This guess made him feel unbelievable, so he asked cautiously: "Is your child the one who was on the trending search last month, the one who solved the world-class math problem... the genius?"

It's useless to ask this question.

And Lin Guowen said: "Yes."

"Ah... your child is really... I don't know how to describe it, he is really a genius."

Lin Guowen said with a smile: "Thank you. In fact, there is no such thing as a genius. Lin Xiao is just the result of his hard work every day. Seeing him work so hard every day, we parents feel distressed when we see him."


Then send me your son and let me share your distress, okay?

Of course, the reporter did not dare to say this.

Afterwards, they communicated again, and decided to come to interview. Although they couldn't interview Lin Xiao himself, it would be no problem to interview the parents.

Then, the parents hung up the phone one after another, and after looking at each other, they could see the pride and helplessness in each other's eyes.

The child is already so promising, their parents don't know where Lin Xiao will go in the future.

And all he can do now is to pray in his heart that Lin Xiao can spend the days to come in peace.

After a while, Father Lin's phone rang again. He glanced at it, and saw that it was another strange call, probably from another media.

Shaking his head helplessly, he still connected the phone, continued to enjoy the flattery of others, and said a few words about Versailles by the way.

The son is promising, and he can play till the end of his life.


On the scarf, the hot searches about college entrance examination results have already dominated the screen.

For example [College Entrance Examination Results], [Mother and Daughter Weeping Overjoyed When They Learned Their Daughter’s College Entrance Examination Results], [Students in a poor area got 674 points in the test] and so on.

All in all, this day, for millions of students, may be a day of harvest, or it may be a day of regret.

The study in the past 12 years, or even 14 or [-] years, was almost all for this moment today.

The future life, to a large extent, is doomed by this moment.

Some people cry and some laugh, but the earth is still running after all.

However, in addition to the touching hot search, there is also a hot search, which is also particularly attractive.

[International Mathematics Olympiad national team player becomes number one in science again].

One look at this title can make people feel a strong aura of academic master rushing towards their faces.

International Mathematics Olympiad, national team, science champion.

When these few keywords are combined, the image of a super university bully immediately appears in people's minds.

Not only was he able to devote his energy to mathematics, but also reached the top level, and even got such a result in the college entrance examination.

Who the hell is so awesome?

Netizens swarmed in, clicked into this hot search, and then received a deliberate punch from a super scholar.

And this trending search was posted by Shangjing University, which had been prepared for a long time.

[The results of Qin Province have been announced at 746:146 noon!It is reported that Lin Xiao, the number one scholar in Qin Province this time, studied at Jincheng Middle School in Jincheng City. He ranked first in the province's science subjects with a total score of 2 points. Among the four subjects, except for Chinese, which scored 712 points, all other subjects got full marks. 34 points higher than No.[-]'s [-] points!

In addition, Lin Xiao also won the national No.1 in the Huaguo Mathematical Olympiad last year, and has been confirmed to be sent to Beijing University. The Chinese national team will go to Romania with five other players in the coming July to represent China in the IMO!

Welcome Lin Xiao to join our big family in the second half of the year, and let us send blessings to this super student! 】

After reading the content, the netizens were overjoyed.

【This son is so terrifying! 】

[kneeling to the god of learning]

[An IMO national team member, and a top scorer in the college entrance examination, really is not a human being. 】

[I heard that the IMO national team often conducts training camps, so they don't have much time to review other subjects. I really don't know how this great master does it, I can't even imagine it. 】

【We try our best in the college entrance examination. Others just deal with it casually, and then deal with it casually. It is better than us trying our best. Is the gap between people really that big? 】

[Mr. Sun under Lin Shen's seat pays tribute to Lin Shen! 】

[No wonder Beijing University is sending out scarves to celebrate, can I understand that this is licking this student? 】

However, after the netizens marveled for a while, someone suddenly discovered that this big guy was on the hot search last month, didn't he?

It seems to be the math genius who solved the world's problems?

As soon as the news came out, even more netizens were shocked.

[The brilliance of this learning god almost blinded my 24k pure gold dog eyes]

[It's true, Shangjing University is licking this academic god. 】

[I don’t know what to say, I can only wish the boss a triumphant return from the IMO campaign. 】


Chapter 73 The Study of Returning to Calm

Of course, the enthusiasm of netizens is not limited to this hot search. Soon, people found Lin Xiao's bib account, and then found a Weibo that he had reposted before, and started various replies. If it weren't for Lin Xiao Xiao turned off the private messages, otherwise the private messages he received would probably be 99+ in an instant.

On the other hand, the admissions office of Shangjing University was overjoyed. Looking at the plot, it was exactly the same as the script they had imagined at the beginning. Look, even the hot search titles were exactly the same, and look at the millions of readings ——

In this comparison with Qinghua, Beijing University has won again!

Moreover, Lin Xiao will go to the International Conference of Mathematicians in August, and the fact that he was invited to give a report has already been known to many leaders of Shangjing University, and they will be able to make another wave at that time.

Qinghua's face turned purple from anger.

Of course, the uproar on the Internet also affected Lin Xiao.

His mobile phone has hardly been disconnected this day, and all kinds of people have come to bless him, and because more people pay attention to the college entrance examination, not many people pay attention to CMO and IMO, most people don't even know when CMO and IMO are held. I don't know, so after he got the number one in the college entrance examination, he naturally got more attention.

Including his parents, some relatives, teachers at the school, and classmates with good relationships. These are all he knows, and there are a group of people he doesn’t know, such as reporters from a certain newspaper or a certain station, and those related to education. For example, there is an XX education His boss called him and said he would give him 100 million, and asked him to advertise at that time, saying that he was studying in their training class, etc., and there are not a few such people.

But Lin Xiao obviously would not accept this kind of transaction, and he kept a respectful distance from this kind of money obtained through deception.

In the end, he was really impatient, so he simply set up call forwarding to his dad, and then asked his dad to help him deal with it. Anyway, his dad doesn't go to work today and is free.

As for himself, his studies are the most important thing, I believe his father will agree.

"Phew, it's finally clean."

He let out a sigh of relief, and the phone stopped ringing, so Lin Xiao finally had time to do his own things.

He doesn't have any complacent ideas about the honors he has received. After all, besides being handsome, his academic performance is so good, which has a lot to do with the truth aid.

Although it is also indispensable that he is really devoted to learning, after all, there are very few people like him who can only study except for sleeping and eating every day.

All in all, as long as he has something to eat, a place to sleep, a desk and a lot of math books, he can persist until the day he finishes reading all the books.

The health capsules previously rewarded by the system can also allow him to avoid physical problems, so that he can study with peace of mind, and will not affect his life due to occasional diseases.

Without thinking about it, Lin Xiao turned on his laptop, logged into his QQ, and suddenly found that Kong Huaan had sent him a message.

Kong Hua'an was the rich second-generation audition student who lived with Lin Xiao when he participated in the first stage selection of the national team.

Because the family environment put a lot of pressure on Kong Huaan, so that he also had some psychological problems, so Lin Xiao acted as a psychologist and gave him some psychological counseling.

Lin Xiao still remembered the words he had persuaded Kong Huaan back then.

"Speaking of which, I haven't contacted you for almost seven months."

After opening the dialog box with Kong Huaan, he saw the message from the other party.

"Lin Xiao, thank you. 』

Lin Xiao was taken aback, thank me?

The reason?

"What's wrong? 』

"I applied for a major in computer science and went to Beijing University. Then we can go to another school." 』

Lin Xiao suddenly realized, and then typed with a smile: "Congratulations, your wish has come true now." 』

"Well, if it weren't for what you said at the beginning, I probably wouldn't dare to talk to my family.Our grades came out yesterday, 699 points, you can choose the computer major of Beijing University, and then I talked with my family at night, and finally they supported me.』

"That's right, you can talk about anything, let alone your family members. 』

"Well, thank you anyway. 』

"It's all right, let's go have a meal together when school starts. 』

"it is good"

"Well, then I have something else to do, so let's stop here first. 』

"Okay, oh yes, I wish you a gold medal at the IMO, Lin Shen"

Seeing this, Lin Xiao smiled, this person who didn't seem to be able to joke at all at first, and didn't know how to talk, now he can bless people, and he also calls him 'Lin Shen', which is a bit ridiculous called.

Then he replied with a "thank you", and then stopped paying attention to Koukou.

He still has another important thing to do now, which is to make his own report paper.

Because he agreed to the invitation of the International Mathematical Union, he had to sort out his report and submit it before July 7.

As for his report, he sorted out the thinking mode of function construction transformation in his thesis, and then went a little deeper.

In fact, when he was writing this thesis, he already had inspiration in this area. When he had time later, he sorted it out initially, but he never did it systematically.

Now that he is going to give a report at the international conference, he finally has to sort it out.

"Well, for k-order homogeneous linear recursion formulas like this..."


(n∈N, k∈N*, Ck(n)≠0)】

"We can make the following changes to realize the multinomial distribution statistics of the nonlinear sequence according to the relation Y."

Lin Xiao continued with his next calculation.

Realizing the statistics of nonlinear polynomial functions is the key to his ability to prove that there are infinitely many prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, because the distribution of prime numbers in it is obviously nonlinear.

Of course, in his previous paper, he did not sort out such a systematic and general method. He just introduced a little bit of this idea, which can be regarded as a special item.

And now his job is to generalize this 'special' into general.

That's it, step by step.

After about a few hours, the preliminary sorting of this method was finally completed, which took a long time. However, looking back at the past results, Lin Xiao also gained a lot.

Looking at the brand-new universal formula that he finally constructed, Lin Xiao groped his chin.

"Would you like to cite a few examples next?"

"Let's get an example to prove the Fibonacci sequence first."

"After that... why don't you try Mersenne primes?"

Lin Xiao suddenly remembered the famous Mersenne number.

and Mersenne primes.

Chapter 74 Mersenne Primes

A Mersenne number refers to a positive integer in the form of 2^p-1, where p represents a prime number and is often recorded as Mp. If a Mersenne number is also a prime number, it is called a Mersenne prime number.

The reason why it is called Mersenne number is to commemorate the research done by the famous French mathematician Mersenne in the 17th century on prime numbers of the form 2^p-1.

In fact, for numbers of the form 2^p-1, the history of research can be traced back to more than 2300 years ago.

After Euclid proved that there are infinitely many prime numbers, he proposed that a small number of prime numbers can be written in the form of "2^p-1".

This is obviously a very magical thing, where p refers to a prime number, and then let it become the exponent of 2, and then subtract a 1, a new prime number may appear.

This seems to be a very coincidence, but it also hides the unique charm of numbers, so the research on Mersenne prime numbers is also very famous in the mathematics world.

At this time, in Lin Xiao's opinion, it seems that he can also use his own method to find out the distribution law of Mersenne prime numbers.

"Try it."

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