
Lin Xiao and the others continued to chat, and after a while, a man who looked quite young, but obviously more mature than Lin Xiao and the others walked in.

This is the counselor of their class. His name is Wang Wei. He also graduated from Peking University with a Ph.D. in Mathematics. After graduation, he chose to stay in school as a teacher.

They are all young people, so this Wang Wei did not talk to them at length, but simply said a few words, and asked them to introduce themselves. When Lin Xiao went up to introduce himself, these students had to boo again .

Then there are some things to pay attention to when starting school.

For example, military training.

Hearing that military training was required, Lin Xiao was stunned.

Damn, he lives in Yanbei Garden. During military training, he has to get up at six o'clock every morning. What's wrong with him?

So until the end of the class meeting, he ran over to ask Wang Wei.

"You live in Yanbei Garden?"

Hearing this news, Wang Wei couldn't help but envy Lin Xiao's treatment. As a counselor, he couldn't even apply for a residence in Yanbei Garden, so he could only live on campus.

However, in response to Lin Xiao's question, Wang Wei still said: "Then you can live with me for a few days during your military training. I have two beds in my dormitory, but I live alone. I also have spare quilts and sheets. You Just take the toothbrush and those."

Hearing Wang Wei's proposal, Lin Xiao couldn't help being overjoyed, "Then thank you, Teacher Wang."

"No, help God Lin, it's my honor, don't call me Mr. Wang, just call me Old Wang."

Wang Wei smiled and waved his hands.

"Old Wang... why don't I call you Awei."

With a place to go, Lin Xiao felt relaxed at this moment, and was in the mood to joke around.

"That's all. Calling me by my name is better than this."


"I see awsl a lot when I watch videos...you know how I feel."

"……makes sense."


Afterwards, Lin Xiao returned to Yanbei Garden after having a meal, and brought some daily necessities and the book on materials science to Wang Wei's dormitory.

However, because Wang Wei is a counselor, and it is the beginning of school now, he naturally doesn't have much time to stay in the dormitory. After making arrangements for Lin Xiao, he went back to work.

Lin Xiao stayed in this counselor's dormitory. After a quick look, the conditions were average, but there was a water heater, which was much better than the student dormitory.

So, he went directly to take a shower, and was going to rest after watching "Basics of Materials Science" for a while.

After all, military training starts at 6:05 in the morning, which means that he basically has to get up at 30:[-].

After taking a shower, Lin Xiao returned to the table on his own bed.

There is a stack of draft paper on the table with a series of formulas on it. Lin Xiao guessed that it was left by Wang Wei when he was researching the problem on this table.

After all, this is a double room with two tables, but Wang Wei is the only one, so he can use it as he pleases.

But Lin Xiao didn't read it, but continued to read his book, because there was still a little content to finish, and it was estimated that it would be finished tonight, and it was only before eight o'clock.

Soon, after ten o'clock, he put down the book in his hand.

The book was also finished, and he also received a voice from the system.

"The development of the brain has reached 3.65%...very close to the original 4%."

It's just that it's still a little difficult to break through 4%. Although reading books can increase experience and raise other subjects to level 2, as far as the current situation is concerned, he still has to read dozens of books to master them all. It would take too much time to raise it to level 2, and he still has his own things to do.

"Let's take it step by step."

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it anymore, he stood up, stretched his waist, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the stack of draft paper on the table from the corner of his eye.

"Would you like...to take a look?"

He was quite curious about what Wang Wei, the counselor, was researching.

So he took it over and looked at it briefly.

【Existence of Uniform Attractors for Super Cubic Weakly Damped Wave Equations with Delay Term】

"This is the title?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help being taken aback.

It's a matter of physics...

But if it is Wang Wei's research, then it belongs to the category of mathematical physics?

Mathematical physics is to seek the mathematical description of physical phenomena, and to summarize the physical things into the field of mathematics for solution.

Therefore, strictly speaking, it should belong to the field of physics, not mathematics.

Of course, since the problems of mathematical physics have high requirements for mathematics, not to mention that there is no separation of families in mathematical physics, so the gap between the two is not big. Many mathematicians choose to study physics in the end.

It's just that Lin Xiao obviously hasn't learned enough about physics to understand these things, such as the weakly damped wave equation, which he has never understood.

Of course, with a little interest in physics, he started to read from the beginning.

"Hmm... seems to be able to understand a little bit?"

The first is the time-delay differential equation, which Lin Xiao knows. After all, it is something in mathematics. Anyway, it is a type of differential equation. The main feature is that the derivative of the unknown function at a certain time is determined by the function at the previous time.

When Lin Xiao first learned this part of the content, he had already understood it.

In addition, some nouns that Lin Xiao didn't know appeared in the draft paper, but when these nouns were converted into mathematical forms, Lin Xiao found that he suddenly understood the physical meaning of the nouns.

Mathematics is the language of the universe, it can represent everything.

Of course, such a 'representative' is very abstract to others, but it is not abstract at all in front of Lin Xiao.

Some physicists can directly see through the intuitive images behind complex mathematical formulas and proofs. Edward Witten, who proposed the M theory, is one of them. When proving, you can directly predict what has been proved, and it is often accurate.

As for Lin Xiao at this time, he almost understood the meaning of the physical term through this method. If he is really not sure, he can just look it up on the Internet.

And he often finds that his guess is correct.

Chapter 115 Reversing the Physical Meaning from Mathematical Formulas

"Hmm...is it gone here?"

Lin Xiao looked and checked, and gradually saw the last page of the draft paper.

The last page of the draft paper was left on a formula, probably because of difficulties and did not continue.

[The existence of weakly consistent attractors and strongly consistent attractors in C(1H0)(Ω)*C(L^2)(Ω)...]

"So it is to figure out the existence of a consistent attractor?"

Lin Xiao rubbed his chin and thought about it.

He suddenly discovered that he seemed to be able to find a solution to this formula.

Although it is a physical problem, it has been transformed into a mathematical problem at this time, and it must be solved by mathematical methods.

"A partial differential equation... By the way, the Fedor-Galerkin approximation should work for this."

After a while, Lin Xiao thought of a solution to this problem.

So he took out his pen, tore another piece of draft paper, and started to write according to his own ideas.

[Assume f satisfies formula 1.2-1.5, F(Ut) satisfies the assumption...initial value ξτ=(φ, aφ)∈Cε...]

[So there is T0 so that there is a Shatah-Struwe solution on the equation. 】

"Well...you should be fine here."

Lin Xiao nodded after confirming that there was no problem, but if it was going backwards, he still had some problems.

Such partial differential equations often like to study the existence of solutions. As for general solutions, there is no such thing, and only specific equations can be analyzed in detail.

In physics, there are especially many problems that use partial differential equations. For example, the famous N-S equation is a partial differential equation, and the same is true for Maxwell's equations.

And at a deeper level, you need to have a deeper understanding of physics-related expertise, and Lin Xiao doesn't know how to proceed.

Of course, just take a look and write it according to the mathematical formula is still no problem.

So he continued to carry out simple deduction from a mathematical point of view, nothing more than to prove the existence of solutions to partial differential equations.

In this way, he got about eleven o'clock, and at this time, the sound of a key turning the lock came from outside the door.

Wang Wei is back.

Wang Wei came in with a tired face. Obviously, the start of school was very tiring. After all, some students might encounter some problems and ask him as a counselor to help them solve them, or there may be administrative matters in the college.

However, when he came in, he couldn't help being surprised to see that Lin Xiao hadn't slept yet, but was reading a book at his desk.

No wonder people can achieve this level, talent and hard work are indispensable.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Teacher Wong."

Lin Xiao finally raised his head and said hello. Then he looked at the time and was stunned for a moment: "Ah, it's already 11 o'clock?"

Wang Wei: "...you don't even watch the time when you study?"

"Forgot to read..."

As Lin Xiao said, he put down the pen in his hand and got ready to go to bed. After all, we will gather at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

Of course, he didn't forget to say: "Oh, by the way, Mr. Wang, I just took a look at the draft paper you put on the table."

"Ah?" Wang Wei was stunned, walked up and saw the draft paper on the table, then smiled and said: "Oh, this is something I studied before, just look at it, I finally encountered some problems, so I didn't figure it out , and now give up."

"It is to seek the existence of the consistent attractor, right? I looked it up and found that it can be obtained by using an approximation. The obtained result satisfies Lipschitz continuity, and then it can be worked out. The subsequent process should also be possible."

Lin Xiao had already sat on the bed at this time, and said something at the same time.

Hearing his words, Wang Wei was stunned: "What? You mean...you know how to do it? You also study mathematical physics?"

"This... has not been studied."

"Then you understand?"

"I didn't understand it at first, but after reading it, I understood a little bit." Lin Xiao said: "I read the formulas you wrote on it, and there are some text explanations, and then I probably understand what you wrote. What does it mean? It’s almost like inverting its physical meaning from a mathematical formula.”


Wang Wei was dumbfounded.

Deduce the physical meaning from the mathematical formula?

Are you cheating on you? !

But can it still be opened like this?

But in the end, thinking about Lin Xiao's deeds, he gave up the idea of ​​reasoning with this kind of person.

However, he was also very curious about how Lin Xiao solved it, so he picked up the draft paper and glanced at the "Basics of Material Science" that Lin Xiao was reading. He couldn't help being surprised, Lin Xiao is still learning this thing?

"Do you still want to study material science?"

"Just understand and understand."

Lin Xiao lay on the bed and laughed.

It can't be explained that he is trying to earn experience.

"Then... well, then you go to sleep, I'll just take a look."

Wang Wei didn't think too much about it anymore. It's probably hard for ordinary people to understand what they want to do with this kind of genius.

Then he returned to his desk, turned off the headlight first, and let Lin Xiao sleep peacefully, but turned on the lamp on his desk.

Although he is a counselor, he has to get up early on the first day of military training tomorrow, but he doesn't need military training, so he still has time to rest.

Soon, he directly turned to the back page of his draft paper, and saw the difficulty he encountered at the beginning.

It was this place that he finally gave up on further research.

In fact, this question was one of the topics left by his supervisor when he was still a PhD student.

His doctoral supervisor is Academician Tang Qing from the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University. Academician Tang Qing has attainments in both mathematics and mathematical physics, so Wang Wei followed him into the area of ​​mathematical physics.

However, when he was choosing a topic, Tang Qing told him that the difficulty of this problem was the most difficult one among the topics given to him, and he was allowed to choose by himself. It was because he did what he could do at the beginning, so he gave up this topic and chose other relatively simple ones. subject.

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