"My God, how did this kind of thing go to the sky..."

At the headquarters of NASA, all the staff present are watching a satellite image that is enough to be included in many sci-fi blockbusters through the big screen in front of them.

In the darkness in the distance, a super plane full of sci-fi is floating in the void space. At the same time, its speed is obviously increasing, which looks extremely amazing.

However, even though its speed was increasing, they didn't see any eruption of tail flames from its tail at all.

According to common sense, this is completely impossible!

If there is no working fluid erupted, where is the driving force?

The spacecraft can continuously accelerate in the universe, relying on the continuously ejected working fluid, just like the ability of an airplane to fly on the earth, relying on the ubiquitous air.

This is Newton's third law, mutual force!

However, why didn't the behemoth in the picture in front of their eyes emit working fluid?

Could it be a propellant without propellant?

But how is this possible!

Propelling such a behemoth with a propellant-free engine is even more outrageous than a Hall thruster.

Although humans have successfully developed a propellant-free thruster, the thrust of that propellant-free propellant is simply pitiful, and it is impossible to use it on the thing in front of us.

So, what kind of engine does this huge aerospace plane use?

All NASA members present, whether they were scientists or managers, felt very incomprehensible.

And the president is also here. After learning about the incident, he came to the NASA headquarters from the White House non-stop, because here they can see the giant flying into the sky more clearly.

And he didn't know what the lack of plume jets meant, he just frowned, turned and looked at Eisenberg, "Director Eisenberg, I want you to come up with an answer to this Hua Guokong within today. Is there any problem with the technical analysis of Skyplane?"

Eisenberg recovered from the shock, and after hearing the president's request, he quickly said, "Mr. President, this... I don't think we can do it yet."

"Can't do it? Why?" The president frowned immediately, "They have already opened it, showing it under our eyes with great fanfare, and you still can't analyze the technology they have mastered?"

"No, Mr. President, please listen to my explanation first." Eisenberg said quickly, and then he pointed to the tail of the Tianchariot in the picture, which is the nozzle of the engine.

"Mr. President, please see that the tail of this aerospace plane does not emit exhaust flames, that is to say, its power source is completely beyond our imagination, and according to what I know of several future aerospace engines , there is only one kind of engine that can do this, that is, the non-propellant engine.”

"The non-propellant engine uses microwaves to propel, so it can achieve the effect of no tail flame propulsion."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, theirs may really have achieved this kind of propellant-free propulsion."

When he said this, Eisenberg still couldn't believe it. How could that Lin Xiao create a propellant without propellant?

This is not scientific at all!

At this moment, an important NASA scientist suddenly said, "Director Eisenberg, there is another possibility, which is the nuclear fusion engine."

"By throwing in a projectile made of deuterium-tritium mixed gas, and then using a strong laser to promote an explosion of uncontrollable nuclear fusion."

"Nuclear fusion explosions are originally invisible and colorless. If they were on the earth, they might cause mushroom clouds and other phenomena due to the evaporation of water in the air and dust on the surface. But in the universe, without these things, it is completely possible Made it!"

"Impossible, this is even more impossible than a propellant without propellant."

However, upon hearing the scientist's guess, Eisenberg waved his hand and said, "Haven't you considered how strong the material needs to be to withstand such frequent small hydrogen bomb explosions?" Can't even carbyne sulfide."

"Not to mention the price of carbyne sulfide, do you think they can build such a thing that seems to have at least a thousand tons at a price of tens of millions per gram?"

"I'm just guessing," the scientist explained.

"Okay." Eisenberg shook his head, then looked at their respected Mr. President helplessly, and said, "Mr. President, you have also heard that there are only two possibilities now, no matter which one it is." , are unimaginable to us today.”

"And it's not just this, but also, you must have seen the disc structure protruding from the middle part of this aerospace plane."

"And according to my speculation, that probably means that they even installed a controllable nuclear fusion reactor on this aerospace plane."

"This also means that we have not yet achieved controllable nuclear fusion, and they can even be installed on airplanes!"

"That Lin Xiao, how did he fit a controllable nuclear fusion reactor into such a narrow space? It's almost as impossible as they used a nuclear fusion engine!"

"That's why I said, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to fulfill your request."

Eisenberg smiled wryly: "That's completely beyond our imagination."

Hearing Eisenberg's words, the president frowned tightly, and then said seriously: "I don't care about this kind of thing, I only look at the results, can't I do it today? Then I will give you two more days, the day after tomorrow Before that, I must see the results of your analysis!"

"Otherwise..." the president snorted coldly: "You can figure it out yourself!"

Hearing the president's disagreement and letting them figure it out, Eisenberg and others immediately felt a headache.

What is this all about?

He has made it very clear that they can't analyze their technology at all. Can this situation be solved by doing it?

What can they analyze? They don't know the material, the structure, or the technology. Their own aerospace research has always been stagnant due to funding reasons.

But for the president, he didn't care about these things. He took a last look at the people present and said, "No matter what, I don't want anything that may affect our fire four months later!"

Anyway, in two months, a new person will stand in front of Capitol Hill, put his hand on the "Bible", say "God Bless America", and then take his place.

Now, he won't care so much anymore.

After that, he left here straight away. As for the Tianchao, he didn't want to watch it anymore, because the more he looked at it, the more annoying he felt.

When the people present saw the president leaving, they all cursed in their hearts, and then they were not in the mood to continue watching, and honestly began to analyze the aerospace plane.


Regardless of the situation on the earth, the Tianchariot continued to float in the orbit of the earth.

In addition to its own aerospace engine, the Tianren is also equipped with ten Hall thrusters.

The Hall thruster is a relatively special thruster, which mainly uses xenon gas as the working fluid, and after the xenon gas is ionized, it is erupted through the electromagnetic field to form thrust.

Its biggest advantage is that the specific impulse is many times larger than that of the chemical propulsion of ordinary rockets, that is, it can provide stronger power under the same mass of working fluid.

However, the problem is that the amount of working fluid it can eject per second is too limited. Chemical fuels can eject hundreds of kilograms of working fluid per second, thereby bringing extremely strong thrust.

The Hall thruster can only eject a pitiful amount, and the thrust it can provide can't even reach the level of a hundred cattle. Compared with the thrust of a rocket engine, which uses thousands of cattle and ten thousand cattle as a unit, it really seems a bit shabby .

However, despite this, Hall thrusters are still widely used on spacecraft, just like the Tiangong space station in Huaguo, there are four Hall thrusters with a thrust of 0.08N, which can provide a total thrust of 0.32N .

This thrust is obviously very small. On the earth, it is only equivalent to the weight of a 32-gram object.

However, in the universe, since everyone is in a state of weightlessness, no matter how small the force is at this time, it can push an object weighing [-] tons.

Therefore, the Tiangong space station can correct its orbit through the four Hall thrusters that can only provide a thrust of 0.32N.

As for the thrusters on the Tianren, after so many years of technological innovation, the thrust they can provide has been greatly increased. In addition, they use room temperature superconductors to provide electromagnetic force, so each of them has a thrust All up to 25N!

25N is more than 300 times the thrust provided by the Hall thrusters on the Tiangong space station, and ten Hall thrusters can provide a total thrust of 250N.

This kind of thrust is obviously not worth mentioning for the Tianchariot which weighs [-] tons, but it is enough for it to correct its orbit.

So just like that, the Tianchao continued to move towards a higher orbit.

Its hugeness, for things like other satellites floating in the universe, is no different from a feeling of covering the sky and the sun, just like the huge starship across the starry sky seen in movies.

After all, you must know that the heaviest satellite in human history, that is, Skylab 1 launched by the United States, weighs 76.5 tons and is about 36 meters long. However, it is such a big guy. It's just a little bit.

The International Space Station is relatively heavier, weighing 419 tons, 110 meters long, and 88 meters wide, which is very huge.

Even the Tiangong Space Station is somewhat inferior, because the maximum weight of the Tiangong Space Station is only 180 tons.

Therefore, the International Space Station is the heaviest man-made object in the original starry sky.

And the same is true in the minds of those who work on the International Space Station.

Until they saw the giant flying gradually from the surface of the blue planet.

On this day, the seven astronauts on the International Space Station looked at the giant passing by in a daze through the portholes.

This giant is 125 meters long and has a wingspan of 110 meters.

The three big characters of "Tianchao" written in block letters on it are also clearly visible here.

"Gift crab!"

A scientist in the space station couldn't help expressing the shock in his heart.

And a person on the other side couldn't help but said: "Is this... the legendary Leviathan beast?"

"Hua people, what kind of things have they created?"

In their hearts, they were all shocked by this thing.

Are they space stations or is this thing a space station?

Moreover, their space station was not launched at one time, but formed after assembly, and they flew directly from the earth, and they could even go back after they came to the sky.

Therefore, at this moment, they even felt a sense of envy in their hearts, and even wondered whether to let this behemoth connect with them.

But after looking at them, they are so big, and their space station is so delicate, then it will really "can't fit in, no matter how you think about it".

Therefore, they could only give up this idea, and then watched the behemoth leave and fly towards a farther orbit.

The orbital height of the International Space Station is about 340 kilometers, while that of the Tiangong Space Station is [-] kilometers.

Therefore, after passing the International Space Station, the Tianren will go to meet Tiangong next.

And in the Tiangong space station, the three astronauts who had been waiting for a long time had the same reaction as the astronauts on the International Space Station when they saw the giant emerging from the darkness.


"This is too arrogant, isn't it?"

"It's really that big?"

How great would it be if their Tiangong space station was as big as this?

In this way, they were in a daze for a while, and they didn't come back to their senses until the Tianchariot was very close to them, and then they immediately took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

Unlike the people on the International Space Station, they got the news that the Tianchariot is unmanned, so they didn't think about contacting the Tianchariot in the past, and taking pictures is their political task, and when the time comes The photo, and then record a video, can be sent back to the earth, and then used for publicity.

After all, with such a domineering Tianchariot, of course it is necessary to take a photo, especially from their angle, it must be a must.

The Tianchao is also very cooperative. Under Xiaomi's control, the Tianchao is different from the past when it passed the International Space Station and just passed by far away, so as not to be seen too much by others. It's so easy to say, so I just skipped it from a distance of 50 meters.

Others may not know what it feels like to fly past a giant more than 50 meters long at a distance of 120 meters, but now for the three astronauts on the Tiangong space station, they know it.

It was almost like a feeling of eclipsing the sun.

Even at the beginning, they were worried whether the Tianchariot was going to hit them.

It wasn't until after the Tianchao flew past that they felt relieved, and then they took out the photos they took, and they were shocked.

Imagine the feeling of flying past a giant from the lonely universe, and their photos perfectly reflect this feeling.

"This is really, really spectacular!"

"That's right, and didn't you say that the Tianchariot is using intelligent driving? This intelligent driving is too powerful, and it almost passed us by!"

"Yeah, I really hope that next time I have a chance, I can go inside and take a look."

At this time, the captain of the three astronauts said with a smile: "Okay, let's not think about this matter for now, let's send back the photos and videos as soon as possible."

Hearing the captain's words, the other two team members responded one after another: "Yes!"

Afterwards, they quickly went to the console and communicated with the ground.

And so, about two hours later, of course, on Earth, the next morning came.

CCTV News also posted a video and several photos on various platforms at [-] o'clock in the morning, and accompanied it with the text: [Heavenly chariots come from the sky, the universe is the road, the starry sky is the scenery, an eternity in an instant. 】

And in the video, it is naturally the images recorded by the three astronauts on the Tiangong space station from various angles.

50 meters away, a behemoth flew by, especially with the universe as the background. Just looking at this picture is enough to make people amazed, but in the video, there is background music, and the sense of magnificence in the background music suddenly Time has raised the overall atmosphere several notches.

So, netizens are all boiling.

"Oh my god, isn't this too domineering?How did such a large thing reach the universe? 』

"Awesome!I hope that one day I will be able to sit there too.』

"The universe is the road, and the starry sky is the scenery. I love this accompanying text." 』

"I heard that there is a lot of noise abroad, and everyone envies that we can have such an awesome super spaceship."

"Dick fuck, fuck fuck! 』

"Hahaha!People from abroad need special effects to shoot this scene in movies, so we can go directly to the real scene to shoot!Who else is better than this? 』


Netizens are all excited.

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