He can't understand.

Where did Lin Xiao attract Teacher Ding?

Is Lin Xiao good at mathematics?

Didn't it mean that he got full marks in this exam? He could have gotten full marks in the exam, but because when he was done with the last question, he saw that Lin Xiao had already finished handing in the paper, and he was a little anxious, so there was a little problem. 2 points were deducted.

Otherwise, he would definitely be able to get full marks.

What's more, in the past, when Lin Xiao didn't get full marks, he also got full marks.

So the rest of the way, he was so depressed in his heart.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the classroom of the training class. There were already about a dozen students in it, most of whom were sophomores, because more sophomores participated in the competition.

And Ding Ping was already sitting on the podium. When he saw Lin Xiao arriving, he waved to Lin Xiao and said, "Student Lin Xiao, come here."

"Teacher Ding." Lin Xiao greeted and walked over.

When Jiang Jie saw that Ding Ping actually called Lin Xiao over directly, with a smile on his face, he looked very close, and he was even more confused. What happened to Ding Ping to suddenly favor Lin Xiao so much? up?

So he pretended to be Lin Xiao's friend and joined him, wanting to hear what Ding Ping wanted to say to Lin Xiao.

"Did you do that paper after you went back last night?" Ding Ping asked with a smile.


"Is the last question difficult?"

"Well, it was quite difficult. It took me more than 60 minutes to write it."

"Well, don't be discouraged, this question is actually... huh?!"

After hearing the first half of Lin Xiao's sentence, Ding Ping thought that Lin Xiao really didn't do it, so he just finished halfway, and suddenly reacted.

"You said you wrote it?!"

Lin Xiao nodded: "Well, it's written."

"You...you show me." Ding Ping was shocked by Lin Xiao's talent last night, and now he heard that he had actually solved the "Legendary Sixth Question", and he felt so nervous. Immediately felt incomparably surprised, and spoke a little awkwardly.

Seeing Ding Ping's reaction, Lin Xiao couldn't help but wonder what was the origin of that question last night?

He has always wondered why he was rewarded by the system after he wrote this question. Although he did use a method that he himself thought was quite brilliant, the system also said that the question was very important to him. At the current stage, it is quite difficult.

Maybe it's mainly because that question is quite difficult?

Soon, he took out the paper and handed it to Ding Ping.

Ding Ping immediately turned to the last page and read it.

And Jiang Jie next to him was also a little curious about how difficult the question was, which made Teacher Ding react like this.

Soon, he saw the question and noticed the mark behind the question number. He couldn't help but said, "It's actually an IMO question? The sixth question in 1988... Hey, I don't remember that this is a particularly difficult question." ?"

Lin Xiaojing and Jiang Jie reminded him that he noticed that the source of the question was marked after the question number.

"It turned out to be an IMO question, so I said why it's so difficult! I almost thought that the league exams are all about this kind of question." He was also a little surprised, but he finally felt relieved. In this way, the league still looks pretty good. Simple thing.

But hearing what he said, Ding Ping asked suspiciously: "Don't you know that this question is an IMO question?"

Lin Xiao: "I don't know, I didn't notice the label behind this."

Seeing that Lin Xiao didn't seem to be pretending, Ding Ping couldn't help muttering in his heart, could he really do this question?

Ding Ping began to watch Lin Xiao's proof process from the beginning.

Well, the method of proof is used, assuming that K is not a square number, and then by proving that this assumption is contradictory, that is, proving that K is a square number, the proof is completed, and then the formula is substituted and similar items are combined to simplify the whole formula into the form of a quadratic equation in one variable, followed by...

Seeing this step, Ding Ping gradually frowned.

The method used in this problem-solving idea is... Weider's theorem, and the method of infinite descent.

This method is also called Veda jumping, which is a new problem-solving method that emerged from the IMO competition that year.

In the IMO in 1988, a contestant used this method for the first time to solve this extremely difficult number theory problem. Therefore, that contestant won the special award of that year's competition, and this solution The problem-solving method has also become a problem-solving method that students participating in the Olympiad must master in the future.

This kind of problem-solving thinking actually uses the knowledge at the junior high school level, but if you want to use these two methods to the extreme, it is not something that junior high school students can write. The later Fields Medal winner Tao Terence, at the beginning He was only 12 years old when he participated in the IMO and won the gold medal. At the age of 12 in Huaguo, he was in the sixth grade or the first grade of junior high school, but can it be said that Terence Tao is at the junior high school level?

Obviously impossible.

Ding Ping thought of what Lin Xiao said just now. He didn't know that this question was an IMO question. Does this mean that he also came up with this idea of ​​solving the problem himself?

If this is true, it would be a big deal. If Lin Xiao was also in that competition, wouldn't he also be awarded that special award?

But is this true?

Ding Ping recalled the talent Lin Xiao showed last night, and finally chose to believe him.

In any case, trusting a student is what he should do as a teacher.

However, Jiang Jie next to him didn't think so.

He knew this problem before and knew its difficulty, but now Lin Xiao actually said that he didn't know this problem, so he solved it in this way.

Lin Xiao said he didn't know about such a coincidence, so he really didn't know?

He felt that Lin Xiao must be faking it.

Chapter 14 The day before the tournament

However, although he didn't believe it in his heart, Jiang Jie certainly didn't say it.

Ding Ping on the side didn't hesitate at all for his praise.

"Excellent. If you used this method to solve this problem in the IMO competition in 1988, then you would probably be able to win a special IMO award, because the contestant who used this method to solve this problem was the same I won a special award. In addition, don’t think that it took you more than 60 minutes to write it, because in the Olympiad, the average time for each question is one and a half hours, and you only took more than 60 minutes to write it, which is already quite Great."

"So, keep working hard in the future, just rely on your ability to solve this problem. The teacher believes that you can win the provincial first prize and get a place to participate in the National Olympiad. I didn't even dare to think about it before, but now, I also look forward to your being able to set foot on the IMO arena and win glory for the country."

Lin Xiao's face straightened: "Thank you teacher, I will work hard."


It would be a pity if one did not go to that occasion and wear a golden medal in one's life, right?

Especially now that he has such ability completely.

Ding Ping nodded in relief. As a teacher, he likes to see outstanding students come out of his hands, which will give him a sense of satisfaction.

Then, he looked at Jiang Jie next to him, and said with a smile: "Of course, Jiang Jie, you also have the opportunity to get a provincial one. If you have any questions, you can ask Lin Xiao and learn more from him. Lin Xiao is very talented in mathematics."

Jiang Jie, who was accidentally cueed, heard Ding Ping's words, his face pulled, and he said reluctantly: "I know teacher."

As for whether he will really learn from Lin Xiao in the future, Jiang Jie will not. Now in his mind, Lin Xiao is a guy who lied in front of the teacher, a little clever and used in crooked ways.

At this moment, Ding Ping let out another "hey" and said in great surprise: "Then Lin Xiao, with this calculation, isn't your test paper a perfect score?"

Get a full score and put it in the league, not to mention the whole province, even the whole country, it is a proper No.1. If you are number one in the National Math League, don’t you all have the opportunity to enter the national team and go to the IMO for the country? ?

In particular, Lin Xiao also solved this well-known problem in the history of IMO by the way, and he only spent more than 60 minutes, which means that his full score is directly full of gold.

Hearing this, Jiang Jie couldn't help opening his mouth.


Lin Xiao got full marks?

This league paper?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

He has done so many league papers, and he has never scored more than 200 points in the test. The best score is only 180 points. It is this result that makes him feel that he has a chance to get the provincial one.

Of course, the difficulty of the league papers fluctuates greatly every year. Sometimes there are a lot of perfect marks, and sometimes there are very few perfect marks. , how low is the probability of getting full marks.

Now Jiang Jie is even more sure that Lin Xiao cheated, and he can get full marks and solve the IMO problem, so what is it if it is not cheating?

Hang up?

So it must be cheating!

He almost shouted this sentence, but soon he sneered in his heart. After the league results came out, it seemed that Teacher Ding would be disappointed and angry with Lin Xiaoduo.

Lin Xiao on the side didn't know about Jiang Jie's mental activities. He scratched his head and said with a smile: "It seems, probably, it should be right? It doesn't rule out that some processes have been divided, Mr. Ding, don't you want to help me see it?" .”

Ding Ping smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll take a look for you later."

But even if some process points are lost, it must not hinder the ability to get about two hundred and eighty-two hundred and ninety points.

For Lin Xiao, Ding Ping now believes very much.

"Okay, you guys go down first, Lin Xiao, you can just find a place to sit, oh, this is your training problem today, do it yourself, just ask me if you have any questions."

Lin Xiao nodded, took the test paper handed over by Ding Ping, and then returned to the stage. After finding a seat, he started to work on the questions.

Jiang Jie sat in a seat that was neither far nor close to Lin Xiao - he didn't want to get too close to Lin Xiao, and he didn't want Lin Xiao to think that he was deliberately alienating, after all, they were still classmates on the surface.

However, Lin Xiao didn't care that Jiang Jie would be entangled because of the distance from his position, or that he didn't care about this person at all, because after he found out how interesting studying was, he cared less about these interpersonal matters Yes, probably like those "God X" characters in Qingbei.

Now that he got the paper given by the teacher, he started to write.

Soon, as his thinking got better, he came to the conclusion that it was too simple.

Is this also called a league question?

Shaking his head, although it is simple, let's do it, it's just a pastime.

And so, time passed quickly.

Ding Ping also spent nearly half an hour reading all his answers, and finally found that Lin Xiao really didn't lose any process points, and he was completely flawless.

However, from last night to now, Ding Ping has become numb to being surprised by Lin Xiao too much.

So in addition to complimenting Lin Xiao a few more words, and looking at Lin Xiao more and more satisfied, today's training class is also over soon.


Time obviously also has the nature of quantum mechanics. The time you have passed has collapsed into an instant, because these times have been observed by you, and the time that has not passed by you has obviously not been observed by you, so They are still in the state of the wave function and have not collapsed.

The reason for all this has a lot to do with the existence of consciousness, because consciousness has subjective initiative.The Laplace demon may be able to speculate on the movement of the three bodies, but he obviously would not have thought that there would be a civilization consciousness on the other side, emitting a particle of light, turning the three bodies into a double body.

The magic of consciousness is also reflected in the students who took a chartered car to the examination room on September 9th.

No one knows how much they will score in tomorrow's National High School Mathematics League, because it depends on how their consciousness will function tomorrow.

"Everyone stay here for one night, have a good rest, and recharge your spirits. Let's go to the examination room together tomorrow morning."

There are two leading teachers in Jincheng Middle School this time, and Ding Ping is among them.

As for where they live, they are arranged in a hotel near the examination room. As for the money, the students pay from their own families. Each student pays 180 for a one-night stay, including breakfast tonight and tomorrow. They will return after the test tomorrow. , As for the bus, it is paid by the school.

Jincheng Middle School is not a rich school, and it is considered good to be able to provide a wallet and a car. This is also a manifestation of the imbalance in educational resources.

After a teacher and a dozen students had dinner together, Lin Xiao was called over by Ding Ping alone, and had a few words with him.

"Get a good night's rest tonight, don't have any psychological pressure, just take the normal exam."

Lin Xiao nodded, "I know the teacher."

"Well, I asked someone to ask about your seat in the examination room. It is closer to the air conditioner, so you don't have to worry about being too hot. In addition, the cardboard test room will be distributed uniformly. They have this thing in Xijing School. Remember to check it when you finish writing tomorrow. You can not use it before. Check, you must check tomorrow, you do the questions quickly, you can check if you have extra time, and you finished the paper during the second test, so don't hand in the paper in advance, we will wait for you outside."

Hearing that Ding Ping asked himself about the seating situation in the examination room, he was even more moved, "Thank you, teacher."

"Well, you and I are very relieved." Ding Ping nodded, and after thinking about it again, there was really nothing to tell him, so he said, "Well, go back to your room and go to bed early, and you can take the exam tomorrow with peace of mind."

"it is good!"

Chapter 15 League starts

The next day, September 07th, at 30:[-] in the morning.

Under the guidance of the teacher, a group of candidates entered the school in an orderly manner, and then went to their own examination room.

Lin Xiao also quickly found his examination room, sat down in his seat, and waited quietly.

The exam starts at 8 o'clock. Compared with ordinary exams, the time is relatively early. There are many students around who are still dozing off. Perhaps there will be many candidates who have experienced various psychological problems last night. Tossing and turning before falling asleep.

Of course, Lin Xiao slept soundly.

Soon, the time came to 7:55, and there were 5 minutes before the start of the first test. The invigilator began to distribute the papers and answer sheets. The paper he did yesterday morning was a little easier. As for the paper he did yesterday morning, the difficulty was almost only in the upper middle of all the papers he did.

He couldn't help feeling in his heart: "It turns out that the National League is so simple."

If the students around who had already frowned and felt headaches heard him say that, they would probably jump up and beat him up.

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