However, thinking of the research group he was about to join, he began to be full of motivation again.

After returning from the International Congress of Mathematicians, he has not thought about those difficult mathematical problems. At most, he usually reads the papers in the top journals of mathematics, or sees what those people who study Lin's conjecture are discussing.

The brain has been rested for more than a month.

Now is also the time to get back into operation and get out of your comfort zone.

"I see, thank you. 』

"Well, these books can be found in the library, so let's do this first, and then come to me later. 』


Chapter 117 Mathematical Physics Research Group Meeting

Lin Xiao got a bunch of book lists from Wang Wei, and Lin Xiao didn't rush to find them, but first added the prestige signal of Academician Tang Qing.

"Academician Tang, hello, I'm Lin Xiao"

Soon, the other party replied to the message.

"Hello Lin, I've heard of you for a long time. 』

"That's it, I still have a lot to ask my seniors for advice."

"Don't talk about this, let's learn first, let's not talk about these, Wang Wei said you plan to join our project, right?"Why do you want to study physics?"

"Actually, Wang Wei recommended me. Wang Wei is the counselor in our class, and some time ago he lived with him due to some circumstances. He knew that I was interested in physics, so he recommended me to your research group to try. a bit"

"Hehe, I know, Tian Wangwei told me about the weakly damped wave equation problem you helped him solve a few days ago. He said that you haven't learned those physical terms, but you can see the physical meaning behind it through mathematical formulas? 』

"Uh, that should be it. 』

"That's fine, it shows that you are also very talented in physics, so let's do it like this, next Friday at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, our research group will hold a group meeting, you will come to our school at that time International Mathematical Research Center, meeting room 511 on the [-]th floor, you will meet other people in the research group at that time. 』

"OK. 』


Now that he decided to join this subject, Lin Xiao began to learn related knowledge with peace of mind, and to understand the Navierstock equation, he must first learn fluid mechanics.

The status of fluid mechanics in physics can be said to be quite high, and at the same time, it can also be called the only unsolved problem in classical physics.

Fluid, of course, refers to something that flows.

As large as all the oceans on the earth, as small as the morning dew on a leaf, they all belong to the boundary of fluid, but obviously, fluid does not only refer to liquids such as water.

Even the air, or the flames ejected from a rocket engine, are all fluids, including the asphalt on the highway, which is also a fluid.

The study of their classical mechanical properties has become the main problem that countless physicists have been studying deeply and have always been unable to extricate themselves from.

For example, how to make the aerodynamic performance of flying in the sky and running on the ground better, and how to make the running on the sea and swimming in the water quieter and faster. These are all industries that relevant researchers need to be involved in. At the same time It is also for this reason that an unknown number of results are kept in laboratories by various countries as core secrets, and are not allowed to be released.

After all, if these things are replaced in form, it becomes how fighter jets fly faster, how missiles hit more accurately, how warships perform better, and how nuclear submarines fly faster and with a quieter sound. Perform missions in the deep sea.

These secret technologies, of course, will not be published.

However, the project that Lin Xiao participated in is of course not for researching something related to military industry, but a purely theoretical research.

Of course, there is no guarantee that these basic theories will not have an impact on those practical applications, but this is not what Lin Xiao should consider now.

He has not entered the application field yet.


In this way, time passed quickly.

It was the weekend after the military training, so the freshmen who had just passed the military training enjoyed a short two-day rest, and then a new week began, and the freshmen ushered in their first class in college.

For Lin Xiao, taking classes is basically meaningless. Just look at what they are learning. The only thing that bothers him is the series of political courses. The key is the 18 credits. No, and it is not acceptable to apply for exemption from advanced standing. Such basic courses are not allowed to apply for advanced standing.

There is no other way but to learn honestly.

For example, they had an ideological and political class on Tuesday. During this class, Lin Xiao felt drowsy for the first time in a long time. In the end, he chose to read directly.

As for other professional courses, you can apply for exemption. At first, Lin Xiao felt that as a student, he had to take a few classes to show his performance. After the math analysis class, he gave up. He knows everything, but it sounds so boring to listen to the class.

This is the same as driving a full-level account to Novice Village to kill level 1 mobs. Although you can kill one by one, it is still a bit boring.

So he didn't talk nonsense, and directly applied for all the courses that could be exempted. When the teachers saw that it was him who applied, they basically passed him without saying a word.

This is equivalent to saying that he only needs to take courses in politics and physical education in the future.

And this left him a lot of time, so his work and rest time was basically determined afterwards.

That is to get up at eight o'clock every morning, then have breakfast, arrive at school before nine o'clock, have classes, have meals, and spend the rest of the time in the library.

Although as a celebrity in the school, he is sometimes recognized, but because he is in the library, and after all, he is in Beijing University, so at most others will be surprised, or take a photo secretly, and nothing else It disturbed him, which also allowed him to study with peace of mind.

Then he learned that at ten o'clock in the evening, he left on time, and arrived at the bus station just in time to catch the last bus to return to Yanbei Garden.

After returning to the house, continue to read for a while if you have time, and go to bed directly after washing if you are tired.

This is Lin Xiao's life now.

This rhythm may be unacceptable to others, but he is used to it, and he will continue to get used to it in the future.

And so it came to Friday.

[Global well-posedness of two-dimensional incompressible elastic dynamics] The weekly group meeting of the subject has begun.

Lin Xiao arrived at the place where the group meeting started on time, the International Mathematical Research Center of Peking University.

Of course he knew about the International Mathematics Research Center of Peking University. When he was interviewed by Huaqing Daily, he was nearby, near the bank of Weiming Lake. Books, and some little lovers chirping me.

Lin Xiao had no time to enjoy the scenery of Weiming Lake for the time being, so he directly entered the research center and found room 511.

There are already quite a few people sitting in room 511. There are quite a lot of people for this kind of more important project. Of course, the most important thing is that the person in charge of the project is an academician, because the academician project has applied for more funds.

Lin Xiao also learned about their funding for this project a few days ago, which was 150 million yuan.

This is obviously a very high amount of funding for their basic mathematical theory research.

After all, research on basic mathematical theory does not require any equipment or resources. It can be carried out with a few people, a few pens, and a few pieces of draft paper.

Some people may be wondering, where is the funding for researching basic theories?

This has something to say.

If it is other scientific research projects, such as some experimental projects, then the cost of carrying out experiments can account for a considerable part, but mathematics subjects are different. Do you still want to buy chemical reagents while studying the basic theory of mathematics?

Do mysterious rituals to communicate with God, and then let God tell you the answer?

People who supervise the use of funds believe in ghosts.

Therefore, most of their basic mathematics expenditures are paid to other researchers in the group. It is obviously impossible for grant applicants to put the funds directly into their pockets, and once they are found out, it will be funding corruption.

However, this does not mean that the participants in the mathematics project will get more money, because there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the mathematics project must be able to apply for so much funding, and generally speaking, mathematics projects It is difficult to apply for a funding of more than 60 yuan. If you want to switch to a project in another discipline, it is estimated that the average is about 100 million.

And Lin Xiao and his team can earn 150 million yuan for this project because the person in charge is an academician.

But it is also because Lin Xiao and his team have enough funds for this project, so even those intern researchers can earn thousands or even tens of thousands a month, and then hire one or two powerful professors, and the project cycle is several months Come down, the money will be almost spent.

"Student Lin Xiao, you are here."

When Lin Xiao walked in, an old professor sitting inside saw him and waved to him.

Lin Xiao quickly recognized that this was Academician Tang Qing. Since he wanted to join this research group, he naturally checked the information of Academician Tang Qing to know what he looked like.

"Academician Tang."

He nodded to the old professor with a smile, and then walked over.

Seeing Lin Xiao approaching, Tang Qing said to the others: "Come on, let me introduce our new member, student Lin Xiao, who is also a rising star in our mathematics field, and I have told you all about it before."

Everyone else looked at Lin Xiao, including several graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the research center, as well as a professor who was also in the research group. They clapped their hands politely and nodded to him.

They all knew about Lin Xiao's joining from Tang Qing before, but most of them were still a little reluctant in their hearts.

Although Lin Xiao's achievements in mathematics made them have to admire, in terms of achievements alone, Lin Xiao's one-hour report at the International Conference of Mathematicians is better than their previous achievements. times.

But no matter what, these achievements are all in the field of number theory. Even the important conjecture proposed by Lin Xiao is in the field of algebraic geometry, and the topic they are studying is the N-S equation in partial differential equations, which belongs to mathematical physics. world things.

And they have never heard of Lin Xiao's achievements in this field.

Therefore, they basically don't feel that Lin Xiao can make much contribution to their research. After all, the interlacing is like a mountain, although the problem of their research is not very different from the field of mathematics.

Chapter 118 The Surprise Brought by Lin Xiao

After introducing Lin Xiao, Tang Qing specially introduced other people to Lin Xiao, first of all, a professor from the Academy of Physics named Cao Chengqing.

As for the other young people who are slightly younger, they are Tang Qing's graduate students and postdoctoral fellows here.

After getting to know each other once, Tang Qing said, "Okay, there's no need to say anything else. Since we're all here, let's start this group meeting now."

"Lin Xiao, have you held a group meeting before?"

"No." Lin Xiao shook his head.

"Oh? Then all your previous achievements were independently researched by yourself?"


"That would be great."

Tang Qing nodded, and the others were also a little surprised. It is really amazing to rely on one person to independently research those important results.

"Then since this is your first group meeting, you can just take a look at it first. Oh, by the way, there is still a project cooperation agreement that needs to be signed by you. It is mainly about the confidentiality of the research content of the project. You should know this Bar."

After speaking, Tang Qing took out an agreement from the briefcase next to him and put it in front of Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao naturally signed the agreement without any doubts.

After that, the group meeting officially started.

The research group will report their respective progress, and make a PPT to share, to tell other members about their achievements, and to avoid people being lazy.

So first of all, those young people walked up and began to share their work from the previous week.

After all, young people like them are not as knowledgeable as their tutors, and they generally can't provide any useful help in the main direction of the subject, so they usually do document sharing at most, helping tutors and other highly qualified and knowledgeable people Provide something that can be used.

And Lin Xiao was quite interested in listening to their report.

From time to time, I can see some high-end things just because of the title, such as "The Zero Condition of the Quasilinear Wave Equation in Two-Dimensional Space", and "The Integral Existence of Nonlinear Elastic Waves".

These documents can also help them with this topic.

And as they shared, Tang Qing and another professor also listened and discussed. If something was useful, they would be impressed by it, and then write down the relevant things.

Soon, the postgraduate sharing was over, and Tang Qing and the two professors began to discuss the deep-seated issues of the subject. They stood in front of the blackboard, wrote down a few formulas on it from time to time, and discussed, while other young people Listening around, absorbing the knowledge spoken by the instructor.

Tang Qing stroked his chin and looked at a formula written on the blackboard in front of him.


"We need to estimate a weighted L2 generalized energy norm," he said.

"Yes." Cao Chengqing nodded, based on Tang Qing's formula, he wrote a few more lines later, and then said: "But obviously there is a problem here, we have to control the weighted generalized L2 energy according to the generalized energy Eκ Xκ."


Tang Qing suddenly took the blackboard pen and wrote a formula on it.


Then he said, "So let's estimate the r-weighted zero shape of this thing?"

Cao Chengqing looked at it, his eyes lit up.

Tang Qing said, "You can give it a try."

Then, they started to move their hands.

Of course, they did it on scratch paper, after all, the blackboard is limited.

Watching the three professors' actions, several graduate students also thought about it, and also wanted to try to estimate this r-weighted zero shape.

However, Lin Xiao stared at the formula on the blackboard.

He has his own unique thinking about this kind of thing that is already in mathematics.

After thinking for a while, he took the pen in his hand and started writing on the draft paper.

Although he has not made any outstanding results in partial differential equations, this does not prevent his mathematical skills in this area from being still strong.

Everything is always the same, after all, it is a game of numbers and logic, especially Lin Xiao's current brain development rate has reached 3.65%, which is gradually approaching the situation when he was using the sage at the beginning. Level 3, at this time, he already has an intuition about mathematics that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

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