhen'er gritted her teeth, blinked at Mingzhu, rushed forward suddenly, hugged Xuanyue tightly, and shouted: "Little lady, run."

She is an orphan like Mingzhu, Mingzhu rescued her and passed on martial arts, but Mingzhu did not accept her as a disciple. Although Zhener has learned the martial arts mentality of Xuan Suju, she cannot be regarded as Xuan Suju's disciple .

Xiao Nizi only has Mingzhu in her heart, and she is usually dissatisfied with Xuanyue, who has a weird temper and always scolds others, but now she is even more willing to go all out for Mingzhu.


Xuanyue didn't expect Zhen'er to be so bold, she was furious in her heart, secretly used mysterious skills, and wanted to shake Zhen'er who hugged her tightly, but she didn't know that Zhen'er was desperate and hugged her tightly.


Mingzhu didn't expect Zhen'er to be so bold, and was frightened silly by her crazy behavior for a while.

"...don't want master..."

It was too late for her to react, but Xuanyue secretly used her inner strength but failed to shake off Zhener's desperate embrace. She became angry for a moment, with evil spirits in her eyes, and hit Zhener's celestial spirit cap heavily with her palm.

Zhen'er's petite body shook violently, then let go of her hand, and fell down straight, her round eyes filled with pain and confusion.


Mingzhu knelt on the ground, holding the dead body and weeping bitterly. Both of them were orphans, and both had the same tragic experience. She always regarded Zhen'er as her younger sister, but she never thought that Zhen'er, who was still alive and kicking just now, would die tragically before her eyes. The person who did the murder was actually his respected master and adoptive mother.

Her heart was in pain like a knife, and she couldn't do anything for Zhen'er except to cry bitterly, and she couldn't even avenge her.

"It's up to you to blame!"

Xuan Yue snorted coldly, she had a lot of dissatisfaction with Zhen'er, if it wasn't for this dead girl, how could Mingzhu have changed so much, she dared to talk back, now it's all right, she's dead.

"Master...why...why did you kill her?"

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