"I don't know how much his psychological shadow will be after the results come out."

However, at this time, Ouyang Sheng asked again: "By the way, Lin Shen, you said 'an-hour' just now, do you really want to make it in an hour?"

"Yeah, didn't you just ask me?"

A few people really had nothing to say now, but Lin Xiao came for real.

They could solve the three questions of the IMO competition in an hour. This kind of speed and confidence were beyond their imagination.

Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "Okay, go find your seat, it will be nine o'clock soon."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, they didn't ask any more questions, and then they separated and found their own seats.

Soon, Lin Xiao found his seat according to his candidate information.

When I came to the seat, there were many things on it, including a bottle of water, a banana, and a chocolate bar.

After all, the exam time is from 09:30 to [-]:[-] p.m., and it is hard to guarantee that some contestants will feel hungry halfway through. Eating a chocolate bar can sweep away the hunger and be themselves.

In addition, the topic is also placed on it, but it is not allowed to be unsealed yet, and it will not be opened until nine o'clock.

Soon, it was nine o'clock. On the rostrum, the chairman of the current IMO announced that all contestants would be seated, and the communication was stopped. Then, they could unseal the test questions and check if there was anything that they could not understand.

The question is definitely okay, but there may be problems in translation, so if players from non-English-speaking countries have doubts about this, they can raise the sign asking for help on the table to indicate that they have a problem, and then get an answer from the team leader .

This is equivalent to saying that within half an hour, they can be used to think about the topic.

It's just that Lin Xiao didn't make use of this half an hour.

He took a brief look at the topic and made sure that there were no problems with the translation and printing, so he put it aside and continued to think about the issue of Mersenne prime numbers.

Today, he is already a little annoyed by this kind of competition, and he will even be challenged inexplicably like just now.

With so much energy, wouldn't it be good for him to study more challenging issues?

For him, whether it is IMO or CMO, the questions are too simple.

He said that he would hand in the paper within an hour, because he has been taking time to do a set of exercises every day for so long. From the beginning, it took an average of two and a half hours, and then two hours, one and a half hours.

Until the last month, the average time for him to complete a set of papers has reached 40 to 50 minutes, and he said that he took an hour to show his respect for IMO.

Shaking his head slightly, he didn't think about it anymore, anyway, he didn't plan to participate in such competitions in the future.

The realm is already different.

Chapter 83 Handing in

In this way, half an hour before the exam, Lin Xiao probably became the only person in the audience who was not thinking about these questions.

In this way, until 09:30, the bell for the start of the exam rang on time. All the candidates present, who had already figured out the idea of ​​the first question, immediately began to write on the answer sheet, and those who had no idea, wrote it on the answer sheet. Start checking on the draft paper.

As for Lin Xiao, he stopped thinking in his mind at this moment, reopened the card with the question written on it, and looked at it.

The first question is a geometry proof question, which is not too difficult, and many conditions are given. After thinking about it for about a minute, Lin Xiao has a complete proof idea.

Then he started to answer on his answer sheet, and after about 6 minutes passed, he finished it.

It is equivalent to saying that he completed the first question in less than 8 minutes.

Of course, this is also because there are not many steps. Lin Xiao completed the proof in less than seven lines when the auxiliary line was completed.

"Send the sub-question."

Lin Xiao made a brief comment, and then looked at the second question, which was still a sub-question, but the process and the number of words to be written were more than those of the first question, so he spent a total of 15 minutes time, it's done.

Then, finally came the third question.

Generally speaking, in the IMO two-day exam, there will be two relatively simple questions and one final question, so the third question is today's final question.

Lin Xiao took it in his hands and finally nodded. The level of this question is justified.

【Reverse Pascal's triangle is a regular triangular matrix composed of elements, satisfying that except for the bottom row, each number is the absolute value of the difference between the two adjacent numbers below it.Excuse me, is there an anti-Pascal triangle in row 2018, including all the integers from 1 to 1+2+3+...+2018? 】

After a little look at the stem of the question, this is a combination question, and the question type is more algebraic.

He thought about it roughly, first found out the recursive equation according to the meaning of the question, and then continued to make changes.

After spending about 5 minutes, he finally sorted out a function.

Looking at this function, Lin Xiao touched his chin, because a wonderful inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Can I convert this function into trigonometric functions and then use...Euler's formula?"

He did it as soon as he thought of it. He directly changed the function, and then incorporated Euler's formula into it.

Then after a few simple steps of processing, a miraculous scene appeared in front of him.

This brand new function simplifies almost the whole question for him.

Now, he only needs to slightly change the original recursive formula, and then get the final result according to the simple drawer principle.

【...So we can easily get that there is no anti-Pascal triangle composed of {2018, 1, ..., n(n+2)/1} with n=2 rows.

Certificate completed. 】

After writing the last two words stroke by stroke, Lin Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

"This question is quite interesting."

He blew on his paper, well, the third question used a total of eleven lines, which was shorter than the second question.

As for checking, there is no need to check. If the organizing committee says he is wrong, then he will directly question the level of the organizing committee.

However, the level of the organizing committee is obviously still there, so basically there is no need to consider this situation.

"OK, it's time to go back. I don't know if Professor Pompieri has sent me an email."

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Xiao held up the red sign next to it, which said 'help', and soon some staff members saw his actions and walked towards him.

Lin Xiao picked up the banana that was presented next to him, peeled off the skin, and ate it.

"Do you need any help?"

"I want to hand in the paper."

"Okay, you want to hand in... the test paper?"

Suddenly realizing what Lin Xiao said, the staff member was stunned.

Now, the exam seems to have started in less than 10 minutes, right?

Are you going to hand in the paper directly?

Is it possible to give up?

It's not that no one has handed in the papers very early in advance, but people like this who have to hand in the papers after only five or 10 minutes of the exam are a bit too rare.

Even players from poor countries don't receive as much math training as those from countries with strong education, but they won't give up in less than an hour, right?How about sitting for an hour or two to express your attitude?

And seeing that Lin Xiao is from Huaguo, the staff couldn't believe it. Huaguo is the top three team in IMO all the year round, and they often won No.1 in the past. How can their players give up so easily?

Lin Xiao confirmed again: "Yes, I want to hand in the paper, there should be no time limit for handing in the paper, right?"

"Ah...No, no, you can hand in the papers at any time...Well, except for the test papers and answer sheets, and these cards, you can take everything else with you."


Lin Xiao nodded, then took the stationery bag, the chocolate bar and water, got up, and walked towards the exit while eating a banana.

Obviously, more than 600 other people are still writing the questions, but here is one person who left the examination room, which will definitely attract the attention of others.

The examinees sitting around Lin Xiao couldn't help but glance at Lin Xiao at this moment, filled with disbelief in their hearts.

This person just handed in the paper?

The contestants who saw the conversation between Lin Xiao and Professor Pompieri last night would naturally not believe that Lin Xiao left the examination room because he couldn't do it, so there was only one possibility left, that he had finished writing.

These players couldn't help but feel a sense of desperation coming from a huge gap.

Most of them have just started the second question, and a small number of contestants from weak countries struggled with the first question, but they even finished the third question?

Is this the guy who can have a cordial conversation with the Fields Medal winner and receive an invitation to give a report at the International Congress of Mathematicians?

This kind of strength simply makes them daunting.

On the other side, the six players of the American team also saw it. Although they didn't hear Lin Xiao saying that he was going to hand in the paper, this meant that Lin Xiao might have gone to the bathroom, but he saw Lin Xiao holding a banana in one hand Eating while walking, holding the stationery bag with the other hand, it was obvious that he had handed in his papers and left the scene.

This made them extremely shocked. Lin Xiao really only spent an hour... No, strictly speaking, he finished writing three questions in less than five or ten minutes?

Even James Lin, who is recognized as the most powerful player in the US team, is still a few small steps away from completing the second question, and has not yet started writing the third question.

He was completely convinced in his heart, why did he have to fight this kind of person, knowing that he was so awesome, but he still insisted on not believing in evil...

He sighed softly, regained his composure, and worked on his own problems with peace of mind.

Chapter 84 The IMO President's Concerns

Obviously, Lin Xiao's actions didn't just shock the candidates present.

At this moment, Chen Qiusheng, the deputy team leader, was sitting by the auditorium next to the stadium. He had been observing the situation of the six students, especially Lin Xiao's side.

When he saw Lin Xiao raising his hand just now, he paid attention to it, thinking that Lin Xiao had encountered some problem, but he saw him walking in the examination room swaggeringly after a few words with the staff, eating the banana in his hand After a few bites, he threw the banana peel into the trash can next to the exit, then took out the chocolate bar from his pocket and ate it, and left the examination room at the same time.

Chen Qiusheng was dumbfounded.

what's going on?

Lin Xiao handed in the paper?

he finished?

Looking again, the staff over there had already started packing up Lin Xiao's answer sheets and test papers, and it was obvious that the test was over.

Chen Qiusheng couldn't help stretching out his hands to hug his head, this student...is he going against the sky? !

He looked at his watch. When Lin Xiao raised his hand, it was only 10:14, which means he finished all the questions in 44 minutes?

Is this speed really a candidate?

I believe you said that he is a member of the proposition group.

The other deputy team leaders nearby were also shocked when they saw Lin Xiao leaving. After recognizing that it was a player from the Hua Guo team, they couldn't help but look at Chen Qiusheng.

"What kind of students are you?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

Chen Qiusheng spread his hands together: "I don't know."

Realizing that the foreigners could not understand the dialect he was speaking, he finally said helplessly: "This is probably... a student who can go to the world's best mathematics major university as a professor... right?"

The other deputy leaders all looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally shook their heads, speechless.

At the same time, on the rostrum, on the seat of the organizing committee of this year's IMO.

The members of the organizing committee did not leave the venue, they kept observing the venue, or were doing their own things. Seeing Lin Xiao get up and leave at this time, one of them couldn't help saying: "That student handed in the paper?"

The others couldn't help but look over.

"It is indeed handed in."

At this time, the chairman of the IMO Organizing Committee sitting among them, George Iger, suddenly said to a staff member next to him: "Go and take his answer sheet, I need to take a look at his answer sheet." Answer."

Hearing the chairman's words, the staff naturally followed suit, while the other members of the organizing committee couldn't help but became puzzled and asked, "Mr. Yige, do you want to read his test paper yourself?"

"Yes." George Iger nodded, "I want to see how outstanding the young people who can be favored by the Fields Medal winners are."

Hearing the chairman's words, these people suddenly thought of something.

"Is he that Lin Xiao?"

"Yes." George Eagle nodded.

During the opening ceremony last night, of course he also saw the conversation between Professor Pompieri and Lin Xiao. After all, he invited Pompieri over. Afterwards, Pompieri also told him about Lin Xiao. He didn't know that such a fierce man appeared in this competition.

Maybe Lin Xiao's name will also be on the seat of the future mathematics master?

Of course, this is just a thought. George Ige doesn't know what Lin Xiao will develop into in the future, but this does not prevent him from becoming interested in this young man now.

Soon, Lin Xiao's answer sheet was brought up.

Originally, after candidates finished the exam, they could not open the answer sheet, but he paid special attention to who made George Iger the chairman, so naturally no one said anything.

Moreover, knowing that this was Lin Xiao's answer sheet, other members of the organizing committee were also a little curious.

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