However, it has been almost two months since the end of the Great War of the Century, when Mingzhu led the army to return triumphantly and handed over the military power. She has not yet received a letter from Master Li. Mingzhu seems to have lost something important in her heart. Uneasy, the whole person looks depressed.

The personal maid Zhen'er saw it and was anxious in her heart, but she didn't know what to do. She arbitrarily advocated and wrote a letter of accountability to Mr. Li in her own name, asking why the other party didn't give her little sister a letter recently. The lady wrote a letter, which made her feel depressed and unhappy?

As everyone knows, her letter of accountability and Mingzhu's two letters failed to be delivered.

To be exact, the letter just left Xijing City, and was robbed outside the city.

Jiexin's gang is subordinate to Prince Huabin. The prince has coveted Mingzhu for a long time. If Mingzhu was just an ordinary woman, he would have already overpowered the king.

Mingzhu is the closed disciple of Xuansuju Xuanyue Shitai, the future master. If he wants to secure the throne of the prince and become a great treasure smoothly, he must get the support of Xuanyue Shitai.

Xuan Suju is just a gangster sect, except for the knight-errants who roam the rivers and lakes, no one in the official family may pay attention to it, but Huabin clearly knows that Master Xuanyue is so powerful that it frightens him.

Not to mention, the favorite concubines in the father's harem are Xuan Suju's disciples, blowing the wind on the pillow can influence the father's thoughts.

Many of the wives, concubines and daughters of civil servants and military generals who hold real power in the court are mostly disciples of Xuansuju. In addition, those civil servants and military generals' families are intertwined with each other. It is no exaggeration to say that Xuansuju's influence has penetrated deeply. The upper core of the Jin Empire controls the direction of the Jin court.

Hua Bin is afraid of Xuan Suju, and at the same time has a murderous intent. Xuan Suju is huge, and what he has done has seriously threatened the safety of the royal family. He raised the butcher's knife without hesitation, not to mention Hua Bin was quite ambitious.

However, all of this had to wait until he became the great treasure and the throne was firmly established before he dared to do anything. Before that, he hid his dissatisfaction in his heart and obeyed Master Xuanyue too.

Furthermore, Mingzhu is the only female marshal in the empire, and she has never been defeated since taking charge of the army. The female god of war recognized by the mainland enjoys an irreplaceable prestige in the army. Even Jin Wang Huazhao is afraid of her. Don't even dare to mess around.

Therefore, in front of Mingzhu, he always behaved like a gentle and modest gentleman.

It's a pity that Luohua has intentions and flowing water is ruthless. Apart from being polite, Mingzhu has always refused his invitation with various excuses, pretending that she has no interest in him and is not interested in the queen's throne that countless women can't resist.

Most men have a bad habit. They don't cherish those who offer to deliver to their door, but they will try their best to get them if they can't catch up, because the best things are what they can't get.

Hua Bin also has this bad hair, so he vowed to get Mingzhu, even if he didn't get her heart, he would also get her body.

Being rejected for many invitations made him very embarrassed, and also made him angry. He tried every means to know Mingzhu's whereabouts and her preferences, so naturally he sent many people to secretly monitor the Marshal's Mansion.

Not long after, the subordinates in charge of monitoring discovered that Mingzhu often communicated with other people, three to five letters per month. After Hua Bin learned about it, he ordered his subordinates to kidnap and intercept the letters.

I read Li Wei's letter to Mingzhu, a very nasty letter, what loves you, is like a mouse loves rice or something, in short, it's so nasty, vulgar and disgusting that he almost wants to vomit, and at the same time makes him jealous, wishing he could A sword killed the rival in love.


Hua Bin cursed viciously. He was cursing Mingzhu. He pretended to be noble and holy on the surface, but he was lewd and vulgar in his heart. He dared to say such nasty, disgusting and obscene words.

He wanted to tell Xuan Yue about this, but he held back after thinking about it. Doing so would only show that he was incompetent. He wanted Ming Zhu, a bitch, to kneel down and beg him willingly, and then abandon her after severely humiliating her. .

But this time, he needed to vent his full anger, and the second brother who delivered the letter naturally became the target of his venting.

The second brother, whose real name is Sun Shi, is the second in his family, and his nickname is Xiaoer. He is a guard in Li Wei's five hundred personal guards. He is quite clever. The letter Li Wei wrote to Mingzhu this time is a bit special. , so he was sent to deliver the letter himself.

Before setting off, Li Wei also hummed Yang Chengang's "Mouse Loves Rice" to him, and he didn't let him go on the road until he had memorized it by heart. It was so fresh and unique that it was hard for the beauty of Ming Dynasty not to smile.

When Sun Xiaoer came to the Jin imperial capital for the first time, when he asked people how to get to the marshal's mansion, he happened to be heard by the subordinates sent by Prince Huabin to monitor Mingzhu nearby, so he was tied up and sent to Prince Hua along with Li Wei's autographed letter. in front of Bin.

Sun Xiaoer was beaten to death. He had been clenching his teeth and didn't say a word. Knowing that Huabin would not let him go, he had an idea in despair. He changed his mind and immediately confessed.

"What do you think the mouse loves rice is a song?"

Hua Bin also looked surprised, the guy surnamed Li played a trick for Mingzhu?Why are these lyrics so vulgar and disgusting? "The villain doesn't know...but it is indeed a song, and the little one can sing it..."

Sun Xiaoer showed an expression of greed for life and fear of death, and poured out all the stocks in his stomach.

He said that in order to win the favor of Marshal Mingzhu, Li Wei sent many people to the folks to collect all kinds of weird things. He discovered and transcribed the song "Mouse Loves Rice" and presented it to Li Wei for credit.


Hua Bin couldn't help cursing, he was cursing Li Wei, a big rival in love, but he couldn't help but feel a little bit alive, that shameless bastard seemed to know how to please Mingzhu.

"Although the words of this song are vulgar, the song is very novel. Marshal Mingzhu will definitely like it. I present the small one to you, His Royal Highness, and I only ask His Highness to spare my life..."

Sun Xiaoer kowtowed to beg for mercy, with a pitiful expression of fear of death.


There was a playful smile on Hua Bin's face, but a cold and menacing murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Chapter 337 Mice Love Rice 2

Intercepting letters, unless there is evidence of treason or something in the letter, people and gods will be outraged. How dare Huabin let outsiders know about it. Therefore, even if Sun Xiaoer confesses, he must die. Only the dead can keep this secret.

However, although the lyrics of this song are vulgar and make people vomit blood, it cannot be denied that the song is very novel. It sounds weird at first, but after listening to it several times, it really feels good.

Good-sounding is not the point, the important thing is the novelty, which completely subverts the current concept of rhythm. If it spreads out, it will definitely cause a sensation, and he will earn a good reputation for nothing. I believe Mingzhu really likes it, and Huabin can't help but be moved.

Didn't he put in so much effort just to win Mingzhu's favor?

Although Mingzhu's status in his heart has declined because of this incident, those who can't get her must at least get her body, so that he can show his ability.

Huabin repeatedly asked Sun Xiaoer several articles, and confirmed that this novel song was known only to Sun Xiaoer and the person who created it, except for his big love rival Li Wei, and Sun Xiaoer had already killed the original song in order to claim credit. .

In other words, this song has become out of print, and he can safely keep it as his own.

He winked at the guards around him, and the two guards stepped forward to pick up Sun Xiaoer and walked away. Sun Xiaoer knew that his death was approaching, and a strange smile appeared on his pale face.

Hua Bin called Le Ji from the mansion, hummed the song himself, and asked them to compose the song. After making a copy, let them practice and get familiar with the song. If anyone asked, he would say it was his puppet. Got it.

Hua Bin also practiced for two days, until he felt good, then he brought the recorded score, and surrounded by the guards, he went to Mingzhu's Marshal's Mansion excitedly.

The guards at the gate dared not stop them, they sent people to report to Marshal Mingzhu while greeting him.

At the beginning, Mingzhu had a good impression of Prince Huabin, who was personable, gentle, and talented. However, after being entangled to the point of annoyance, his image would naturally be compromised.

In her heart, it was already full of someone's figure, and she could no longer accommodate other men. She had already hinted to the prince, but this guy didn't know whether he was pretending to be confused or didn't understand, and he never stopped pestering him.

However, he is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the next great king of the empire, even if he feels a little unhappy, he still has to give this face.

"Mingzhu, I compiled a new song on a whim a few days ago. I don't know if it's good or not. You can comment on it."

Hua Bin's face was filled with a sincere expression of humbly asking for advice, it was difficult for people to refuse his request.

Mingzhu also likes temperament, and her attainments in this area can only be regarded as proficient at best, which is still far from everyone's level.

There are several master-level masters in the imperial capital. Hua Bin didn't go to them for advice, but came to her. How could he not know what he was thinking?

However, since he was so sincere, she was too embarrassed to refuse, and she was also a little curious in her heart.

She took the sheet music and looked at it, her smooth jade cheeks first showed a stunned expression, and then a touching blush appeared, and the bright phoenix eyes flashed with embarrassment.

What kind of mess is this all about?

This guy clearly wanted to humiliate her!Angry in her heart, she wanted to have an attack, but a strange feeling suddenly flashed in her mind, that feeling was very strange, vague, a little familiar, but she couldn't catch it for a while.

She took a deep breath of cold air, calmed herself down, and carefully looked at the messy lyrics again.

At first glance, the lyrics of this song are weird. It compares the holy love between men and women to mice and rice, which is unacceptably vulgar.

However, if you savor it carefully, you can feel the sincere and passionate love in it. It seems that the more you taste it, the more interesting it is.

I don't know why, every time Mingzhu looked at it again, the strange feeling just now became more and more clear and strong, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Well, she finally caught it, that strange feeling is familiar!You are Feng'er, I am Sha, you are Harmi, and I am Melon... A familiar face with a faint smile appeared in Mingzhu's mind, and a smile escaped unconsciously from the corners of her red lips.

In the whole world, he is the only one who can use such simple and straightforward words and sentences in terms of words and sentences, but it makes people feel novel and interesting. No wonder this feeling is so familiar.

She suddenly realized in her heart, and said calmly: "The lyrics..."

Hua Bin smiled slightly, with a bit of color on his face, "It's just a temporary interest, and I scribbled at will. These words can't be put on the table at all, so I laughed, haha."

Another deep meaning of his is: the lyrics are not very good on the stage, but this is not the point, the melody is the highlight, and it is a wonderful skill.

Mingzhu smiled slightly, and asked her personal servant Zhen to bring the Changqin, and sat in the hall, watching the music playing.

After only playing it a few times, she had already memorized the music score in her heart, and she played it more and more smoothly. She couldn't help but immerse herself in the smooth, brisk and pleasant sound of the music for a while.

This song completely subverted the traditional rhythm she knew, which can be said to be a great pioneering work, and she became more and more sure of who the real original was.

"Mingzhu, how is it? Please give me your advice."

Reign Bin's long series, with an expression of humbly asking for advice.

"This song is very novel and completely subverts the tradition. It can be said to be a great pioneering work."

There was a happy smile on Mingzhu's face, and there was a touch of blush. The evaluation she gave was very pertinent, and she was not biased because it was done by someone.

However, this heartbeat was beating violently, could this be someone's confession?Hua Bin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, with a bit of complacency on his face, but he said modestly: "It's easy to laugh, generous to laugh."

Mingzhu looked at him, a frightening coldness flashed in her phoenix eyes, if it wasn't for this, she really wouldn't know that he was a villain, and everyone would have been deceived by his appearance.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally just let out a low sigh of helplessness.

If he wasn't His Highness the Crown Prince, and his abilities were stronger than those of the other princes, and with Master's full assistance, she really wanted to tear off his hypocritical mask on the spot and ruin his reputation.

For a moment, Mingzhu felt a little confused. What would happen if the empire was handed over to such a villain?

Just trying to find an excuse to send Hua Bin away, she didn't want Master Xuan Yue to come suddenly, so she rushed out to greet her, Hua Bin was by her side, secretly happy in her heart.

Xuanyue not only fully supports him, but also wholeheartedly promotes the good things between him and Mingzhu. He will become a great treasure in the future, and Mingzhu will be the queen empress of the world. With this relationship, Xuanyue has a little more confidence in controlling the Jin Empire.

Hua Bin knew it well, but until he was not enthroned as a great treasure and the throne was firmly secured, he could only bear it.

Now, let's take Mingzhu away.

Xuan Yue has been practicing in seclusion recently, and it was rare for her to go down the mountain once. Seeing the two of them together, she couldn't help showing a gratified smile on her face. Her hard work was not in vain. Mingzhu started dating Huabin, which is a good sign.

Xuanyue went down the mountain with a few things to deal with, and checking Mingzhu's homework was one of them. After a few words of greeting, the master and apprentice went to the practice room.

Hua Bin stayed in the hall alone, happily sipping the fragrant tea offered by Zhen'er with his legs crossed, Xuan Yue asked him to wait for a while, there were some things to discuss with him, which he couldn't wish for, at least this time, he You can stay here grandiosely and have dinner with Mingzhu.

Xuanyue's arrival was a torment for Mingzhu, Huabin clings to her like a mangy dog, but she can't drive her away, and her heart is full of helplessness.

I don't know who spread the novel song "Mouse Loves Rice", which subverts the traditional melody. Anyway, it caused a great sensation. The height of the layers, and the love affair between him and Mingzhu is also talked about by people.

At this time, far away in Chang'an, the capital of the Qin Empire, the news that Jijiu Wu You, the right military master of the Hussar General's Mansion, was detained by the Ministry of Criminal Justice for some problems spread all over the streets and alleys. Fly around.

Chapter 338 A Move

Fifteen days later, the Ministry of Punishment opened another court to interrogate Wu You, the right army officer of General Hussar's Mansion. This time, in order to comply with public opinion, the Ministry of Punishment specially cleared an open space and set up a large shed for the convenience of the people to watch and supervise.

Early in the morning, the surrounding area of ​​the interrogation shed was crowded with onlookers, and it was so dark that Prime Minister Li Gang had to mobilize the city guards to maintain order and take strict precautions.

As a result of the trial, the prosecution was unable to submit any evidence about Wu You's embezzlement and robbery of civilian women. On the contrary, Wu You who was under trial provided various witnesses.

The rank of the official rank of the right army division of the Hussar General's Mansion is not very high, and there seems to be no real power on the surface, but everyone knows that to be awarded this official position is not only as simple as entering the core of the Li Group, but also He is the main counselor of the young master Yizhong, with a detached position and a bright future.

Wu You, the military master on the right, is one of the left and right arms that the young master relies on the most. He is favored so much that even Tian Ce, who is ranked first, thinks he is not as good as him.

Only the core members of the Li Group know in their hearts that there are some things that a well-known celebrity like Tian Ce Wen Zishan cannot do, and only a person like Wu You who doesn't care about his reputation can do it, such as topping the tank. Take the blame and so on.

Although Wu You's appearance makes people dare not be respectful, there are still countless patriarchs from aristocratic families, officials, nobles, scholarly families, who take the initiative to send people to ask for marriage in order to marry them. Many of their sisters, cousins, daughters, nieces, etc. They look beautiful, and some are even famous ladies.

However, what makes people's eyes stunned is that Wu You is not tempted, and I don't know what he thinks in his heart. The concubine has paid a lot, but there is no famous matchmaker who is marrying a wife. The actual person in power is Yunniang.

This time, Yunniang led several younger sisters to testify in court. These younger sisters were all concubines of the enemy, including the concubine of the former prefect of Hongfeng Lan Yun and the concubine of Ren Bin, the prefect of Baimo City in the Tang Empire. Unanimously testified in court, he was willing to commit himself to his own master, and lived a good life without suffering any grievances.

In the continent where the weak prey on the strong, there are camp prostitutes in the army. The status of the camp prostitutes is very miserable. Ordinary singers and dancers, even being a servant, are a hundred times better than staying in the army as a camp prostitute.

Therefore, accusing Wu You of forcibly robbing civilian girls is not valid at all. On the contrary, it also reflects this guy's pity and pity. In the same way, the flowers are stuck in cow dung, and the cabbage is crushed by pigs.

As one of the presiding judges, Lu Zhilong couldn't figure out what conspiracy Li Gang was playing. The results of the deliberation are naturally acquiesced.

The final result of the deliberation was that Wu You was acquitted and released.

Originally, the case ended here, and everyone could leave. They could do what they should do. They didn't want Wu You, but they didn't want to give up. The reason was that they had been framed and their reputation was damaged. One innocent.

The defendant in turn became the plaintiff, and now there was a lot of excitement.

It was freezing cold, but Lu Zhilong kept wiping the beads of cold sweat rolling off his forehead with a handkerchief, Li finally fought back, and it was an upright conspiracy, but it was a headache.

If it were an ordinary person, it would not be a headache, but this Wu You is really not an ordinary person. This guy is a poisonous man who can scold people to death. He played dirty tricks and made all the famous people stay away, and was stared at by him. In fact, if you don't die, you have to shed at least a layer of skin. It's just a trivial matter to die, and the damage to your reputation is the real death.

"To be a human being, one should be upright and clear."

"That's right, Army Master Wu was framed, so he should be cleared."

"Yes, yes, yes, Junshi Wu should be innocent."

A few voices suddenly sounded from the crowd of onlookers. They were ordinary discussions, but the voices were so loud that the people nearby could hear them clearly.

"Return the Wu Junshi's innocence."

Someone raised their arms and shouted, and then someone followed suit, one, two, three... ten... a hundred... Soon, the surrounding people were all mobilized and shouted loudly, thousands of voices Gathering together, like thunder rolling, splitting the sky.

Zhao Changzhang glanced at Lu Zhilong, whose forehead was covered with beads of cold sweat, and said calmly, "What do Master Lu think of such public opinion?"

"As long as...follow the public opinion..."

Lu Zhilong sighed in a low voice, feeling angry and helpless, more nervous, and even a little bit of fear.

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