Which old Mr. Yang wants to see him, and it is worth letting academician Tang Qing be the microphone?

Suddenly, he thought of the scientist who is famous in the world of physics, but has a complicated reputation in the Chinese physics circle. The former Nobel Prize winner in physics proposed the non-Abelian gauge field theory and the law of non-conservation of parity. Yang Zhenning, the top physicist in China.

He was a little surprised for a moment, and even a little unsure, and asked, "Is that Mr. Yang you're talking about?"

"Yes, it is Mr. Yang Zhenning."

Tang Qing said with emotion: "When I was studying in the United States in the last century, I once listened to Mr. Yang's lectures, and he also chatted with me at that time. Now that so many years have passed, he is also in his 90s. I don’t see many people anymore, but he called me suddenly just now, saying that he wants to meet you, you have to seize this opportunity.”

Lin Xiao was also a little surprised and excited, and he couldn't help asking, "Why would Mr. Yang want to see me?"

"I don't know, maybe I read your paper on mathematical physics? Didn't you post the paper on ArXiv, and then I shared it with other friends who study physics in China a few days ago, saying Maybe Mr. Yang understands that too."

Only now did Lin Xiao realize why his downloads had exceeded 80, and it must have something to do with Tang Qing's sharing.

"Then thank you, by the way, when does Mr. Yang want to see me?"

"A week later, he will visit our school. At that time, he will give a speech in the auditorium. You can attend it at that time. After the speech, he will meet with you specially."

"That's it, I know." Lin Xiao said: "However, the old man is in his 90s now, is he in good health?"

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about this, the old man is still in good health, and occasionally attends some lectures and other activities." Tang Qing said with a smile.

"That's good."

Such scientists are treasures for China and all mankind, and everyone will wish them good health.

Then, Tang Qing said the time and place again, and then hung up the phone.

Lin Xiao put down his phone and sighed in his heart, even such a big boss would have to meet him, and hoped that he could make more achievements in the future, so that he could become an equally powerful big boss.

Of course, he is already a big boss in the eyes of many people.

Turning his head, he rubbed Mimi next to him. Mimi was resting on the table. Every time Lin Xiao was studying at the desk, it would be like this.


Probably dissatisfied with Lin Xiao for disturbing him, the cat meowed to express its emotion.

"Mimi, give me strength and let me know how to prove Goldbach's conjecture, okay?"


Mimi twisted her body, as if she was too lazy to talk to him.

Lin Xiao smiled and continued his research. No matter what, Mimi stepped on the computer casually like last time, and then found an article that he had ignored before but could bring him breakthrough inspiration. Paper, it is completely impossible for such a situation to recur.

He didn't think this kind of thing would happen twice.


In this way, a week passed quietly.

The news that Mr. Yang came to Shangjing University to give a report had already spread, and the auditorium of Shangjing University was already full of voices.

Chapter 126 Questions in front of all audiences

The auditorium of Shangjing University is one of the well-established auditoriums in Huaguo University, and it is also the most important meeting place of Peking University.

Many important figures have given speeches here. Emperor Guangxu gave a speech here more than 100 years ago, Cai Yuanpei, the most famous president of Peking University, also gave a speech here, and many international political figures have also given speeches here in modern times.

And today, a heavyweight in Huaguo and the world's physics community is also ushered in here.

Needless to say, Mr. Yang Zhenning's important position in the physics world, many people have learned about it in textbooks and on the Internet, so his speech also attracted countless teachers and students from Beijing.

Almost everyone doesn't want to miss today's speech, and wants to see what the Nobel Prize winner in physics is like.

But at this very moment, at the entrance, Lin Xiao had just arrived late.

"It's finally here."

With a sigh of relief, he came from Yanbei Garden and almost missed the bus.

When he came to the auditorium, he saw that there were already no empty seats inside, and there were many people standing in the aisle.

"Damn, where do I sit?"

At this moment, his cell phone rang. It was Academician Tang's call.

"Why are you here now, boy? Come here!"

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then looked forward, and saw Tang Qing standing in the front row waving at him.

He quickly ran over and saw an empty seat next to Tang Qing, obviously reserved for him.

After sitting on it, he said shyly, "Sorry, I'm a little late."

"It's fine when we arrive, we'll start right away." Tang Qing didn't hesitate, and then looked at the stage.

Sure enough, after a while, the host came to the stage and said a few words, and then welcomed Mr. Yang to the stage.

Mr. Yang came to the stage, and then faced all the audience in the audience, with a smile on his face with age spots.

Due to physical reasons, he did not speak standing up, but prepared a chair for him, and he sat on it and began to talk.

"Hello, friends from Peking University, I am Yang Zhenning. The last time I came here to give a speech was more than ten years ago. Now that I come here again, I am also full of emotions. Ten years is a long time. Even if I It’s been so long since my life, but I still think it’s an unforgettable day.”


Mr. Yang's speech was very kind, like a narration, mainly recalling his previous stories, and the people below listened obediently.

However, Mr. Yang is also a physicist after all, so he would occasionally talk about some professional terms when talking. If the students below are from science and engineering, they can still understand a few words, but those students of liberal arts may not A little dazed, of course, Mr. Yang obviously tried his best to avoid this situation and tried his best to let everyone understand.

In this way, time passed quickly.

"...I have never had much contact with Qian Xuesen. He is 11 years older than me, and he can be regarded as my senior. His contribution to our country is also what I envy."

"However, after I returned to the mainland, I also met him. That was the last time we met, and after his death."

"At that meeting, I talked with him about the education of our country in China."

"I don't know if everyone knows a question he once asked?"

"It's 'why our schools don't produce outstanding people'."

The audience was stunned for a moment, and many people in the room knew about this question, which is quite famous in the education circle of Huaguo.

And Mr. Yang continued to say at this time: "I have also considered this question, but it is a macro question, and I can't answer it in one or two sentences. However, until today, I suddenly discovered that under our education, Finally, there is a young talent who can be called outstanding in the world."

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned.

Who is this guy?

It's actually worth mentioning for Mr. Yang.

At this time, Elder Yang said again: "This young talent should be in the audience now. I would like to ask him a few questions now."

Now, everyone below couldn't help but look around.

Who is the talent that even Mr. Yang wants to mention?

Is he actually there?

But at this time, Lin Xiao who was sitting in front was stunned. After hearing what Old Yang said, he couldn't help muttering: "No way..."

Academician Tang next to him had a surprised expression on his face.

Thinking of the person Mr. Yang will meet later, who is he going to talk about now, isn't it all ready to come out?

Sure enough, Mr. Yang swept towards the auditorium at this time and said, "Student Lin Xiao, are you in the auditorium?"

"Ah this..."

Lin Xiao couldn't help covering his face, and actually wanted to call him.

What is this all about...

Tang Qing, who was next to him, was also helpless at this time. It seemed that Mr. Yang was more optimistic about Lin Xiao than he had imagined.

"Stand up, this is your chance to be famous."

He patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder and said with a smile.

But Lin Xiao was helpless, he didn't want such an opportunity.

But he had no choice but to raise his hands and stood up.

"I am here."

As he stood up, more than 2000 people in the audience focused on him.

In the auditorium, people discussed and were amazed.

"Is that Lin Xiao?"

"Yes, that forest god."

"So it was him that Mr. Yang was talking about? That's okay."

"If Mr. Yang is talking about someone else, then I won't accept it, and I will obey Lin Shen."


Before, I wondered who Mr. Yang was talking about, but now that it was Lin Xiao, everyone was relieved. There is no way, if there is any young man who can impress them, the talents of Beijing University, in their studies If so, only Lin Xiao can do it.

At this moment, Elder Yang, who was sitting on the rostrum, also saw Lin Xiao standing up. Lin Xiao was sitting in the front row, not far from the stage, so it was easy to spot.

When Mr. Yang saw Lin Xiao standing up, he smiled and said, "Which staff member, please pass Lin Xiao a microphone."

Soon, a staff member held a microphone and handed it to Lin Xiao.

"Mr. Yang, hello." Lin Xiao said.

"Hi, you're a nice young man."

Old Yang smiled and nodded towards him.

"Hehe, student Lin Xiao, actually I have been following you for a long time. This year you solved the problem of infinitely many prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. I also read it. Although I am not a mathematician, the method you used in it, I can still understand, to be honest, I have taught in the United States for so many years in the last century, and I have never seen a young man as outstanding as you."

"Thank you, it's just an accident that this problem can be solved." Lin Xiao said modestly.

"It's an accident, but sometimes it's inevitable." Yang Lao shook his head and asked again: "I'm looking for you, I want to ask you a few questions, the first question, what subject are you researching now?"

"Hmm... I'm studying the overall well-posedness of two-dimensional incompressible elastic dynamics with Academician Tang Qing. In addition, I'm also studying Goldbach's conjecture."

Hearing Lin Xiao's answer, the people present were once again amazed. Lin Xiao should have been in school for less than two months, right?This is how to do a project with an academician just after entering school?

All of a sudden, all the freshmen, juniors, seniors, and graduate students all felt incomparably envious. It's true that people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away. Why is there such a big gap?

And those who know what Lin Xiao's research topic is are also a little shocked by the scope of Lin Xiao's knowledge. They are not satisfied with studying mathematics, and they have even started to dabble in physics. People who don't know this topic, but later Lin Xiao Speaking of Goldbach's conjecture, even more people know about it.

Everyone was surprised that Lin Xiao was still studying Goldbach's conjecture?

He solved two world-class unsolved problems before, but now he started to study this world-class problem again?

However, no one questioned whether Lin Xiao could do it, because none of the professors, lecturers, or students present had the right to question Lin Xiao. The only person who had the right to question was sitting on the rostrum Ask the old man who asked Lin Xiao.

Obviously, Mr. Yang did not question Lin Xiao, but offered his own support.

"Very good, very good. This is what academic research is all about. You must always have something to do, you must challenge difficulties step by step, and constantly break through yourself. This is what I want to say to the students present."

Mr. Yang nodded with a smile, and then asked again: "The paper you plan to send to "Applied Mathematics Letters" is called "Relationship between Energy Storage Function and Medium Propagation Velocity", right? Academician Tang shared it before, and I I have read it too, and I am very optimistic about your development in physics. If you are tired of studying mathematics, you might as well come to the field of physics to develop and develop, just take it as an interest." Yang Lao said with a smile.

"I did intend to do so. I joined Academician Tang's research group because I became interested in physics. Of course, it was an accident that I was able to achieve this result." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Your 'accident' is really unexpected." Old Yang shook his head with a smile.

And in the auditorium, once again felt the dimensionality reduction blow from Xueba.

When I heard the "Applied Mathematics Letters" mentioned by Mr. Yang just now, no matter whether it is a professor, a graduate student or a postdoctorate who studies mathematics or applied mathematics, they are already surprised.

Good guy, Lin Xiao published another top journal in the field of mathematics?

However, Lin Xiao later said that joining the physics project was just out of interest, and it was even more unexpected to come up with this result?

At this moment, everyone present just wanted to say to Lin Xiaoqiqi: "God Lin, accept your supernatural powers."

Don't hit people!

"Okay, we have limited time, so let me ask you another question, what is your ideal?"

At this time, Mr. Yang skipped the previous topic and asked this question.

Lin Xiao was taken aback.

This question is a bit familiar...

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