Lin Xiao and the six of them responded together.

Anyway, they are all students, so it's right to call everyone a teacher when they see them.

"Hehe, all right, let's go, then Professor Chen, I will leave the children to you."

Gong Zhou smiled and nodded, then looked at the deputy team leader Chen Qiusheng, and an accompanying observer.

As for Professor Li Huaimin, since he is the team leader and has other responsibilities, he has already left for Romania several days in advance.

Professor Chen Qiusheng nodded, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I've been there twice, and I'm familiar with them. I just happened to meet those old friends."


Without further ado, Lin Xiao and the others passed the security check and arrived at the boarding gate. Soon it was time to check in for the plane, and they boarded the plane together.

"It's my first time going abroad, and I don't know what's going on in Romania."

Sun Yu and Lin Xiao sat in a row, and he said with emotion.

Lin Xiao smiled, "Anyway, the moon in the sky is as round as in China."

Sun Yu rolled his eyes: "Of course I know, I'm talking about people outside."

"It's not just one nose and two eyes."

"That's probably it." Sun Yu nodded: "God said that if there is light, the world will have light. God said that everyone must have one nose and two eyes, then everyone will have one nose and two eyes. .”

Ouyang Sheng next to him cupped his fists towards Sun Yu: "I'm still not as good as you in terms of dog legs."

Sun Woo: "My pleasure."

Lin Xiao shook his head speechlessly, and in a few words he had to turn to this.

He simply put on the earphones and listened to Rachmaninoff, then took out the group representation theory from his school bag and looked at it. It was not convenient to study Mersenne prime numbers on the plane, so he had to read books.

Group representation theory is the direction he is currently studying, and his research on Lie groups has reached a very deep level. In the process, group representation theory, a powerful tool for research groups, makes him think that he must continue Part of the multi-research study.

And this book is also compiled by a foreign master mathematician, the content is very difficult, and it is all in English.

Of course, since Lin Xiao had studied group theory and Lie groups before, Lin Xiao has a solid foundation in group representation theory, so it is relatively easy to learn now. As for the book, although it is all in English, he can fully understand it.

When the few people next to Lin Xiao saw Lin Xiao, they immediately read the book, and when they looked at it again, the book was actually in the full English version. After reading their respective sets of wrong questions or something that can be seen, they started their own learning.

The other passengers around looked at the six teenagers with a look of surprise. Didn't the plane start to fly, and they started reading books?

Someone with good intentions took the initiative to inquire, and learned that these six teenagers were going to represent the country to participate in the international mathematics competition. They were all in awe, and then sent their blessings one after another.

Youngsters are those who go out for the country and deserve their blessings. Although this "going out" is not a battle on the battlefield, as long as they go abroad to win honor for the motherland, it is worthy of encouragement.

Of course, besides Chinese nationals, there were also some Romanian nationals who took this flight. After they knew about it, they also gave the six teenagers a thumbs up. Great", "returned in triumph" and the like.

All in all, everyone was very enthusiastic. After feeling the encouragement from these strangers, Lin Xiao and the others felt even more fighting spirit in their hearts.

IMO, must win!



The plane flew across the sky and arrived over the Black Sea from the ancient east.

Romania is located in southeastern Europe, near the Black Sea.

In Romania, the atmosphere of mathematics is relatively strong. Although no Romanian mathematician has won the Fields Medal, there are still many people who are interested in mathematics.

Moreover, even the International Mathematical Olympiad is closely related to Romania.

In 1956, the Romanian mathematician Professor Roman proposed the initiative, and held the first International Mathematical Olympiad in Romania in July 1959, when only six countries participated.

Today is the 59th session. The first IMO was held in Romania in 1959, so returning to Romania to hold it now is also a kind of commemorative significance.

It’s just different from the first time it was held. Today’s IMO has become a grand event for the international mathematics community. Countries all over the world send their best young people here to show their mathematical prowess. Among these young people, say There may be a future Fields Medal winner.

In addition, in addition to IMO, there is also a mathematics competition called Romanian Mathematics Masters. It is also a competition for high school students. It is more difficult than IMO. Every year, only interested countries are invited to participate. Weak country.

Needless to say about this competition, after all, Lin Xiao and the others are here to participate in the IMO.

In this way, after eleven and a half hours of flying in the sky, Lin Xiao and his plane finally arrived at the city where the IMO was held and the second largest city in Romania, Cluj-Napoca.

Chapter 77 Professor Pompieri

"Ah, my waist."

After getting off the plane, Sun Yu stretched his body and rubbed his waist.

It was obviously not a comfortable thing to sit on the plane for more than eleven hours.

Not to mention Sun Yu, several other people also looked uncomfortable, feeling that their buttocks were not their own, and their legs were almost numb.

Besides, they couldn't sleep well on the plane, the engine was rumbling, and they were inexperienced, and they didn't buy earplugs, eye masks or anything like that.

As a result, the fighting spirit that was originally cheered up by the encouragement received from other passengers before take-off had already been castrated by this time.

Now they just want to sleep well.

However, only Lin Xiao didn't feel anything. Looking at this person, he looked like he was twisting Yangko, and asked doubtfully, "Are you feeling bad?"

"Shouldn't we be the ones asking you why you don't feel bad at all?" Ouyang Sheng asked back with his hands on his hips.

"It's okay." Lin Xiao spread his hands, "I can sit like this for a day when I usually study."

Ouyang Sheng was speechless.

"God is worthy of being a god, and it is not something we can speculate as a mortal."

"It turns out that there is still a gap between us and Lin Shen."

"God tm waist." Lin Xiao went up and beat Zou Ziyi who yelled these words.

As for why he didn't feel anything, it probably has something to do with the health capsule, I didn't expect this thing to be so powerful.

It seems that if you want to study hard, you must first have a good waist.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to the hotel."

At this time, Professor Chen Qiusheng, the deputy team leader who was also rubbing his old waist, said something to them, so they stopped talking and left together.

Arriving at the hotel they booked, the next day, they will use it for jet lag. There is a 5-hour time difference between Romania and Huaguo, which is almost half a day. In order to ensure enough energy on the day of the exam, jet lag is still very difficult. Necessary.

Then tomorrow, July 7th, the opening ceremony will be held, and every participant must attend, and the day after tomorrow will be the first day of the exam.

However, they don't want to worry about these things for the time being, because they just want to sleep well at this time.

So the group went straight back to their room and began to rest.


In this way, a day passed quietly, and on July 7, the opening ceremony officially began.

Following the deputy team leader Chen Qiusheng, Lin Xiao and the others came to the opening ceremony, where more than 100 countries, more than 600 contestants, and more than 300 team leaders and observers, plus the committee members of the conference, and some received Mathematicians who have been invited and who have time to come and participate, add up to thousands of people.

The lively atmosphere, the faces of different races, and the smiles on everyone's faces, probably only such an academic event can make people from different countries temporarily put aside their grievances and truly gather together.

Lin Xiao looked at this place and said with emotion: "It's such a nice place."


Sun Yu next to him asked.

"It's nothing." Lin Xiao shook his head. It would be great if the world's academic research could also have such a scene.

Without further ado, they walked in, came to their seats under the guidance of the staff, and sat down.

When people from other countries saw a group of Chinese faces approaching, and heard what they said, they would naturally know that this was a contestant from Hua.

As a strong team in IMO, Huaguo is still quite eye-catching.

Of course, others observe them, and they observe other people.

Li Boyuan said with emotion: "I just realized that there are quite a few girls who are good at mathematics."

Everyone else nodded in agreement, because there were also female faces among the contestants from other countries, and there were many beautiful young ladies among them.

"Look at that, brothers, I feel like I'm in love."

Ouyang Sheng pointed to a certain seat and said secretly, but at this moment, he quickly put down his hand and looked in other directions.

Lin Xiao asked, "Why don't you continue watching?"

"She looked over."

Lin Xiao: "... Cowardly."

Sun Yu: "Learn more from Lin Shen. After a hundred years, these are just pink skulls. And you have to know that foreign women tend to look old. Now seventeen or eighteen is the best age for them."

Ouyang Sheng: "I've always liked it."

Sun Yu: "You're a math student, but you still want to be the King of the Sea? Just dream about it."

Ouyang Sheng: "...It seems to be the same."

They study math and want to find a girlfriend?

Write a letter to your girlfriend that says r=a(1-sinθ)?


Sorry, girls don't like this now, unless this girl also studies mathematics, and your mathematics is better than this girl, otherwise, you will only get a sentence of "dead straight man who studies mathematics".

Several boys sighed in unison, looking melancholy.

Suddenly, at this moment, someone around exclaimed: "Professor Pompielli!"

Since it was in English, Sun Yu's poor English didn't react for a while, but they still couldn't help turning their heads to look at such a loud voice.

I saw an old man walking along the aisle over there, and those voices were calling him.

Hearing this name, some of the people present immediately remembered it.

Professor Enrique Pompielli, an Italian, is a mathematics researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and a winner of the Fields Medal in 1974.

In 1974, it was obviously a long time ago, so this Professor Pompieri is also quite old now, and he seems to be around 80 or [-] years old.

This made people around wonder, at such a high age, is there still time to come to the IMO competition scene?

Professor Pompieri heard the surrounding voices, smiled kindly towards the surroundings, then continued to walk forward, and finally walked towards... the seat of the Huaguo team?

People around looked over curiously.

On the Hua Guo team side, Professor Chen Qiusheng looked at the Fields Medal winner walking towards them, feeling very puzzled.

If it wasn't for someone shouting over there, he really wouldn't have recognized that this was a Fields Medal winner. In recent years, probably because of his advanced age and physical problems, this boss has rarely shown himself in front of people. The fame has long since faded, and of course he doesn't recognize it.

But what is this big guy doing here?

And at this time, Professor Pompieri said: "Excuse me, are you the Hua Guo team?"

"Yes, Professor Pompieri." Professor Chen Qiusheng nodded.

Professor Pompieri's eyes lit up, and he continued to ask: "Then, is Mr. Lin Xiao one of your team members?"

Chapter 78 Inspiration in Chat

Hearing Professor Pompieri's words, Professor Chen Qiusheng was stunned again, and asked again: "What are you looking for... Lin Xiao?"

"Yes, Lin-Xiao." Professor Pompieri nodded, repeated it in Chinese with a little English accent, and then apologized with a smile: "Maybe I still can't speak your Chinese names very well."

"No, no, what you said is very standard." Professor Chen Qiusheng waved his hand, then turned to look at Lin Xiao next to him, and said, "Lin Xiao."

Lin Xiao had heard the old professor calling his name a long time ago, but he was very puzzled, why did the Fields Medal boss seek him out?

He stood up and shouted: "Pompi...Professor Pompielli, I am Lin Xiao."

It was the first time he had a conversation with a foreigner in English, and he was still not used to it, including the names of people, but it was no problem to introduce himself.

Professor Pompieri looked at him, and when he saw Lin Xiao's young face, a smile appeared on his face, "Can I have a chat, please?"

Lin Xiao thought for a while, finally nodded and said, "My honor."

"Hehe, excuse me then." Professor Pompieri nodded.

Then Lin Xiao stepped over Sun Yu and the others, and walked in front of Professor Pompieri under their eyes.

Professor Pompieri stretched out his hand, and under the eyes of countless people around him, he stretched out his hand to Lin Xiao and said, "Mr. Lin, nice to meet you."

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