Wu You and the others did not dare to ask people to open the gate of the city. Walking out in such a ostentatious way would be too ostentatious and easy to do bad things, and it would be difficult for others. They all lowered from the top of the city with long ropes. Although it was slow, it was safer and safer.

There are carriages and horses and other means of transportation under the city. When they got out of the city, they got on the carriages, rode on the horses, and left.

After arriving at the farm where Li Wei and the others were hiding, they did not stay. Instead, they walked the deviant country alley overnight, hurried on their way non-stop, and entered a small village on the side wall before dawn. Secret agent of MI.

After driving all night, everyone was exhausted, but Li Wendong, who was weak, insisted on meeting Li Wei, the savior.

Li Wei knew a little bit about the character and temper of the ancients, especially those famous people whose temper was as stinky and hard as the stones in the latrine, so he gave Li Wendong enough face by posing as a respectful and virtuous corporal.

Li Wendong thought a lot in prison before. Over the years, he has worked hard for the Great Tang Empire and fulfilled his duties. Even if there is no credit, there is hard work. The king should not be cruel and murderous, right?Besides, he also has many like-minded friends and colleagues in the DPRK, so he wouldn't just stand by and die, would he?

However, after several rounds of torture in the court trial and being forcibly drawn into custody, the sliver of hope in his heart was completely shattered. This is to punish him to death. It doesn't matter if he dies, poor wife Brothers and sisters will be implicated, he will not die with peace in his eyes.

The more Li Wendong thought about it, the heavier the resentment in his heart became. On the way to escape, he heard his son Li Zitong talk to the chief guard Xie Fei. All these arrangements took a lot of energy and took a lot of risks, and he couldn't help feeling a lot of feelings in his heart.

Just this life-saving grace, his Li family has never been clear in his life, not to mention that although he is young, he is more famous than him, and he values ​​him so much, and he is so respectful and virtuous, what else can he not think about? "Wendong is injured and unable to salute, please forgive me, my lord."

Li Wendong was lying on the couch with a brocade quilt on his back, gasping for breath after speaking a few words. Fortunately, it was only a superficial injury, and he could recover within a few months of training.

He was unable to salute due to injury, but he had to serve his eldest son Li Zi to salute on his behalf, which also showed his intention to serve.

"Mr. Li Dalang, please stand up."

Li Wei hurriedly stepped forward to help Li Zitong up, feeling overjoyed, brother spent so much effort, it was finally not in vain, he got a prefect-level bully enough to guard one side, and earned a little bully in vain, And I also found Feng Ling'er, this trip has gained a lot.

Li Wendong was injured and needed to recuperate for a few months. Li Zitong was young and talented, so Li Weixian arranged for him to be a secretary in the Hussar General's Mansion to join the army.

Although it was only a small civil servant who recorded affairs and joined the army, Li Zitong was so excited that he couldn't help himself. Although this official position is small, he is in contact with core secrets. It is similar to the secretary of later generations. The lord thinks of him as his own.

"Zhuzi, don't you hurry up and thank you?"

Li Wendong shouted in a low voice, feeling very touched in his heart, a scholar died for his confidant, and a certain old life was sold to the lord.

Li Zitong hurriedly knelt down to thank him, Li Wei accepted this gift with great sting this time, this gift must be accepted, otherwise it will make people feel uneasy.

In consideration of Li Wendong's health, Li Wei and others temporarily stayed in this remote farm for more than ten days, and set off to return to China only after he recovered from his injuries.

During this period, Feng Ling was in a daze when she was sober, and when she was sober, Li Wei would accompany her to love each other, and when she was in a daze, Xiao Liuzi restricted her meridians and made her fall into a deep sleep.

Tangdu, on the second morning after Li Wei and others evacuated Yicheng, the jailer found "Li Wendong"

He committed suicide by hanging himself in the prison, and immediately reported to the superior officer, and the officials of the Ministry of Punishment verified that he was dead, and noted in the file that "suicide in fear of crime,"

Reported to the superior, after several procedures, when it was submitted to Tang Wang Jili's desk, the old Tang Wang Jili had just become the groom's official last night, after a night of conquest, he was as tired as a dead pig, and was sleeping soundly.

When the dossier was written and forwarded, it was already noon the next day when the order was passed on to the Habayashi guard guarding outside Li's residence.

During this period, Li Zhong and a few loyal old servants still went out on time to receive the daily necessities sent by Habayashi guards, raw rice for cooking, sweeping the floor, walking around and chatting, etc. as usual, and successfully confused the guards of Habayashi guards who surrounded the mansion. For a whole day and night, until the Habayashi guards who surrounded the mansion received the order and rushed into the mansion, they found that the mansion was empty, and none of Li Wendong's family members had disappeared.

Habayashi Guard turned the entire Li Mansion upside down, and finally found the tunnel that had been dug through. The officer who led the team sent people to report and led the team to search and arrest. The whole Yicheng was thrown into chaos.

Li Wendong's family members fled without a trace. Some people wondered if the person who hanged himself was really Li Wendong?

However, the corpse had been thrown into the graveyard long ago, and was gnawed by wild dogs so that even half of the bones were missing, so the matter was over.

Half a month later, Li Wei and his entourage set off to return to the country, and according to the news from the intelligence personnel lurking in Yicheng, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, the new Concubine Lu was very favored by the Tang King Ji Li, and she seemed to be the only one in the harem.

Chapter 353 Abnormal

Li Wei already knew Xuanyue's ambitions, and figured out her general plan of action, that is, to form a big family with real power and influence in a certain empire, and then through the relationship of the big shots, send the trained female disciples to the school. In the palace, seduce the king, pamper the harem alone, blow the pillow wind, slowly infiltrate and take power in the court, and influence the will of the king and the direction of the court.

Wu Yousi took a breath of cold air, and yelled strangely: "This ghost woman wants to be a female first emperor who has never been seen before, and who will never come after?"

Li Wendong, who was lying on the couch, suddenly sneered and said, "This woman thinks she is smart, but she is actually stupid. In the future, she will die a miserable death!"

He is already his own person, and he is about to be reused by Li Wei, so he can naturally get in touch with the core issues. He watched the conversation between the young master and Wu Junshi next to him, and he has roughly understood it, and then interrupted at the right time.

He has always acted in a low-key manner, but it doesn't mean that he won't show himself. He knows that although he is trusted and reused by the young master, as a fresh and tender newcomer who has just joined the job, he will definitely not be able to compare with a veteran like Wu You. If you want to be recognized by others and live up to the young master's kindness, you must show your due talents.

He slowly analyzed that these methods used by Xuan Yue are indeed very powerful, and it can even be said that they have pinched the core of all problems, but there are great hidden dangers. This trap is fatal, no matter how stupid the king is. , and absolutely will not allow anyone to intervene in royal affairs, this is the bottom line of the royal family, and those who violate the prohibition must die.

Li Wei nodded appreciatively. Sure enough, he saw the right person. This Li Wendong is indeed a great man who can stand alone, and he saw the main problem at once.

Several people thought about it, and Li Wei felt relieved, regardless of the fact that Xuan Suju's power had penetrated into the upper class of the Jin Empire, and even influenced the Jin King's will, controlling the direction of the Jin court, and he was proud of it for a while.

However, according to the analysis of the intelligence information he has, Prince Jin Huabin is not an ordinary person. He is quite shrewd, extremely ambitious, and knows how to endure. The first one to clean up is probably Xuan Suju's forces.

Because of Li Wendong's injury, he walked slowly all the way back. When he returned to Chang'an, the Chinese New Year would be over early.

Li Wei told Father Cheap in the letter that Li Gang had arranged a new residence for Li Wendong's family. As soon as Li Wendong's family came to Chang'an, they moved into the new house and received a considerable settlement fee. The loss of valuable medicinal materials made Li Wendong's family very grateful and vowed to die.

The resettlement work for the millions of refugees has basically been completed. We only need to wait for the beginning of spring. After the ice and snow melt, we will reclaim wasteland to plant crops. The government will distribute all the tools and grains for free. The cattle are the property of the government. They are distributed and used by each family. rights, but also the obligation to take good care of them, and compensation for damage.

Such an arrangement has greatly reduced the burden on the common people, and also solved the most serious problem of farming.

For ordinary people, cattle are more precious than their lives, who doesn't cherish them?

The guy who dares to harm the farming cattle will be outraged by humans and gods, and heaven and earth will not tolerate it.

The government arranged this way to take care of the refugees who had just migrated to the greatest extent, and made them feel grateful, without any pain and sadness of leaving their hometown, and happily integrated into the local living customs. As for the Tang Empire, for them, it was Hell is a nightmare, let it go to hell, this is the paradise, it is heaven.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and the common people are busy opening up wasteland and farming. All the empires in the mainland are the same, entering a period of recuperation. During this period, civil servants are the busiest officials.

However, the military officers of the Qin Empire were not as leisurely as those of other empires. The commanders of the four major legions were not idle. They insisted on training the tens of thousands of standing troops under their command, and they also conducted battle drills from time to time.

This battle exercise is not an ordinary showy military exercise, but is equipped with wooden knives and wooden guns. Flesh injuries are only trivial, and accidental casualties are inevitable. Fortunately, soldiers who die accidentally are classified as martyrs, and their families can receive a A considerable pension and enjoy the treatment of martyrs.

In short, the treatment of soldiers is good, no one complains about suffering or tiredness, and they are afraid of being kicked out of the army because of mistakes, and losing face to their families.

Li Wei has always acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, leaving all matters big and small to his subordinates. He is so idle that he has nothing to do every day. Apart from playing mahjong and messing around with his wives and concubines every day, he also occasionally wanders around the barracks to give soldiers Cheer up, encourage them, and earn their loyalty.

These imperial soldiers have been successfully formed into a party army. Soldiers take obedience as their bounden duty, are only loyal to the empire, and fight for the glory of the empire. Glory is my life.

Near the end of April, Gu Daoren staggered to Chang'an. With his unfathomable and pure cultivation, he resolved Xuan Yun's restriction on Feng Ling'er's body, and then left in a hurry. Wei wanted to ask some questions about "Nine Suns Divine Art", but he didn't have a chance.

All the aunts and wives are looking forward to the prosperity of the Li family in the young master's generation. Naturally, they hope that the more daughter-in-laws the better, and the more grandchildren the better. The matter of Feng Ling'er is decided by the aunt Su Yuejiao, so she entered Li The door of the house, Xiao Xiaoxiao also entered the door together that night.

It can be said that Xiao Xiaoxiao's life has been going on forever, Zhang Fenghua saw that Feng Ling'er was about to enter Li's house, and felt anxious, so he had to look down on Su Yuejiao.

Although Su Yuejiao had some prejudice against Xiao Xiaoxiao's identity, but her appearance and character were passable, and she loyally protected her son, so she couldn't treat him badly, so the good thing was settled like this.

As the original wife, Kong Rong had no choice but to show the demeanor of a big woman. It doesn't matter how many sisters she has, as long as her status is not threatened. She is worried about Tang Feier, the ninth princess of the Tang Empire.

Tang Wang Jizhong's special envoy came to make marriages every now and then, but the terms of the two parties could not be negotiated, and the marriage was not finalized for the time being. That day will come sooner or later. Before that, she still has some time to complete the century-old plan of making a villain , that is, my husband has to work a little harder.

Li Wei feels that his greatest achievement in this life is to hug left and right, and the family harmony, in addition to the mutual restraint and humility between wives and concubines, is also due to this evil feudal system, and the rebellious girl who has the courage to pursue happiness , also the three cardinal guides and five constant principles are deeply rooted.

Finally, another good news came from the Li family. After Li Wei's unremitting efforts, Kong Rong and Zhongli Shengnan were both pregnant. This made all the ladies and wives very happy, and chattered.

Look, look, I said before, look at Miss Zhongli's body, her crotch, she is very fertile, no, she is pregnant again.

Kong Rong got what she wanted, but she was overjoyed and worried. Her father-in-law and mother-in-law were crazy about holding a grandson. If they had a daughter, the pressure would be great.

Li Wei really wanted to tell her that having a boy or a girl is determined by the man's chromosomes, but he couldn't say that, so he had to comfort Kong Rong. In fact, he liked his daughter better. She was obedient and well-behaved, and she knew how to love others the most.

What happened to him saying this was that he was kicked out by all the aunts and aunts. The aunt Su Yuejiao gave him a special lesson for this. The son is the one who inherits the family incense. Whether the Li family can prosper in this generation depends on whether the daughters-in-law can have more boys.

Li Wei had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender, but he quietly accepted the words from his aunt Su Yuejiao.

The family was full of festive atmosphere, but Zhuang Xie's forced smile concealed resentment. The sisters had all given birth one after another, but her stomach still didn't respond.

Li Wei can understand her current mood, and has been spending time with her these days.

The days passed day by day, and Li Wei couldn't be idle anymore. This guy is a lazy person who is afraid of trouble, but he is too idle and bored, so he used the excuse of inspection as an excuse to go out and wander around.

In fact, he was not wandering around aimlessly. He was actually inspecting various places to observe the people's sentiments. He stopped by to see Lin Ruoying, who was far away in the provincial capital of Hongfeng, and left her there alone. He felt somewhat guilty.

Secondly, there were frequent frictions between the navy of Qin and Wei, Zhou Bo, the commander of the Hongfeng navy, reported that it was the Wei Empire who provoked first, and the sailors were forced to back down, and their words were full of aggrieved.

If it was just Zhou Bo's memorial, Li Wei would never believe it, but the information sent by the intelligence personnel of the Military Intelligence Department was roughly the same as what Zhou Bo said, so he had to go and have a look.

Although the Wei Empire is a small country, its geographical location is extremely unique. It is bordered by glaciers in the north, bounded by the vast sea in the east, and although it is adjacent to the Qin Empire in the south, it is separated by the Qiyun Mountains in the middle. Although the Jin Empire is recognized as the most powerful country in the mainland, the Jin kings of all dynasties did not pay much attention to the navy. Even if they attacked the Wei Empire occasionally, the less powerful navy was defeated by the powerful navy fleet of the Wei Empire. The infantry could not land and fight.

Also because of the unique geographical location, the Wei Empire was hardly ravaged by the flames of war, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Therefore, it was hailed as the only pure land in the mainland, and many hermits went there.

In the two consecutive battles of the century, the Wei Empire also sent troops to drag the Jin Empire back. It was undefeated and won.

For such a wealthy and weak neighbor, it's not that Li Wei has never thought about it, but there is another Tang Empire that is stronger than the Qin Empire and has repeatedly sent troops to invade, so he takes care of it flawlessly.

Now, this weak Wei Empire is uncharacteristically, provoking frequently, could it be that it was bloody?

Chapter 354 The Rhythm of Death

Li Wei went to Hongfeng Province this time, and he also involved Wu You, the right army officer offering wine. He was too lazy to use his brain. He had an expert who deceived people by his side, which saved a lot of trouble. Last time he suffered a dumb loss in Xijing, the capital of Jin. I have been thinking about how to repay Prince Jin Huabin.

Now, no matter whether it is the Yuan Cong faction or the young and strong faction, they all envy and hate the wretched-looking Wu You. This guy is no longer as simple as the young master's left and right arms, but simply the young master's favorite follower. He will never forget to take it with him wherever he goes. He, this honor made his mouth water with envy.

However, this guy's flattering skills are not only powerful, but also thick-skinned, and brave enough to take the blame. No one can learn these things, except for envy, I still envy.

In spring, the sun is shining brightly, and there are vibrant scenes everywhere. It is refreshing to drive all the way.

Arriving in the provincial capital of Hongfeng a few days ago, the prefect Xu Zongtang knew that the young master never likes to make publicity, so he and the leader of the Hongfeng army, He Jin, greeted him outside the city in casual clothes. Apart from the two guards, they were only fellow acquaintances Hao Quming and Xu Jun. The two of them were indeed very low-key.

Xu Zongtang is an old man in the officialdom, and he knew in his heart one of the main purposes of the young master's trip, so he didn't even entertain the family banquet. He just accompanied the young master to inspect the barracks, watch the rehearsal of the soldiers of the Red Maple Corps, and then talk about official business Busy, very tactful resignation.

Hao Quming was even more low-key, and hurried back to the house to make arrangements. Because the young master had been here several times before, it was extremely inconvenient to have a tryst with Lin Ruoying. Living alone in the other courtyard, without summons, ordinary servants are not allowed to enter, and now it is just convenient for the young master and Lin Ruoying to have a tryst.

Hearing that her sweetheart came suddenly, Lin Ruoying panicked and asked her maid to boil water, take a bath and change clothes, and carefully decorated the prism bronze mirror, and replaced all the quilt covers and sheets with new ones. Hao Quming also asked the cook in the mansion to quickly fix the table The dishes were placed on Lin Ruoying's embroidered building, waiting for the young master to drive.

The so-called small farewell is better than a newlywed, let alone reunion after a long absence, any language is nonsense, only silence is better than sound.

On the day of entering the city, Wu You only rested overnight, and rushed to Shuiyun Pass surrounded by guards early the next morning, Li Wei stayed with Lin Ruoying for a few days, and then went on his way.

Seeing Sister Lin's slightly thin and graceful appearance, and the resentment in her eyes, Li Wei knew that he could not procrastinate any longer, so he wrote a letter to Daddy Cheap in front of Lin Ruoying that night, telling his family that he fell in love with Hao Tongzhi His daughter, Hao Ruoying, asked Daddy Cheap to send someone to propose marriage.

Finally waiting until Yunkai saw the sun, Lin Ruoying was so happy that she tried her best to serve Li Wei so well that she almost didn't want to leave her Xiulou to go to Shuiyun Pass.

Lin Ruoying also wished to be in his arms all the time, but the man had ambitions everywhere, so she had no choice but to ruthlessly chase him away, and then busy preparing for the dowry.

Fifteen days later, Li Wei rushed to Shuiyun Pass. When Wu You arrived at Shuiyun Pass, he sent out a large number of spies. After collecting the desired information, he sorted it out and presented it to Li Wei.

The king of the Wei Empire, Gongsundu, is a benevolent monarch with a good temper, he listens to loyal advice, he is partial to one side, and has no ambitions. If there is peace and prosperity, he will definitely be a benevolent monarch supported by the people.

However, there are many empires in the Cangyun Continent, and there are constant disputes. Gongsun Du's temper is really not suitable. Therefore, the Wei Empire under his rule is more than self-preserving, but not aggressive.

Fortunately, the Wei Empire's unique and superior geographical location prevented it from being annexed by a powerful country.

However, Lin Dongyang, the new Shangshu left servant, is an ambitious and powerful figure. He defeated powerful political opponents in just one year, monopolized the court power, and then implemented his plan to swallow the sky.

The so-called plan to swallow the sky is to join the adventure game of chasing the world. For this reason, Lin Dongyang ordered to expand the army, accumulate war resources, and prepare to annex the old neighbor Qin Empire first.

Lin Dongyang was ambitious, but not arrogant. He had his own ideas. Although the territory of the Qin Empire was much larger than that of the Wei Empire, its national power was not too strong. It was often bullied by the powerful Tang Empire, and it almost perished several times.

In just three years, three national wars broke out between the Qin and Tang empires, plus two wars of the century. The vitality of the Wei empire was bound to be greatly damaged. The winning rate is at least [-]%.

Lin Dongyang is a gambler. He dares to gamble even if there is only a [-]% chance, not to mention a [-]% chance. Moreover, he also sent envoys to the Tang Empire to lobby Tang King Ji Li to send troops together to carve up the Qin Empire.

In the battle between Tang and Qin, the Tang Empire lost Pingtang, Baimo, Changchuan and other counties successively. He believed that Tang Wangjili wanted to regain it with all his might, and he would definitely not reject the proposal of a joint army.

To go to war, there must be a reasonable excuse. This is called Shichu's reputation. Therefore, there are frequent incidents of friction between the patrol warships of the two empires on the river.

"This guy is interesting."

Li Wei laughed strangely. He had long thought of annexing the Wei Empire, but the Tang Empire frequently went to war, and he would not be able to withdraw his hand for a while. Now, the Wei Empire actually wanted to provoke the war, and even the Qin Empire Squeeze it like a soft persimmon? "Old guy, this is the rhythm of death."

Wu You squinted his small eyes and snorted coldly. He understood that the old guy mentioned by the young master refers to Lin Dongyang, the minister of the Wei Empire. The Qin Empire is no longer what it used to be. Yes, it is absolutely possible to challenge the Jin Empire, which is recognized as the most powerful country in the mainland.

The young master has long had the idea of ​​annexing the Wei Empire, but he was busy fighting with the Tang Empire and couldn't draw his hand for a while. I don't want the Wei Empire to dare to provoke and plan to go to war as if he had been beaten to death. what is it

Li Wei called Zhou Bo, the commander of the Red Maple Navy, together with Wu You, and the three held an emergency meeting, and unanimously passed a resolution to go to war against the Wei Empire.

If you blindly forbear, it will only make the Wei Empire think that it is cowardly, and it will be more and more aggressive, and it will be difficult to recuperate smoothly.

That being the case, let's just start the fight, not only to win, but also to beat the Wei Empire until it hurts and scares them, so they will be honest.

That night, Zhou Bo, who was the commander of the navy, and Wu You, the military commander, drew up a battle plan. After reading it, Li Wei was quite satisfied, and ordered Wu You to be the commander of the battle. Act as a spectator.

Early the next morning, Zhou Bo, the commander of the Red Maple Navy, set sail with the main fleet of Shuiyun Pass, sailed down the river, and entered Juyun Pass.

Almost at the same time, Ding Tai, the commander of the Jiayue Provincial Navy, led the main fleet of the province to go against the sea and stationed in Juyun Pass.

Chapter 355 Sulfur Fire

As in the past, the small warships of the Qin and Wei empires encountered each other unexpectedly while cruising on the surging river. First, they spat at each other, and then the warships collided technically. After a small friction, both warships were hit and sunk. Soldiers fell into the water and were all rescued later.

This kind of friction has happened many times, and the soldiers on both sides have gotten used to it. As long as they are not playing big, large warships will not be dispatched.

However, today seems to be a bit different, the river is full of huge ships of the Wei Empire, with sails like a forest, rushing towards the sky, and the few small boats of the Qin Empire cruising were scared and fled.

On this day, the Wei Empire brazenly launched a war against the Qin Empire under the pretext of the conflict between the two sides and the death of soldiers.

No matter how bad an excuse is, as long as there is one, it is enough.

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