Chapter 151 The surprise of the two academicians

The experience obtained by using truth points is quite perfect, it is a feeling as if everything is understood, and the truth fills the brain.

Based on this knowledge, Lin Xiao quickly wrote down all the mathematical models obtained in his mind, and then input these things into the software.

This is a pure test of hand speed. Lin Xiao wrote the data into the computer one by one, starting from the unit cell. The unit cell is the most basic geometric unit in the crystal, which can completely reflect the atoms or elements in the crystal. The chemical-structural characteristics of the distribution of ions in three-dimensional space, so the macroscopic properties of the material can be simulated through the calculation of the microscopic unit cell.

Soon, Lin Xiao created this new titanium alloy material.


"Is it such an ingredient?"

He took a closer look, and then increased the number of unit cells to more, adjusting the total number of atoms to more than 100.

The number of atoms is more, and it looks more intuitive, but the more the number, the higher the computing power requirements for the computer. For example, some composite materials contain tens of thousands of atoms in a system, which may require the use of supercomputers. help out.

"However, the order of these atoms is also very characteristic, and it should be a single crystal directional solidification process technology."

Single crystal directional solidification technology is an important technological means in casting high-temperature metals in the world at present. It can make metal or alloy grow crystals in the melt directionally, thereby eliminating the transverse grain boundary.In simple terms, it can improve the unidirectional mechanical properties of materials.

For example, the turbine blades of aero-engines, because the blades will generate huge centrifugal force under high-speed rotation, if the metal strength cannot provide the strength to resist these centrifugal forces, then the blades will obviously be broken.

By improving the unidirectional mechanical properties through single crystal directional solidification technology, the resistance of the material in this respect can be enhanced.

However, for the time being, Lin Xiao doesn't need to take care of these technical matters, and he has checked the information before, and Huaguo's technology in directional solidification is still good, especially the directional solidification technology in TiAl alloy, which is also patented. belongs to the leading position.

He only needs to come up with materials, and the solution is for others to figure out.

As long as the computer simulation results are satisfactory enough, people in the material industry all over China will help him figure out how to design the production process of this thing.

Then, he continued to simulate with various software, using as much software as possible to get more simulation results.

As long as most of the software can prove that his conclusion is correct, then he is sure that Academician Chen is willing to give it a try.

Of course, this also takes a lot of time.


In this way, time passed quickly.

a week later.

In the fourth research room.

"Old Chen, I heard that your material has been produced?"

A person came in and said to Chen Bao who was inside.

A smile appeared on Chen Bao's face: "Old Cao, it's basically done, it depends on whether your Hangfa Group wants it or not."

This man's surname is Cao, and his name is Cao Zhong. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and an expert in aero-engines.

He is also an important figure in the aero-engine group. The investor of Chen Bao's project is the aero-engine group.

Cao Zhong and Chen Bao have a good relationship. A few days ago, I heard that the titanium alloy material produced by Chen Bao had a good performance, especially in terms of creep resistance, which met the planned requirements of the engine wall plate, so I came over to have a look.

"Hehe, your materials are good. We definitely want your materials. Anyway, we have invested several million in your research group."

He sat next to Chen Bao and looked at the things on the computer.

"That's true." Chen Bao smiled.

Investing so much money in research and development is not just hoping to reap results, but it is basically casting a wide net, and what can be harvested in the end can only depend on luck.

"How about other research and development?" Chen Bao asked.

"Well, it's not very ideal. To be honest, this is the only good news I've heard in a long time." Cao Zhong shook his head and said with emotion, "The deeper you go, the harder it is to go. I don’t know how the turbofan 15 was developed back then.”

"That's how it was developed, and everyone worked together to do it together."

"That was before. Now people are impetuous. People who study compressor disks and fan blades don't have much motivation now."

"This thing is really not easy to fix." Chen Bao shook his head, and when he mentioned this, he said with a smile: "By the way, do you know Lin Xiao?"

"Lin Xiao? Is that the young man who proved Goldbach's conjecture?" Cao Zhong could easily think of this person, and then sighed: "This young man is amazing, especially in mathematics."

Chen Bao smiled and said: "He is in my research group now. He asked me once before, how about improving the creep resistance of this material by [-]%, and I said he I want to build it directly on the turbo blade."

Hearing Chen Bao's words, Cao Zhong was stunned: "What? He came to you? Research materials? He actually has the mood to do this kind of research?"

"What's wrong with the research materials?" Chen Bao said angrily, and then said: "It's a coincidence, I also wanted to get to know him at the time, so I wanted to invite him to my research group, but I didn't expect him to come And his performance is really amazing. If you don’t say that this genius is a genius, especially he has studied computing materials for a month, and I am a little impressed by his current level. As for the new material we recently developed, He also put in a lot of effort in the middle, otherwise, we would be able to do it so quickly, without even thinking about it."

"Study computational materials science? That's really suitable for someone like him who is good at mathematics." Cao Zhong said: "However, I feel that he is more suitable for mathematics."

Chen Bao smiled: "Don't use common sense to study some people, maybe they will succeed?"

"Let me tell you, that Lin Xiao is still at the data center, and wants to continue optimizing our model and come up with a better material."

Cao Zhong was taken aback: "So...serious?"

To be serious, if you put it nicely, if you put it badly, it's a head iron.

If you can achieve your goal, you still need to continue to work on it. Isn’t this a top priority?

"Hehe, young man, let's try it. We can't let others try it. If he can really achieve something, then I will definitely go to help him."

"Where is he? I'll go check it out now, and I happen to know him, which proves Goldbach's conjecture, it's amazing."

"I'll drop by and have a look, too."

Chen Bao said: "I haven't looked at his situation these days."

Although he told Lin Xiao before that he would not provide much help, but he couldn't provide no help at all, that would be a little unreasonable.

Afterwards, Chen Bao and Cao Zhong came to the data center together and found the computer room where Lin Xiao was located.

Lin Xiao was the only one in the computer room, and Huang Haoran was not there. After all, Huang Haoran couldn't stay by Lin Xiao's side all the time, and Lin Xiao himself was too embarrassed to let Huang Haoran stay here.

"Lin Xiao, how are you doing?"

Chen Bao asked aloud, but Lin Xiao seemed to be completely focused on the screen in front of him, and did not hear his words.

Chen Bao and Cao Zhong glanced at each other, and they were really serious.

Then, they walked behind Lin Xiao and glanced at the things displayed on the screen.

After seeing this, Chen Bao's eyes suddenly became serious.

This atomic model... fully conforms to the characteristics of the directional solidification process, and there is no transverse grain boundary.

Lin Xiao made it the material of the turbo blade?

Shouldn't he be dealing with the material of the engine panel?

Isn't this messing around!

Chen Bao frowned, feeling a little angry in his heart. If Lin Xiao followed their successful TiAl alloy model and continued to research and optimize it, he would support it. Introducing the old and bringing forth the new is also to accumulate experience, but Lin Xiao's current direction is not suitable. Makes sense, isn't this a waste of money and time?

He decided to have a good talk with Lin Xiao later.

However, at this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly clicked a button on the software. The function of this button is to simulate and calculate the theoretical properties of the material.

This software simulates and calculates the properties of the material based on molecular dynamics, and then calculates the theoretical mechanical properties of the material at the macro level.

Soon, the software began to mobilize the computing power of the computer to run.

After a while, the result came out.

Looking at the various data above, Chen Bao was stunned, and Cao Zhong beside him also widened his eyes.

The strength of this material...

Is something wrong?

Cao Zhong knew some of the country's confidential data on materials, such as the strength of the turbofan blade material in the turbofan 15 engine mounted on the J-[-].

And this calculation material software's evaluation of the strength of this titanium alloy is actually not much different from the strength of the turbofan 15 engine turbo blade material, and the density of this titanium-aluminum alloy is even lower.

Low density means low weight. For engines, there is another important indicator, that is, the thrust-to-weight ratio, that is, the comparison between the thrust and the engine's own weight. The higher the thrust-to-weight ratio, the stronger the engine performance. The vortex on the J-15 The thrust-to-weight ratio of the fan-10 engine is about 22, while the thrust-to-weight ratio of the F10 is above [-].

Therefore, once Lin Xiao's material can really achieve this kind of strength and density, then Cao Zhong can almost be sure that it can directly replace the material used on the turbofan 15 engine blades today.

Suddenly, Cao Zhong came to his senses. What Lin Xiao was researching should be the engine wall plate. This material can be used on the turbine blades. It is almost certain that the software calculation is wrong.

He couldn't help shaking his head, this kind of software is too cheating, isn't it?

However, unlike him, Chen Bao felt extremely surprised in his heart at this moment.

Perhaps Cao Zhong didn't use these software because he didn't study materials, so he didn't see that Lin Xiao designed fan blade materials, but Chen Bao knew that Lin Xiao made fan blade materials.

Although the calculation software is sometimes not so reliable, but it is not too outrageous.

Calculated according to first principles, the probability that the actual intensity is only half of the calculated intensity is too low.

In this way, doesn't it mean that Lin Xiao has a chance to try this material?

Chapter 152 Verification with Supercomputer!

Finally, Chen Bao couldn't help but wanted to ask Lin Xiao.

So he said again: "Lin Xiao, what are you doing?"

Hearing the sound from such a close distance, Lin Xiao finally came back to his senses, turned his head to take a look, and said in surprise: "Academician Chen, you are here."

Chen Bao didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly: "Let's not talk about this, tell me first, what kind of material are you simulating now? It shouldn't be the material of the siding, right?"

Hearing Chen Bao's question, Lin Xiao couldn't help admiring the academician's knowledge. He could tell at a glance that the material he made was not made of wall panels. Although Huang Haoran could see that his material was a little different a few days ago, he didn't see that. It is no longer a siding material.

He nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, it's not the material of the siding, but the material of the turbine blades."

"Aren't you going to get the material for the siding? How to get the material?"

"I just tried it." Lin Xiao responded.

Before Chen Bao could speak, Cao Zhong beside him couldn't help but uttered: "What? You said this is the material of the fan blade? Turbo fan blade?"

Looking at this, Lin Xiao didn't know him, but he might be an academician if he could be with Academician Chen.

He nodded and said: "Yes, it is the material used on the turbine blades, and the directional solidification technology is used to enhance its one-way mechanical properties. In addition, its mechanical strength is also very strong. In addition, titanium-aluminum alloy has strong anti-oxidation and anti-fatigue properties, as long as this material is prepared, it will definitely bring us surprises."

Hearing Lin Xiaona's confident words, Cao Zhong and Chen Bao looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although the calculation result was surprising, after they came back to their senses at this time, they still didn't think that Lin Xiao could easily produce a material that could be used as a turbo blade.

People don't know how much it will cost to research this kind of material, even hundreds of millions or billions of dollars may not be able to produce it. You can make one casually now, who would believe it!

Finally, Chen Bao said: "Although the calculation result of the software is very good, it is also very likely to be a calculation error. Lin Xiao, you should also know that even a small error in the materials used on the turbine blades will bring Huge difference."

A little bit of error is sometimes fatal to the precision machinery of an aero-engine.

Hearing what Chen Bao said, Lin Xiao didn't say anything, but opened various other software and showed his calculation results to the two of them.

This time, both Chen Bao and Cao Zhong fell silent.

Lin Xiao actually performed calculations on so many softwares, and the calculation results of most of the software show that this material has extremely strong performance, and according to the difference in the algorithm between the software, the calculation results have some errors, so among them There are even a few softwares that believe that the strength of this new material exceeds that of the blade material currently used on the turbofan 15.

This made neither of them know how to refute.

Computational materials science has developed to the point where it is still limited to theoretical results rather than experimental results, but in any case, it is undoubted that it has certain "guidance".

Just in case, just in case, if Lin Xiao's experiment is done, will theirs really succeed?

After all, it's not like it hasn't been successful before.

The breaths of the two academicians couldn't help but rush at this moment.

A material that can be used as a turbo blade!

Anyway, it's worth a try, right?

But now, there is another embarrassing thing.

Chen Bao said: "We have no money, and I am not an expert in directional solidification technology, and the design of directional solidification technology is a bit too expensive."

Lin Xiao was taken aback, no money?

This is indeed a big problem.

He couldn't help showing helplessness on his face, it wasn't that a penny stumped the hero, this time it was millions, tens of millions of money stumped the hero.

However, at this time, Cao Zhong said: "I can ask the group to invest more money for you, or set up a separate research group to produce this material."

Hearing Cao Zhong's words, Lin Xiao was taken aback for a second, and looked at him in surprise. Can this person command the Hangfa Group?

Seeing Lin Xiao looking at him in surprise, Cao Zhong smiled and said, "I forgot to introduce to Lin Xiao. I am Cao Zhong from Aviation Development Group, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, who studies aero-engines."

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