And this step is very difficult to achieve, because at this time, the laser behind the engine of the Tianren needs to be able to hit the three hydrogen pills that fly out.

That's why it is necessary to let the Hall thruster on the Tianchao push the Tianchao to deflect a slight angle at the last moment.

Then, as the laser light is emitted, it triggers the explosion of the hydrogen pellet.

Relying on the powerful power of nuclear fusion, or what can be called an ultra-micro-equivalent hydrogen bomb, one explosion is enough to destroy the three suicide satellites, otherwise it would not be possible to push the huge Tianchariot to take off and moved on.

Therefore, the explosion of the three hydrogen pills easily destroyed the three suicide satellites, and the huge impact directly caused the speed of their fragments to almost reach an extreme. Therefore, the one that flew towards a higher orbit The fragments quickly caught up with the "Dragon" spacecraft, and then easily hit its engine part, causing an explosion.

As a result, the spacecraft carrying supplies to the International Space Station disappeared.

Originally, Lin Xiao hadn't planned to take away a Statue of Liberty by the way. Before, he decided to let the dragon spacecraft blow up and fly directly into the universe.

As a result, President Naihe later changed his mind. After planning to blow up the Tianchariot directly, he asked Xiaomi to change his previous plan and chose to directly let the "Dragon" spacecraft crash into the earth, and by the way, the Statue of Liberty Like being smashed.

In order to simulate this result, he even approved Xiaomi to directly use [-]% of the computing power of Qiankun No. [-] to perform calculations.

So it can be said that this time, it is the extreme use of Xiaomi's intelligent life ability.

In this process, even if the computers all over the world add up, it is impossible to achieve such a level.

After all, this is a super complex chaotic system.

Now it seems that the result is very satisfactory.

"Good job, Mi."

Chapter 5 SpaceX with the blame

"Good job, Mi."

Lin Xiao smiled and praised Xiaomi.

And Xiao Mi immediately responded: "Hey! Master, please give me more of this kind of thing, it's so interesting!"

For it, this is like an extreme challenge game, and compared to those things it once solved, this thing is obviously more interesting to it.

And hearing Xiao Mi's words, Lin Xiao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Okay, okay, you'd better drive the Tianchao well, this kind of opportunity doesn't mean that you have it."

"Okay." Xiao Mi said: "But the Tianchao has already entered the scheduled moon landing orbit, and there is nothing I need to control."

"Then you can play on the Internet by yourself."

Lin Xiao said: " are almost able to feel the joy now. Keep going, and learn more from the Internet on our earth. In the future, you will definitely be able to experience joy."

"Really? Yes!"

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Xiao Mi immediately became excited, and then responded: "I'm going now!"

Afterwards, Xiaomi lost her voice, and she probably went to surf the Internet.

Lin Xiao shook his head dumbfounded, this Xiao Mi looks like a child.

Of course, what he just said is also true, because he is trying to make Xiaomi have feelings according to the method in the intelligent life training manual rewarded by the system.

And now that Xiaomi is interested in such a difficult plan and operating the Tianchao, it obviously shows that it is gradually approaching the level of having feelings.

Perhaps, it won't be long before it can really have the emotion of "happiness".

However, how long it will take, Lin Xiao himself is not sure, but he will help anyway.

Even if it was to reward Xiaomi for her role in the "God's Stick" project this time.

This whole seemingly incredible plan was proposed by him, and Xiaomi was the one who implemented it. Obviously, only Xiaomi can complete this whole plan.

Originally, there was no name for this project, but after seeing the name given to the "meteorite" by foreign netizens, he borrowed this name, which is the God's Staff Project, although this name must not be announced. Only he can know.

The name Rod of God actually originated from a space-based kinetic energy weapon that was spread on the Internet.

And what is a space-based kinetic energy weapon is to drop a very heavy metal rod directly from the orbit of the universe, then let it fall towards the earth, and finally strike the designated location.

Its principle comes from meteorites, and its power comes from the product of [-]/[-] the mass and the square of the velocity.

Of course, due to its high cost and unsatisfactory actual power, it has not been equipped and researched by various countries.

After all, the fastest speed of things flying from the satellite orbit is only the first cosmic speed, not to mention that when they fall into the earth, they will slow down due to air resistance, and their power will naturally be greatly reduced. Not as good as a real meteorite.

But no matter what, Lin Xiao's God's Rod project can be regarded as the first time that human beings consciously use kinetic energy weapons to strike ground targets from orbit.

And this time the ground strike target is the Statue of Liberty.

Of course, he can also choose the target of the attack to be Wright House.

But God knows if the blow to Wright House will trigger World War III.

After all, if Wright House is destroyed because of this incident, and various dignitaries inside are also killed because of this, no one knows whether their military will think that this is actually an attack from another country, and then choose to launch war.

That's why Lin Xiaocai chose the Statue of Liberty as his target.

Moreover, at the time of the crash, because the Statue of Liberty was closed, there were no tourists, and the staff inside had all gone home from get off work, and there were no people, so no innocent people died in this disaster.

This is naturally Lin Xiao's calculation.

"However, it seems that the whole world still thinks it is an ordinary meteorite."

"I don't know what kind of expression they will have when they finally salvage the 'Dragon' spaceship."

Lin Xiao shook his head with a smile, and now they are reaping the consequences.

"However, it's time for me to prepare for the next thing."

Taking advantage of this incident, he wanted to take the opportunity to advertise their space plane.

The title is, [Ordinary spaceships can't do it, our space plane can do it].


Liberty Island, New York City, Statue of Liberty, site.

The salvage task is still in progress. Since this is a port, the water is still a bit deep, and the salvage work requires divers to dive under the water, catch things in the salvage net, and then salvage them out by the salvage ship.

It was already dark at this time, and the progress of the salvage work was a little slow

But after so long, they also salvaged a lot of things, including the original huge head of the Statue of Liberty.

This huge head was placed on a nearby boat, looking very bleak.

As for the meteorite, they haven't salvaged it yet.

On the shore, a large group of people gathered around. Although it was already dark, this did not prevent these people from coming here to commemorate such a historic event.

Some of them were tourists, their faces were full of excitement, they never expected to encounter such a big scene after just traveling here.

And some are local Americans. Watching this scene, the expressions on their faces are also different, and even a few older people shed tears. After all, the Statue of Liberty is in the hearts of many Americans. Among them, it is an important spiritual symbol and sustenance.

But now this kind of person sees that there is only half of the body left of this thing, and of course their hearts are very hurt.

But at this moment, the roller skating of the salvage ship turned again, obviously something new was salvaged.

Everyone couldn't help casting their gazes over, expecting that the meteorite that was the culprit would be salvaged.

However, as the salvage net gradually surfaced and the contents inside officially appeared in everyone's eyes, everyone was stunned.

It was a very black cylindrical thing with one end deeply sunken, and most of the surface seemed to be scorched.

Seeing this thing, everyone was stunned.

what is this?

Is this the meteorite?

After all, it was clearly not a fragment of a goddess statue.

However, the problem is that it doesn't look like a meteorite at all.

How can there be such a meteorite with a very smooth surface?

Everyone present looked at each other.

Until this time, a strong light from the helicopter in the sky hit it, and everyone present could clearly see a few letters on it.


Although the characters in the front could not be seen because they were burnt black, but the three letters in the back, and the unique logo, were clearly recognized by everyone.

This is SpaceX!

Only the SpaceX logo looks like this!

Suddenly, someone present reacted.

"This, could it be the 'Dragon' spacecraft that was hit and exploded by space junk?!"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone present was stunned for a moment.

"Dragon" spacecraft?

It seems that according to NASA, after the "Dragon" spacecraft exploded, they completely lost control of the location of the spacecraft, that is to say, they were completely missing.

Some people speculated before that it must have been blown to a farther orbit, and it was even possible that because of the explosion, the speed directly broke through the second cosmic speed and flew directly to the depths of the universe.

Now, they actually found it here? !

Everyone was stunned immediately.

After a while, some Americans who were originally sad because of the collapse of the Statue of Liberty became angry.

"Musk should take responsibility!"

"SpaceX is responsible for this!"

"Yes! SpaceX is responsible for this!"

The people who turned their grief into anger shouted.

Their spiritual support and sustenance have collapsed. If the murderer is just a meteorite from outside the sky, they have nothing to do. They can't hate other people's meteorites, can they?

As a result, although it is not certain that it was caused by this SpaceX spacecraft, the people present could not be completely sure that this thing was the "Dragon" spacecraft.

But no matter what, judging from the surface situation of this thing, there is a high probability that it is caused by this thing!

They found a vent, and immediately named SpaceX as the culprit for all this.

Even for spacecraft, it is very difficult or even impossible to avoid space junk in space, but obviously, for these angry people, they don't care so much, they just Say, why can't you predict it in advance?

As long as the prediction is made, even if it is a few tenths of a second, this matter can be avoided.

As a result, angry people began to condemn SpaceX on the Internet.

Ever since, in less than half an hour, SpaceX's stock price plummeted, and its market value directly evaporated tens of billions.

And this blow to SpaceX can be imagined.

Twitter headquarters, in the chairman's office.

Elon Musk, who is also the boss of Twitter, is looking angry at this time.

"What does this have to do with me!"

"Eisenberg, you must compensate me for the loss! If it hadn't been for what you agreed to, the 'Dragon' spacecraft would have already docked with the space station!"

"As a result, the spaceship miraculously disappeared and turned into what the French call the 'stick of God', and now there are so many stupid idiots who have never even studied physics and now blame me for this head!"

"What does this have to do with me?"

Eisenberg on the opposite side said: "I know, I know, but my dear Mr. Musk, please don't worry, we still have a lot to discuss."

"But it's also an unavoidable thing. You know it too. Who made your 'Dragon' spaceship become the murderer who crashed the Statue of Liberty by such a coincidence."

"I'm helpless too."

Musk snorted coldly and said: "I don't care what you do, you must provide me with compensation measures."

Eisenberg sighed helplessly, and finally said: "Okay, I see, let's discuss it first."

In any case, this unwarranted disaster suffered by SpaceX is indeed caused by them.

Coupled with the cooperative relationship with SpaceX, he is also unwilling to offend Musk. After all, he has input so many benefits to SpaceX over the years, and he is still waiting to go through the revolving door of SpaceX.

After hearing Eisenberg's words, Musk said with a little satisfaction: "Since this is the case, then I won't say much. I hope you can give me a good result in the end."

Then, he hung up the phone.

However, as soon as he hung up the phone, his secretary ran in and exclaimed: "Boss, the Dingguang Aerospace Research Institute in Huaguo suddenly announced a news that they encountered three astronauts while they were in orbit. Garbage, and then..."

"They advertised that they successfully destroyed space junk and avoided being destroyed by space junk!"

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