"Since everyone calls Lin Shen, all you need to do is believe in God."

"In the future, I will have to make a memorial tablet for God Lin and offer it at home every day. I just hope that I can be half as good as him."

"Half awesome? You're afraid you want to go to heaven."

Several people laughed and joked, then continued to review their exam process and answered the questions correctly.

However, all in all, they all felt pretty good in this exam, and they performed fairly well. Except for the third and sixth questions, which were the final questions, which they found very difficult, they still had a certain degree of confidence in the other questions.

In this way, they chatted until the afternoon, and stopped by for a meal in the middle. As for Lin Xiao, although they did not have dinner with them, they still helped Lin Xiao bring food back. When they entered the research state and couldn't take care of eating, they all brought the food for Lin Xiao.

Until the evening, they began to plan to go out for supper, to make up for the regret that they could only eat in the hotel these days, and by the way, they could also experience the local customs here.

However, just as they were about to go out, the closed door was opened, and Lin Xiao walked out from inside.

"Hey, Lin Shen, it's a coincidence that you came out, we were just talking about going out."

"Going out to eat?" Lin Xiao asked.


"Then go." Lin Xiao rubbed his stomach and said awkwardly, "I'm a little hungry."

"My God, Lin Shen still feels hungry!"

"Then hurry up, how can you make Lin Shen hungry?"

This group of people immediately yelled and pulled Lin Xiao when they came up, and then they were about to set off.

Seeing them like this, Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly.

From 10:30 in the morning to around three o'clock in the middle, he only ate a Romanian specialty cabbage roll and a small plate of cannelloni that they brought back. It is already ten o'clock now, and he is really happy hungry.

This is also a rare situation where he was directly starved out of the immersion state.

Of course, after such a long period of research, he has achieved remarkable results. Although he has not yet succeeded, he can basically be sure that his direction is correct. As long as he continues to walk, success is already a visible direction.

However, people are iron rice or steel, let's fill up one's stomach first.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao left the hotel with them, went out to eat supper, and admired it.


The next two days are the time for the IMO test paper marking team to correct the test papers. At the same time, each contestant is also organized to go on an excursion.

However, Lin Xiao, who was devoted to his own problem, did not participate in this activity, but continued to do research in the hotel.

Finally, until July 7th, his research came to an end.

Looking at the final long series of formulas in front of him, Lin Xiao looked back at the previous process, and finally let out a sigh of relief: "So, it's finished."

"So, should I call it Lin's group transformation theory, or Lin's modular form transformation method?"

"Hey, forget it, don't worry about this for now, let's get the last problem done first."

The final question is the distribution law of Mersenne prime numbers.

At this moment, for him, the answer that was so far away from the chasm was already at his fingertips.

Chapter 87 Certificate completion

"Then, after substituting formula ②, transform it, and then..."

Lin Xiao carried out his last few steps, until the end, he raised his brows slightly, looking at the final result he had drawn.

[When g(x)>f(x)>t(x)(x∈N+)..., the f(x)/pn item of the Mersenne number is a prime number.】

So far, Lin Xiao's final result has been completed.

He successfully predicted the distribution of the Mersenne sequence, and it was accurate to each item. In addition, he also proved that there are infinitely many Mersenne prime numbers, because x belongs to the set of all positive integers, and obviously positive integers are infinite If there are many, then there are infinitely many Mersenne primes.

And through this relational formula he finally obtained, people today can easily judge whether it is a Mersenne prime number by substituting all known prime numbers into it.

Of course, it seems meaningless to say this, after all, we are still limited by the largest prime number, and the largest prime number discovered so far is also the largest Mersenne prime number discovered on December 2017, 12, which is 26^ 2-77232917, when calculated according to the decimal system, it has nearly 1 million digits.

However, the truth does not say this, because we still cannot be sure whether there is one or even two slipping fish between the largest Mersenne prime and the second largest Mersenne prime we have discovered. Similarly, we cannot guarantee that the first Mersenne prime Whether there is a fish that slipped through the net between the second largest Mersenne prime number and the third largest Mersenne prime number.

In fact, in the past, mathematicians often found such fish that slipped through the net. Among the 51 Mersenne primes discovered so far, there are more than The few Mersenne primes in the middle were all discovered after a larger Mersenne prime was discovered.

Now, Lin Xiao has completely solved this problem. As long as people have enough time, all the fish that escaped the net will be easily discovered, and we will also be able to easily discover prime numbers that are larger than the current ones. , after all, the current largest Mersenne prime number is the prime number 77232917 as the index, and the prime number larger than 77232917, humans have obviously discovered many, such as the prime number 82589933, if it is used to calculate, it may be able to make How about humans discovering a larger prime number? (2^82589933-1 is the largest Mersenne prime discovered in December 2018.)


Putting down the pen in his hand, a satisfied smile appeared on Lin Xiao's face, and it was finally done.

It is now July 7th, and there are three days before the deadline. In these three days, he will organize these things on the computer, then translate them into English, and submit them to the National Congress of Mathematicians.

Although the time is a bit tight, it is just some simple tasks. Compared with solving this problem, it is much simpler. After all, it took Lin Xiao nearly a month to complete this problem. .

Stretching, Lin Xiao took a sip of water.

At this time, the pleasant voice of the system also sounded at the right time.

"Congratulations to the host for determining the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers. Considering the various performances of the host in the research, rewards: Mathematical experience +300, truth points +10, sage state for 15 hours."

"Congratulations to the host's mathematics level reaching level 3! The current experience value is: 246/1000."

Hearing these two notifications, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up immediately, and he actually added 300 experience points directly, and 10 truth points in addition.

And the 15-hour sage state surprised him even more. This is a good thing that can directly increase the development of the brain by 50.00%. After experiencing it last time, he has already experienced the feeling of understanding the world, and Now that his brain is more developed, won't it improve even more?

"By the way, I've passed Level [-] in Mathematics. Shouldn't the degree of brain development be rewarded?"

Lin Xiao suddenly remembered this matter.

The system also just responded: "Mathematics is promoted to the third level, and the brain development degree is rewarded by 0.4%."

There is actually 0.4%?

Hearing this number, Lin Xiao was very pleasantly surprised, 0.4%, which is equivalent to 13% of his current brain development!

It's really worthy of being a level 3, it's awesome!

Just as he was pleasantly surprised, Lin Xiao suddenly felt a heavy head, feeling dizzy.

This is a side effect of a large increase in brain development, and if the increase is low, like the increase of only 0.05% last time, Lin Xiao will feel a little cool in the brain.

But these are not big problems. After Lin Xiao slowed down for a while, he felt that his brain began to clear up, as if he had entered a state of true sage.

Of course, what flashed through his mind was not the ultimate philosophical question, but various mathematical problems.

Now, his understanding of mathematics has also improved to a considerable extent. If he studies the previous work at the current level, he estimates that he will be able to finish it in ten days and a half months, instead of spending as much as before. It took more than 20 days to get it done.

After feeling a little bit about the current state, Lin Xiao began to sort out his results and input them into the computer.

However, in the process of sorting out, thanks to the improvement of brain development and mathematics level, he observed the final conclusion, raised his brows suddenly, and thought of something in his mind.

Then he took out a pen and calculated on the draft paper, and soon, he got a new inference.


At this point, he wrote the four words 'Zhou's Guess' on the back, and then wrote two more words.

[The certificate is completed. 】

This conjecture named after the name of the Hua people has also been proved in his hands. From then on, it will also be called Zhou's theorem.

Although it was verified based on Lin Xiao's precise prediction, this theorem has been covered by Lin Xiao's results.

But this is also the effort of seniors in Huaguo's mathematics field in the field of mathematics. Although it is not as perfect as the distribution formula given by Lin Xiao, it is at least much more accurate than the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers predicted by other foreign mathematicians.

In a way, this also means that from now on, there are two mathematicians belonging to Huaguo, who are ahead of countless people in foreign mathematics circles in the field of Mersenne prime numbers.

Chapter 88 Six people and six gold medals, first place in the group!

Seeing the result, Lin Xiao gave a "tsk", unexpectedly proving a conjecture casually.

"System, why don't you give me another reward?"

System: "Already included in the previous rewards."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao curled his lips, you have a system, be more generous.

Of course, the complaints belong to the complaints, and the harvest this time is still great.

Moreover, in addition to the rewards given by the system, the honors and rewards that will be brought to him because of his achievements in the mathematics world and the entire society will also be unimaginable.

Just saying that he has accurately predicted the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers, which will help humans find larger prime numbers, is enough to bring him considerable honor and material rewards.

In foreign countries, there is a foundation called Electronic Frontier, which provides huge bonuses for those people or organizations that can find large prime numbers. For example, if they can find prime numbers with more than 15 million digits, they can get a reward of 100 US dollars. Converted into RMB, that would be [-] million, and Lin Xiao's achievement, let alone [-] million digits, has a chance of billions of digits.

However, for the current Lin Xiao, he didn't have much feeling.

For him, now he only knows that he has solved a problem that has troubled him for more than [-] days, and then he can finally give an explanation to the International Congress of Mathematicians.

As for other things, let's talk about it later.

After all, there are still 20 days before the start of the International Congress of Mathematicians.

Then Lin Xiao stopped thinking about it and continued to organize.

He used a total of more than 50 sheets of draft paper, which were still useful, and as for the useless ones, it is estimated that there were nearly a hundred sheets.

If it is organized on the computer, it is estimated that the WORD document will also take seventy or eighty pages.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but get a headache.

"It seems that in the past three days, I still have to lose my liver."


Time passes quickly.

The next day, March 7.

The IMO closing ceremony will begin today.

Yawning, Lin Xiao left the hotel with his teammates and headed to the stadium where the exam was held before, where the closing ceremony will also begin.

"Lin Shen, did you work hard last night?"

Seeing Lin Xiao's appearance, Sun Yu asked cheaply, showing an expression that any man could understand.

"Screw you."

Lin Xiao pushed him angrily.

Because he had to attend the closing ceremony today, and he had to take an eleven-hour flight back to Beijing tomorrow, he didn't have much time left, so he got it at four o'clock in the morning last night, because he was too sleepy, lying on the table Fell asleep.

Then he got up at eight o'clock this morning, and continued to do it after a simple meal. It was not until six o'clock now that he stopped because he came to participate in the closing ceremony, and he couldn't doze off if he wanted to.

But it is foreseeable that I have to continue my liver tonight. As for sleeping, I can only wait until I get on the plane tomorrow.

Of course, he has sorted out the Chinese version now, and the rest is to translate it into English and then check it again. Because of his previous experience, he basically doesn't have to worry about translation issues. Moreover, the international The Congress of Mathematicians will also help him make revisions.

There is no need to worry about these things for the time being, anyway, they can definitely be sent before the 15th.

After that, Lin Xiao dozed off from time to time, and then came to the closing ceremony venue with them. He couldn't bear it halfway, so he simply bought a can of coffee from the vending machine next to him to help himself recover.

When they arrived at the place, they came to the designated seats under the guidance of the staff.

After everyone arrived, the closing ceremony began on time.

IMO Chairman George Iger stood on the rostrum and published a summary of the IMO conference. Anyway, it was all nonsense. Lin Xiao leaned on his seat and fell asleep.

However, George Ige finished his speech after speaking for about ten minutes, and then announced: "Then, I will start announcing the names of the players in each division of this IMO."

"First of all, the contestants who got a perfect score of 42 points."

"Hua Guo, Lin Xiao!"

When the first name appeared, the audience applauded thunderously, and at the same time, they all turned their attention to the Hua Guo team.

I believe everyone who participated in this IMO will remember this name.

Two days of exams, both of which were handed in within an hour and left. This alone is enough for everyone to remember. As for the news revealed by Lin Xiao when he talked with Professor Pompieri, this is even more important. Needless to say, all contestants have heard about it these days.

Therefore, they were not surprised at all that Lin Xiao got a full score, and they took it for granted. They would be surprised if Lin Xiao didn't get a full score.

However, when they saw the Hua Guo team and Lin Xiao, they were all stunned.

The person who is sleeping seems to be... Lin Xiao, right?

It turns out that big bosses are so indulgent and unruly and love to sleep...do they love freedom?

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