Then many hands were raised, waiting for Lin Xiao's roll call.

And Lin Xiao didn't hesitate, so he clicked casually.

"Mr. Lin, hello, I am from the Max Planck Society..."

"Dr. Lin, I'm Princeton University..."

"Professor Lin, I'm Shangjing University..."

Hearing a question from Shangjing University in their native language, Lin Xiao naturally answered more patiently.

Seeing this, the people present couldn't help feeling a little envious in their hearts, and they also wondered in their hearts, if they also joined Shangjing University, would they also be able to get this special treatment?

Moreover, the development of Huaguo is quite good now, maybe you can give it a try?

This idea took root in the hearts of many people, and then it got out of hand.

And Lin Xiao probably didn't expect that he just took care of his compatriots, and then caused such influence.

Of course, he wouldn't care too much if he knew it. After all, if he really wanted to adapt to life in Huaguo, he had to learn Chinese first.

I am afraid that in the future, the language will prevent foreigners from entering China, right?

In this way, each question passed, and the time passed slowly for an hour.

The people who asked the questions seemed to have a tacit understanding, and the difficulty of asking questions was constantly increasing from simple to difficult.

And the knowledge and prestige of the person who asked the question is constantly deepening.

In the end, even Deligne asked a question from a rather tricky angle, which surprised the people present when they heard the question, and didn't know how to answer it.

As a result, the people present were even more surprised that when Lin Xiao faced such a question, he still did not read his thesis, but gave the answer directly after getting the question.

This also made the people present feel sincere admiration for Lin Xiao again.

And the time is almost at 12:30, it should be time for dinner.

Many people present already felt a little hungry in their stomachs.

Of course, with Deligne's problems over, it looked like no one in the audience had any more problems.

The people present couldn't help but feel a sense of joy, and it's finally over.

Undoubtedly, this will be an academic report of the century, and the whole process of the report is also very smooth. Whether it is the statement part of Lin Xiao's previous report or the question answering session later, they all show the achievements of the people who are known as the history of mankind. The power of the wisest man ever.

It's really a worthwhile trip.

And for those students who didn't understand the whole report, whether they understood it or not was secondary. The most important thing was that they participated in this grand event.

Even when chatting with others in the future, there will be something to brag about.

In the auditorium, among the rows of seats belonging to Huaguo participants, many mathematics undergraduates or graduate students present couldn't help showing admiration on their faces when they saw Lin Xiao's performance on it.

"Lin Shen is so handsome!"

"It's so cool, those questions are so difficult, Lin Shen didn't even need to think, didn't even read the paper, and then answered it, it's so strong."

"Brother, can you still understand the questions asked by other bigwigs? Just how difficult are the questions that Professor Deligne asked?"

Faced with the question from the junior sister worship, the senior brother blushed immediately, then scratched his head, waved his hands and explained: "That's not true, I don't understand it either, but... as long as it is something we don't understand, then it's okay. It just means it's difficult."

Hearing this explanation, the junior sister who was still adoring her immediately rolled her eyes.

Doesn't everyone know this?

Seeing this, the senior brother immediately said in order to save his face in front of his junior sister, "Oh, don't worry, my intuition must be right, why don't we ask the professor?"

Speaking of this, the brother asked the leading professor sitting next to them: "Professor Wang, do you think so?"

Professor Wang, who was suddenly cueed, glared at the senior brother angrily, then coughed and coughed twice, and said to these students: "Well, sometimes your senior brother is right, as long as you can't listen I understand, the level of difficulty must be very high."

"So don't think too much about it. After you go back, continue to study hard and strengthen yourself is the last word."

Suddenly, the professor gave a big lesson, and these students lost interest in talking.

They all had a feeling that it must be that Professor Wang himself could not understand Professor Deligne's question.

Of course, none of them guessed wrong, and if they could understand the question Deligne asked, then it would be enough for them to write a paper on the first district.

On the other side, the chairman of the Huaguo Mathematical Society and another domestic mathematics academician were also sighing at this time.

"As expected of Chief Lin, he first spoke for two hours and then answered questions for an hour. His thinking was still so clear."

"Hey, if it were me, I would be annoyed even after two classes."

"After all, Chief Lin is still young."

At this time, both of them began to feel that they had to accept their old age.

"It seems that this report is over here, after all, even Deligne has asked questions."


The other person nodded.

And at this time, Lin Xiao also said: "Then does anyone have any questions?"

Just when everyone thought that there was no problem, three more hands suddenly went up in the audience.

After seeing these three hands, everyone present was stunned. Are there still three questions?

When everyone looked at it, they couldn't help but gasp again, good guy, there are two heavyweights among them.

One is the well-known Faltings, a mathematician who once served as the director of the Max-Planck Institute of Mathematics. Naturally, his status in the world goes without saying.

And another heavyweight is Perelman who proved Poincaré's conjecture. This person is sitting in a corner of the audience. It is estimated that the people next to him did not recognize him, and the people present did not expect that, This great god-level figure would actually leave his hut in Russia and come here in Paris.

Of course, thinking about it is no exception. After all, no mathematician can refuse to participate in the proof report of Riemann's conjecture.

Obviously, this mathematician is no exception.

However, the third person is relatively less well-known, because this is a young man who looks younger than Lin Xiao, and he is probably only in graduate school now.

This young man raises his hand now, is there any heavyweight problem?

Or is it just grandstanding?

But Lin Xiao on the stage didn't think too much. Seeing the three hands raised, he smiled slightly.

It seems that this is the final test.

Three people, three problems, how difficult are these problems?

He smiled and said: "It seems that we have to wait a little longer before we eat."

Everyone present smiled, and Lin Xiao also said, "Okay, I need to think about who I should choose."

However, at this time, Perelman and Faltings put down their hands in a tacit understanding. It seems that they both intend to let the young man ask questions.

Beside Faltings, Wiles said with a smile: "Tsk, tell me, what kind of question will the young man ask?"

Faltings shook his head, "I don't know, but I'm more curious about what Perelman's problem is."

"Then let's listen to the young man's question first."

Wiles looked at the young man, and suddenly said, "Hey, Peter Schultz is sitting next to this young man. Could it be Schultz's student?"

When he was puzzled, the young man was also picked up by Lin Xiao, and then he said: "Dr. Lin, hello, I am Shuke Black, a doctoral student in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Bonn."

"My question is: Your whole paper, first of all, connects the Lindelof conjecture and the large prime number gap problem, making them form a whole, thus forming a stronger conjecture, and proving it."

"Then the result of this proof is extended, and its value range on the complex plane is discussed."

"And in this process, you used a method that can be used to analyze the density gap of prime numbers in more depth..."

Hearing this Shuke Black's narration, most of the people present felt impatient.

This step method is the core point of Lin Xiao's entire thesis, and it is also a key point. No one in the audience knows how many times they have studied it.

What questions can be asked now?

Coupled with the fact that this is a young man, many people immediately began to conclude that this is a grandstanding person.

However, not everyone thinks so.

Wiles sat up straight, with interest in his eyes.

"Oh? This question...seems interesting, Gould, what do you think?"

He turned to look at Faltings next to him.

However, what surprised him was that Faltings looked very serious at this time, looked down at the paper, and made a "shh" gesture at the same time, apparently to keep Wiles from speaking.

Seeing this, Wiles couldn't help being stunned. Could it be that the question asked by this young man was actually the question Faltings intended to ask?

And if he looked at the back corner, he would also find that Perelman also lowered his head, looking at the paper with a serious face.

"...Then, at this time, if I make n equal to p, the value of the function will expand infinitely under any circumstances, then the points with half the value will obviously not fall on the same straight line .”

"This will actually falsify the Riemann Hypothesis."

"That's my question, thank you."

After this Shuke finished speaking, the audience was silent for a while.

Because the people who looked down on Shu Ke at the beginning also found that they didn't even seem to understand the young man's question.

And those who understood had the same serious expressions on their faces as Faltins and Perelman.

Obviously, they have all realized how sharp this problem is.

It's like on the Go field, where one side seems to be in a stable situation, and the other side's layout looks very chaotic at first glance, but unexpectedly, a sudden chess piece will revitalize the whole situation and kill the dragon.

This is a fatal problem.

Because according to Shuke Black's narration, the non-trivial zero point that should fall at Re(s)=1/2 will directly become messy, but according to the points verified by the computer, it is obviously not consistent with this point .

This also means that Lin Xiao's proof is wrong!

People were surprised for a while. This young man seemed ordinary, but the question he asked turned out to be so direct to the essence.

Being able to ask such a question is enough to show that this young man is not simple.

"Hey, Gould, isn't this young man's question exactly what you want to ask?"

On the other side, Wiles couldn't help asking.

At this time, Faltings had a very serious expression, but he rarely showed a smile.

He nodded, affirmed Wiles' question, and then said with emotion: "It seems that we will still have enough outstanding young people."

"Perhaps, it's time for me to emulate you and become more relaxed in this final old age."

"Haha, you should have done that long ago." Wilston laughed.

Faltins nodded slightly, and looked at Lin Xiao on the stage, "I just don't know if Lin can answer the question."

Wiles also nodded and looked at Lin Xiao.

If you want to win the crown of Riemann's conjecture, only after experiencing such difficulties can it appear that the crown is hard-won.

But at this moment, the people present suddenly realized that even with such a problem, Lin Xiao seemed to have not read the paper to deepen his impression?

At this time, Lin Xiao finally spoke.

"Your name is Shuke Black? Peter's student?"

"Yes." Shuke Black looked at the teacher beside him and nodded.

Lin Xiao smiled: "That's right, I've heard from Peter that he has a very talented student, and it seems to be you."

"And your question is also very good and valuable."

Hearing Lin Xiao's admiration, everyone in the audience looked at Shuke Black. He was able to get Lin Xiao's admiration, and he was another student of the Fields Medal winner, so he was also a big boss!

Lin Xiao also continued: "As for this problem, if it is to be solved, it is actually very simple."

Look, Lin Xiao admits that it is difficult... Wait, "it's also very simple"?

Lin Xiao's words once again surprised thousands of viewers.

Even those who don't understand can know from the comments that Shu Ke's question is very difficult.

In the end, Lin Xiao actually said that solving this problem was very simple.

But Lin Xiao turned around, came to the blackboard, wiped off the writing on it first, and said at the same time: "I hope you can still remember the sieve circle method, the Lin's group transformation method, and the mathematical vaccine-the root inspection method."

These methods are all mathematical methods he has studied to solve other problems.

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