As for Lin Xiao, after feeling the enthusiasm of all kinds of people, he finally returned to a peaceful life.

In the next few days, he will go to apply for a visa to Brazil, and then go home to deal with the rewards given to him by the city government and some companies after he won the first prize in the college entrance examination last month, and then return to Beijing. Waiting for the day to go to Brazil.

As for the thesis report, the International Congress of Mathematicians has sent a message saying that his report has passed the review, and when he arrives, he can report directly.

Lin Xiao probably couldn't guess what kind of surprised expression the chairman of the organizing committee, Professor Wiana, showed when he learned that his thesis report had actually passed the unanimous approval of several professors.

That Professor Viana has even started to think about such an important result, 45 minutes, can it be?

Chapter 99 I am a professor, but we are still interns

In the next few days, Lin Xiao went to apply for a visa according to the plan, and then prepared to go home.

Before going home, he naturally had to say goodbye to Ouyang Sheng and the others.

It was time for the few of them to go home. Since entering the national team, they no longer got along with their high school classmates, but became the six of them. reluctant.

Of course, after thinking about it, it will only take more than a month. In September, they will either enter Beijing University or Qinghua University. By then, they will basically not be far apart. A phone thing.

What's more, they are all big men, and of course they don't want to hug each other and cry or anything. They had a meal together, and it was a temporary farewell banquet. After more than a month, everyone will reunite.

The next day, Lin Xiao got on the plane home, and Sun Yu was with him. After all, Sun Yu was also from Qin Province, so the two returned together.

After arriving home, Lin Xiao started socializing again, and got various rewards, including the house.

At this point, he can be regarded as a person with a house under his name. Of course, the handling of the house is naturally left to his family, and he has no time to get these things. He was busy at home for three or four days, and finally, until he planned to go to Brazil In the last week of this year, he returned to Shangjing again, and continued to live in the dormitory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After living here for more than a month, he even got used to sleeping in the bed.

Then I stayed in Beijing for a few more days, until July 7, when a meeting started.

Those who participated in the meeting were all those who will participate in this International Conference of Mathematicians. In addition to the representatives of the Huaguo Mathematical Society and those who received invitations to the report, there were also many domestic mathematicians and some students who went there at their own expense. Some of the students are from Peking University and Modan University.

Because the meeting was held in the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it was quite early when Lin Xiao arrived here. There were a few intern researchers at the door who were arranged to do reception work here. After seeing Lin Xiao, they laughed and called Say hello: "Hey, Lin Shen is here."

Lin Xiao has stayed here for so long, and many of these trainee researchers have known Lin Xiao, and the name of God Lin has long been spread.

Lin Xiao glanced at them, smiled and nodded towards them.

Suddenly he recognized a girl among them, who seemed to be the one who asked him the question when he attended the lecture?

"Hello, senior, we meet again."

He also said hello.

Seeing that Lin Xiao recognized her, the female postdoctoral fellow was embarrassed and said, "You... hello."

Lin Xiao gave her a strange look, why such a reaction?

But he didn't say much, and walked into the meeting room.

And the female postdoctoral fellow couldn't help recalling the lecture given by Researcher Sun Yong. She didn't understand a part of it, so she asked Lin Xiao, who just looked at it and gave the answer. At that time, she thought that Lin Xiao was also an intern researcher, but later she found out that Lin Xiao was here to participate in the IMO training camp.

At this time, several other intern researchers nearby saw Lin Xiao greeting this colleague, and they all gathered around and asked curiously, "Does Lin Xiao still know you?"

"Don't say it, don't say it, I'm too embarrassed to say it."

She waved her hand, as if she didn't want to say anything, but several colleagues were curious, so she had no choice but to tell what happened back then.

So the other intern researchers looked at her sympathetically.

Is this to face the coercion of the student god?

"Don't be embarrassed, that kind of boss, it's good enough to talk to him. Maybe he becomes a professor, and we are still intern researchers."

"Hey, if only I was this powerful."

"I can't be envious."

Several people sighed, glanced at Lin Xiao in the conference room, and felt emotional.

The female postdoctoral fellow was right when she thought about it, she was so embarrassed, she just pretended to ask a professor at that time, and Lin Xiao can surely become a professor in this situation.

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't know what they were talking about at the door. After entering the meeting room, he saw that Professor Xu Chen from Shangjing University was already sitting in it.

When Xu Chen saw him, he smiled and waved to him, then patted the seat next to him, signaling him to sit over.

After Lin Xiao walked over, he chatted with Xu Chen, and there were also several mathematicians around who had been invited by the mathematicians conference to report. After seeing Lin Xiao, they all gathered around to get acquainted with Lin Xiao. A young genius, they are also willing to make friends with.

However, there are still a bunch of young people sitting on the other side of the meeting room, that is, students from Modan University.

They all looked at Lin Xiao at this time, with surprise on their faces.

"Who is that person?"

"Why do so many professors talk to him?"

Seeing that Lin Xiao was so young, he thought he was planning to go there to join in the fun and increase his knowledge, just like them, but what happened now?

The other party seems to be a hidden old monster?

It's like one of the most annoying people in Xianxia novels, this kind of guy who looks very young.

And at this time, sitting next to them, two students from Shangjing University said, "That's Lin Xiao, Lin Shen, you know? The one that was trending on the Internet a while ago."

The people from Modan University didn't know about it, but those who went to Beijing University and were from the Department of Mathematics naturally remembered it.

Suddenly, the students of Modan University were shocked.

"Is he the forest god?"

"Fuck, my idol!"

"You fake fan, you don't even know what other people look like and still call them idols."

"Du Fu is also my idol, I don't know what Du Fu looks like."

"Can this be the same?"

"I have to ask him for a contact information later."

"Wow, I actually met a living boss!"


This group of undergraduates from prestigious schools were all surprised, and looked at Lin Xiao with admiration.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult for people of the same age to recognize the excellence of each other, but for people with such a huge gap, they can only admire them.

Especially in academia, even if the gap is not big, or even there is no gap, it is easier to feel admiration if others have done it but he has not, just like Yu Hua commented on the works written by Mo Yan and said directly, "Damn it! So awesome."

After all, everyone is engaged in research, and of course they know how difficult the other party's research is, so apart from expressing admiration, they can only be convinced.

So the students of these prestigious schools, including many graduate students, wanted to get acquainted with Lin Xiao, but they watched Lin Xiao chatting more and more deeply with several professors, and there were a lot of terms they didn't understand. They all popped up, and they finally chose to give up.

Forget it, it's better not to bother others, because the things they chat with are not in the same realm as them.

Chapter 100 How did he see it? !

After a while, a few more people came in from outside the door.

They are academician Yuan Ya, chairman of Huaguo Mathematics Society, Gong Zhou, secretary-general, and Chen Fei, deputy secretary-general.

The three of them were officially invited to participate on behalf of the Huaguo mathematics community, while Lin Xiao and the others went there in their personal capacity.

Academician Yuan Ya walked in and looked around, and after making sure that everyone had arrived, he said, "Everyone has arrived, so there is no need to say anything else. We have 27 people from the mainland this time, and we will try to live together as much as possible." In a hotel, the conference provided a discounted price, which was cheaper. Of course, except for the six professors who received invitations to report, oh, there is also a classmate Lin Xiao.”

Speaking of this, Academician Yuan looked at Lin Xiao and smiled at him.

After Lin Xiao came back from Romania, Academician Yuan also met and had a meal with these six math geniuses who returned victoriously. Among them, Lin Xiao was naturally the one he paid the most attention to.

In any case, after Lin Xiao published an article in the "Annual Journal of Mathematics" and received a report invitation from the International Congress of Mathematicians, the only difference between them and them was age and qualifications.

Then Academician Yuan turned around and continued: "ICM provides all the charges for the speakers, so I won't say more. Then, our planned departure time is set at [-] o'clock this afternoon, everyone. If you have any questions, just ask them now."

Naturally, there was no problem, and then they discussed other problems. When they were basically gone, they went back to make preparations. After taking their suitcases, they took the bus to the airport together.

It takes 30 hours to travel from Beijing to Rio de Janeiro. After all, one is in Asia and the other is in South America, separated by the Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, these thirty hours were quite tormented.

Thirty hours later, I arrived in Rio de Janeiro. At this time, Brazil time was 7 am on July 29.

After getting off the plane, there was a receptionist at the airport who led them to the bus and went directly to the hotel.

After a long journey, everyone felt extremely tired, so they rested for a day. Anyway, the conference started on August 8, and there were still two days left.


The time came to the next day, July 7.

As an invited speaker in the field of number theory, Lin Xiao received a notice from the organizer of the conference that he would come to hold a meeting of speakers in the field of number theory, so he came directly.

The conference will be held at the Rio Centro Convention and Exhibition Center, which will also be the venue for the Congress of Mathematicians.

The Mathematicians Conference is naturally a place where mathematicians gather. Although it hasn't started yet, it is already lively here. There are various reporters and media outside taking pictures. Besides, there are a bunch of people gathered outside.

Some of them wanted to enter the exhibition hall, but they needed to show the staff their participation or work badges. Lin Xiao and the others had already got them from the staff when they arrived, and he was wearing them around his neck at this time.

Looking at those people, Lin Xiao wondered what they were here for.

So he moved closer and listened.

"I proved Goldbach's conjecture! Let me in!"

"I proved the twin prime number conjecture, do you know what you are doing? You are stopping a mathematician!"


Hearing these voices, Lin Xiao was startled.

Where did all this come from... Boss?

Or to be more precise, it should be Minke?

Is there a proof of brother's guess, and a proof of twin primes?

I am afraid that the lectures at this International Congress of Mathematicians are not so outrageous.

Probably only folks have this kind of... rich imagination, right?

When Lin Xiao was speechless, he couldn't help admiring the spirit of these people.

It was so persistent that I went straight to the International Congress of Mathematicians.

He looked around again, and there were some heavyweights nearby.

They even pulled posters or blackboards directly to show their achievements on the street.

For these people, the staff turned a blind eye, probably because there were too many people and they were too lazy to take care of them.

Lin Xiao couldn't help being interested. He wanted to see how these folks dealt with the problem. He glanced at it and found that a person not far away showed the Mersenne prime number judgment formula.

The problem he solved was the Mersenne prime number. At this time, I was curious about how this person did it. Moreover, the person who can study the Mersenne prime number judgment formula should not be very 'civilian', right?

He thought about it, anyway, there is still half an hour before the meeting starts, why not take a stroll.

So he walked over and stood in front of the blackboard to read it.

There is a Brazilian squatting next to the blackboard, who is the owner of the blackboard.

When he saw Lin Xiao coming, and the sign on his neck, which indicated that he was here to attend the meeting, he immediately showed an enthusiastic expression on his face.

Those who participated in the meeting knew mathematics, so he stood up directly and said, "Hello, you also know Mersenne prime numbers? Look at my judgment formula. I can be sure that it is definitely better than the Lucas-Lehmer test. better!"

The Lucas-Lehmer test is the current method used to retrieve Mersenne primes and has been around for decades.

As a result, this person directly said that it was better than this method?

Lin Xiao was noncommittal, and simply looked at it, but there was only a short line on the blackboard.

"Let m be an integer, set prime number a, c greater than zero, c greater than a, if (2^a^3-2)/(2^c-1)=m, then 2^c-1 is a Mersenne prime."

Lin Xiao: "...So this should be a conjecture, right? You didn't prove it."

"If you want to talk about conjecture, then it should be. If it is based on my name, it should be called Ronald's conjecture!"

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, he was very excited, as if he had found a way to make himself famous through the ages.

But soon he said again: "Of course, although it is a conjecture, we can assume that it is true now, and then through this method, we can also accurately find Mersenne prime numbers."

As he spoke, he found a blackboard pen and started writing on the blackboard.

"Look, now we can make a equal to 7, c equal to 19, 7 and 19 are both prime numbers, and then substitute them into the formula, the numerator can be divisible by the denominator, so when the exponent is 19, M19 is a Mersenne prime number."

"Let's give another example. For example, a is equal to 3 and c is equal to 13. They are still valid, and M13 is also a Mersenne prime number."

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