The officers and soldiers did not fight back, but adopted a dense defense method, allowing the private soldiers to rush into the formation, and the archers in the formation continued to shoot one after another, suppressing the continuous crazy attacks of the private soldiers.

Li Weiduan was sitting on one of the tall horses, watching the battlefield with cold eyes. After dawn, his father and a group of civil servants had already escorted the Queen Mother and King Qin back to Chang'an. In addition to the guards of the feather forest, there were also Shang Xingyun's three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry.

The terrain in the hunting ground is flat, but the outside is full of potholes and unevenness. The cavalry is useless. In addition, the safety of the Queen Mother and the old man is the top priority. Li Wei simply let the tiger and leopard cavalry withdraw. The [-] elites of the Qingchuan Army are enough to clean up. Completely wiped out Ou Cheng and his tens of thousands of private soldiers.

"General Sun, get rid of the evil."

Li Wei once again reminded Sun Jai, the commander-in-chief of the Qingchuan Army, that the rebels must be wiped out.

Sun Jai, who was accompanying him, hurriedly said: "Don't worry, young master, none of them can escape, Ou Cheng is doing his last dying struggle."

These aristocratic private soldiers are doing their final dying struggle, and their attack power is quite fierce. If they launch a counterattack at this time, the casualties will definitely be greater. What he needs is a perfect victory. He must wait to drain the morale of the enemy first. They strike back when they are low.

The sound of killing was loud, and the soldiers on both sides were fighting bloody battles. The officers and soldiers were getting more and more courageous as they fought, while the offensive of the private soldiers was clearly showing signs of fatigue. It was time to launch a counterattack.

Just as Sun Jai was about to give the order to fight back, a sharp-eyed guard suddenly pointed in front of him, "Look, Commander, the forest is on fire."

Chapter 371 The Fish That Slipped Through the Net

A puff of thick smoke first rose from the woods deep in the hunting ground, and as the smoke became thicker, the fire began to rise, and the whole tree burned, and then spread to all directions.

Sun Zha hissed and took a deep breath. Qu Cheng was so cruel that he even set himself on fire. Fortunately, he was not in a hurry and ordered a counterattack in advance. Otherwise, at least half of the soldiers who went into the woods would be finished.

The woods were on fire, and all the people hiding in the woods ran out in embarrassment. Some held weapons, roared and launched desperate attacks, while most of them threw away their weapons, raised their hands, and ran to the fence and knelt down. .

The people of the Qu clan knew that surrender was a dead end, and most of them tried their best. However, facing the elite officers and soldiers who had been in battle for a long time, they all fell down one by one, and the waist-high wooden wall was full of people. Dead bodies in various shapes.

Of course, there are also a few who are greedy for life and afraid of death, throw away the weapons in their hands, hang their heads, and kneel on the ground with their hands high.

The entire hunting ground was already on fire, and even standing behind the wooden wall, the scorching heat was still uncomfortable.

At this time, all the surviving family private soldiers put down their weapons and surrendered, and were tied up by the officers and soldiers.

"Ergan, this old man is a servant of the Ministry of Rites... Ouch... How dare you beat the court order... Ouch..."

Facing the brutal bondage by the officers and soldiers, there were still ministers of the royalist party who were ignorant. They were beaten by the rude and rude soldiers with the back of their knives and screamed miserably. Afterwards, I finally remembered a saying that goes, "A hero does not suffer from immediate losses, but a man who understands current affairs is a hero."

The raging fire was still burning, and the billowing smoke covered the sky and the sun. Fortunately, a isolation zone was cleared in time. Even if there was a fire extending from the dry weeds on the ground, it was extinguished by the soldiers in time, and the nearby forest was not ignited. .

All the captives were bundled into big brown buns and gathered in the open space. The ministers of the royalist party were picked out by the wolf-like soldiers and gathered aside. They are all ordinary servants and private soldiers.

Under the threat of the officers and soldiers' swords, these private soldiers braved the scorching heat to clean up the corpses, while some were digging big pits to bury the corpses.

After repeated and careful identification of the corpses several times, ordinary private soldiers and family members were collected into a pile, and the corpses of some aristocratic children were collected into a pile.

Under the pressure of swords and swords, how dare the children of the clan who surrendered dare not cooperate obediently. It is only a trivial matter to be beaten up.

After the ordinary private soldiers went through a simple interrogation, except for more than 300 people left behind, the remaining more than 3000 people were taken to the mines or quarries of the Red Maple Province to serve as free labor.

The more than 300 ordinary private soldiers left here are all guilty of murder or evil deeds. Now they are used as coolies for digging pits and moving corpses, and they will be dealt with after the work is done.

The group of ministers of the royalist party and the gang of aristocratic families also naturally have the surname registration of the military officers who join the army, and weeds must be eradicated, so they must be verified, and even the dead cannot be missed.

The detailed information of each family and family is sealed in the archives of the Black Clothes Guards. When planning this big cleaning operation, several copies have been copied for backup. Chang'an will finish the work first. Come over, a black-clothed guard official responsible for checking put a red tick on the back of the list, which means that this person has died, and many of them are still alive, but they will be killed soon.

Now, this long list is almost full, and there are only twenty or so people whose names have not been marked with red ticks. If they are just small people, Li Wei may call it a day, but there are at least eleven of the twenty or so people. It was a heavyweight figure, including the head of the Ou family, Ou Cheng, who was either the head of the family or the future successor of the family head. All these people were buried in the sea of ​​flames?

The fire in the hunting ground was still burning, the heat wave was scorching, and the sky suddenly blew up with strong winds, blowing sparks in all directions, and even ignited the vegetation in Yunluo Mountain and Jialuo Mountain, scaring the soldiers who stayed on the mountainside If you run away in panic, if you slow down, you will be buried in the sea of ​​fire.

However, the oolong in the sky quickly gathered into a black mass, followed by lightning and thunder. The fire was doused.

The counting and checking work was basically done, and Li Wei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The heavy rain came too timely.

Before getting into the tent, he patted Sun Jai on the shoulder, and the latter nodded in understanding.

Qing'er and Xiao Xiaoxiao frantically took off his bulletproof vest. Fortunately, he had a change of clean clothes for hunting before, and the three of them changed them in the big tent.

It was raining heavily outside, thunder was rumbling, and there was a faint scream of misery. Sun Ja had already been ordered to start cleaning up the garbage.

Sitting on the simple marching couch, Li Wei just let out a low sigh. The empire needs to be reformed, developed, and strong, and all stumbling blocks must be removed.

Half an hour later, Sun Jai, who was dripping all over his body, entered the tent. Although he didn't say anything, Li Wei knew that the work had been completed.

The heavy rain was still falling, and the army could not retreat for a while, so they could only squeeze into the tents left behind to avoid the rain. However, the soldiers of the Qingchuan Army only carried ten days of dry food for the march, and did not bring a change of dry clothes. I can only curl up so wet, after this heavy rain, I don't know how many colds I have?

In this era where everything is backward, a small cold can kill a person.

Although the rain gradually became smaller, the sky was still gray, and it was estimated that it would last for another two or three days. As a last resort, Li Wei could only order the soldiers to go out in the rain and buy dry firewood, charcoal, etc. in nearby villages. At the same time, another person was sent back to Chang'an City to transfer supplies.

As soon as he sat down, something suddenly came to his mind, he jumped up from the camp couch, and ordered the guards to call Sun Zha, and asked him to bring the soldiers to carefully rummage through the ashes in the entire hunting ground.

God knows how many soldiers will fall ill after such a toss, but he is really worried that they won't see the bodies of Ou Cheng and others.

Although Sun Jai was suspicious, he didn't dare to disobey the order, so he personally led a large group of soldiers into the hunting ground. He divided the people into four teams, one team searched from the outside to the inside, the other two teams searched from the left and right sides, and he led the other team to search. A team ran forward, rushed to the end of the hunting ground first, and searched from the inside out.

"My lord, with such a big fire, let alone people, even iron will melt..."

Everyone worked in the rain, and it was inevitable that some soldiers would feel dissatisfied and complain.

"Shut up, daddy!"

Sun Jai beat the complaining guard with the spear in his hand. If the young master wanted to torment him, he, the commander of the Qingchuan Army, would have been kicked down a long time ago. The young master must have his reason for ordering so.

Braving the continuous drizzle, they marched in the mud and black ashes for a while. After walking halfway, the guard who opened the way in front suddenly noticed a figure swaying in front of him, and immediately shouted, "Who is it?"

Through the misty rain and fog, a dozen figures could be vaguely seen ahead.

When the guard called out, the dozens of figures ran away immediately.


Sun Jai regained his spirits and hurriedly led his men to chase. If he guessed correctly, the dozen or so people in front should be the big fish that Ou Cheng and others slipped through. I don't know how they escaped in the fire scene, so they should be arrested first. Besides, the young master is wise and mighty.

It was Ou Cheng and his group who were running away in the rain. He knew that he would not be able to escape under the siege of the army. In desperation, someone thought of a way to escape.

Ou Cheng and the others were overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered the guards to cut down a large circle of trees, and at the same time dug a large cave where they could hide temporarily. More than a dozen important members of the Ou family and the heads of several other aristocratic families hid in it. , and then set fire on all sides. Although the fire burned fiercely, it did not reach their hiding cave, and they would not be asphyxiated due to lack of oxygen and suffocation if they breathed against the cave wall. In addition, the heavy rain came in time, so that they all escaped.

In order to keep it secret, almost no one knew about this cave where he was hiding. All the fellow ministers of the royalist party were driven aside by him, and the dozen or so loyal guards who felled trees and dug the cave were even killed by him. Burned to ashes.

After the sudden heavy rain extinguished the fire, Ou Cheng and others carefully got out of the cave where they were hiding, and sat on the filthy muddy floor to breathe in fresh air. They almost all hung in the cave.

It was also Ou Cheng who was in charge, and did not escape immediately after getting out of the cave, but held a small meeting while resting in the rain to discuss where to flee.

According to normal thinking, this fire could melt even gold and iron, even if someone hid in it, it would have been reduced to ashes long ago, and even if it was necessary to search and clean it, it should wait for the rain to stop.

But he didn't expect Li Wei to be suspicious and often play cards out of common sense, but he was discovered by the search team led by Sun Jaw.

A large group of soldiers shouted and chased, which naturally alarmed the officers and soldiers in the camp. Li Wei hurriedly ordered the guards to ride on horses and chase after them.

In the end, the two-legged horse couldn't outrun the four-legged horse. Seeing that they were about to flee into a dense forest outside the hunting ground, Ou Cheng and others were overtaken by a group of cavalry and blocked their way.

Sun Ja led a large group of soldiers to chase after them, but they were blocked from both sides, and none of them could escape.

Ou Cheng and others have already run out of breath, so how can they still have the strength to fight?

Caught in a tight siege, unable to escape at all, he immediately drew his sword and slayed himself, and the disciples of the Ou family also drew their swords and slayed themselves. The patriarch of a wealthy family chose to surrender because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, but ended up being evaporated by the world.

The biggest hidden danger finally disappeared, and Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

More than an hour later, the nearby villagers sent a large amount of dry firewood, charcoal, ginger, wine and other items in the rain. The soldiers hid in the tents and lit a fire to keep warm, dried their clothes, and drank hot ginger soup to prevent colds.

After dark, the materials urgently conscripted from Chang'an City arrived safely under the escort of tiger and leopard cavalry, and the soldiers happily unloaded various materials.

Out of safety considerations, Li Wei stayed in the camp overnight and set off for Chang'an City after dawn.

Chapter 372 Assassination in the Rain

The light rain was still falling non-stop, and under the escort of three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry, he took a carriage back to the city.

The road was muddy and full of potholes. Li Wei was not in a hurry, and the team moved very slowly.

In the carriage, Li Wei was half lying on the pile of brocade quilts, enjoying Xiao Xiaoxiao's kneading comfortably. Suddenly, he felt the carriage stop, and there was a sound of swords and scabbards around him. He was stunned: "What's going on?"

"Young master, there are guards in black in front of you who are arresting criminals."

Little Six was sitting in front of the car shaft, and when he heard the question, he answered quickly.

Qing'er raised the curtain of the carriage and looked out, only to see that the guards guarding the carriage had drawn their swords out of their sheaths, each of them seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, and their expressions were very nervous.

In the pattering rain, the sound of yelling, the golden sound of the impact of iron objects, and occasional shrill screams can be heard. The battle seems to be not small.

Li Wei has always been very curious, so he naturally wanted to find out what happened. He looked at the muddy road, hesitated for a moment, and was about to stretch his legs to get out of the car, but Xiao Xiaoxiao pulled him quickly and put him on A heavy bulletproof vest, and then a tunic on him.

Li Wei smiled wryly, this girl didn't seem to be like this before, well, it was all spoiled by the aunt.

Surrounded by guards, he stepped on the muddy road to the front to see what happened. Qing'er was holding an umbrella behind him, Xiao Liuzi was holding an umbrella and walking in front right, Xiao Xiaoxiao was behind left, and the two were actually It protected Li Wei's front and left and right wings, while the back was handed over to Qing'er and a group of guards.

Half of the more than [-] tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers who opened the way ahead dismounted and formed a large circle. The extremely sharp saber was pointed at the dozen or so clay figurines surrounded by the circle. Five corpses were still soaked in the muddy ground, bloody Dye the muddy sewage red.

Naturally, no one would care about the five utterly dead corpses, and they would instinctively avoid them when they approached them.

"what happened?"

Li Wei walked all the way through the muddy water, and the soldiers of the tiger and leopard cavalry consciously gave way to a passage.

In the encirclement, more than a dozen clay figurines held various weapons and pointed at two men and a woman.

The two men were also covered in mud, with several wounds on their bodies, and the blood was still oozing. They held long swords and guarded in front of a middle-aged beautiful woman.

The middle-aged beautiful woman's body was also covered with mud, and Luo Chang, who was drenched by rainwater, clinged to her skin, showing her uneven curves.

She held a baby in her arms, her pretty face was pale and bloodless, and her eyes were full of fear and despair.

"The guard in black, Mo Lin, has seen the young master."

A burly man bowed to Li Wei and briefly reported what happened.

These people are the family members of the absconded criminals. They were ordered to arrest them, but the criminals resisted arrest. After a fight, two criminals died, and the black guards also lost three masters.


Li Weiman responded and lowered his head, not daring to look at the delicate and charming woman. Ou Cheng and other royalists rebelled, and their families would be implicated and suffer tragic consequences. Even though he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help Some can't bear it.

Little Liu on the right side before standing up frowned and coughed softly.

After being transferred from the queen mother, he has been serving as Li Wei's personal bodyguard. After a long time, he has a little understanding of the factions in the Li family. The people in the school and the core personnel in the young and strong faction are generally called Langjun or young master, and the difference in titles also means two meanings: cronies and non-cronyms.

It is simply disrespectful for this black-clothed Weiwei named Mo Lin to call the young master like that.

He suddenly remembered that Ou Cheng and others had been eradicated, and that the group of Xuansuju killers lurking in Chang'an City had not seen any movement so far, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly coughed to signal caution.

"Li Langjun help me..."

The middle-aged beautiful woman rushed over suddenly, and the little six who stood in front quickly reached out to stop her. The middle-aged beautiful woman hugged the baby in her arms, knelt down in the muddy water, and desperately called to Li Wei for help.

"It's not a pity to die as a slave. The poor child was born not long ago. I beg Li Langjun to take pity on him and adopt him..."

The middle-aged beautiful woman cried pear blossoms with rain, and she was so tender and pitiful that even a hard-hearted person would inevitably soften her heart.

The baby in Wa Meifu's arms suddenly started crying as if she knew her miserable life experience.

Li Wei instinctively stretched out his hand, wanting to pick up the baby handed over by the beautiful woman.

"Master, be careful."

Little Six suddenly let out a low cry, stretched out his arms, and blocked Li Wei's face with the umbrella in his hand.

There was only a flurry of sound, and the umbrella in front of Li Wei was actually full of iron needles. The needles had obviously been quenched with poison, showing a faint blue color.

Little Six pushed the umbrella forward in his hand, and at the same time took a step across to block Li Wei.

The middle-aged beautiful woman hid a hidden weapon fired by a mechanical spring in her bosom. She used the baby as a cover to launch it suddenly, but Xiao Liuzi discovered it in time.

At such a short distance, the iron needle fired by the machine spring can penetrate even the bright light armor, but it cannot penetrate the umbrella made of oiled paper. The only explanation is that the owner of the umbrella has unfathomable cultivation. When it hit, the middle-aged beautiful woman had no way to avoid it, so she could only block it with the iron cylinder in her hand.

With a bang, the middle-aged beautiful woman felt a strong and irresistible force and was thrown into the air, and the crying baby in her arms was also thrown into the air. With a bang, it fell heavily into the muddy water.

This series of actions took only an instant from the sudden to the end, and most of the tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers in the circle hadn't reacted yet.


The black-clothed Wei Wei who called himself Mo Lin let out a low growl, stretched out his right foot, spun his body sharply, splashed a puddle of muddy water, and then rushed forward with his sword.

Many tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers were caught off guard, splashed in the eyes by flying muddy water, and retreated instinctively covering their eyes.

Little Six held an umbrella to stop Mo Lin, Xiao Xiaoxiao pulled out a gleaming dagger from his sleeve, pulled a sword flower, and stopped two assassins who were rushing, stretched out his left arm in his busy schedule, and caught the falling sword from mid-air. baby.

Qing'er hurriedly pulled Li Wei back, but suddenly heard a shrill cry from behind. No one expected that a corpse soaked in muddy water would suddenly move, and a sword pierced a guard's abdomen.

A cold light flashed under the feet, turning into a cold light, piercing towards Qing'er's abdomen.

Qing'er pushed Li Wei aside, and leaned back desperately. There was a bang, mud and water splashed everywhere, and her whole body instantly turned into a clay figurine, but she narrowly avoided the fatal blow.

The ground was already slippery, Li Wei was pushed by Qing'er, tripped over a corpse, lost his center of gravity suddenly, and fell on his back.

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