He sighed slightly in his heart. Last year, he felt that it would be a pity if he could not wear that golden medal on the IMO podium in his life.

Now, not only did he wear this golden medal, he even received a special award that hadn't been awarded for a long time.

However, at this time, his heart was still calm.

He left his seat again and walked onto the stage.

This time, he was the only one on stage.

And he also received everyone's attention.

"Congratulations, young man, that's what I call a surprise, how do you feel?"

George Eagle watched Lin Xiao approaching with a smile on his face.

"It feels good, thank you, Mr. Yige." Lin Xiao smiled back.

"Hehe, there's nothing to thank me for. This is all your own hard work, and it has nothing to do with me. Moreover, the special award was also decided by our organizing committee, so it's not just my decision."

"Excellent people have outstanding rights and honors." George Iger said with a smile, and at this time, the staff next to him also came over with a tray for the trophy.

The special award is a trophy, which is transparent and looks very special.

George Eagle held the trophy in both hands, and then handed it to Lin Xiao.

"This trophy has been waiting for its owner for a long time. After 13 years, it is finally shown to the world again. However, I believe that in the future, it will also be proud of you as its owner."

Lin Xiao took the trophy solemnly, with emotion on his face.

The first trophy I got.

All I got before were medals, only this one is a trophy.

Then he raised his head to look at George Iger, smiled slightly, and said, "I will not live up to its expectations."

George Iger was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to that day too."

He has served as the chairman of IMO for many years, and he has met countless mathematical geniuses, but only Lin Xiao is the student he thinks has the most mathematical talent.

At the same time, he is also the future mathematician who he believes has the best chance of winning the Fields Medal—in fact, he often tells the best performers in various countries that they have the opportunity to win the Fields Medal. This is also his encouragement to these young people. I hope They can work towards this goal in the future.

As for the 2014 Fields Medal winner he told Lin Xiao, he made it up.

Because the IMO gold medal that Arthur Avila won was more than 20 years ago, and George Ige was not the chairman of the IMO at that time. Avila presented the medal, then told him he had the potential for a Fields Medal.

Of course, he also believed that it was impossible for Lin Xiao to investigate this kind of thing.

Therefore, as long as Lin Xiao believed it, his words would definitely inspire Lin Xiao.

This is also what he, the chairman of IMO, can do for the future mathematics community and this young man.

Chapter 91 How do you know my son won a gold medal?

With the end of the closing ceremony, the ninth International Mathematical Olympiad has officially ended, and the next thing is to have a day off at night, and then you can get on the plane back to your motherland tomorrow.

As the biggest winner, the Huaguo team has already felt the enthusiasm from Huaguo even though they have not returned to Huaguo.

All kinds of phone calls came, as well as calls from various media news, and they wanted to interview them after they returned to China.

But Lin Xiao was surprised, why didn't he receive a single call, but everyone else did?

Ouyang Sheng, Sun Yu, each of them had their phones ringing non-stop.

It wasn't until later that Lin Xiao received a call from his father, Lin Guowen, that he came to his senses. He was bombarded by major domestic media because he won the first prize, so he had already set up call forwarding and transferred it to his father.

"Don't set up call forwarding. Your dad only answers the phone at work, and the leaders say he doesn't answer as many calls as I do."

Hearing Dad's complaints, Lin Xiao laughed and said: "Stop talking, my mother just sent me a message saying that you answered the phone, and everyone who answered was laughing from ear to ear."

"Your mother slandered me, your mother slandered me!" After Lin Guowen said a few words, he also laughed. Indeed, of course he had to be happy from ear to ear. Hearing good words, who is not happy?

So much so that a colleague asked him just now: "Old Lin, do you want to drink something after get off work today?"

Then he said with a surprised expression: "Huh? How do you know that my son won the gold medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad?"

His colleague looked confused: "What are you talking about?"

Then he said in surprise: "Huh? You even know that he won not only the gold medal, but also a special award?"

Then there are "same happiness, same happiness", "luck luck", "thank you thank you"...

Ever since, everyone in his unit knew about it again, and one of their leaders angrily asked him to stop and stop showing off.

Lin Xiao smiled, and then said: "You just have to work hard, and help me pick it up for a few more days. I am rushing to finish my thesis in the past few days, and I will use it at the International Congress of Mathematicians."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Lin Guowen of course did not refuse, and said, "Okay, then you should pay attention to safety over there, and call me when you return home."


Lin Xiao responded, and then hung up the phone.

Now in Romania, it is eight o'clock in the morning, and it is already thirteen o'clock in Huaguo.

As for the closing ceremony, it was already yesterday.

It's just that he didn't sleep last night and kept sorting out his thesis. Finally, his thesis was finished.


Yawning deeply, Lin Xiao put the last quotation on it, then remembered something, and added a few more sentences at the end of the text.

[Thanks to: Professor Pompieri and Professor Atle Selberg, the manuscripts of the two professors gave me great help in solving this problem, and I stood on the shoulders of giants.

In addition, I would like to thank Professor Pompieri once again, who offered to provide his and Professor Selberg's manuscripts.

Professor Pompieri made me feel the enthusiasm of the mathematics community, and I will devote more enthusiasm to mathematics and live up to expectations. 】

After adding these few sentences, the whole report is finally done.

In any case, Professor Pompieri also gave him a lot of help, and of course I have to thank him in the text.

"Okay, I can finally send it over there."

Lin Xiao let out a sigh of relief. It is already July 7th, and tomorrow will be July 14th. Fortunately, he caught up with it.

Then, he opened the mailbox, found the letter that IMU had sent him before, and then entered the website for submitting the report, and uploaded his thesis report.

Afterwards, he threw himself directly onto the bed, finding the most comfortable position.

3, 2, 1.

He fell asleep.

The tired study of the past few days has made him extremely sleepy, and he urgently needs a sound sleep to replenish his energy.

As for other things, let's talk about it after waking up.


at the same time.

South America, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.

Although the International Conference of Mathematicians started in August, preparations for the conference have already begun. All departments of the International Mathematical Union are making their own related preparations, and the group responsible for connecting with all the speakers also has with their own work.

However, since the affairs of all the reporters are basically done, they are also taking advantage of their free time to chat.

"Is Professor Laphroaig's report done?"

"It's been done a long time ago, but to be honest, Professor Laphroaig actually intends to use the sea snake to conduct research on the Langlands program. I read his report and it is really wonderful."

Someone sighed.

Another staff member also nodded and said: "It is really wonderful. Through the analysis of conformal field theory, he explored the algebraic changes of dimension 1 and non-singular addition points, and realized Langlands in the reduction group. The global parameterization is very powerful, I read it several times before I understood it, but there are still some problems, and I plan to go to the scene to listen to it when the time comes."

"I really don't understand how those of you who study the Langlands Program study. I don't even understand my broken Hilbert space."

"Okay, didn't you guys publish a paper in Advances-in-Mathematics some time ago? I heard that the University of Sao Paulo has invited you to teach, why don't you go?"

"I'll go to this conference once it's done."

The others couldn't help casting envious glances.

These staff members are all young people, perhaps not long after graduating from a university with a Ph. Otherwise, you can only learn some other aspects of knowledge. After all, mathematics is a basic subject. If it is an applied field, basic mathematics alone is definitely not enough. For example, in finance and algorithms, you have to learn other aspects. Knowledge, of course, is also a good way out.

It's just that these people who used to be at the top of the disdain chain of disciplines, if they really want to learn these things, they are still a little reluctant in their hearts.

At this time, someone asked another colleague who was in charge of the report in the field of number theory: "By the way, Tom, that young mathematics genius in Huaguo, did he reply to your message? What kind of surprise is he going to give us?" ?”

Tom responded: "Don't mention it. He hasn't responded in the past two days. Tomorrow will be July 7th. I don't know if he can send it on time. I hope Professor Viana will not trouble me by then."


The surrounding staff all laughed.

Chapter 92 Is this crazy?

They all know about the mathematics genius in Huaguo.

Even they couldn't help but lament the good luck of this mathematical genius, the International Congress of Mathematicians held every four years just happened to let him catch up.

Originally, there was a professor who was invited by the International Conference of Mathematicians earlier this year, but because of a car accident some time ago, he had to rest at home for several months and was unable to come. The professor felt extremely sorry, after all, this is an international mathematics conference There are hundreds of thousands or even millions of mathematics researchers all over the world. I don’t know how many of them want to receive the invitation and don’t have this opportunity. speak out.

However, luck also seems to be a zero-sum thing, where a professor gets unlucky and a math genius gets lucky there.

Generally speaking, in such a situation, people will not be replaced, but a professor in the field of number theory in the International Mathematical Union remembered the paper not long ago that proved that there are infinitely many prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, because for the prime number problem He was very interested, so he proposed to let the author of that paper come to the International Congress of Mathematicians to discuss his method together.

As a result, professors in other fields of number theory also agreed unanimously, so the author of that paper, a young boy, got the opportunity to give a report at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

He also became the youngest speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

As for the staff like them, when they heard the news, they were envious or envious.

However, now it seems that Lin Xiao, a Chinese mathematics genius, seems to be unable to seize this opportunity. He has not yet submitted his paper. A surprise at the Mathematicians Conference?

Although it has to be admitted that the problem he solved did bring surprises to the mathematics community, but that surprise was already a few months ago. Could it be possible that he can produce any more results?

They didn't think he could do it, and they all thought that this math genius was probably a little too ambitious.

That Tom shook his head and said, "Hey, let's take a look first, maybe he sent it now? Although it's probably impossible."

Then he got up, walked to the computer next to him, opened their report submission website, briefly looked at the background, and then froze.

"Hey... He actually sent it over? And this topic is... I buy it!"

His words attracted his colleagues.

These people looked at it subconsciously, wondering why Tom was surprised, and asked one after another: "What is the topic? Don't just say half of it!"

"The topic is, a new group transformation method and the determination of the distribution law of Mersenne prime numbers."

Hearing Tom's question, the staff members looked at each other in confusion.

"A Mersenne prime? Isn't it a prime number in the Fibonacci sequence?"

"Yeah, didn't he solve the Fibonacci sequence that there are infinitely many prime numbers? How did it become the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers? Are you sure you read it right, or are you sure it's the 'Lin-Xiao'? "

"I'm sure it's him, I can't even recognize the words." Tom said: "He mentioned in the abstract that he combined group theory and modular forms to construct a new homomorphic group transformation method, and then thoroughly determined the distribution of Mersenne primes in Mersenne numbers..."

All of a sudden, these are all PhDs in mathematics who graduated from world-renowned universities, and they couldn't help but stand up at this moment.

"Are you kidding me!?"

"He solved the distribution law of Mersenne prime numbers?"

"Combine group theory and modular form, and then solve a problem in number theory? My Jesus, how do you feel that you are talking about the Langlands program again?!"

Tom said helplessly: "What am I joking about, I'm sure."

"Then what are you talking about, take a look, take a look!"

Immediately, a group of people came together and wanted to read this paper. If the content in it was the same as the abstract, they had to admit that this was really a surprise for the International Congress of Mathematicians, and it was still A huge surprise.

The big cow who studies Mersenne primes doesn't know geometry, but now he has completed the solution in the hands of a young man?

They were all in disbelief.

Tom saw the pile of people who sent it, and said angrily: "I have to send it to Chairman Viana first, and then I will ask the directors to review the manuscript. I don't know if they can pass it, you guys Just don't squeeze."

It was only when they heard Tom's words that they remembered it.

They are still the kind of unknown juniors in the mathematics world, so it is naturally impossible for them to be responsible for reviewing these manuscripts. At most, they can correct the formatting and so on. The main responsibility is to communicate with the reporter.

As for the reviewers, they are naturally the respected professors in the Mathematical Union.

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