Lin Xiao frowned. At this moment, he really wanted to go directly to Maya to meet that Jia Suo Chen.

But it's a pity that they are located in Mexico, the back garden of the United States.

If he went there, it would be like lighting a lamp in the toilet.

With the current influence of Huaguo, if he is surrounded by bodyguards and official personnel, he can actually go to the United States. Now that their national power is strong, it is impossible for the other party to use any method of framing to target him.

It's like before, when their strength was not as good as that of the United States, it was obviously impossible to do things that would harm the opponent's scientists.

When the national power is equal, it is impossible for the other party to do this kind of thing anymore.

But if it's in Mexico, it's different.

Because this is a drug dealer's paradise.

And the supporters behind these drug dealers are hardly guesswork.

So once Lin Xiao goes, maybe these drug dealers will carry out some terrorist attacks.

At that time, even if there is protection from the local government, it will not help. You must know that the drug dealers here can confront the local army. It is estimated that only by dispatching the Huaguo army to protect Lin Xiao can he be absolutely safe.

But obviously, this kind of thing is even more nonsense, let their army go to Mexico?

Not to mention the Mexican government, the US government may have to jump out to express its opposition first.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Lin Xiao to go to Mexico to meet Jasuo Chen in person.

And the only way is to let Jia Suo Chen take the initiative to come to see him.

But obviously, this probability is even lower, because according to Lin Xiao's investigation, Jia Suo Chen has never left his hometown.

Compared with his father who is both a university professor and an archaeologist who travels all over the world, Jasuo Chen is completely different. He is more closed and has no job. Anyway, his family can fully support him. .

Of course, one thing that is strange is that his father has never been angry because his son is so tired, on the contrary, he has taken good care of him, and even his mother is the same.

Recalling these situations, Lin Xiao sighed slightly, these things are really hard to figure out.

Then he stood up again, and he began to walk forward.

Various images that existed in his memory appeared around him from time to time.

Memory is a very magical thing. Even if you have forgotten the existence of this event, as long as you see something that can evoke these dusty memories, you can instantly remind yourself of these events.

This is like files stored in a certain folder, no matter how long they are stored, as long as the hard disk is not broken, they can still be found.

Lin Xiao turned his head and saw a picture. It was him in the second year of high school, secretly looking at a beautiful girl in the class during a class.

When this memory was played, there was no disturbance in his heart. Now he seems to have lost the mentality that if he is lustful, he must be Mu Shaoai.

At most, it just added a little emotion to his past memories.

And at this moment, he glanced away from the corner of his eye, and suddenly saw a picture appearing next to him.

It was a huge blazing fireball - and Lin Xiao quickly recognized it, it was the sun!

The sun is raging, and the solar flares randomly set off on the surface seem to be able to easily destroy the earth, and the sunspots inside seem to hide great terror.

However, at this moment, the fiery light suddenly began to flicker.

Just like that, after the sun flickered for a while, suddenly, it burst out with a strong light, which directly dyed the picture white.

Seeing this scene, why did this picture appear in his memory?

But then he reacted again.

Probably while dreaming.

This thing appeared in his dream, so it exists in his memory.

Yes, the pictures in these memories, some of the bizarre scenes like the one in front of him, were all encountered in his dreams.

But looking at the scene inside, Lin Xiao still couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

When had he ever had such a dream?

However, at the next moment, another voice came from the screen.


[...This should be thought of by most people, right? 】

There are only these two voices. Obviously, they can't be connected into a sentence. It seems that they are obviously talking to something.

However, for these two voices, Lin Xiao also knew very well that they were his own voices.

And he suddenly recalled, isn't this the voice he heard before he got the system?

The picture of the sun just now seems to be completely consistent with the change of the sun he saw in the classroom of the third year of high school before he fainted from "heatstroke"!

For a moment, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

I didn't expect to be able to see this scene here.

It was also from then on that he officially opened his own era.

However, the only problem is that he remembers what voice he heard in his mind back then, that is, the dialogue that was missing in this picture, and he doesn't know why it didn't appear.

It was also that conversation that made him start his pursuit of the truth.

However, he couldn't recall exactly what the voice that spoke to him said to him.

However, just as he was pondering, suddenly, he felt another ray of white light coming in from the darkness around him.

This white light did not come from those memory pictures, but from this dark dream.

And the white light suddenly became more and more, until in the end, it seemed that the white light penetrating in became denser and denser, turning this pitch-black world into dense cracks like when tempered glass shattered.

Finally, suddenly, the fragments of the dark world dissipated, and the world was completely filled with white light.

Lin Xiao also lost sight of himself in the white light.

"Master! Master!"

Suddenly, a shout resounded in this world.

It was Xiaomi's voice.

And Lin Xiao also knew that his brain in the three-dimensional world was calling for him to wake up.

next moment.

On Lin Xiao's bed, his eyes opened.

And beside the bed, a mechanical dog was looking at him.

It was Xiao Mi who controlled the mechanical dog and acted as the wake-up alarm clock.

"Master, it's eight o'clock, it's time to get up!"

The mechanical dog wags its tail behind, showing the image of a dog as a synonym for "loyalty".

Lin Xiao also sat up and glanced at the situation in the bedroom.

I saw Mimi lying on the window sill next to him, looking very vigilantly at the mechanical dog controlled by Xiaomi. As for his bed besides this mechanical dog, there were also a lot of mechanical pets lying on his bed.

In addition to this mechanical dog, there are mechanical spiders, mechanical snakes, mechanical cats, etc., occupying the entire bed. No wonder Mimi didn't sleep on the bed.

However, Lin Xiao was no longer surprised by this.

Since he got these things back, Xiao Mi can't get through without bullying Mimi every day.

Of course, Mimi will definitely not be affected by this anger, she will show the cat fist every time, and directly smashed a mechanical spider and a mechanical snake before.

As for these mechanical animals, they basically come from toys made by some toy manufacturers.

It is now 2029, mechanical toys like this are generally very popular, and after Lin Xiao bought them back, he handed them over to the mechanical laboratory of the Dingguang Research Institute to help transform them into toys that Xiaomi can control at will. Robot.

Of course, robot technology is also developing in full swing all over the world today, and it has become an emerging industry with a strong momentum.

Lin Xiao didn't think too much, and stretched out his hand to rub the mechanical dog controlled by Xiaomi, and at the same time recalled the situation in the dream in his mind.

He was even more confused about the last scene in the dream, because before, it had never happened before, the picture was broken, and then the dream was completely shrouded in white light?

He doesn't understand at all.

And at this time, Xiaomi suddenly said again: "By the way, master, according to the news from NASA, their Mars spacecraft has already begun to accelerate."

Hearing this news, Lin Xiao immediately came back to his senses, shook his head with a smile, "They really acted, their Secretary of State is really a courageous person."

"Hmph, master, do you want me to disclose this matter before they announce it? They will definitely have a headache then."

Xiaomi said again at this time, her tone also sounded very evil.

And hearing Xiao Mi's plan, Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing and said, "You've learned it badly."

But then he groped his chin again, and said, "But it's okay."

"go a head!"

With the owner's permission, Xiao Mi immediately replied happily with the mechanical dog: "Okay!"

Lin Xiao smiled.

With Xiaomi's help, he didn't think they would lose to any country in public opinion.

In fact, for so long, he has used Xiaomi to conduct public opinion offensives on the Internet. For Xiaomi, it is so easy to create [-] million bank accounts, let alone on those public platforms. .

It can even directly control some accounts that have not been logged in for a long time, probably completely forgotten by the owner, and then use them to make comments.

Like in the previous "space junk" incident, the account operated by Xiaomi played a role in guiding public opinion, thus successfully letting the vast majority of people in the world know the lower limit of the United States and express their disgust.

Otherwise, relying on the United States' grasp of various media and public opinion, it would be a little difficult to bring about the rhythm of that public opinion.

Then Lin Xiao got up straight away and started to wash up.

But just as he was brushing his teeth, Xiao Mi suddenly said in surprise: "Hey! Master, the Jasuo Chen you asked me to observe, he actually bought a plane ticket to Beijing from Mexico two days later!"

Lin Xiao, who was brushing his teeth, immediately spit out all the foam in his mouth, and then asked, "What? He bought a plane ticket to Beijing? Did he say anything?"

Xiao Mi shook the dog's head and said, "I didn't see any signs of him."

"It was sudden. He was sleeping and made this decision after waking up."

"You suddenly made this decision after waking up?" Lin Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, and then he nodded.

"I see."

"Exactly. When he comes, meet him."

"Since he can invite the 'God' to descend, he should also know something I want to know."

Chapter 5, Chapter [-], Four-Stage Tactics, Here You Come

In the following time, Lin Xiao began to wait for Jia Suo Chen's arrival.

Jaso Chen has never left his hometown, let alone Mexico.

However, now he suddenly bought a ticket to Huaguo, and the timing was so coincidental——when Lin Xiao encountered strange things in that strange dream.

Now Lin Xiao even has a feeling that if he sleeps again in the future, he may never dream of that strange dream again.

As for this, he also confirmed this matter during the lunch break.

His dream returned to normal, and he would not enter that strange dream again.

Therefore, this made him suspicious. This had something to do with Jia Suo Chen's sudden visit to China.

Of course, maybe it was just a coincidence?

Maybe it was Jia Suo Chen who suddenly regretted handing over those ancient books to them?

Therefore, Lin Xiao also decided to wait until Jia Suo Chen arrived in Huaguo to observe him first, to see what his purpose and what he would do after he came here, and then take the initiative to find him after a few days.

In this way, Lin Xiao waited with peace of mind.

In the past few days, the public opinion offensive driven by Xiaomi has also set off a huge wave of rhythm on major forums on the Internet.

When it carried out this public opinion offensive, it first collected some evidence and then packaged it up and sent it directly to the opposition party in the United States, that is, the media controlled by the opposition party.

And what is an opposition party, that is, any party that is supported by the ruling party must be opposed.

Not to mention this shocking news about spaceflight.

In order to allow the Mars spacecraft to arrive as soon as possible, and avoid being preempted by Huaguo’s Yin Project as the first Mars project to successfully achieve manned landing on fire, the ruling party actually let their astronauts consume the fuel originally used for returning to the voyage to accelerate ?

Isn't this pure madness?

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