When the others heard what he said, they immediately fell into disbelief.


An hour... report?

Upgraded from a 45-minute report to a one-hour report?

Has this Lin Xiao opened a VIP card?

And Emmanuel Carneiro didn't finish speaking, he continued: "Of course, you also know that the other one-hour reports have already been arranged, so your report time can only be arranged on August 8rd." It will be held from 3:07 to 30:08 in the evening, that is, half an hour after the end of Amy Noether's lecture. If there is any conflict with your time, please ask again, and we will try our best to change it. Of course, The venue will be arranged in Hall 30, which is the same venue as the plenary report, to ensure that all participants can participate."

When the other speakers heard it again, they couldn't believe it even more. Not only was it upgraded to a one-hour report, but it was even arranged in Hall [-]?

Although the time is a little different, it is completely the same as other one-hour reports!

One hour report!

The one-hour report is also the plenary lecture of the International Congress of Mathematicians. As the name suggests, it is a report in front of all participants. At the same time, there are no other activities.

As for the 45-minute report, there are at most five lectures starting at the same time, and they are divided according to the nineteen fields of mathematics. In addition, the lectures are held in the small conference room of Hall [-], which is far less than the capacity of Hall [-].

This is enough to see the importance of the one-hour report.

Chapter 1 A true master always maintains the heart of an apprentice

In addition, each mathematician conference basically only arranges 21 people, and the conference is held every four years, with an average of only five or six people per year. Therefore, a one-hour report is very important for every mathematician. All in all, it is a great honor.

Just look at how many Chinese mathematicians can get this kind of invitation.

There are only seven mathematicians working full-time in mainland China, and there is only one old Mr. Peng Shige among the mathematicians working full-time in mainland China.

Now, although Lin Xiao's one-hour report is different from the normally invited one-hour report, the form is exactly the same.

Take another look at his youthful face. The youngest of these mathematicians are in their 30s. All of a sudden, there is nothing but envy or jealousy.

And Lin Xiao was also very surprised. Didn't expect to make such an adjustment to his report?

He felt a little flattered. He was ready to condense the content of the 45-minute report, such as making some steps easy to pass.

However, now that the time has been extended for such a long time, the time is relatively more generous.

He smiled and said, "I don't have any other requirements, so that's it. Thanks to the organizing committee and the International Mathematical Union for the arrangement."

"Then thank you for your understanding."

Emmanuel Carneiro nodded, and then looked at the other reporters, who still had the expressions of 'I'm not Sister Li'.

Emmanuel Carneiro smiled, and then explained: "The other speakers may be more confused about why Mr. Lin Xiao's report was arranged in this way. In fact, it is because Mr. Lin Xiao's report solved a well-known problem in our mathematics circle. It is a difficult problem, that is, the distribution law of Mersenne prime numbers."

Hearing Emmanuel Carneiro's explanation, the reporters who didn't understand the expressions on their faces suddenly became stunned.

Distribution of Mersenne primes?

Can this problem really be solved?

"The manuscript has been approved by a total of five professors, including Professor Peter Sarnac, Professor Pierre Deligne, and Professor Enrique Pompieri. It just so happens that I have also done some research in the field of number theory. , so I have to admit that this is obviously an extremely important achievement for the mathematics community.”

"If the speakers are interested, I recommend everyone to take a look at that time. Oh, by the way, we have uploaded Mr. Lin Xiao's report to the official website, and now it can be downloaded in the column of special lectures. Everyone can Look."

Now, the expressions of the speakers changed from stunned to unbelievable. Have so many well-known professors in the mathematics world recognized this achievement?

They couldn't help looking at Lin Xiao, at his young face.

Generally, if young people of this age have made such achievements, they would have already turned their noses into the sky, but they didn't see anything on Lin Xiao's face, even after Lin Xiao felt their eyes , and smiled politely at them, with a very humble attitude, showing no complacency at all.

They couldn't help but appreciate it.

A true master always maintains the heart of an apprentice.

Lin Xiao may not be called a master yet, but if he can maintain this attitude, his name will probably be engraved on the pyramid of the mathematics world one day for the admiration of everyone in the future.

And only such young people who can maintain humility have made such achievements, and they are willing to admire from the bottom of their hearts.

"I'll take a look when I get back." A professor said immediately, and then he gave Lin Xiao a thumbs up.

Several other reporters also nodded towards Lin Xiao, and some even wanted to ask Lin Xiao whether he is currently an undergraduate student or a graduate student, or has already graduated. If he is an undergraduate student, they all want to ask Lin Xiao Xiao Xiao wants to wait until after graduating from undergraduate to become his own graduate student.

But then I thought about it, students of Lin Xiao's level may not be able to accommodate in my small place, and those who can teach Lin Xiao must at least be at the level of a Fields Medal winner.

And it has to be the kind of person who is particularly awesome in the Fields Medal, the kind who can continue to produce results after receiving the Fields Medal, otherwise, I'm afraid I don't know what to teach when teaching Lin Xiao.

Seeing the reactions of these reporters, Emmanuel Carneiro also felt emotional in his heart.

Strictly speaking, the present speakers all have a higher status in the mathematics world than him, and he was only arranged because of his status as the host.

And when he read Lin Xiao's thesis, after reading it once, he found that he couldn't fully understand it. He had to read it several times before he could figure it out.

Alas, it was really hard for him to understand at the time, how the heads of these math geniuses look like they are equipped with an alien brain.

Shaking his head slightly, he stopped thinking about it and continued to announce other matters of the meeting.

Time passed quickly, and the meeting ended after about 20 minutes.

However, although the meeting ended, none of the thirteen speakers was in a hurry to leave. Instead, they began to communicate and get to know each other.

The Congress of Mathematicians takes on such a role. In addition to academic exchanges, it is a place for every mathematician to meet new friends and gather with old friends from all over the world.

Especially since everyone is studying number theory, there are more topics to talk about.

Of course, Lin Xiao also became the object they all rushed to know.

After all, in their eyes, Lin Xiao seems to have become a rising star in the mathematics world with a bright future, and if they can make friends with him, if he is a great future, won't he have a friend that he can brag about to others? ?

Otherwise, why do many people like to say "I have a friend" when chatting.

Lin Xiao naturally got acquainted with these professors. These professors also asked him how many social accounts such as Facebook or Twitter. Unfortunately, he did not register for these things, so he could only leave his email address as a contact. way out.

Just like that, after a brief exchange, they looked at the time and found that it was getting late, so they said goodbye and left here.

But after Lin Xiao left the meeting room, the staff member who stopped him suddenly called out to him: "Mr. Lin Xiao!"

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and glanced: "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

The staff said: "Professor Carneiro asked me to tell you that you don't need to worry about whether other participants will not know your report due to temporary arrangements. Please rest assured that we will Inform all participants of this information to ensure that every participant can know about it."

Chapter 1 Challenges to the Peak of Wisdom

"I see, then thank you."

As soon as Lin Xiao heard it, he expressed his appreciation for their arrangement in his heart. When he learned from Chen Wei that the details of his report had not been posted on the official website before the conference, although he didn't say anything, he complained in his heart What about it.

"It's what we should do."

The staff said with a smile.

Lin Xiao nodded, then stopped talking, turned his head, and left here. Looking at his back, the staff member couldn't help thinking of the situation when he stopped Lin Xiao just now. He stopped a person who was equivalent to an hour. The boss of the reporter.

Fortunately, there were no surprises.


The next time is to wait for the official start of the conference with peace of mind.

On August [-], the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians officially began.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, all the participants were seated. The chairman of the organizing committee, Professor Marcelo Viana, first gave a speech and welcomed all the participants, followed by the chairman of the International Mathematical Union and the winner of the Fields Medal Mori Shigefumi. speech.

After the speech, the meeting reached its climax, which is the five awards of the International Congress of Mathematicians.

The first three awards are Gauss Award, Chern Award and Leelavati Award.

And the fourth award is the Fields Medal, which is also the award that attracts the most attention from everyone.

As each name appeared, the audience also gave warm applause, and the winner who attracted everyone's attention the most was Peter Schulz. He was only 30 years old, and most of them were over 36 years old. Among the winners of the Philippine Award, it is very prominent.

And he was also the most popular mathematician who won the Fields Medal before this conference, so he can also be regarded as a genius in the mathematics world.

After the Fields Medal was over, the conference continued with other projects until after eleven o'clock, when it finally came to an end.

However, at this time, something happened that made everyone dumbfounded, because the medal of a Fields Medal winner was stolen, and he put it in a briefcase, but the briefcase was not lost. The medal was lost.

This incident made everyone feel funny, and at the same time felt sympathy for the unlucky winner. The medal hadn't been warmed for half an hour, and it was gone in a blink of an eye.

The conference party also attached great importance to this, and immediately contacted the police, but they couldn't find it after a while.

As for that Professor Wiana, who learned about this matter, he dealt with it in a hurry. He doesn't like this kind of accident the most. Why do accidents always happen?

However, this can be regarded as a small episode. If you can't find it, the conference will issue a new medal to the winner later.

With the end of the opening ceremony, this International Congress of Mathematicians also entered the topic.

Reports and lectures came together. On August 8 alone, there were more than 2 reports and lectures, of which 40 were 45-minute reports. According to the original plan, Lin Xiao’s report was among these 34 , the degree of attention is obviously not as high as the one-hour report.

On August 8rd, there were also many reports, and not all the participants would read every report, including the plenary report. If the topic is not the field of interest or research, then basically It won't attract many people to see it.

However, after the Amy Noether lecture at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, whether it was resting in the hotel or the mathematicians who had listened to the lecture, almost all of them started to leave for the Rio Centro Convention and Exhibition Center Hall [-].

Because, there is a special report about to start, and the topic of the report is the precise prediction of the distribution law of Mersenne prime numbers.

A few days ago, when they all received emails from the organizing committee of this conference, they were all a little surprised, because it is rare for the conference to temporarily arrange a one-hour report, or even in previous conferences. It happened, especially when the email also introduced that what was supposed to be a 45-minute report turned into a one-hour report, which is even more rare.

However, when they saw the theme of this report, they all understood why the organizing committee made such arrangements.

For such an important achievement, it is true that only by temporarily arranging a one-hour report can it set off its status as a monument in the mathematics world.

The research on Mersenne prime numbers is too extensive in the mathematics field, and the prime number, something that mathematicians love and hate, really makes each of them want to explore the mystery.

What is the use of studying prime numbers?

There may be many people who have this kind of problem. Studying these numbers can neither feed people nor affect their lives, and Euclid also proved in his "Elements of Geometry" that there are infinitely many prime numbers, then What's the point of studying an infinite thing?

Probably at most, there can only be one thing related to the RSA cipher. The RSA cipher is realized by using the principle that it is difficult to decompose a large number of prime factors, such as multiplying a six-digit prime number by an eight-digit number. The prime numbers with the highest number of digits, get their product, and this product is obviously a large number.

Then use this large number as your own password. Only by entering these two prime factors can you pass the verification. If it is someone else, it is obviously difficult to decompose this large number into these two prime numbers.

But for mathematicians, their study of prime numbers is obviously not to develop RSA ciphers, but to challenge the peak of human intelligence.

The prime numbers are just there, they are like girls deliberately teasing the mathematicians, playing with their enchanting figures, telling the mathematicians "Come on, be happy", but when the mathematicians want to touch them , they will take another step back, and then put out a piece of paper with "Goldbach's conjecture", "Polygnac's conjecture", "Riemann's conjecture" and so on, so that mathematicians have to give up, In the end, you can only watch from a distance and not play with it.

And as long as these problems are successfully challenged, you can enjoy the fruits of victory. At the same time, this is also proving to mathematics, the universe, and even the illusory creator that human wisdom will continue to achieve breakthroughs, and Lieutenant General Touch the truth.

But now, that young man named Lin Xiao started announcing to all of them that he had solved one of the 'girls' problems called "The Distribution Law of Mersenne Prime Numbers", but if he wanted to enjoy this 'girl', he still had to It needs to be recognized by everyone, so they are here, and they want to witness with their own eyes whether human wisdom has really broken through such a level in the pyramid of prime numbers.


The report of Chapter 1 begins, and I will personally end it

Rio Centro Convention Centre, Hall 3.

Hall 3 can accommodate 9000 people, which is obviously enough for the more than 3000 participants of this International Congress of Mathematicians.

On this night, more than 3 people once again ushered in Hall 2000, waiting for the moment of 07:30.

"There are a lot of people. When I listened to other reports before, I didn't think there were so many people."

The team from Huaguo was sitting in the middle row at this time. A dozen students from Huaguo were all sitting in their seats, looking at the surrounding situation, they couldn't help but marvel.

Another student couldn't help feeling: "Is the topic Lin Shen is going to report so attractive?"

"Who knows, hey, I guess I'll doze off again later, it's just like being abused here."

Hearing this sentence, several students felt the same way.

Those who dared to sign up to participate in the International Conference of Mathematicians had excellent grades in school, and many of them undergraduates had published SCI. The core sci journals, at the same time, their English ability is very strong, basically the level of IELTS 7.5, and they have no problem talking with foreigners.

However, after coming here, they found that the achievements they were proud of before had all become nonsense. Every time they listened to the report, they would go in with a look of expectation and come out with a look of bewilderment. In the Fields Medal winner's lecture, after the first 5 minutes, someone was about to fall asleep, as if returning to the drowsy scene in middle school.

"Hehe, today we are talking about the prime number problem. You should have understood it more or less, right? Then you can just look at the results of your junior brother Lin Xiao."

At this time, Academician Yuan Ya, the chairman of Huaguo Mathematics Society, who was sitting next to them, said to them with a smile.

"Student? We don't dare, Academician Yuan."

These students quickly waved their hands.

"The name of a god is not something that mere mortals can call directly."

Not to mention being a student.

Hearing what they said, Yuan Ya smiled, and then looked at the rostrum in front again. I really don't know what kind of surprises this report will bring to the mathematics community.

And at this time, a person stepped onto the rostrum, who was the host of the report.

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