Tao Zhexuan, who was sitting beside Lin Xiao at this time, also patted him with a smile, and said, "Go up soon? Gauss Award, you don't want it, I still want it."

Lin Xiao came back to his senses, smiled and said to him: "Then go and receive the award."

Tao Zhexuan immediately rolled his eyes: "If you can guarantee that they will award me the award, I will go up."

Lin Xiao laughed, then stood up, and finally walked to the stage.

When De Doron saw him coming up, he picked up the Gauss medal from the pallet mountain next to him, and said to Lin Xiao with a smile: "Professor Lin Xiao, congratulations."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, "Thank you."

Then he lowered his head slightly and let De Doren put the medal around his neck.

He picked it up and looked at it. On the front of the medal was a portrait of Gauss, and on the back was a curve passing through a circle and a square, representing Gauss' calculation of the orbit of Ceres by the least square method.

Mathematics always makes people feel a kind of romance hidden in it, even if it is a medal.

Of course, in addition to the medal, there is also a bonus, not much, only [-] euros.

Then, amid another warm applause from the crowd, Lin Xiao left the podium and returned to his seat.

Tao Zhexuan beside him said enviously, "I really envy you."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, "Anyway, there is no age limit, so you will have a chance in the future."

"Forget it, not everyone is as perverted as you." Tao Zhexuan spread his hands helplessly, "Although I have a little achievement in applied mathematics, if I win the prize, forget it."

"Your theories on chemistry, materials, and physics are all top-level mathematical theories. Who can compare with you?"

Lin Xiao touched his nose, "I'm just an exception."

Hearing this sentence, Tao Zhexuan rolled his eyes even more.

Is there a cup like this?

He was too lazy to say much, and looked at the stage again. The next thing to be presented was the Chern Award.

Chern Award, to commemorate the Chinese mathematician Chern.

As a famous mathematician in the last century, he has made very high contributions in the field of mathematics, and this award named after him is used to reward those mathematicians who also have great achievements and contributions in the field of mathematics. A lifetime achievement award.

So the older generation of mathematicians present couldn't help showing expressions of anticipation on their faces.

At this time, Chairman De Doren announced again: "The winner of this year's Shiingshen Chern Award is—"

"Lin Xiao!"

There was a sudden silence in the audience.


Why... Lin Xiao again?

Well, no one questioned whether Lin Xiao had this qualification, but everyone generally believed that Lin Xiao was a little too young, and this was a lifetime achievement award!

However, the Chern Award does not have any restrictions on the age of the award, so it is indeed worthy of the name that Lin Xiao received this award.

Those mathematicians of the older generation could only sigh slightly in their hearts, and then applauded.

As for Lin Xiao at this time, he was also a little dazed.

However, the brain with more than 20.00% development degree told him very clearly that it was indeed the award he had just announced.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

Indeed, as De Doren said just now, he has forgotten that there are still many awards in this world waiting for him to receive.

In the past ten years, he could only stay in China, which has prevented him from putting his mind on these awards.

Now there is no problem going abroad, maybe in the future, he will also receive various awards.

Thinking this way in his heart, he also stood up again and walked towards the stage.

"It seems that I also want to congratulate you again, Mr. Lin Xiao, without a doubt, you are the most outstanding mathematician on this planet, and each of us is looking forward to that you can lead our mathematics world to a more Glorious era."

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Of course, this is also my honor."

Chapter 536 Meet Professor Searle

Apparently, it is a history for the International Congress of Mathematicians to award two awards to the same person in a row.

Although two of the awards are not the top awards in mathematics like the Fields Medal, what you need to know is that whether it is the Gauss Award or the Chern Award, these two awards are only awarded to one person each time , and then awarded every four years.

Compared with the Fields Medal, which can be awarded to up to four people in one session, it is obvious that these two awards, which can only be awarded to one person, are even more difficult to obtain, let alone be awarded at the same time Give it to someone.

What's more, Lin Xiao has already won the Fields Medal.

That is to say, the Fields Medal can only be awarded once, maybe Lin Xiao will be able to win another one in the next Fields Medal.

In this way, under the envious gazes and congratulatory applause of everyone, Lin Xiao had two medals hanging around his neck, facing the camera, and then took a group photo with De Doren.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, congratulations again."

After taking a group photo, De Duolun also smiled and applauded Lin Xiao.

"I also thank the International Mathematical Union and the conference committee for their approval." Lin Xiao nodded slightly, then nodded to the audience present, and stepped off the stage amidst even greater applause.

After returning to his seat, the people next to him also congratulated him.

And Lin Xiao also responded one by one, then picked up the two medals on his neck and looked at them, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

Who can know whether there are political factors in these two medals?

It seems that he is worthy of the name, but it is inevitable that people will feel that there is a kind of goodwill in it.

Of course, it is better not to think about such problems than to think too much.

After shaking his head, he took off the medal and put it in his pocket.

This is France, so there is no need to worry about the theft of medals like the 2018 conference.

Next, continue to watch the rest of the awards ceremony.

Of course, the International Mathematical Union obviously knows that two consecutive awards to the same person are already heavyweight enough, so the next awards will naturally be awarded to other people.

Lin Xiao obviously never thought that he would be able to get a third one.

And just like that, the opening ceremony came to an end.

Everyone started to leave, and Lin Xiao was inevitably surrounded by many people, who then congratulated him.

Among them, he also met those old acquaintances from Princeton University.

Pierre Deligne walked up with a smile, and then said to Lin Xiao: "Boy Lin, you will give us a big news as soon as you come back. You really deserve it!"

Lin Xiao spread his hands helplessly: "The conference wants to give me an award, I can't refuse."

Deligne laughed, then opened his arms, stepped forward and hugged Lin Xiao.

"No matter what, it's good to be back. Maybe scientists have national boundaries, and maybe science also has national boundaries, but no matter what, friendship must have no national boundaries."

"I think so too."

After Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, he also smiled and stretched out his arms to hug each other, and said at the same time.

The people present all laughed and applauded for this scene.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao decided to invite these old acquaintances to have an afternoon tea and chat at the same time. Everyone present agreed that the agenda in the afternoon was basically boring anyway, not to mention that most people It was for Lin Xiao's Riemann Hypothesis report, and he didn't pay too much attention to other reports.

So just like that, everyone went to a relatively luxurious hotel nearby and started their afternoon tea.

Lin Xiao was also among them, and chatted with these famous mathematicians about homework.

"By the way, where is Professor Pompieri? Didn't he come this time?"

Deligne was holding a cup of coffee, and when he was about to drink it, he heard Lin Xiao's question, and said with a smile: "He is 90 years old this year, and his body can't stand these tortures, so he didn't come, but Just rest assured, he will definitely see you on the day you report."

"I see." Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "Then is he in good health?"

"Not bad." Deligne said with a smile: "Don't worry too much about him. Speaking of which, those of us who study science generally live a long life."

Lin Xiao smiled, it is indeed the case, and there are indeed a lot of elderly scientists among scientists.

However, take a look at Deligne in front of you.

Pale hair, wrinkled face, and many age spots.

You know, this year's Deligne is also as old as 86 years old, and his body looks quite tough.

But when Deligne hugged him before, he could clearly feel that even the strength of his hug was very weak.

Do people eventually leave this world?

Lin Xiao had such an idea in his heart.

Can't the power of science and technology realize the longevity of human beings?

In the past, some scientists once proposed a concept called longevity escape velocity, which roughly means that through the development of science, it is possible to extend the life span of human beings by one year or more every year on average.

In this way, with such technology, it is possible to realize the longevity of human beings.

Even immortality.

But obviously, it is very difficult to achieve this, because no one can guarantee that their lifespan can be continuously extended in this way.

And most importantly, this technology also breaks the last kind of fairness in the world, that is, both the poor and the rich will eventually die within the same age range.

Because once this kind of technology appears by then, only the rich will be able to master it at the beginning.

Even the rich will monopolize this technology forever, and at high prices, make the poor a real reproductive machine and provide the rich with eternal labor.

At that time, the advanced society developed by human beings after thousands of years may evolve into the ancient slavery society again.

Therefore, this idea only slightly appeared in Lin Xiao's mind, and was quickly given up by him.

Even if such a technology is really developed, he will definitely not let such a technology leak out. For such a technology that disrupts order, sometimes it is better to be selfish.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

At this time, Deligne beside him saw Lin Xiao thinking, so he couldn't help asking.

Lin Xiao came back to his senses, smiled and waved his hands, and said, "It's nothing."

Then he glanced to the side again, and then asked Laurent Laphrogue over there: "Laurent, I want to ask, Professor Searle, how is he doing recently?"

Hearing this question, Laurent Laphroague couldn't help showing a embarrassed expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xiao frowned and asked again.

And Laurent Laphroaig sighed helplessly, and replied: "Professor Searle has a serious physical problem recently, and has been lying in bed for several months."

"What?" Lin Xiao showed an expression of disbelief.


The entrance of a small villa full of traditional Parisian temperament.

Lin Xiao appeared here, then pressed the doorbell and knocked on the door.

This is the home of Jean-Pierre Serre.

Following the knock on the door, after a while, footsteps came from inside.

"I'm coming."

A female voice came out, and then the door opened, and a girl in her early 20s appeared inside, with blond hair and blue eyes. In this country that has been dyed black, it is rare to see such a beautiful French girl.

The girl saw Lin Xiao outside, and she was still a little puzzled when she saw this ethnic Chinese, so she asked, "Excuse me, are you..."

Before the last French words were finished, she widened her beautiful eyes, covered her mouth, and said in disbelief, "You you you you... are you Lin Xiao?"

Seeing the surprised look of this girl, Lin Xiao smiled, and said, "If you are talking about Lin Xiao who won the Gauss Award and the Chern Award this morning, then it should be me."

And hearing Lin Xiao's words, the girl was even more surprised: "It's really you!"

Then she covered her cheeks that were probably flushed from excitement, ran into the house, and at the same time shouted inside: "Dad, that Lin Xiao is here!"

Seeing the girl running away and the open door, Lin Xiao rubbed his nose, wondering if he should go in or wait for their adults to come over?

But speaking of it, that girl should be the great-granddaughter of Professor Searle, right?

It seems that they are already this old, and they are only a few years younger than themselves.

Today's Lin Xiao already has a feeling that he is getting old.

Soon, a middle-aged man walked out of the house, that is, Jean-James Serre, the grandson of Jean-Pierre Serre.

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