However, Lin Xiao did not show up to explain.

At this time, he has also arrived at the headquarters of Yueshi Division to attend the meeting.

In the conference room, everyone looked at Lin Xiao.

Because other people have already learned Lin Xiao's explanation from Liao Cheng.

"Chief Lin, you said that those silver rings in the sky are the anchor point destruction technology mentioned earlier? Can you prove this?"

Someone immediately questioned it, and it seemed that they didn't believe it.

However, Lin Xiao just glanced at this person indifferently, and then said: "Then can you say another reason that may cause this scene?"

The man suddenly lost his voice.

Now among them, who can explain this kind of thing clearly?

The majestic seven silver rings traverse the sky, probably only high-dimensional technology can explain this, right?

All the people present were silent for a moment.

Because they already believed in the anchor point destruction technology in their hearts.

Thinking of when they learned about this from Lin Xiao, they didn't believe it at first, but now, they all felt a sense of panic.

The crisis of the earth is really coming.

After a while, someone asked again: "Chief Lin, do you know how this anchor point destruction technology will destroy our earth?"

"After a lot of analysis, we finally found that those silver rings only emit photons, which can be observed from photons, but they are completely invisible from other aspects."

Everyone else immediately looked at Lin Xiao.

The seven silver rings in the sky do not seem to be real.

Because after the appearance of the silver ring, they have carried out various observations.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that those silver rings were a thin layer of rings, which they could only see, but could not be seen by any other observation methods.

Because they have tried to use spectroscopy to analyze the chemical composition of the silver ring, which is also the main method usually used in astronomy to analyze the chemical composition of other planets.

But now they can't detect the chemical composition spectrum of the silver ring at all, they can only receive electromagnetic waves that represent silver.

Obviously, this is very weird. It looks like it has color, but it is equivalent to having a substance. Even the colorful nebulae in the universe are themselves composed of various dust and gases.

However, no matter what method they continue to use to try to observe, the final result is the same.

As long as you try to analyze the behavior of these silver rings, you will eventually fail.

For such a situation, they are all strange.

Therefore, they now have no idea how this thing will destroy the earth.

Because it's completely out of physics as they understand it.

However, Lin Xiao just smiled.

His tone was still calm, and he was not surprised by their doubts.

"You try to observe four-dimensional things from three dimensions, of course you cannot observe them."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, they all widened their eyes and showed expressions of disbelief.


Those silver rings actually come from four dimensions?

"Is what you said true?" the person who asked the question before asked.

Lin Xiao nodded: "Of course it is true. The silver rings we see are just projections of objects in the four dimensions on our three dimensions. If you want to analyze their composition, of course you will fail, because you must understand Only the four-dimensional composition can know the composition of these silver rings."

"But obviously, with regard to the composition of the four-dimensional, our three-dimensional is definitely incomprehensible, so you can give up this for the time being."

"And the way they destroy the earth is also unfolded from the fourth dimension."

Hearing Lin Xiao's acceptance, a large group of people present could not help but gasp.

They never expected this to be the case.

"Doesn't that mean we can't resist at all?"

"Earth is doomed..."

Many people in the conference room had despair on their faces.

But at this time, Liao Cheng hurriedly asked: "Chief Lin, you should talk about the solution as soon as possible! You can't let everyone lose hope!"

Liao Cheng's words immediately aroused people's hope again.

It means that Liao Cheng knows that Lin Xiao has a solution?

They all looked at Lin Xiao again for a moment, and the same was true for the person who just sighed and died.

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "I do have a solution, but to implement it requires a long-term plan."

"First of all, regarding those silver rings, although you can't find their composition through other methods of observation, I guess that these silver rings have gravitational reactions."

"Gravity?" Everyone else was taken aback.

Lin Xiao got up, smiled and said to them: "Do you believe in gravity?"

Then he turned around, and there was a small blackboard in the conference room, which was originally used for presentations.

Then he picked up a pen and wrote down a few formulas on the small blackboard.

The very few physicists present, and those who study multi-dimensional field theory, were shocked when they saw these formulas written by Lin Xiao.

One of them asked in great horror: "You mean, those silver rings caused damage to the earth from the gravitational force?"

Lin Xiao nodded slightly.


The inquiring man had a terrible look on his face.

Others who haven't figured it out are very puzzled at this time.

"What's wrong? What will happen?"

How big of a problem could silver rings cause?

And Lin Xiao gave an explanation.

"The gravity of the earth will gradually become smaller under the influence of the silver ring."

"Strictly speaking, these silver rings are a gathering point of four-dimensional gravitons projected in three dimensions."

"Over time, the rings disrupt Earth's gravitational pull, gradually causing Earth's gravitational pull to decrease."

"And the reduction of the earth's gravity means that the gravity of every stone on the earth is also reduced. In this way, the pressure on the interior of the earth's surface matter will become smaller."

"And the earth is divided into the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core, and the earth's crust, this seventeen-kilometer-thick rock layer, will not be able to resist the pressure of the mantle to the outside, so—"

"The Earth expands from the inside out."

"Once a certain value is exceeded, the earth will be torn apart, and the faults between the plates are the most vulnerable points. At that time, terrible earthquakes, terrible volcanic eruptions, all volcanoes will be awakened, and magma will erupt wildly."

"Any super-catastrophe you can imagine will happen, and it will be scarier than those staged in those movies."

"At that time, we human beings will have no way out except fleeing to the universe."

"But obviously, even if you escape to the universe, it will only be a dead end."

"Human civilization ends here."

"Of course, if the gravitational changes brought about by those silver rings continue, the earth will be completely torn apart and turned into dust in the universe."

"That's pretty much the end result."

Lin Xiao's voice was calm, but what he said seemed to be the words of a devil.

Everyone present could imagine how serious the result would be.

Do you believe in gravity?

Now, they believe it.

Because gravity is terrible.

" can we avoid this?"

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "This requires global cooperation."

"And before our global cooperation has not been reached, my solution cannot be realized."

"So, I'm going to publish a couple of papers next and tell the world the truth about those silver rings."

"After that, let's take a step at a time."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, the others swallowed and nodded.

"I'll leave everything to Chief Lin."


Chapter 549 The Shocked United Nations

United Nations.

A temporary international conference was held.

And the standard of this meeting is also very high. Representatives from the five permanent members and various other countries basically came.

As for the agenda of this temporary meeting, there is only one, and that is about the silver ring in the sky.

Such a global event certainly deserves such an impromptu high-level meeting.

But the only problem is that in this meeting, the representatives of the five permanent countries basically did not speak, at most they only expressed their own attitudes.

For example, the representative of Hua Guo directly stated: "We believe that this matter should be worthy of global attention. This meeting is valuable, and we look forward to the opinions of other countries."

Then there is no other speech.

And this is still a scene, at least it will not make the listeners uncomfortable. The representative of the United States is much more straightforward, saying directly: "This meeting is meaningful."

Then it was perfunctory.

As for the other three constants, they are similar.

Well now, these five countries all have the same attitude, and countries like Germany and Japan, which are closely behind in terms of national strength, and even surpass the next two, naturally have the same attitude.

After all, apart from Ka Dazuo back then, today's representatives of these countries are basically still very clear that the foundation of the United Nations is basically in the five permanent members, or the three permanent members.

Of course, as the economic and technological gap between Russia and the other two permanent members is getting wider and wider, there is a gradual trend of changing from the second permanent member to the third permanent member. The help of this old neighbor in the north is still maintained, so the hip pull is not too serious.

And so, as time went on, the meeting turned into bullshit.

In the end, the meeting ended hastily.

At this time, the representative of Hua Guo and the representative of the United States walked together, and after saying a few words, they greeted the representatives of the other three permanent members and other countries with relatively advanced technology.

Afterwards, the representatives of these countries left this large meeting room and went to another small meeting room.

Seeing this scene, the Secretary-General of the United Nations felt a little helpless on his face. Obviously, these countries wanted to discuss it individually and did not want to discuss it with all countries.

Of course, this is also very common. After all, there are only a few countries that can determine the direction of various general trends in the current world.

And the representatives of other ordinary countries don't care when they see this, anyway, they don't need to pay to worry about it, even if it is true and what is said on the Internet, the end of the world is coming, then the sky will collapse With those tall guys on top, they just wait for these tall guys to solve it.

This is why the probability of a nuclear war starting is very low. After all, the ruling class can enjoy the status and honor as the ruling class, which is based on the premise of peace and stability in the society in which it lives, and then compared with the ruled class .

If a nuclear war occurs, these ruling classes will not be able to enjoy the superior life as rulers themselves, so the probability of wanting the ruling class to launch a nuclear war is very low.

So now, if it is really a super disaster, then the ruling classes of those powerful countries are often the most anxious.

It is also because of this that when the meeting between these powerful countries was held, the representatives of various countries directly showed far more solemnity than before.

American representative James first said: "I think our meeting should completely put aside all kinds of prejudices in the past and seriously discuss the possible impact of this extraterrestrial event on our earth."

"Although we don't want to say it, we still can't rule out the possibility that the silver ring on that day may bring serious disasters to our earth."

"So, including our Mr. President, we are also very concerned about the results of our discussion at this meeting."

After speaking, James turned his head and glanced at Zhu Zheng, the representative of Huaguo.

Zhu Zheng also nodded, and then said: "Of course, we also agree with Mr. James' statement. I believe that every country present is among the best in space technology on earth, so I also believe that your relevant scientific research departments have already Analyzed the situation of those extraterrestrial silver rings."

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