Twenty steps... ten steps... five steps, the distance finally narrowed, and the soldiers of the two teams trapped in the camp were like two sharp knives, piercing fiercely into the two wings of the Tang army's central formation, tearing apart layer by layer. Killing, advancing step by step, the entire cone-shaped battle formation squeezed in bit by bit, and Tang Jun's defensive formation was slowly squeezed away.

Xia Houba didn't know how many Tang soldiers he had knocked down. He was panting desperately, his legs were as heavy as lead, and every step he took took almost all the strength in his whole body. , but he clearly knew that he was in the middle of the enemy line and couldn't stop at all. He could only fight desperately until he collapsed from exhaustion.

He could only clenched his teeth and mechanically swung the heavier and heavier Mo Dao, knocking down one enemy after another, until he had no strength left to swing the Mo Dao, only then did he realize that there was nothing but mutilated corpses in front of him. Not a single living person.

After the soldiers of the two teams fell into the Tang army's central army and joined up, the Tang army, whose morale was low, finally collapsed. The mountains and plains were full of defeated soldiers who fled. Without cavalry, the results of the battle cannot be expanded.

Xiahou Fuqin led the army to pursue from behind, and the logistics auxiliary soldiers and the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion dragged the Thunder Chariot and the Thunderbolt Chariot with horse-drawn carts and ox carts, and the exhausted soldiers of the trapped camp fell on the bloody ground. On the mud floor, panting heavily.

Each of the three major battalions of the Tang army was guarded by [-] soldiers. Thunderbolt chariots were still placed on the ground, firing huge stones into the city. The Qin soldiers were chasing and killing, but they didn't know who took the lead first, so they threw down their weapons and fled.

The three major guard generals who fled into the barracks wanted to defend the camp, but they were swept away by the defeated soldiers like a tidal wave. The military camp was ignited by the skyrocketing fire, and those who ran slowly were buried in the sea of ​​flames.

Xia Houfu led the army to chase and kill Shilifang Mingjin, and all the soldiers happily cleaned the battlefield and counted the spoils. In this battle, nearly 4000 enemies were wiped out, more than [-] people were captured, and countless spoils such as food, grass, weapons and equipment were seized.

On the top of the city, Li Wei and others saw that the reinforcements had killed the Tang army and fled in embarrassment. They were all excited. Countless soldiers and people danced and laughed, and some embraced and cried bitterly. The reinforcements they had been waiting for for a long time finally arrived. .

The soldiers and the common people all wanted to rush out of the city to beat the dogs in the water and pick up the trophies, but they were all dizzy from hunger and had no energy to move.

However, a large number of soldiers and civilians still rushed out of the city, and then fell down on the red mud ground, gasping for breath, there was no way, the smell of golden juice in the city was too strong, and they had to crawl out of the city Take a breath, at least the smell of golden juice outside the city is not so strong and disgusting.

Li Wei Wuyou, who was dizzy from hunger and weak all over, walked out of the city with the help of the guards, panting heavily in the wilderness, and everyone continued to move forward until the smell of the golden juice faded away. Regardless of the dirt on the ground, they all sat down, pulled off the wet cloth towels on their faces, and breathed in the fresh air happily. It felt as refreshing as rebirth.

"My subordinates are late, please forgive me, General Hussars."

Xia Houfu and a group of high-ranking officers rushed over and bowed to Li Wei, with expressions on their faces full of doubts and uneasiness.

The wilderness was full of people, many people were even lying down, a large black area, there were soldiers, there were civilians, men and women, old and young, the whole city ran out, but every day A piece of cloth scarf was wrapped around the necks of the people, and all of them were sallow, skinny, and weak, as if they were about to die.

Could it be that the city has long run out of food?However, before Yebu accepted, he brought back a letter written by General Hussars, telling him that the food and grass stored in the city was enough for the entire city's soldiers and civilians to last for three months, and what was lacking was only weapons and other weapons for defending the city. What is going on here? ?

Li Wei, who was sitting on the dirty muddy floor, waved his hands weakly. He was so hungry that he didn't even have the energy to speak.

"General Xiahou, hurry up and let the soldiers bury the pot for cooking, everyone is starving..."

The little six on the side reminded that among all the people, he has the best complexion. Since the whole city launched the golden juice defense battle, the soldiers and civilians in the whole city are so disgusted that they can't eat. This guy just pinched his nose and forced himself to eat Some.

"The last will obey."

Although Xia Houfu was extremely curious, but now was not the time to ask, he hurriedly ordered the soldiers to bury pots and make rice, and kill chickens and sheep.

Soon, the air was filled with the smell of vegetables and meat. Although many people couldn't help vomiting, more people swallowed while their stomachs were rumbling.

The occasion of 10,000+ people dining in the wilderness is very spectacular, no less than a life-and-death duel of thousands of troops.

The reinforcement soldiers quickly learned the reason from the people. Some people approached the city without believing in evil. They immediately pinched their noses and retreated in a panic. The smell of golden juice wafting from the city could kill people alive. .

Sleepy and hungry, Li Wei, who was weak all over his body, drank half a bowl of hot mutton soup, and immediately lay down on the camp bed and fell asleep. Even if Jiao Lei rumbled in his ears, he would not be able to wake him up.

Chapter 283 Protracted War

This night, Pingtang City, Ruo Da, almost turned into a deserted ghost town, and the open space outside the city was full of people lying in the woods, and the piles of bonfires were as numerous as stars in the sky. People would rather endure the bites of mosquitoes , and don't want to enjoy the fragrance of golden juice in the city.

Xia Houfu had no choice but to order the army to strengthen its guard. If it was not collected at night, it would spill a lot, and it would be hundreds of miles away to closely monitor any changes in the Tang army.

Early the next morning, Xia Houfu sent people into the city and lit the collected herbs and other spices everywhere in the city to dispel the soaring smell of golden juice. After returning to the city, Li Wei and others still lived in the barracks outside the city.

Pingtangguan has not been repaired for many years, and it was attacked by the Tang army for more than ten days. The fortifications of the city were already damaged, and one of the city walls was knocked down by the Thunderbolt chariot. , Picking up stones and other stuff, and the whole truck is transported into the city for storage.

There are lime clay and other materials, and the progress of repairing the city wall is very fast. In these years, people have not discovered the main function of lime, let alone how to burn lime. Naturally, lime workshops are also classified as military secrets, and soldiers are guarded. Workers choose reliable ones.

Li Wei knew that secrets such as movable type printing, carburizing and steelmaking would leak out sooner or later. However, based on the principle that every day he could keep a secret would gain an advantage, he still tried his best to keep it secret.

During this period, the intelligence personnel of the Military Intelligence Department and the night did not stop sending back news. The fall of Pingtang Pass shocked the Tang court. Ji Li was very angry. In order to recover the dangerous pass of Pingtang, another two generals, Baiyu Qinkang, each commanding 20 troops, will be sent to reinforce the two cities of Baimo and Changchuan.

In addition, the Qin Dynasty sent Anping Marquis Tang Sheng to lead [-] troops to Luo County between Baimo and Zhuang County to support Han Rui's army to recover the dangerous pass of Pingtang.

However, the three generals in Jingnan, Yiwu, and Jindu were all dismissed because of the unfavorable battle to regain Pingtangguan.

Han Rui's 20 troops are being assembled urgently, but he himself has arrived at Jindu with his personal guard battalion.

Pingtang Dangerous Pass is very important to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, and everyone wants to occupy it. Next, the two sides will have a protracted and tragic offensive and defensive battle, and the outcome is only five or five.

In the next few days, He Jin led [-] reinforcements to arrive, half of which were stationed in the city, led by Xia Houfu.

The other half camped outside the North City Gate to prevent the Tang army from being trapped in Pingtang City on all sides.

At the same time that a large amount of weapons and equipment and food and grass were continuously arriving, Li Wei followed the advice of Jijiu Wuyou, the right army teacher, and urgently built 13 fortresses on the road that the Tang army must pass through Pingtang City. Consume the strength and morale of the Tang army as much as possible.

The protracted tug-of-war between the two empires will break out at Pingtang Pass. These factors are all within Li Wei's consideration, but the time is advanced.

In war, the battle is actually about the comprehensive national strength such as people, food and silver. On the surface, Tang is still strong and Qin is weak, but after the Li family took control of the Qin court, they implemented various facilities to benefit the people. At the beginning, the currency war launched by Li Wei was focused on the Tang Empire. The overall national strength of the two sides has been evened out, and there is even a tendency to catch up.

The current situation of the Qin Empire is stable, the people return to their hearts, live and work in peace and contentment, and the situation can be said to be very good. On the other hand, in the Tang Empire, the prince's rebellion was too involved, the court was turbulent, and people were panicked. Wang's bandits and bandits almost didn't raise the banner of uprising.

The situation still makes Li Wei quite optimistic, but unfortunately, in order to defend the dangerous pass of Pingtang, some of the previous secret deployments are also considered to be cleared.

Like Operation Thunder, it is to send a large number of action teams to pretend to be robbers, occupy the king as the king, and harass everywhere with slogans of robbing the rich and helping the poor. When the time is right, they will raise the banner of rebellion and let the flames of war ignite everywhere in the territory of the Tang Empire. It's just that in the fierce battle of defending the city, almost all the soldiers of the five Jinglei teams died in battle, and it was too late to redeploy.

And the special night does not receive and the dragon team of the black guards also suffered heavy losses. Li Wei knew that he had made the same mistake as before, but the situation was critical at that time, so he had to put these elites who spent a lot of money on special training into the frontal battlefield, and then he defended city.

The remnants of the Special Ye Bu Shou and the Black Guard Dragon Team have returned to China, and he has left all the work of supplementing the war-damaged personnel to Ding Xi. Li Wei is very relieved of this guy's ability.

Originally, the important task of stationing Pingtang Pass was to be handed over to He Jin, and Xia Houfu, who had already made great military exploits, returned home to rest. With Xiahou Fu as the main force and He Jin as his deputy, he fully assisted him in defending Pingtang City, which should be a disguised compensation for the Xiahou family.

At this time, Li Wei also understood why Zhuo Fengxing's "old disease" suddenly relapsed at a critical moment, and he asked Xia Houfu to lead the army to reinforce him. This guy's mind is really admirable.

The day before Han Rui's 20 troops arrived at the city of Pingtang, Li Wei and his party had already set off to return to China. In this defensive battle, many soldiers made great achievements, which were all recorded in the merit book, and will be discussed soon. Reward.

However, some recruits from Pingtang were directly promoted and rewarded for their bravery in battle, and they took a temporary vacation.

When Li Wei was passing by the second county town of Zhaozhuang, he personally inspected the fortifications of the two counties, and Zhuo Fengxing's various arrangements made him very satisfied.

Zhuo Fengxing mobilized all the people in the city to help repair the damaged city wall these days. It was too late for a major repair, so he could only strengthen and heighten the main and weak parts of the city wall. A large number of sandbags piled up in the city wall. In the city, several lines of defense were built, and food and various defense equipment were continuously transported in and stored in the city.

The two counties of Zhaozhuang are not only the only channel connecting the dangerous pass of Pingtang of the Empire, but also the logistics supply base of Pingtang dangerous pass. At this time, it highlights an extremely important strategic position. Each of the two small counties has [-] elite soldiers stationed , completely turned into two military towns. On the dangerous high ground between the two cities, an army of [-] people was stationed to prevent the front line of Zhuang County from being broken through by the Tang army. Zhao County.

The trapped camp made great contributions in this reinforcement battle, but nearly a thousand people were killed in the battle. They are currently resting in Zhao County City, replenishing the soldiers damaged in the battle, and waiting for the order to attack.

On a hillside near the city of Zhuang County, another [-] troops from the empire are stationed to stop the Tang army from the direction of Baimo. In Ningyuan Border Pass, there are also [-] troops stationed. Once the war worsens, reinforcements can be dispatched at any time .

Coupled with the continuous harassment of the two cities of Baimo and Changchuan by two partial divisions, the Qin Empire has actually invested 30 troops and 20 civilians, which is almost a general mobilization of the whole country.

In this protracted offensive and defensive battle, Li Wei didn't know how many people would die, but he knew that the treasury, which was originally not abundant, might be exhausted again, and the finances would become deficit again.

But this battle, he has to fight, as long as he defends the dangerous pass of Pingtang, it will be a victory for the Qin Empire!

Chapter 284 Yangmou

When setting off, Li Wei patted Zhuo Fengxing on the shoulder, "You have done a good job, you have won battles, you have made achievements, and defending the second county of Zhaozhuang is a great achievement."

"My subordinate understands."

Zhuo Fengxing replied loudly, with his back as straight as a javelin. Although he gave Xia Houfu the military exploits of reinforcing Pingtang, but as one of the young master's direct descendants, he was really not worried that he would not have the opportunity to lead the army on the battlefield.

He personally led the personal guards to escort Li Wei to ten miles before stopping, and watched Li Wei leave in a mighty manner under the escort of the special Yebushou and the black guard dragon group.

Li Wei and his party were still on the way. The funeral of Xia Houshang, the only surviving old general of the Zhu Kingdom in the empire, was presided over by Prime Minister Li Gang. They were supposed to go home to observe their filial piety, but the three insisted on staying. They wanted to kill the enemy desperately and avenge their father (grandpa).

At this time, Han Rui, the general of the Tang Dynasty, led an army of 20 to Pingtang County. To be precise, he arrived at the outer defense line of Pingtang County. pace of.

Han Rui didn't dare to take the county road. The Jingxian trail was a shortcut, and it took nearly two days faster than taking the avenue. But the terrain was too steep, and he only needed to send a team of troops to defend it, and he could stop his 20 troops. According to Yebushou's report, there is an unknown number of Qin troops stationed in Xiaojing County, the most dangerous county near Jing County.

The avenue became the only passage leading to Pingtang Danger Pass. If the army wanted to pass through and reach Pingtang Danger Pass, it had to conquer these 13 fortresses first. Han Rui had no choice but to set up camp and send troops to attack.

The fortress is not very high, but it is extremely strong. A sharpened wooden stake is driven into the ground, and the two rows of space are filled with soil and rammed to form a simple but quite strong defensive fortress.

Originally, this small fortress could not withstand several rounds of thunderbolt chariots at all, but the Qin army set up a dozen Thunderbolt chariots on both sides of the fort, and a dozen Thunderbolt chariots behind the fort.

Both are Thunderbolt chariots, but the Thunderbolt chariot used by the Qin army is an improved type, and its range is more than [-] steps farther than that used by the Tang army. When they arrived at the preset position, they were first bombarded by the Thunder Chariot of the Qin Army, and then violently bombarded by the Thunderbolt Chariot, which destroyed the car and killed people.

The Tang army did not use the thunderbolt chariot, but only used soldiers to launch a strong attack. The Qin army's thunderbolt chariot and thunderbolt chariot did not launch again. Obviously, the purpose of this deployment is to specifically suppress the thunderbolt chariot of the Tang army, forcing you to use soldiers lives to conquer these fortresses.

This is a clever plan, upright, but extremely vicious. The real purpose is to consume the strength of the Tang army. Once the army loses more than [-]% of the battle, the morale will inevitably be affected.

Han Rui knew the purpose of the Qin Army, but he was helpless. The Thunder Chariot and the Thunderbolt Chariot of the Qin Army were too powerful. He had hundreds of Thunderbolt chariots, but he couldn't put them into use.

He really had no choice but to order the soldiers to launch a strong attack. The terrible thing was that although the official road was wide enough for four carriages to run side by side, it was too narrow as a battlefield, and it was impossible for a large number of troops to attack the fortress. Squads went into battle one by one, and the Qin army who was holding on to the fortress only needed to invest a small amount of troops, which could not only stop his army, but also consume his troops little by little.

The person who came up with this method is really insidious!The Tang army desperately threw in teams of soldiers to attack. The Qin army had few troops, but the defense was very tenacious. They did not retreat until evening. And the wounded, all taken away when retreating.

The Tang army captured the first fort, and the soldiers couldn't help cheering for victory, but Han Rui, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, didn't smile at all. He only captured the first fort, and he paid the price of nearly 3000 people. A fortress is enough for him to eat for more than ten days.

He felt sorry for the casualties of the soldiers, but he was more worried that the opponents in the DPRK and China would take the opportunity to attack him. He impeached him for not doing anything. The army rested overnight and continued to attack the next day.

The Tang army attacked fortress by fort, and the Qin army resisted fortress by fort. The soldiers on both sides were fighting bloody battles. It took Han Rui 15 days and more than 2000 casualties to conquer the 13 fortresses.

Of course, the casualties of the Qin army were not small, but as the defensive side, it has successfully won [-] days for the soldiers and civilians of Pingtang City to repair and strengthen the city defense fortifications, which also weakened the morale of the Tang army to a certain extent. The purpose is achieved.

Han Rui led the army to approach Pingtang City. When he saw the Qin army camp outside the south gate, his thin old face was full of sadness.

Because of the existence of this barracks, he could not trap Pingtang City on all sides, and the Qin army in the city could be supplemented with soldiers and supplies at any time, which also made him unable to attack the city with all his strength unless he captured the barracks first.

However, this barracks is not so easy to capture, at least, he thinks it is much more difficult to attack than the 13 fortresses.

This large military camp is simply a miniature version of the strong city. The walls are only smaller and shorter than Pingtang City, but they are a bit thick and scary. In addition to the arrow towers, there are actually two floors, which can be invested in a large amount at one time. There are many archers, and Thunder chariots can be seen on the wall. If you want to use Thunder chariots to attack the camp, you don't know how much you have to pay.

I don't know who came up with such a defensive barracks?

People have to admire. I believe that this new type of military barracks with two floors of upper and lower buildings and stronger defensive capabilities will be imitated by the empires soon.

Han Rui didn't have much confidence in conquering this barracks, whose defense capability was almost as high as the Pingtang Dangerous Pass, but he had no choice. If he didn't break through this barracks, he couldn't attack the city with all his strength and regain the Pingtang Dangerous Pass. .

However, with the current strength, it seemed that it was still not enough, so he wrote a memorial requesting the King of Tang to add another [-] troops.

According to the information obtained by Yebushou, there are 5 Qin troops stationed in Pingtang City, and nearly 20 troops are stationed in the camp outside the south gate, and the 13 troops under his command have to deduct tens of thousands of troops. In addition to the loss of 2000 soldiers in the battle of the 16 fortresses, the actual number of soldiers he can use is [-], which is only [-] more than the Qin army, which does not have any advantage. necessary.

In fact, the number he really wanted in his heart was 20. He used partial divisions to contain the Qin army's barracks, and then stormed Pingtang City with overwhelming force. However, he didn't dare to report this number. The opponents in the DPRK and China will take the opportunity to attack and impeach him.

All kinds of worries and constraints made him feel helpless and unable to do his best. Apart from sighing, he had to wait patiently for the reinforcements to arrive before he could attack the city.

It took half a month for the courier to come and go. Fortunately, the courier who came back brought him a surprise. The king of Tang actually dispatched 20 reinforcements and a large amount of food to him, and the reinforcements had been assembled a few days ago. The messenger arrived three days late.

As soon as the 20 reinforcements arrived, Han Rui immediately dispatched [-] troops to line up in front of the Qin Army's camp, and then began to organize a large army to launch a fierce attack on Pingtang City.

Pingtang City, which had just gained peace for more than ten days, was once again ravaged by war. Fortunately, the people in the city have experienced the extremely tragic conservative war for more than ten days, and the people have gradually gotten used to it. The slightest panic, they don't know much about military horses, but they all know that the hussar general who is so young, but easy to talk and thinks of them wholeheartedly, said that Pingtang City is an important part of the empire. Border gates are never allowed to be lost again, even if all the resources of the empire are exhausted, the city must be defended until the last soldier dies.

Chapter 285 The Conspiracy 2

The earth-shattering rumble of war drums was accompanied by the roar of killing that resounded through the sky. Soldiers on both sides were fighting bloody battles. The sky was full of criss-crossing arrows, densely packed like locusts, covering the strong sunlight. The grinding boulders and the blazing fireballs are piercing and whistling.

Dead bodies in different shapes, damaged battle armor, broken weapons, destroyed siege vehicles collapsed, burning towers emitted billowing black smoke, and converging blood into rivers constituted an extremely tragic battle scene , Pingtang Pass is like a huge meat grinder, frantically devouring the lives of soldiers on both sides.

The battle of attack and defense of the city was very tragic, but there was no movement in the camp of the Qin Army outside the southern city. No matter how the Tang Army shouted and provoked, General He Jin didn't bother to respond, as if Pingtang City was attacked and had nothing to do with him.

The Tang soldiers who are deployed outside the barracks are miserable. They have to line up every day to prevent the Qin army in the camp from suddenly killing and attacking the friendly army who is attacking the city with all their strength. During the dog days, you just stay motionless Sitting so hard, the sweat can soak the clothes, let alone standing under the hot sun?

In this terrible dog days, some soldiers with weak physiques could not sustain heatstroke and collapsed. In the ancient continent with backward medical technology, people could die from colds, let alone heatstroke. Some soldiers could not survive and reported directly to the God of Longevity. up.

The daily battle damage data will be statistically reported when joining the army. Han Rui could see the muscles in his cheeks twitching. After counting the daily battle damage statistics, there are two to three thousand casualties. Of course, the data on non-combat attrition is so small that it can be ignored Not counting, there are only dozens or hundreds of people, but after ten or twenty days, this number is terrible.

However, in order to attack the city with all his strength, there was nothing he could do. The Qin army barracks outside the south city was a thorn in the flesh, but it was a headache.

This damn weather is really hot to death.

Soldiers on both sides are cursing the damn weather. Maybe it's the God of Longevity showing mercy, or maybe it's because human beings have too much resentment. God suddenly changed his face, dark clouds billowed, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. The temperature also dropped.

The rare coolness, the morale of the Tang army was greatly boosted, and they even braved the rain to attack the city. The heavy rain made the fireballs of both sides useless, and also made the hot oil of the defending side useless. The Tang soldiers brought a lot of inconvenience, but the soldiers on both sides were gnashing their teeth and fighting bloody battles until they died.

One side is desperately attacking, the other side is tenaciously defending, and both sides have suffered losses. According to the current situation, the war will not stop in the short term, and the tragic offensive and defensive battle will last for a long time.

Between Zhuang County and Baimo City, the Qin army built a strong fortress, behind which was a continuous barracks that could not be seen at a glance.

Anping Hou Tangsheng of the Tang Empire commanded an army of one hundred thousand and launched a wave of fierce attacks on the fortress. The Qin army defended tenaciously and repelled the successive attacks of the Tang army. Both sides suffered losses. It is also difficult to tell the winner.

The two partial divisions of the Qin army that harassed the two cities of Baimo and Changchuan have retreated to the pass, and the mission has been completed. There is no need to run around wasting precious military expenses, just be alert to the Tang army's attack on the city.

Besides, the first thing Li Wei did when he returned home was naturally to go to the inner house to greet the 13 aunts and wives.

"Oh, my little ancestor, look at you, how did you become like this?"

"Yeah, let Auntie take a look, where's the injury?"

"Hey, Jiu Niang, what did you say?"

"Brother Wei, don't play like this again, my aunt is almost scared to death by you."

The 13 aunts surrounded Li Wei, chattering non-stop, with caring expressions written all over their faces. Several aunts were overly caring, and even checked his whole body, not treating him as an adult at all. Look at it, and don't rest assured until you confirm that there are no missing parts on him.

Li Wei can't laugh or cry, he is also the father of several children, but the aunts still treat him like an ignorant child, how can they make him feel bad?

Standing aside, Kong Rong, Zhuang Xi, Zhong Li Shengnan and others wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, their pretty faces revealed their inner emotional world.

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